WITHOUT STREET ADDRESS YOUR MAIL IS DELAYED AT OFFICE OF DELIVERY Graniteware At a Bargain No. 8 Teakettle Dishpans Double Boilers I 2 qt. Water Pails Large Stew Cup 1 .arge Stew Kettle 98c 98c 98c 98c If you are looking for a good car cheap, lot us show you our The I »wed letter tltn.-e ha» been In eilsteace ever »tn « lien Franklla started our postal •«•mice Etru then p»*ople addressed mail to Mr Esrklel Miollhom. “Atlantic Oast.” and el peeled Hen to know Just whore Zeke II »rd. Perhaps they had Zeke'S addrroa In letters up In the garret, ma,be a chest full of 'em, but then It was easier to let lien hunt Zeke T.-d»y people am addressing letter» to John Smith. New York N Y. <« Depart moot aaha you to put the number and street In the addras» It help» you. Dort Demonstrator Auto Paints and Enamel Pennsylvania Cup I ires and l ubes Demountable Wheels for Lords and Chevrolets 98c 98c This is not cheap grade ware, but étriótly finii class How da you e I IIL “ 1 V IE IN ULI IN Illg AIM > kioh M The Scio Garage Repairing Promptly Dior N. I. Morrison L MORI Thla apt phr»w «■< >.«e<1 In Presi Test Harding» fir»t tur -»«<» to C o gres» and applica parti - ilarly In postai management whrrr t».«’master» aro belng Impresa*- t wlth tho fa<*t that they are manager» »f l<~-al branche» at thè b.ggeat t»u»ir>v»»*ln ibo World Be Honest With Yourself ' I ■ think > that each payday pay • “ ■ ■ will w* I n>. y.- r i> ■ Admintstritru's Kitkt GILKEY STATION Notice it hereby given that the un- .ler-igned ha» been by the county court <>l I inn county, < 'rrgun, duly appointed n bniniatratrix of the estate of John April 25 kotnn, deceased. All (M'riu.rui having claims against said It grieves ua to learn of the death e t ite are hereby requested to present <>ur sympath­ tl < «»mi- to the undersigned at her re» I of Mrs Irvine Scott dfti..- at “. io, Oregon, with proper ises go out to the motherless child- vouchers therefor, within six months ren ami sorrowing rt-lati»»-» There from date her» of l*ate»l tin» 2bth day of April, 1922. will lie no acbtthl at Riverside this A“»» K ota », Administratrix. , afternoon, aa Ralph McDonald ha» I . 'I t ai l. Atty, for Admrx. Pat.- of first publication. April 27,' 22 Is»-» asked to be one of the pall I late of la»t publication. May 25. *22 bearers at her funeral. Ctranty club leader F. N William- CHatioa i———......... ............ 4 I Scio, Oregon ■USINKSS IN OOVIRNMCNT- g, stop and > f. ■. »<-r oixt earning day» . ' •• ’ r future [»!••. > m .»»« » W . it aid help you »aw , < > t ... Y»u mu't rmi.• 1 i.iit ' . . The First Savings Bank of Albany, Oregon ; HERE COMES A STRANGER! ! 'WHtRt SAVINGS ARC SAFC* I < lalw.tl »aj ne vertr o 44M44MOSsoee«««**s*»s**«****«****4ss4sei yoaaaasa- • tor's make our poet offlee look nmt. Mr Postmaster Stralgtitnn Up the rural letter bag. Mr Farmer Tidy up some. Mr llural Orrler First tuipresalons am la»'mg Maybe Mr Stranger, taking notice of these Im lieorementa. will come back, bringing you beneSto Start ttir»e with Pt HA TAI. IWPKriV FkMLN I WEEK May 14 O* •• • O * I I I Furniture and Wall Paper i Frank Richter The Furniture Man ♦ ■ Salem. Oregon 3*41-Q North Coinnirrchil ♦ Ixsk i Iregun. for the County of Linn. View arhool Monday Mias Smtih “Them la no unimportant person It the Matter of the Eatate i talked to the sewing da.««. M is* pan nf our aervl.. It la a total of of Cowgill of the 0. A was to haw human units and their cooperation la William Farmer, deceased. ’ In Its last Io Mrs. Sarah Austin, Mrs. George come but was ill anil M im Smith tbe key to Ito em-.-esa V ung, Ered Farmer, and Mian Clara substituted for her The patrona analysts, postal duties are arvonim.»- datlons performed for our nrlghhur» Hell. F armer, ami all others unknown, of the school and Mm Cooke aervt-d anil friends and should be so regarded, if any »uch there be, greeting: lunch cafeteria style. Il ia thought mt her than a» a hired •err tee per It th. Name of the State of Oregon: V <>u are hereby cited ami reouirrd to Mias Cowgill can arrangr to come formed for an ab«»-niee employer** Postmaster Ueneral ll.it.srt Work. ai i ■ rr in the County Court of the State for the County of l.inn, at to the next club meeting at .Mrs. the Court room thereof, at Albany, T, in W. A. Gilkey's May 4, and give her Local Market Quotations -aid County, on Monday, the 2Vth day . ■ May, 1922. at 10o'clock in the fore dress form demonstration FoULTMY. VgAI ANI» I <. -.critwd aa follows, to-wit: IT» North portion of Lota One (1) at J. G. Holla. The Holt fam ly Stage ... .10 . d 1 w<> (2> in Block No Five (5) in . 7 j t '»»ck s Lyons, achlttion to Lyons, in Idnn coun­ had started to Corvallis to visit, but ni ■ Veal, fancy no I ty ami State of < ircgun, aa platted and mat them near Sandersons bridge, rs .14 llriHMed pork, no. 1 block.- of re. ..rd in the County Recorder's Of- .IN flie at Albany, Unn lounty and State bringing them with them. ' Fggs, cash. 16c trade of Oregon, a.si containing about nitn»- Claude Rex. of California, arrived bggs. white velvet .1» t> ven and one-half (97| > by one hun- .34 tire.1 < l<«»t feet, or all of afureaatd Lota Thursday for a visit wi’h Fred and Butter fat m t heretofore deeded to W. H. Small. Will Mesprit» Fnco Witi>. -.».-th, the Hon. W. R. Bilyeu, Mr arm! Mrs McCevera. of Port­ Mill run 11.SO Ju Igr of the County Court of the State 42 25 2.76 of Oregon, for the County of IJnn.with land. were honeymooning at A 1. Scratch tl - »» »I of the said Court affixed this _ 2.65 Godwins last week. She was Rowe F-gg producer L h .lay of April, A. D. 1922. 2.10 Ground barley K M. K umblk . Godwin, and was married about a __ 2.00 , Roller! barley County Clerk. week ago. . 1.75 Shelled corn, eastern First publication April 20. 1922. Last publication May il. 1922. 1 N5 Chas Snyder and wife, of Salem, Ground or cracked corn __ 2 01» 1 ▼tailed at the Will Weinberg home l/cfage cracker! corn 3 36 Chick feed MmiBisIfUrtf Witt anti returned Sunday 3.25 Chick starter, mash Xotirc is hereby given that tho urv Peter lieWall and wife, of Al­ 3.35 Growing feed • regon, duly appointed bany. visited at John Ib-Wall's Sun­ F uhr administratrix of the estate of Bert day Hard wheat »2.10 2 20-2 30 llollia, deceased. AU persona having Emmon Moore, of Eugene, visit­ Soft wheat------- 1 70 claim» »gainst 24th day of March, 1922. two days ami attended Sunday Nau. U ouia Administratrix of the Estate of Bert School With S. B Holt's Hollis, deceaaed. Claude Hyde, of Corvallis, visited I M ( i st. Atty, for Admrx. Sunday at S. F. Zysett home »I 44 Give us a trial is all we ask. Ô» ♦ ♦ • • •M« Linea to lie Remembered lie who < nil» In the »Id <’f an »-q.nl sntlvrstnndlhg double» hl- "1*1». mid he who proni» li, " »npr-rbir under atuioilng rnl«e< hi» |s»w»-rs io u l< »el with the height of ilo- oti|»«-ri<>r und« *r ■landing that be mille» With.—-Edmund llurkc h .Ä ♦A Man, Wear th« Ribbon Aotr.llnx I«» » current Item in Trance nearly I.WXy.OlXI men are rn- tilled to «ear the ribbon <»f t ha legion of H<>n>»r. nr one in e»»ry fifty hihshltant» D>nx ago Mark T« m I ii lid that *'fea e»< n|H> It.“- Arkali*ti* t.aaadte. Real Economy In CLOTHES Snappy Suits for young men. and more conservative styles for others. Our Upstairs plan makes it possible to give you these wonderful values Ed Chastain’s ¡¡K' shop 122 N. Commercial S»r«*«*t SALEM,OKEGON »»»»»»»»»»»»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»••••♦•♦♦♦••♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•»•••♦ a RELIEVES PAIN BY RADIO CURRENT IKICI II Ran MtlMMl Franklin Gilkey visited his parents over the week end Xutiee is hereby given that the ua S. P. Crenshaw anil wife visited . r-.gned executor of the hat will end It »lament uf IJxsie Hllyeu, d e ceaaed. Sunday nt l^eonard Gilkey’s. has filed his final account as such exec­ Margaret and Helen SerHmg and utor with the clerk of the county court for I inn < tiunty. ■ »regon, and that the Frances Higginbotham drove to ’rnlge uf said court has fixed Muaday, the 1st day of May. 1922, at the lour Silverton Saturday to spend th«* <.f ten o’clock in the forenoon, M the week-end. tune fur hearing objections to saM Inal account and the «etthawat of tbe said estate. ■elated Joatice listed »nd the first publication hereof ha» alway» sr-cme.1 tn us an la- is March .kith. 1922. sat G. W. Moaaow, Executor of the last will and testament of I ixan* Bilyeu, deceased. C. CL Ha»» st . Atty, for Eaeeaher. t' Relieving Pain by Static Current ns Used in Radio is LafcSl Success in F.ledlrical Dis­ covery Relieves the Deep-seated Cause in Bltxid, Bone or I issue. Successful treatment of pain of all kind» rheumatiam, neuntia, headaches, neuralgia, etc. —by drawing to the painful port a surplus of blood that eliminate» congestion ■» now p.isible by use of lilgh-r requency Electricity at home < onvincing demonstrations are being made by The Rcnulife Violet Ray Headquarters with the Rrnulife Violet Ila» Contractor Thousand- of volts of High-Frequency Electricity are sprayed Into the Indy. The current, however, vi­ brates so rapidly that the mutrlti cannot contract ami there ia no pain, shock or jar. Every nerve, muscle ami tissue is »tret gthdned and toned to normal, ami relief ia imn ediat»- Free demonstrations uf treatment of more than fifty dieorde«» will be given to any person on request -if necessary in their own home. Write for circular. Renulife Violet Ray Headquarter», Salem, Oregon ■ê ,F. /