■MM .V > a Last of Our Soldier Dead Are Brought Home DOOST your community by boosting your home paper—and your home paper is l « s« ator William M Calder of Br.aiklyn »iwaklug st the tn- <■•ii.il -er vice. in the Rruuelyu ■ . t.f..r tbs 1XM* ' i artlt ial arm« a nr medals be marci ad with the Scio team for honors PRETTY OREGON BRIDE MOTHERS 2000 ORPHANS High School Note» admission will I m * charged for No THE the morning exercise«, and those taking part in the morning will ta* April 25 ted without charge to the The la«t drawing of weeks near and school find are admit­ meet in ■ the afternoon everyone very buay, at in addition to the reg­ ular routine of school life, han coma the problem of > The actual Monday building commenced building morning, and high the i school boy» have been working thnt work on the gym and school work ran go on without conflict The Senior play. ■ era." presented at "Betting Brok- high »ch the >1 auditorium last Friday evening, w as i a great success Music was render- led by the orchestra Watch the papers for further an­ nouncement of the "indoor circus." Mr Tobie the and cast and assistants ushers, Friday evening Light refreshments after the play. consisting of clam senior the orchestra, entertained ice cream I were served, and cake and followed by Rapid progress is lopng made on was a social hour. the annual, which will la out once subscription recorded The annual will sell at at fifty cents a copy. Coming Saturday. April 29 A track meet is an unusual event in in Scio, so every one come and something new. district schools arc invited to parti­ cipate in the grammer school meet which will be held d. ring the morn­ ing. In the afternoon track from Stavton. JefTer* n, teams l«ei anon a id prol all v Mill I fy, w I compel*- Tested Field Seeds We have the most complete stock of farm and field 8«ds in tlie valley, including spring wheat, spring oats, fancy clover and grass seeds and a complete stock of tested garden a. . u will always find our prices are low as the best goods can be sold for. the kind you find it pays to buy. D. A. White & Son Seedmen and Feedmen 251-261 State St Salem, Oregon « tee The neighboring l-bonc ttfhce. 1177 Q. SATTTRLF.E ‘•»’'«»V JJ AUCTIONEER «M l aaav brasai Real Fidiate and Stock Salem HALEM. OREGON Going to Build? CREAMERY TAKES SAFE MILK Varmint Association Accepts ProSutt Only From Herds That Have Been Tested all day track meet al the fair grounds. Mrs. Ethal Long Newman. Oregon Agricultural College. 1MB. who la saw In charge of a Near laat Raltaf or- ghanage m Armenia the methane Rar family of 2.000 little war vletlme while her hueband rune a 2O.Mb*aea farm which la a part of the eanatRraUve work being oene in Russian Armenia by the Near laat Relief. During tits winter, when «-«>«■ are «tal.lcl (hr greater ¡«irt of thr time they «hould tie waiervd I«» >*r three I lines a day. mv a|w« laltsta of thr United States l»e|>«rty.eut of Agrlcul lure, unless erruiiaen •>..1« have been uia.le to keep waler hr fore them at all I tinea The water »hould. If |H«-lbte tw- 1.1 degree» or 20 «Irgrrm atone the frreainc point. ami should tie »upplted st practically thr same teui|>emlurv every .lay, When water well ahovr frveaing temperature 1« «lured In tanks ■ nd piped dlrc-tly to thr row. there 1« probably little ocea»'m for farlll-1 tlrs t<> warm It. When it «tand« in a tank on which l >n. Everyone who wishes a copy should have his It Shsuid Ba 20 Osgr-ea Above Press­ ing Point and a»mo Tampsrature Every Day. like ‘ Iwaverc during their vacant pori'*l« It han been arranged so COWS REQUIRE MUCH WATER gym the Increasing Intareat in the tuberculin ic«tiiig <>f cattle is evlilrid (i.»n> re |M>||« recOHed by the Tt.ii««l Stat.« IH-|«rtii>eul of Agriculture from main part« of the country Ibis tendency appll,« not only to milk u«,«l directly but to manufactured dairy product* A c«ro|*ratlve creamery ■»»-.wiat « at liar re, Vt., aevapt« milk and cream only from Ix-rd« that hare been tuber r ultn lr«te* the hull's hide. Plans for houses, bams, chicken houses, etc.,furnished free. Come look them over. I .et us give you an estimate on the one you want. Scio Logging & Lbr. Co. SCIO. OREGON Raise All The Chicks You Hatch Rai»* them the Pan-a-ce-a way TART them right —keep them growing - without any backset. PAN-A-CE-A givra chicks good appetite ami good digestion —given vigor to resist disaMB. PAN A-CE-A prevents food fermentation—that’s where most of tlic bowel troubles start. PAN-A-(T. A ¡ •••vents and tmfau gam«. Indigestion, diarrhea, leg weakneM I’AN-A-l K-A your < hl- k« and then watch then, (rather A PAN-A-CE-A chh k will out-feather a uon-PAN-A- CE A chick every tune. S Dr. Hens Poultry PAN-A-l F A makes chicks grow. IPs Awmfte (As Dr. /teas Daa. Calf aa aa. Hibler Q. Gill Co. TWf as See aaear r*wka am, Saw. Wr Arne a aeri^e »a m *. Dr.Hess Instant Louse Killer Kills lice The Scio Tribune $ 1.75 the year