, è. » 4 « • e « ' # * * «*• • y ♦ • A . /' • f • Í . . • • • •.« a. 4. <*■ ' » ' ' t V * * I « *» * * 4 \ • < • » *• • « a * * A \ » 4 •< • ♦ I ’.LT n * *• - • * • « <*’r ’ •1 . •e » » % > ,.»■ a - • % . •- • < w-w'.»’ V-y 2l, .iw .n Re* • r* •••-. ■ •.. /*. • « ». X- '< M I COLD WEATHEp HELP FOR STARTING AUTO UNCLK BCN SAYS: • It i« better to keep well. dab*.“ A «hurt «leknwa* can mak* a l*n< Manifold Heater Relieve* Owner of Much Trouble. Dull 1 leadaches Put a Brake on One’s Ambition Devio* Mads From Thin Picco of theet Copper I* Attached to Motor by Clamps—*mail Amount of Qaooiins Needed. By O. L. scorr. D. c. This heeler made ftv>m • pie.» of <>U* slileriitb Inch copper. cut «haniment of inactive bowels and indigestion. This chronic condition responds to chiropractic spinal adjustments. The cause .-_-s£SSHSSa^> is pressure on spinal ([ health follows nerves to the liver and stomach and when this CHIPOPRACTK (OMtCTS pressure is removed PRiSSURE ON SPINAL health follows. NERVIS IN DISEASES Of ]) We Want to Buy And we can .HELL Any Make Used Car BRING THEM IN Oleson-Rookstool Auto Exch "The home of the ÜAed Car” 178 S. Liberty Mtreet Salem. Oregon I HL FOtLOWlNGORbANS MEM EVU LAM NO $1 THROAT ARMS HEART LUNGS *' LIVER STOMACH PANCREAS SPLEEN AIUNEVS BOWELS APPfNOik BLAOMR lOaiiiiHSt T he LOWER NERVE UNDER THE MAGNIFY­ ING GLASS IS PINCHED •VANIJALIGNEDJOINT PINCHED NIRVES CANNOT TRANSMIT HEALTHFUL | IMPULSES CHIROPRAC­ TIC ADJUSTING RE* MOVES THE PRESSURE. THE UPPER NERVE IS f REE AS NATURE INTtHOS ¡SSSSS ■ .................... Suffered for I en Years “For ten year* I goffered from dull headaches. For a long time I had very in­ active bowels and indi­ gestion. I was nervous a good deal of the time and had a weak back which would bring on a drawing sentuition along the spine. At present, after having a course of 12 chiroprac­ tic spinal adjustment*. I can say my headaches have left me, and my nerves are in much better condition.” G.C.Glymph, Chiropractic Research Bureau. Statement No. 13O7H. visitor« at the Marion Brown home I Haatmg tbs Intake Mandole W th a Osaellna Flame Provides an Easy Start In Cold Weathsr A match I» touched to It and the hood lowered In about one minute the manifold lo heated sufflcieotiy to va (»■rise gasoline drawn up from the car- huretor and, on cranking, an esplosive mixture I* funned. I here Is hut little danger Involved In us ng this attach metti, prsvvtdtsd the fuel pipes are tight, as they should he probably aot as much danger as there la from back firing In the manifold <»f a cold engine - tliarles H Ti-.illoa.Hi Portland lire In Popular M. t antes Magatine Your Health Get action for better health by telephoning ,M7 for an appointment. DR. O. L. SCOTT CHIROPRACTOR 414-l‘J U. S. Bank Bldg. Salem. Oregon Phone H7. Tura corner» ru*»lrrately. OSS If the fas belt slips turn It In sic nut. <"hange the water tn the syatrru weekly see coulli Mure acchittila occur on etrelr highway streiche, than at curves < road Intersections. The latest style passenger autom biles are equipped va Itti rio fewer tba 14 electric lights. AUTOS AUTOS AUCTION SALE Every Saturday Night Uaaollne left »landing fur consideri, able lime, even If It be in a tank, vrl kw Ita ignition elfl. iency. »eaaaaaaaaaaa • • A car should Iw ki-pt out <>f the su until dry after I h -I i >* washed, Suu light ha* ■ teudeticy tn itaiiingv the surface of * wet rar by mu-lng th* paint to check • • • Wash th* car frequently with clean, cold water. • • • Us* no snap *m th* body when* It can poeatbly be a'tdded. • • • Mamislniru Nslics An experienced l « burning gasoline ; It only spreads the fire. • • • Ammonia may be in. I to dean cor ronton from nmneetiooa and battery terminals. • • • Black smoke Is an Indication that th* carbon In rhe fuel la i«««tng through the engine uuhuriied. eoo UNION SIGN CO. Signa and Show Carda' 322 STATE .STREET, SALEM,ORKGON II < Paint Sifina Anywhere at Any Time The Scio I ribune $1.75 the year over Sunday. James Ttollingcr and mother. Mr«, lev George, and liar I Gooch monored into Albany Monday to at­ tend to some busincM. J. W .Miller and wife were in Albany Saturday transacting busi- new and shopping. Guy Wyman is blasting and tak­ ing out stumps where hi* orchard was grubbed out recently. Mra. Quincy Crutries. Mrs. T. Bowman. Mra. I^ee George, and Mrs. Earl Gooch called on Mrs. Ort- wein Saturday afternoon and while there enjoyed the happening* in Shelburn John White and wife were shop­ ping in Shelburn Saturday. J. W. Hirons and family were in Albany on business Saturday Mrs Cecil Ashbaugh ha» been acting S. P. agent the taut few day s as Mr. Ashbaugh has ts-en ill and unable to attend to business. Mr. Roadarmel shipped a fine veal to Portland Tuesday. Frits Peters helped Guv Wyman to aprav his orchard one day last week. Sheriff Kendall was here on busi­ ness Saturday afternoon. John Bents has taken the engine out of his thresher outfit to the Parker mill over t»y Scio where they will use it in their mill. Theron Kuasell went to Salem Saturday on business returning Sun­ day evening. H. 0. Shilling and family were trading in Scio Saturday. W H. Mellin ami wife were vis- ting at the A. L. Powell home Sun­ day afternoon. Fred Shilling is getting his sheep shearing outfit in readiness to »tart out on the road. J. W. Miller and wife were in Stayton visiting relatives and friends Sunday. Charles MacCallister’s brother, of Washington, is staying with them and helping to do the work. To make the tire valve an the even­ ing train for Corvallis, where he is gumg to take ;ri the electrical show, and from there he is going to Salem Mr». Wi'l Miller wan »hopping in Albany Saturday. Ralph and tJjnal Shilling spent Sunday at the Tally Gibbons home. Glenn Shilling, who has been in a Portland himpilal, was visiting his parents for a few days last week. WHEN IN SALEM Try the WHITE CLOUD CAFE American and Chinese Dishea 110$ Cntmerc it $1 SUM, Ortpa awo***««««»*M*«**aœ L. BI. HUM Yick So'Tong Chn«e Hilisite ni Tea Ct. Il*« nw-ihcin* which will cur* any known dimva**. Open Sundav* from 10 a. m. until H p. m. 1&3 Siaith High Street S»h-tii, Orrgnn I'lww 2X1 Nollet ol F ir U SeltlHitRl Notice 1« hereby given that the un- dcrvlgned *x*culor of th* last will and testament of 1-iMie Bilyeu, deceaaed. han fUed hi* final acrount a* «uch exec­ utor with th* clerk of the county court foe Idnn County, Oregon, and that the 'udge of «aid court hn« fixed Monday, the l«t day of May. I!*22. at th* hear of ten o'clock in th* forenoon, a* the (Continued from par* 1.) time for hearing objection* to «a»l Anal account amt the «ettlenient of the »aid Mr*. A. E. Gooch and her sist r. •stale. listed and the Amt publication hereof Minnie. made a flying trip back tn to March 30th, 1922 O. W. Moaaow, Albany in a truck Saturday after- 1 xecutor of th* la»t will anti teatament noon of I mi* Bilyeu, deceaaevl. SHELBURN NEWS SCHOOL j John Ortwein and family werw C. C. Ravairr. Atty, for Executor. fl. J. FOSTER » I’ilillll’AH Corn Doctor All Foot Troubles Cured PJVJJL6SS 322 Stat* Street Salem. Hregon Above Pat Um'* Bunk Store M* 4 4»**«»»»«»M>*4»IM I .1