*K*| «•i* ■ m i .>;■ ■i.-/* er 5* A . .* ■ ular. liked to gami-'r perhaps, liked wo-.en. but hi» earning capacity was not sufficient to meet his needs. Saw money in tn r.rtiine. made a do you Know ? date with That thia territory can comprise the biggest and happiest Community Club in the entire Pacific Northwest? them men illicit to sell of money bu«>te N «red nd money worse than they n«-el«i - compare the ‘he whiskey, took a man's ife so it is alledged, ami if true, will THE SCIO TRIBUNE pev the blame on the movies, some on the prnalty for his crime A good home, ■ack of parental control of the a loving ami dutiful l«oy to his children, and some on theafterma'h mother—-but he languishes in tail, of the war ami its ■t tendent evil«, ami the law will find him out How while some blame lark of employ- much liettrr had hr- remained at All these have merit, and ■ home under the guiding influence each have some claim upon the of a loving mother. I|..«h»r heart must ache for her offspring, and, matter. ment Time to Re ' ■■ Buv Fitta In our humble opinion, the great­ how the people sympathize with her | est of these is lack of employment. but that does not make his error ami a few year» any easier to t.-ear her boy pays as not much crime. the penalty <»f hi» company when H me. though e«ueeialy in holdups and murder. away from home ever so humble. 1» better than the When all are busy their is not much great white lights of Broadway, time to think upon crime —how to During the war before it. the • Home get the money when it is needed if ami more to be »ought. comes first . ami home is where the it has to begotten by holdup, house­ breaking or other price« on I’i-vC because they buy higher priced tires can git v -¡. other tire« will show yon I I and lower priced through« o .npuriaon with 1, stronger ¡»iz.es There’s a tbl Tire of extra i «. •-« . ry ««*r. fttr «or. trut k or .«m < ■ w .«, underhanded i children belong. methods. A living is made honestly, therefore no need to lie dishonest or T hi HHOAY. Arivi. 27, 1922 Fact» Worth Isoviq iM ItM « ». j ¿ ■¡i’-/ flRuw NtVit l.n citizens »how them A /• ' / Scio is th<- trading center of th«- north fork* of th«- »nnllsm. Scio ha» |M»|»ulalHin of at« the heart of the t«r»t dairy­ ing »ectlon of Linn county. Scio farms gn«w most anything that can iw grown from »oil xcio owns it» water ami electric light plant»- plenty of power at a cheep rate for any nnmti-r of enterprises. Scio ha» a milk condensers, and no better tnilk 1» canned any where. Scio has a flouring mill, amt it» pr<«l uct flint* a ready market at all time». Scio is chaa- to billion» of feet of standing liml«-r, sn«i s«»«n big mill* will be busy making it ready for market, Scio ha* a hospital m - coik I to none Scio if you want to know mom about Sci«» ami the surrounding country, write to th«- bank, th«* mayor or to the editor of this |ia|»vr. selves to I* / ce'.sity well aware af the nc- of In-ing alive in an I agv. if they pr'-p-’ties. their this day would have their businesses. their envy your neighbor that which he has to try and snatch it from him by unfair means honest SHELBURN NEWS • ♦ • m • • • »«• «• ♦♦ ♦ we have our own way of getting what j April 24 we Ira Trexler ami wife, of Stayton. want when w< are employer! Give; the Itoys and girls, men and women were visiting rvlativ » at Shelburn work ami there wi'l not be the Sunday aftern - u nvcvsMty of committing crime to ae-, cure bread and butter. The movies paobably do give in centive to the minds of »mall boys ; and girl» to try and do these things! they see done in the pictures, here 1» where the parents can but do their work on the »mall mind if they will |«ay attention the try—outs of then chii Shilling a- t family »pent Sunday with their «laughter and family, Me. West Sci<> Mr» Guy •pent Friday Ern«-»t Wyman MacCrae. children ami afti-rn«H«n of with Mr. Wyman’» mother Clair McLain, of Salem, tnade his parents a pleasant visit Sunday Henry Cannon ami wife visited with the Theron Russells Sunday don«. Talk to them an«! explain that afternoon th«- outcome of the picture was to I A L Powell, wife and daughter, -how no <>nc can commit a that crime without it being found out. an«i fur tnem not to try to perf >rm any of them out right Will Hays is starting a» a moderator in were visiting at the C D The gradual awakening If O«born ho , have your ticket routed home Sunday afternoon. Cha» Hates an«l wife were trad­ ing in Shelburn Friday. T hrough C alifornia the Mr». T M Ruasell ami children moving picture world, and his strict •pent Wednesday with her parents. attention to the imiusry will elimin­ W H Mcl-air - progressi ene»a is re- County t<> ate much that should not tie shown II. 0. Shilling and wife were We are enthusiastically freshing, at any time He has shown that he trading in Shelburn Friday. in favor <>f Brownsville. She will means to do right by striking from Mr» Clair M.-Ixin, of Salem, vis­ Other eitle» will have to succeed. exhibition all Fatty Arbuckle pic­ ited Wednesday and Thursday with stir themselves or they will fall be­ tures, so that his late escapade will Clair’» parents, and took the even­ hind. the newspaper stimulus I not lie continually brought before ing train to West Scio where she V McAdoo ha* injected into public the public, even though Arbuckle visited the rest of the week with thought at Scio (• showing results ha» tieen ««<|uitted. The thought is her parents. in that town likewise commendable. that the pictures in which Arbuckle Jim George was visiting his - Sunday Albany Democrat is the »tar will not lie a reminder enta last week This in what we have been trying to that you can break the law of the tell our people, "They will have to W VNT APS lan«i and still lie a drawing card or stir then «wives or other cities ami lie in ur night where that boy or girl ia. and Joe Honor. memory fail» not Olcott did nut re­ what company they are in. Give WANTED Mr Ri«-e. I would hr plea»- sign a» secretary of state when hr them plenty of work to do, not I ed if you would return my history­ took over the rein» of governor, un­ book. four tablets, -even pencils, overdoing it. of course, but suffici­ til decided he was governor, nor and a little rrel manual that you po­ ent to make them ready for lied at litely took last week. — Dellama did hr resign as secretary after the regular nour, and there will not Sutherland. West made him »uch. to run as a re­ be this longing to get our and paint WANTED Two strong men to turn publican for that office. He was the town red every night. my seat around mi that I can gase just as disrespectful to We»t, he be­ There is not a question of doubt into those «lark brown eyes behind ing a democrat, as is the supposed but that war alwavsleavea a wake of me.—Leslie Thayer act of White to Olcott at the pres­ crime -we couldn't expect anything WANTED A i . k «--looking young ent time. l>-t the twat man win at ¡else. The minds of old and young man, since Alvin Merrit and Gil­ the primaries, and thm we can all bert Druitt are sick ■ Dapbine Kan are fed up on blood, anb blood support him. whether it is White or aom must come Every parent ami law- any of the other six. Hut then abiding citizen must must make it WANTED — Th« l«ebamm girls to there may l«e a democrat on the leave Cap alone Blanche Barnes. their business to put a stop to wars ticket, an l that is what might be LOST —That double chair in the libr­ in the future No one nation is affecting the t*ditre*a of the Turner ary- —Grace A Jefftc supreme enough to conquer the rest Trlbnnc. and he might defeat (he of the world, and no nation is big LOST—One human head, that con­ republican candidate. tained nothing — Joe Koner. enough t«< conquer the rest of the city grow into something bigger. G oing E ast ? •’ The Sunshine and Open Window Way of ljnn world, THE CRIME W AVE ami comes hat when the time realy a notion can do that A < 'Imice of Routes ( 'opveiiieut Schedili«-* Liberal Stopover Privileges Through Sleeping ('urn ( Ihnerv At ion Car- I lining < 'are Every part of the service contributes to the Traveler's Comfort. Stop at San Francisco ami law Ai>g«-I- - and beautiful cities. work I famous For further particular», ask agent* or write SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES 3& 37 JOHN M. SCOTT, (■• neral Passenger Agent. DOOST your community by Ixxjsting your home paper—and your home paper THE LOST—Sense of reasoning. — Tum­ my Small. thing we will have reached the LOST—My pig-tail.— Bobby Thayer. The crime wave d«>ee not seem to stage wherein all will he one people FOUND—A couple hanging on John Coury’s rate p««*t; owner may get have reached its end. In fact there ami then no war could be forced on details by paying for this ad. seems to be no end. Their manv tbe people. FOUND—In John Couey's Ford, a Take the ease of Rusnell Hecker. causes for this crime wave, and no tail burned off from Dellare* Suth­ one cause is more to biame than Comes from a moot esimable family. erland's basketball middies and Had ambitions, but sought the another. Ralph Hollis' sweater, badly scorch­ ed. Some are want tn attach all the wrung company, Liked to be pop- $1.7:) the year, and worth it Home Newt Exclusively