I "W* ». >.Í4/ *» 9 " ’•'« ¿- *' *í’‘* • e ». •-* r Ï *» A -• .t ' “ - . ♦ I .Sanitary Meat Market --------- 1taaiora it»* *■*— Fresh and Cured Meats POSTAL IMPROVEMENT WEEK IS OBSERVED W« buy May 1 Sees Inaugurated First Veal, Pork A Poultry General Campaign of Kind in Service SIMPLEX SEPARATOR FOR TEN DAYS FREE ! Shelton & Co. Prop« Without the Pretal .Hervir», bualneaa would languì ah la a day. and b» at a standstill la a wawk. Public opinio» would die of dry M. Awrtlonal hatred or preludie» only would flourish, and narrow tnladwdnraa thrive. It la the blggmt dlstlnettva bualnea» W. A. Ewing, A. E. KantlaK. In the world and II comes nearer to ths I'rvatdent Vice I'rea lanermoal latere»*» of a grwater num­ E. D. Myers. Cashier ber of men and woman than any other Mart a bank account Imlay and Institution on earth. No private bust- provide for your future. neaa, however widespread, touch«« ao You will find a checking ac­ count very convenient for your many Ihre an often or sharply: as bujiineM Iran»»clions. We pay church reaches lato «a many anula interest on tim« deposits. Rutterà an many pulse», has ao many human being» dependent on ita ml»- Morrison & Lowe 1st rations “Poatal Improvement Weak“ ha» been »et for May I. by the poet master UNDERTAKERS General Thia la the firs! general cam­ (alls Atl«-neral decado» Ruslnewa men OREGON ■ nd their onraalMtlona. large user» of SCIO Ite mall newspaper». tu- tlon pictures, advertl»«r» and the eatlr* organlea- tloE <>f ItMOOO postal worker» ar» Io ba enlisted In thia country wide campaign of Interest in postal Improvemehta. /{cal /‘.»laic Rroifer Your help la vital. Addrsre your lat­ and Notary j'iibltc tar» plainly with pan se typewriter. Giva street address. Spell out name .d ¡»troth Obtained, fytamined of Slate, don't abbreviate. Put ysur iClO - • • OREGON return address In ihe upper left hand corner of envelope (net on the back) and always look st your letter before dropping In the mall to MO If It I» properly addrasMd Thia car* In the uh of ths mall» 's »er your benefit and apeeda up the dispatch and delivery HTAYToN, . - - OREGON of mall matter. l all« answcnvl I’ay <»r Sight If you have any complaints of p»»r rvbereulin lc»ting ••rvlco make them to yeur postmaster. He has Instructions to Investigato them and report to the department. Wr make ■ Specially of M io. OREGON THE SCIO STATE HAM Riley Shelton O. F. Korinek Veterinarian F riendship. Engagement and Wedding Rings F. M. French & Sons ALBANY COURTESY It atlck« tn human relationa like po» tag« atampa on letter». The POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT pacta It to be u»«d by Ita poatmaatara and employe«« in dealing with the public. Help them In Ila um beginning with POSTAL IMPROVEMENT WEEK May 1«. IMO. THANK DR. A. G. PRIll- P&üicidB an< Suraeon Calls Attended « V W w YOU ' *• -str : I A STENOGRAPHER |>ay ur Night X By ELEANOR F. DAY. Mn'Kw» N»«»v»e»t «>•«>«•«» i And »« are «orry ta stale that XfT Orno« Ifadt Hem iMltitig firns we can «lu moiling to a»vl»t yuu tn this A great gurpriM- for the home knitter» «■•tier.“ 1T«e li a nd of l lie unprrlurtwd »lenng of Oregon, but »till a fact. Further­ more. thia yarn I» absolutely virgin rapper ffiovnl awlfUy acriam the |>age. w*ml yarn; th*- wool was grown in Mnn She was l*> no m«*»it» »urprl**«-«! al lhe county, »old by Mr. Sender» to the Ore­ words of her employer she wa» only gon Worsted Company tnnll» located al too u-ed to Ills li»rail ways and meth- Sellwood), made Into worsted yarn by Roy T. litahop, »on of C. I*. Bishop, «al» Nhe was »tattled, howeter, a few proprietor of the Woolen Mill Store of minutes later to nota a »oftcr expres­ Shlcm. < <»regem knitter» try this yarn sion i«u ih« oi<| man's fare than aha out. All color». 48c per bail of 2 os« had e'er M*vn hefura. He t«egan to —“I«lcaliun. hamplr» »« nt *-n appi cation. Adiiress Addr- »|M*ak. ami amm »he realists) he was C. P. Bishop. B um TO. Salem, Oregon, telling her a story--the story of an ungrateful nephew, whom be had looked u|*on aa a son. He had lnteixl«*d DR. FICQ him to enter hla firm and finally to Inherit hla fortune In pre|*aratl«ui for the bright future before the lad, be Office Hours t was «cut to cmtlegw. »to 12 A.M. 1.30to5P. M "Hut whaf did that young acatnp «to." he fairly »bouletl at lhe girl, “bat run off with tl>« «lean's stenographer. ('. (’. BRYANT A boy with hla pro»|*«wta to marry a mere st «-nog raptier- criminal 1“ Ml»» Far»* im*«e«| uneasily In her 201-2 New First National Hank Hldg «•mt. "Mere «teiiograplirr.** in«l«*ed. It ALBANY OREGON «■v-urred to her that In her employer's mlml she «•« siimm«*«! up In Juat ihoae two words Kbe had often built castle« I)R. J. w. GOIN. of her own. In which «he pictured her Veterinarian. ■elf loving ami being loved hy a hand Authoriaml Auction Sal,- and Interstate ■on««- and «-v-c-'llagly wealthy young |n»|M-etor. man. Hut IMI» — Phones. — I’alace Fred **he«l, IM J The old man went right on without Residence, MX» R noticing, or al Ireat without pretending ALBANY. OREGON to nolle*, her dlscotnfitur*. “That wa» 2!i year» ago. I cat him off without a rent and today I rwelved a letter—the first tn all that 11 row­ asking me to finanre hla «on In «»me f«»«l business project Like a» not. the troy 1« J«M Ilk« his father, and moat F.VE Si te AIN probably will ran off with a ribbon Is the cauae of many clerk or some hlootle stenographer.“ HUMAN ILLS And with a snort, the Irate old man str«*«le out of the office leaving be­ hind him a rea«>niful lirtl* lady Ufe trnb-ed was becoming unbear­ able un«ler him. "Mere atenograplier." Optical Company and with a loan of her head she turtle«! SIS w w St.. Albany «mre tmwe to her ma. hlne. and •«««» DENTIST ATTORNEY AT LAW •r . «>optical BAN CROFT lit« tLavUiuK' "cUcLrty um * the new Simplex for 10 day» without cotit. If you don't find it the cloaetl skimmer ami the bent maeliine wu ever mw, return it at our ex|>ensc OREGON il..- trpewrirw »»a kirn <•»', »und to be henru An hoar later the quiet of thr .»ffire was broken by a <«ing man who siepi»-d tn and inquired for "Mr. Jack- son. please'' 11« was Infor*. . I I:: a «’ft voire that the manager w««ii«l i«e back at II :4f«. The clock haul» reached 11 48 and Ilo* If—but no M« Jack««« ever, thr visitor was by tu» ft »en n« i.oe<-d Hr Informed Ml»» Farnff that hr was Ihr son of her rui|Hny«*r'n rH>|*hrw. and »»« «•■.kini; fl ItllHfUMM loan front him. This brought on mtww ivprmnilie am! hl» listener waa ag vrry attentive that Mr Jackwm. Jr., «lid m*t «'di noth»* the flight of time llr w»a quite «nrprt-s-d when she rase to go to lum-ti. attd asked If he might accomiMin) her. Anne agreed and the tw«» w«-i»t off Al 3 «frtoelr the stre*«crnpt,rr »«' oner more «••nt«*d at t*cr u»iy • “Ye* l>r Is fine’ W*. tld you like me tn bring him to y«oiY* Tlir mm h flatten'd ol«l man rra«!l1y gave tils .eii»« nt that »wry after noon Annr .••<< «< «llenre, In which the two men wrutlnlxed each The young Jnck»«*n felt hl* other. ha od »haken in a mighty »rip. ami beard a clicking voice »tuttrrlng In an attempt to •■■eak. • There foUouisI a long «»»planation of the Injustice» «lone yrnra ago to the father, ami a promise I« make ample rvsiltullon through thr son Rut when the old man looked up thnaigh hl« toara, he funm! bls nephew gating not at him but de«q* Into thr ry«*a of thr girl hvahlr him. Ami a» Ja*'i»«>i> Mr l*«*>k«*d from thr |>r>M>d smile uf the l*««y to th» flu»he«l and happy fa«,w <»f Anno, be exclaimed ami admlii*- l In hl» h«wrt lhal • “Running off with a alenogrnpher I* not the sraret thing after all!“ teat January IS with a recur«! <>f WLr> Th«* last of it is not pound« of fat i yet official, but will not vary For than a pound or two. Holt had Mr time a hop«» of Stop Think Reason more making and Beauty a gold medal cow had Iw not iw-en a little late getting her ; brad would have crowded her hard­ er. with more fe«*«i and three a «lay milking. tun«*« the entire Almost I herd are either daughters or grand­ daughters of Fog’s Ooliop. the dam cow is now on test at 10 year« old, an5 days she produc«*d 322 BUT- pound« I i I of fat. Her granddaughter, (»wan- I rm Fern’s Jannette. finiithed a year» Quitting. Youth My k»vt for < "ir daughter krn-w a m> hounds I cannot Hva with­ out her Her Papa- Young man. »ou may die pearefulh and without worry. I pT 'ml»«' you I’ll ilc»my all the funeral evyeoare Holt Get» Writeup Oollopa Golden Beauty, a Jersey e«w in the herd of S B Holt, near j Scio. Or*., finished a year‘» official i h . i test Docember 31 with 032 5 pounds of fat - the last month not yet offie- ial Octavia’s Janette her troginntng at test of 365 |Miunds, all th - • • ■ * . Owaneco, 20 only months of age. has made record a official but 24 . . . " ■ ■ ii-nimption ¡ ■ 1 ' : two pouniis for 80 cent» ¡[ will .* . • • • i • M e toow ¡ ¡ I i ■ 'he • ext of ; ¡ ■/« are as 1 ' i'hink this over. ! ! Meadow Shade Dairy i There are other good records »♦•♦♦♦♦o♦♦♦♦♦♦♦«♦♦ days most of them made with only twice a day milking over half thr year. Ooliop's («olden Beauty is hy Noble King <>f Fair Acres, a **r of Noble I'ter and Empress 1 am . as i are numtier of others of th«* herd, entire herd is of good type Holt has used a» a herd sire brother of St. .Mawe» record the world Lad's senior with 828 pounds of fat n The Mr a full lutdy, yearling, Every eow in the herd either has a Register of Merit record or is on (eat. W «-wi- ern Farmer i iieculti's Notice of Final Account Notice ia herc'-v given that the un- der»ign«**i <•*< , •tor of the last will and testani* nt ■ f Lind II *!xfui«a, ie< eas«-«l, has lik’d his final ac. ount a« such exec­ utor in the County Court of I.inn coun­ ty. Oregon, an«l th«- said Court has fixed Saturday, th* .’7th «lai <>( May. 1MX at the iiour of ten «»'clock a tn , as the time f«»r th«- hearing «»f objection« to »aid ae*-ouut a.. 1 the »s-ttli-nient th«-rr- uf. I let ci and the first publication hereof is April 27. lir« » xi t. fl-ii zti «». Executor Wu. s. Hi»«, rt Atty for r xecutor |gu«t publication »lay 2A, H»22 Sub-enl-«- f l the 1 rlbtme $348 Ask any one of thr millions of Ford owners and they will tell you, that for pleasuie, conven- ience, utility, service & < conoiny to buy a Ford—and bank the difference. FRED T. BILYEU Phone—Home 27 Sct<\Oieoon