THE SCIO TRIBUNE VOL. XXV NO COMMUNITY CLUB COMMITTEE MEETS Several Members of the Com­ mittee met Saturday night and Made Some (>lans Believing in the uigvncy of the rail nt the cttv of Scio fur a real live community club, and answering th»- call in person. W H. McLain. J«-sa Hildreth. W. A Gilkey. Z J < irk. Newt Weddle. Art Shelton. Mil<> Bartu. R M Cain ami I V McA met Saturday night and laid plan* for the formation of the cl nt», it to be known, if the reco- memlation of the committee i* <» •■ pi..|, aa The North Fork* of Santiam Community Club Thia ia rather a long name, but ia signifi cant m that there is a great terri­ tory in thia section that neela exploiting so that the world may know what we have here. As »«>>n as word ia received from Portland aa to the time when ■ a(>eaker on club activities can com«* to Sci i for a big meeting, dodgers will lx* printed ami sent over th«- entire district inviting everybody to c<>me to Scio on that day and help in organising the biggest and liest club m the entire stat«. The Com munity Club is going to lie a fact and a niece«. so every man and every woman should gat behind the movi ment and help make this the beat known section in the entire west Let the world know what we have through the club. It t« planned to hold this meeting on or about the 13th of Mav. a Jat her significant date, and one ¡ire- «aging success for the * ove ment Good »(«eakers and a splen did program will be arranged f >r the purpose of affording both food for thought and a pleasant enter tainment. The exercises will be Play Was Success The senior class play at the Scio High School building Friday night was well attended, the spacious auditorium being packed w’itn those interested in seeing the play. "Bet ting Brokers ’’ Each memlier show­ ed market! al ility in his or her chosen parts, and the audience was rvciproeative The plot of the play centers around a bet made a certain party could n -t tell the truth for 24 hours ami the many delicate positions in which the truthful one was place«! would demonstrate that the world ami its people did not want th»- truth, but were weking after th«* little lies that go to keep all in » slate of self-praise The bet was won. but the man of the world. or rather, the man with money, cam»- near to losing his wife, but the hour of 4 saved him. After the play, refreshments, consisting of ice cream, coffee ami cake, was served, ami all departed for their homes f«*elir.g that the« ha«i performed well, especially those who had taken part in the play were the recipients of the refresh ment» Praise fur the masterful way in which the play was presented goes to Professor T-»bie, as d'rector. Lyle Ficklm for arrangement of scenery and Kenneth Sima for the electrical effects. War (l»f Ihvlr buna, are l*sul and Jane, twins, win* were fouud pi i I m - asti >nn In th«- r»-ar nt 31. Via Ceiit's Infant and Maternity hospital tn fhlingo. Field Meet Everything is r«-a«ly for th»- rt«-ld m«*et to be held at the fair grounds. Saturday April 29 The track ha* i»een worked ami is in the lw»t of condition ami uni«--* it rains Satur­ day the field meet will I-«- a boom­ ing succecs. Jeff -raon. Stayton, lx-l»anon Fr»-ahtnen and Scio are all to take part and Shedd. Mill City. Turner, and Crabtree may hav<- «»me entries aa they have been invited. The Scio team is practicing stead­ ily since the lx-l»an >n meet ami are ahowing up well. N-> interest has lieen shown in this particular line of sport until this year, so it was practically a green team which started the season. but one meet and a lot of practi*»- has made a seasoned team out of them ami only the hardamt of luck will keep them from taking the meet. Dairy Men Meeting Well Attended It has been 30 years since left Rich Hill. M ■ Kreso Dip No. 1 It is a standard dip $2.00 gal. Give ut a call Kelly's Drug Store The iOxaU Stoi c. When the houi of 2 o’clock ar­ rived last Satuday afternoon, it foumi <»ne of the largest crowds ever present at a school meeting, 106 being present according to th«- vote registered. There were two directors to elect. One to till the unexpired term uf J. S. Slicha. ami Frank Bartu was elected over Ru­ dolph Wesely bv a vole of 69 to 28. To succeed the late Bert Hollis. E C Shelton was unanimously elected. The former serves until June 1923. while the latter's term ends the coming June. Th« hoard has much work before it at present, the selec­ tion of teacher» being the big item txfore it. People's Theatre Presents Wallace Reid in " RENT Mil<:i<: ” and a Mack Sennett comedy .■Ipr ¿9 anti SO Admission 10c-25c Hecker Bound Over Consolidation Boosted in the afternoon from 2 o'clock until the work is finished. Crawford ami G.... twin have By way of also stimulating the taken the contract to < Derate the incentive for a large crowd on that Calavan mill, on the II, E Burmeis ­ date, this paper suggests that the ter place. The nan»«- has l»-»-n Student Body of the high school chang«*«! to Salem lai -ma Lumlirr arrange for a corner stone laying in the morning of that day, ami invite Company. Thev will give employ­ County School Superintendent Mrs. ment to several men ami will l»rgin The Wave Has Coine Geer, County Judge Bilyeu and o(»erations immediately Sam Stol ami others prominent in educational ler t»H»k a load of provision« to the Tuesday afternoon I Hoagland ami community building to be here an I «h-liver addresses appropriate to commence«! remodeling the home of | mill Friday the -ccasion. What think you? Joe Hodges, and when completed Brownsville report» a large at* last's hear fron you on the »ugg«*»- tendence. g<»o«l time and old fa«h<>n- will make it one of the I »ent pla<-rx tion. in town. A large porch is taring ed get to gather last Friday night at her house warming in honor of the built and another ro*»m added. Riley Shelton will also remodel reopening of the woolen mill there. hie home by making extensive im­ Nothing gets the people closer to­ provements on the inside and will gether than a gms! time, work, and build a porch. Mr Hoagland will a contented community. also do that work M. P. lx>ng was in from the farm Who says we are nut exprn«*ncing Friday and called al th«- Tribune a little of the pros(s-rity wave? Ix-t His brother. John W Ixmg, who Who recognise the more ami more be «lone, and Scio ' lives at Rich Hill Mo , will read the value of Sanitation will be a "city beautiful. * • Tribune for the next six months. about their cow »tables should use »1.76 I IN-.' YEAR Si lo. LINN COl’NTY. OREGON. 1HI KM AY. APRIL '£1. 1922 37 P Along with other nerds for belter- The body of Frank Bowker was nient of all projects, the school sys­ found, as stated by Ruswll Heckar. tem is one of the moat important to m the (alapooia river and in a sack, be considered In many states. fhe preliminary hearing was held !-»wa is an example, a movement in Portland Tuesday and he was toward consolidation of schools has bound over to the next term of the l>ren started. This movement ha« Multnomah county court He has not Iieen very extensive in Oregon, employed Gale S Hill, of Albany, aa but a few exampi»*» of consolidation one of hie counsel. haw been reported. In every cn«- One of the tragedies of events of reported the main thing mttieed Is this character is the postponement the general improvement of the <>f preliminaries and the eagvrm-m I of mankind to sec and hear crimi­ school an«! community. Scio, although still a small town, nals. and also the eagrrneM of ni«-n is the center of the eommnily t»> imitate judge und accus«<«i Such ' Instead of having many small. «»Id. took place in Portland Saturday just dilapidate«! school buildings, with after th«- postponement of Hecker's n«> modern improvements, why not preliminary, whin t<> satisfy a mor- have one or two g«»xi school build­ t»t«l crowd a fake was hatch«*«! up, ings'* Buildings in which the pu­ and H«>cker sup(»o»en building II is Impossible. While should iMPcame a parly tu acting ns if several district« consolidated, by the accused, and no reputable law­ working together, a fine schmil yer would imitate u judge. could be built without such an ex­ «• • cessive raise in tax The pupils Organization Effected would be proud of their school and wouhi try to keep it in go»«! condi­ More than l&U people attended tion. as well as to do their Ix-st to th« all day services in S»*io last Sun­ keep up the school work so their day. when a commission of five from school would rank among the high­ Corvallis, Albany and Eugene and est. ami la*ban<>n. were present to or­ The ach«H»l building is one of the ganize a Presbyterian church class minor considerations. Many other ua a unit of the F«*derat»*btain«*d tiffieers were elect»*d. consisting of One of them* ia the building of indi­ thre«* ehiers, one deacon ami three vidual character. In u sc I hm »I where «IcaconesM-s Fourt«*en were ad- one teacher has all of the right mitt»*d aa chai ler members of the grades it is imp>>a»ible to help the new organization and on the secomi pupils «levelop individuality In a Sunday of Mav the first coinmurpon town school or one where several ■«erviee will lie conduct««] by Dr. teachei * have charge, and the teach­ Wailace Howe I sm *, of Allmny c«>l- er only has one or two classes, the lege. Additional members will lie classes can be divided and each admitt««d. The commission oerfect. group will have a better chan e of mg the organization were: Rev J. developing charactar, than would 1 Snyder, of Corvallis; Dr Wallace a class where all pupils in the cla-« Howe 1 xm >, of Albany; Rev. W. J. must stay t«»gether tiecaum- the luirge, of Eugena; and Elders II. teacher does not have time to hoid McDonald, of Albany Grace church, extra class. and II Y Kirkpatrick, of I>ebanon. In a one teacher school the teach­ Ib*vvran»n church, nnd group, call another, cover the l«*s- a choir of 15, were in attendance in son etc , all day long. The teacher the afternoon and led the song ser­ does not have time to help the in­ vice. At the n«»on hour a basket dividuals but must tak«* the pupils ludcheon was served and a -»«-«lai by class. time enjoyed Several were bap­ On«* can readily sw- which is the tized. The service was held in the twlter method. Ft derate«! church building. 'Get together and make your school one of the In-st of the county, or stale, a school which every one will Many people are taking advan­ be proud to support and adopt for tage of the value and quality of their own. Mrs. Scott Passes vegetables, also MBAtiow S iiauk butler, sweet cream, buttermilk. Cottage ch«*rw*. etc., handled at the M kadow S hkuk D airy . Why Don’t You? Mary Valeria, wife of J. I. Scott, of near Grseti’s bridge, died Sunday evening al a Lebanon hospital of an illness caused from the effects of ♦ tlie ''Flu". .Mrs, Scott was age«l 24 years. 10 months, and 21 days Funeral services were held at the Brplist church in Scio at 2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon, Elder W M. Rose of Primitive Baptist church o Lebanon, conducting the service Internment was in Franklin Butte Cemelary Charles Poole, funeral director, of lxd>an<»n. ha»i charge of the funeral arrangements. Mrs. Scott is survive«! by her boa­ band and three small children; Marie, age 7; Harland, age 6; an-1 and Mytlle. age 2. The Scotts formerly lived at Scio; havig removed to their present home early this spriug. Don't forget to apply land plaster freely to your garden. We carry it. J. F. Wesely. 4 * I A GD 1'1.A< I. TO DINE IN SALEM