“Love Towei” Men ’s muleakin outing Shoes, leather soles and heels Men a black chrome elk OUting a bora, leather sole« and heels Buy your next jatir of shoe from the largest « xclusive mens shoe stock in Lion county. DAIRY HINTS REDUCE EXTENT OF DISEASE Teetn-g Cattle for Tuboreutoo>e and Cleaning Up Infected Horde Having Effect. The Star* with a S»|uarr I Iva I for Every Cuotomer. Advertise la The Scio Subscribe- for th«- Tribune ribune and get »«ulta Another Winchester Special A Oairy Hard Certified by the De­ partment of Agriculture ae Free From Tuborculoeie. POCKET KNIVES B> -t of Servie«, both Profeanionally ami in Funeral ('«indueting. lady Assistant alwaya. Beat of Equipment and Priera «luaran t«.-d Right for Everybody. 31« inch long, stag handle, brasa lined, spear and pen blade, senator pattern. The Wincheater Store water whrti thirsty Whi-n It i cold for haiaui<>ek lulling, io usually at that «-rucked old hr certainly took little ad «so­ ber ap«r<- time-" uard to play mighty pretty I’liinp ».i J y. “I hear her «trig tliviu lu that using lJr. Ixobert s Dto & Poultry Remedies