The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, March 30, 1922, Image 8

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Big Attraction
I lie Chance of a Lifetime to see
Two Local Talent Plays
People’s Theatre, Friday Evening
March 3 I
Auspice* Rebekah Lodge of Scio
‘How the Huibanda Got Even’
The Neighbors”
In thro* act»
Cast of Characters
Neva Thayer
Gilbert Caiavan
Mr». Caiavan
.... K. E. Wirt
Mr« Ewing
.... Julia Bilyeu
,. .Mildred Coucy
..Mayaril Stoller
Mrr 0*o Bilyeu
, Pauline Him«
Mrs. Petero
. Mrs. Hauler
Mr*. Tumlinaon ... Ix-ta Couey
llolly Flanagan
Mrs, Brown
Mr. Min
.. Edna Buchner
May sell Hauler
Mrs Hart « • «
........ Joe Oupor
Baby Kelly
Petty Bilyeu
Th« Goat...
..A........... Billy
Belly Kelly ..
<harte» Kelly
Sarah Burrell
!x-c Burrell ..
Mrs. Niemeyer
Mr» Smith
Mr» Kagay*
Mr». Surrels .
Mrs. l»yke
Bashful Jennie
Peter ................... . Sam Stoller
Grandma ................. Mr» Oupor
. ... Julia Bilyeu
Mis' Trot .... Elfreda Thayer
Mia* Abel ......... Mayull Stoller
Mu' Elhwurth .... Maria Skei
Exra Williams . ........
Joe Oupor
Inc* ................
Grace Long
Í Uree tor
R M. Cam
1 WO
Everybody Come
Ont* Adm’n: Adults 25c, Children 15c
Chas. Freitag «|M-nt
> \r-rv*‘
Monday in
Over 45 have applied for the po­
sition of teacher in the Allainy
schools, according to the superinten­
The ban at Iwbanon because of
S. 11. Holt was in Albany Satur­ diphtheria ha» lieen lifted and all
I business and other activities have
day on bu»ine«n.
been resumed
Orville Gilkey was seeing the
The Crabtree high school waa
eights in Albany Saturday.
closed a few day» laat week on ac­
hick Craft was in Albany on bus-
count <>f the illnese of the principal.
inc»» Monday, returning Tuesday.
Mr«. Frank Powell
Frank Shindler and family were
The county clerk, up to Saturday
•hopping in Albany last Saturday.
had issued 2101 license collar« for
The Annual Pioneer picnic will dogs, being near the total eatimate
lie held in Brownsville this year on of dog« in tha county.
June 14. IS. and Id.
Mim» Leoore Powell, county treas­
Albany expects a big building urer. haa announced that all general
boom thia summer. atarting a» soon 'und warrant« issued in January
1922, will be redeemed.
as weather will permit.
A program and pie «octal will be
Mr«. W. A. Ewing has recovered
from her recent illneaa. and Mr. Ew­ given at the Kiveraide school house
ing has resumed hi« work al the on Friday, April 7. Bring your pie
you'll enjoy it yourself.
John Densmore is installing s
Mrs. A. L. Boynton is »»ting
radio outfit, and before long he will
Mrs DC. Thums
Mrs Loren B-md »pent Sunday be able to pick up speech««. music
i and might near a little private con­
with Mrs. Nell Hollis.
Mary Shimanck »pent th« weekend
with Ida Pruitt, in Turner
O K. Howard wa«.m from Lar­
wood Saturday on bu«ine»*.
D. C. Thoms i» slowly improving
and can now are hi« friends.
Chris Bilyeu and daughter. Grace,
spent the week-end in Albany.
George Hilyeu and wife »[>ent
Sunday in Salem with relatives
Mrs James Stalcup left Sunday
for Estcada to visit with relative«
Miss Winnifre»! Ferrto has l>een
nursing D C Thorn» the past two
Roar Chromy return«»! to Corval­
lis Sunday to resume her studies at
the 0. A C.
Rev Wallace Howe lx*, of Al­
bany. preached at the Federated
church Sunday.
John Brock cal ltd on D. C Thom«
Saturday evening and left him a big
hen for hi« Sunday dinner.
Vella Brenner. Mr« J S Sticha.
Mr«. K. H. H«b«on and J N Wed
die drove to Stay ton Sunday.
k ‘ • • ’
• *
, nan Ais* n
3 White lx-ghorn cocker-
A C. «train. 1 purebred
h »nd Red ockerel
Island Io* I hen«. I fresh
versation now and then
He «pent
Friday in Portland making arrange For Sale Cheap One good '»-hole
range, warming oven and large
ment for Its delivery.
reservoir; 1 spbndid oak kitchen
J. I »enamor« »ay« hi« luck is with
cabinet. m>-tal covered table, up­
per door?
"k<*9 kitchen''
him. and in »pttc of hundred« of
variety 1 carved oik 3-piece bed
other order« bring received every
room suit»-
th "pong» and top
dav by the Fishei Mill«, he auccved*
Inquire of Mrs A. L
ed in getting nearly half a car of
Boynton, at 1». < Thom«. 34p
young chick feed.
Th* Public Service Co mtaaion Meadow i«had<- dairy want«
you to
will hold a meeting in Pendleton know
April Sth for the purpetse of fixing
That the rest of the week I qt of
the standards for hay. and making buttermilk g■» ■- with »-very pound
of M»-a<iow Shndi Hutter.
rules for the handling, weighing and
Thai Meadow Shade is made fr«»m
storage thereof.
pure, sweet milk o nly.
That M«ad<»' > Shade ia «old with
Guy llolli« left for hia home in
a guarantee, If it turn* «tale or
Chico. Cal.. Friday evening.
rancid bring it back.
That an.
manufacturing a
staple article like butter is subject
to bad luck, «» their cream mav be­
come too ripe or • ur. and such will
make butter turn rancid in a short
For Sale- 14 head of led pigs. Half
lhal from n a on if i have any
mile went of Scio.
trouble with it. th>- butler will not
J. F. Kukacka. tf
go under the imnie of Meadow Shade
but will be *. J as cooking butter,
For Sale (rood, dry 16 inch wood
al cost price.
Phone Fred Roadarmel, Route 2
That I want you to try Meadow
Scio. Oregon.
Shade butler.
That your credit is good.
For Sale -Ford touring car. good
That I pi»-. 1» • i-etita more for
condition. Inquire of Cora Cal­
eggs in trade.
avan, Scio. Ore.
Thana You.
Seed Gras» Wheat For «ale at 11.25
Meadow Miade Dairy^
per bushel
Call or write Chas
E. A. Wagner. Prop.
Plctka, Rt. I, Scio, Ore.
You'll Find Your Want Here
Mrs Effie H<>t>kin* returned from
Portland Tuesday evening for a
Visit with her daughter. Mrs. Nell
S. A. Pea»« and wife and »on Err-
ris. Mrs. F M Reed and Roy Long,
of Jofferson, called on D. C. Tho.1»«,
Mrs. 1» D Austin, of Palmito
For Sale Good steel range with
Del Verde, »pent th«- week-end with |
reservoir, cheep for cash. See it
friends in Scio, leaving for Albany
at Densmore« feed »tore.
Chas. Chrz. Scio,
John Kelly and «ife and arm. Jack,
Potato«« For Sale—25 bushels left,
spent Sundav in Salem. John «ays j
while they last $1 00 per bushel.
the new Na»h is a wonder for per­
I’hone 187.
W. T. ix>e.
31 tf
Route 4. Scio, Oregon.
E C. P««ry »pent the latter part
Wanted —Work of any kind a wom­
of last week here on condensery
an can do. My work in the past
He returned to Portland
guarantees that 1 render good
Your Appearance
Sunday night.
serviee. Rebecca Comuton. tf
m <!<
■ spicuMi« change
Will Manus. Vella Brenner. Mrs
i will |iay you mure money for strict­ b^ wearing glasses, if »V St them,
J. S. Snicha and Mr» Brenner were
Every pair of glauo»
____ ____
ly fresh, good sized, clean egg* properly .1 I. -t«1 mi,I we
nulled to the
in Albany Friday calling on Mrs
Give me a trial. Located in the wearer
N«w Colonial, the
Mil'ard Hays.
Young building on Main st.
gla«. of fashion.
The county surveyor«'s office will
John Vacek. Scio. tf.
have new quarter*, as a new room
Hatching eggs for «ale From O.* A.
has been added to the court house
C. «train White lx-ghorn.
for that purpose, so it 1» announced
Hoganixed and bred for winter
e/7? elr¿st.
from Albany.
egg production, all two year old
hen«, no pullet eggs «old. 11.50
T. E. Hemming, who lives on
ÀL»*VI’ OAttt
per 15. postpaid. Cheaper rate«
route 2. was in town Saturday and
on incubator lota, write George T.
made this office a pleasant call
Cree, Scio. Rl. 1.
Manufacturing Optician
haa the agency for the Simplex
cream separator
A meeting of the members of the
"250<l" insurance organization met ’
in Albany Monday night and decided
to remain in bumheM. A movement
was on foot to discontinue.
Mr« William Holli» i» visiting at
the h »me of her wn, Charle« Hollis,
at Castle Rock. Washington. She
will return here for a »hurt visit
before leaving for her home in Chico
Plant, ami will now b<* able to cam a <->>ni|>lvt«- line
of ftesh meat» at all times. <'run and m e it.
The county treasurer received
Monday 134,972 from th« sheriff a»
the sizth turnover of the year for
the first half of the 1921 taxes
Holechelc Bro«.
N*io, Oregon
liii« turnover 121.421 wid go to the
general fund.
Scio Bleat Market
Cold Storage
Scio Meat Market
One Night, Wednes., Apr. 5
Floor and boxes
1st 3 rows balmny
Last 2 row* hclcoay.
G.illerv (not reeerved).
War tax 10 per cent extra
$3 00
1 50
Th« Firat appearance
Ethel Barrymore
haa ever made in Salem
«I People 4o
3 special care
The must eagerly awaited and most distinguished engagement of the
year, b ir»t gMMHUWe in the west in several year» of
America'« Foremost Actreu.
Ethel Barrymore
In the play in which her triumph has been without parallel in the history
of the American »tag«
Tim average farmer ia a little carvleM* in the m-lv« lion d
Ins seed. Ex|H*rience ha» taught that car«* in Sett! -<-l<-i
lion haa more to do with the aucceaa ot crop pr<Mim-ii««n
than itnv other p itit
Before you buy, look ovei th< >!'• !.
we hai r just received, which we guarantee to Ite Wettern
Grown and of the beat quality. Hur Potato line is tin-
Burbank, Netted (»cm and Early Sunriae.
Densmore’s Feed ‘Store
Scio, Oregon
Albany, Oregon