THE SCIO TRIBUNE VOL XXV Riverside and Oak Ridge Join in Program Friday Night — Farm Work Siow t I High School Note» BUSINESS HERE Play* Well Received IT makes no difference if you have been to many doctors and the best spreialists. Chiropractic is entirely different and will bring you results just the ««me. Ws seldom find s .-sar of any length slsrshng where nerve pressure to not present. How caa you get well to stay and not haws this pressure removed? Yes, it caa be alleviated with medicine and othe palliative methods, but why not give nature a chance to put you where you will stay well. I will X KAY your spine for you. I Get the habbit of trailing nt home at all times We can show you that you gain by it. as we will (my you Portland prices, less transportation charges, for your produce, and will pay you cash, Phone 347. Winner Produce Co. F B. Studnicka. Mgr. The double bill produced by the Rebekah lodge last Friday night nt the Peopl«*» Theatre, was well receiv­ ed by a packed house. The act re*«*« and actors performed remarkably well for amateurs, and the bashful- J. R. Geddes, of l.von«. i« one of nesn of "Peter” (Sam Stoller! was the new subscriliers to the Tribune. true to life. Many a youth has Our list continues tn grow. found himself in the same predica- ment when he realy wanted to make I love and "pop" the question All participants are to be prais«*d for their work, as well as R M. Cain < I for his directing — Father and Daughter Marry ————- Immediately after he had finished making Chas. Merritt. 50, and Grace Trumble. 40, man and wife. Judge Bilyeu Saturday aftern*♦**♦♦ * • • ♦ * ; I JEAN MILLER SURPRIZED Interest in Shelburn («rows— Many Item* of Interest to Tom Phillipa was a Jordan visit »r Our Many Reader* Thursday. Mrs Frank Linderman and child­ Shelburn. April 3. J. W. Miller ren were Jordan shopper* Friday. and wife drove to Scio Sunday to Mis* A um field, the teacher at visit Mrs. Kra ner, who is recover­ district 61. visited the week-end in ing from the flu. Portland Mrs Cora Wilson, of Portland, is Itoug Foltx ran his car down to «tailing her neice Mrs Ethel Os­ th« blacksmith shop Friday for re- born, this week. pairs by the tlxit man. Mrs. Ransom was a Sunday after- Perry and Bud Bilyeu, of Crab* main caller at the home of Mrs. tree visit«**) their mother. Mrs. Nan­ Rose Gibbons. cy Bilyeu. Sunday Mrs. Grime» has iieen visiting the Meedames II Phillip«. M Privett past week with her »on. George and K. Chromic and families spent Grimes. Sunday with T. A Phillipa. Sunday guests from Lacomb at Henry Phillips h*» twen taking the Cecil Ashbaugh home were Mr» physical culture exercise of late by George McLeod, George Bramiley grubbing up the objectionable oak* and wife ami Malcolm, Donald and in his new garden paleo where he Franci« McLeod. expects to raise all sorts of garden Mrs. Ransom paid an afternoon " mss " dispite the busy Leghorns visit to McCallister's on Monday. that live near. Ercell and Lotus Osborn made a O hh . os .M ikt . thing trip to Albany Thursday. The bible lecture Wednesday evening was not largely attended, A» Other* See It ■ wing to unfavorable weather, Under “High School Notes.” the Friend» from Scio helped to swell Halsey Enleipiiae has the following the number. to »ay appropos the basketball cham­ Carrie Gooch and her sitter. Mrs. pionship of IJnn county, and by B gart, were in Shelburn this week Heck they're right: on business. "By the process of elimination Mrs. Ireland »pent the week-end the boys' basketball team of Halsey s* the guest of the Ashbaugh's high school claim« the championship Mr». Ransom spent Tuesday in of Lunn county. Following is an Aumsville, the guest of Mrs. Chas. extract from the Scio Sphinx: Ransom. ” ‘Scio has won ten auccewful The usual success attended the games, but has no claim on the dance Friday evening. championahio. for we have Iwen Jean Miller and wife went down ruled out by a few minor technic to Ashbaugh's Monday evening and alitie* Lebanon, though stronger there met a suipnxe bunch in honor than ('ralitree. cannot claim it. <>f Jean's birthday. He was the because Scio's last semester team recipient of a lieauliful Morris chair defeated Lebanon. Albany cannot from his wife and a shaving set claim the championship, a* Crabtree from her daughter in Portland. defeated Albany. Crabtree cannot Mary Ellen and George Daniel claim the championship, as Crabtree Gitilions s|H-nt the week with their did not play l-eban<»n nor Halney. uncle's Com and Kelly Donahue, of which is one of the strongest team» Jefferson. in the county. Crabtree also refused Harvey MeMin is spending a few to play the Scio team, considered days with his uncle« at Belfountain. Linn county’s champion» until the Clinton George is loading a car of last moment, when the claims were wood this week. forfeited because ol a small technic­ Mrs. Guy Wyman and children ality. Halsey has never l»evn de- spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. frated by anyone except Sclo, ami Wyman's mother. Scio must forfeit the vtetoriea, II. O. Shilling is about to wind therefore Halsey should claim the up his spring plowing. »• lunn county championship.’ Charlie Nolan butchered several “This further proves the good fine hog* Monday morning. sportsmanship of Scio. The Scio (Continued on page 4.) boys have the reputation of tieing good losers as well as good winners, in congratulating the Halsey bova we also extend congratulations to Scio for the flourishing school paper, the Scio Sphinx.” Th« people in th« vicinity of th«*j Arnold school house complett-d plans I for a community feed and program Albany, will be a guest and will deliver a lecture. No admission | will be charged, but a silver offer­ ing will be taken JORDAN ITEMS April I April 3 Work on the annual is progressing nicely. The various photos were Other Communities Complain taken Iasi Thursday by Mr. Clifford. of Hard I imea. But e Gilkey. April 3 - The ‘Flu’’ is We expect to hav«* it printed by the «till hitting us in the middle and Are Still Going Some first of May around the edges. The latest vic­ Several of the student» and teach­ tims are R H. McDonald. Sommers A recent visit by a citizen of our ers took part in the Rebakah play Children, Mrs. Crenshaw and child­ community to Salem, gives us some ren. and («eonard Gilkey and family. given at the theatre last Fridav sidelights on what is happening in Mrs. Charle» Apple and two «on» We wish to compliment ’hem for other towns, especially the capital were pleasant caller» at Mrs. Eva their surer««* city. The mission of our fellow Mias Morcom, the domestic sei Apple 'mith's Wednesday. Mr. townsman wan to call upon the bus­ has return«*! from Wasco County to ence teacher, has return«*«! to school iness interests of Saletn and interest m >ve his family to that County to 'and has resumed her duties them in advertising in the high reside. The Sophmore ci«u» mad«* candy »chool annual. Farming is progressing slowly and sold it at th«* Relw-kah plav Fri­ In all but a few instance« the sol- account of the unsettled weather, day evening. Say. Sophs, why didn’t icitor was met with toe proposition Alm get out and dig in mother earth nors in a dual track meet to be held a few weeks longer there would be anbut few business hou»*-« still doing garden mm started. "Buck” While, Russell and “Cap" business. This man Mid in m«*t No school today on account of the McDonald haul«*! gravel for the every case. “My God. man, If I illness of the teacher, R. H McDon­ ¡gym foundation last week. were you I would not tell how dull ald busine«* was or bemoan my fate to From Scio** Poet Th** Oak View and Rivereide a stranger, It sound* bad. and does «-h iol« will combine in giving a pro­ not carry an invitation income back From a recent issue of "The Pro­ gram and pie social at the Riverside and trade with you." school house Friday evening April ducer.” published at Spokane, we While all has not l>een peaches 7. to which the public ia cordially quote a poem from th«* pen of Mr». ami cream in Scio and it 's teiritory. invited. The following program I. G. B . of Scio, The poem i* in we have been better Messed than answer to some one from Montana will be given: many other communities We have who had slurred Eve ami all of her Piano duet a steady payroll here to the farmer daughters. Monologue Ethel Zvsett because he has a steady market for Ifni S B. Holt "When Eve doaned the concealinit his products milk, cream, livestock Reading Ralph McDonald fig leaf and produce. 1 he calamity howl of Solo Bernice Griffin And hid her lovely shape. Salem’s businessmen cannot bring Four Act Play “Hi* Uncle John” There were no vampires then in Eden to them the trade that rrgtfullv lip- Popular Girl contest Who went without a drape long* to them, as no one like* a cal­ Pie Sale "But when Adam's love grew cooler amity howler or a knocker. Every­ body likes to trade where there is a Riley Prrever reports that he is And he eyed some other dame. No one enjoy* list­ kept busy acting as receotion com­ Eve just took a tuck in her tig leaf glad Welcome ening to the harur week was Horace Addis of the Ore­ But after all your righteous lifting businessmen are aa safe, sure and gon Farmer, who believe* that the It is the men who make her reliable as anywhere el»«*, and you calf, which weighed 29 pound* at "So our modern little Evas are always sure of a welcome when birth, has established a world's ’ Roll ’ their hoar and scrap* their you enter their slorr* And you rerord. stay. can do as well here on the average W. A. Gilkey is having installed Because the modern Adams as you can elsewhere an up to date gas lighting system. Choose the girls who dress that Make busine«« good all around by D. II. Feary and wife, of Port­ way.” liooeting the dairy Interests and the land. are visiting the latter's sister, general welfare of all. We can do Mrs. Henrv Preever. Mr. Feary is it by helping the Tribone l>oena Mack, of Stayton, ha« i to t>egin. if we hav«- not l->*-n doing on display the finest lir e of millinery t»> before. The big dairy edition Notice! to be had and the prices range from will do it* best, April 20th i* the 33 to $15. A imttern for everyone. date and time is short for your All accounts that wer« not Give me a call am sure I can stories and your ads. I>o it today settled last fall will draw inter­ tomorrow never comes please vou. ent fr->rn ')ct. I. 1921. Mr». |H*nna Mack 34 2c R. M Cain. «un/ 11.76 11» YEAR SCIO. LINN COUNTY. OREGON. THl RSDAY. APRIL 6. 192? NO. 34. JOINT PROORAM FRIDAY BOOST FUR SCIO ALL THE. TIME i i Price* right on gent* furnishings, auch aa collar*, ties, shirt*. suspend­ er*. hose etc., also notions, at Wes- ely’s gr *crry 34-2tc Hon. D. II Looney and wife, of Jefferson called Monday afternoon on D. C. Thom*. Don't forget. Shell Gaauline. at the Scio Garage. Paint Up Clean Up AND W«* cun furnish you Lowe Bros. High Standard Paint Linseed Oil Brushes Varnish Wall Paper Etc., Etc. Give us a call Kelly’s Drug Store 77w Rcxall Store _ - ?> . j • • " ' . . w »■> 4 *•’ .*«•. ‘ r*.