Larwood Items Sanitary Meat Market -------- Dealers i n-" ■ - * ♦ I March 27 Fresh and Cured Meats Wilbur Flaming and «rife were i shopping in Albany une day laat Veal, Pork & Poultry week Chance Stringer spent one mgnt last week with his slater. Mrs Rex ,Parry, while en route to Salem on a business trip. SCIO, OK EGON John White ami sons, Rockford and Luther, have been rutting tim­ fl ber on their place for Cameron's sawmill. W. A. Ewing, A. K. Randall Hen Schmitt haa txvn remodeling I'rwid. nt Vice Pre». his dwelling house with tmaiern E. D. Myers. Cashier conveniences, including both hot and Start a bank account today and provide for your future. cold water and a bath , You will find a checking ac­ in La Hickory Craft waa trading count very convenient for your busincM transactions We pay comb one dav last wdek Interest on time deposits. Alvie Rockwell and Dick Craft were In Scio one day last week. shipping »cal to the Portland mar-' Wa buy Shelton & Co. Props 11 Si’ll) STATE BANK Morrison & Lowe UNDERTAKERS Cails Attended to Promptly Dav or Night SCIO OREGON Riley Shelton Real Estate Broker and Notary Public ^dbitratts Obtained. Examined - 5C1O - OREGON . O. F. Korinek Veterinarian STAYTON, - - - OREGON < all* answered Day or Night Tuberculin Teating We make a Specialty of Friendship, Engagement and Wedding Rings F. M. French & Sons ALBANY DR. A. G. PRILL hninn ant Sorten Catlin Attended Day or Night SCIO 71i r <• OreqoR MXt R hm IMtia« Tim A great surprise for the home knitters of «lyt-gon. I»ut still a fact. Further­ more, thm yam is absolutely virgin wool yarn, the w«>ol was grown in Linn county, sold by Mr. Senders to the Ore­ gon Worsted Company (mills located at Sellwood), made into worsted yam by Roy T Bishop, son of C. P. Bishop, proprietor of the Woolen Mill Store of Salem. < »regun knitters try this yam out All colors. 45c per ball of 2 oss Sam»dr» sent on aprd'eation. Address < P. I «hop. Box to. Salem, Oregon. DR. HCQ DENTIST offirr Hours: 9 to 12 A.M. 1:30 to 6 P. M C. BKVANT ATTORNEY AT LA* 201-2 New First National Rank Bldg. ALBANY OREGON J. L. Bilyeu and M C.Gaines were Authorised Auction Salo and Interstate in Albany Saturday and filed claim« D m « pee tor. Phones:— I’aiaca Feed Shed. DM J for loss of sheep by dogs, the former Residence, SO® R for IS and the latter for 9109 The ALBANY. OREGON claim« were tiled with the county • I court. I We have HtMlCM Everything EYE STRAIN Is the cau»e of many HUMAN ILLS BANCROFT Optical Company 313 W. 1st SL. Albaay The final account of G. W Mor­ row. executor of the Liuie Bilyeu •stat«. has been filed with the pro­ bate court. The estate’» net value is SI 1.003.8S, the report states. The Non-Partisan League of North Dakota have nominated Lynn J. Frasier for U. S. senator. He is the recently re-called governor of that etale. Marswells House Paint March 2x James Milligan madu dying run to Crabtree Saturday, doing some trading ami visiting his mother-in- — Iv inatle from the highest grade« «f pure white lead, purr zinc oxide, pure linaeed oil, pure gum apirits of tur|»eiitiue, etc., and in the moat |Miwvrfiil of modern paint-making machinery by experiencinl workmen. The formulae on which thia paint ia made are the result of seats of conacientioua investi- gation and produce a paint which in su|>erior to any on the market—thia ia not an idle •tateiuvnl hut a fact which can hr proven. law. Mrs Turner Our good weather has shown up after five months of snow, ram and cold winda The general health of the |>«*ople ia slowly improving. an«l every one anxious to g t out in the warm sun­ shine and make a little garden; but the old man still has his bronchitis. Mrs. Jennie |»>vejoy, of Dallas, pulled in Mimday for a few day's visit with her mother. Mm. Pie Eater. Elmer Griffin haa moved into hi» bachelor home an1 per pound. or five Since the supreme court declared pounds for >3. PIE EATER the dog tax law constitutional we notice from the reports tn the pa- (iers that the sh«-et< men have been HISTORY OF THE Stil» SCHOOL losing unusually large nutnliera of (An Interview» their fiocka. It seema that the dog "There waa no diffi-ulty in «»curing tax fund will have to l»e atretched the building at prevent occupied by out very thin, almost to the break­ the Scio arhool children. The vote wan ing point, to cover all of the report­ 73 to A in favor of the building," «aid ed losses, if there shoultl tie a de­ Mr. Riley Shelton, in reply to a «»uea lion of a Sphinx reporter. ficit in thia respect, we favor an ad­ Mr. Shelton is notary public, public ditional tax on horses, cattle, hogs, dealer in real estate, road mperviaor. goats am! cats to fully reimburse and authority on all thing« ancient for all losses of sheep by dogs, and moaid further that In ItiM two arhool bouaea were owned by «rhool dtMrtct M. One waa locat- I xmi I c in the Show Window » he Winchester Store R M. Cain ; «♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ..................... «Be Hones , i ' i With Yourself If you have been drifting • :<-«ig. »|- >-ig all, saving think You mual realm- that t c* -t go ■ n for. vvr are numbered Now, while > -ur •••« ■ g j-.wer ia the that each payday pays S «> ■•>«<■ toward your future will w>-l«-on>« ............... < 1 ' i i nothing, «top and «•m-» earning days greatest, »«■<• to it h>i>ara«nasi a. We : The First Savings Bank of Albany, Oregon i •'WHERE SAVINGS ARK SAFf 4 . lat,...i *ad M »«if J e«l on the present resident property of meets of «ai«l suit taxeil at E7O.2&, Dr A G. Prill, and wa» I ange I and the coat and expotuwa of «aid exe­ cution and thia «ale. for the present school »ite. Two hum ITiKMRkoKK. I will on Saturday, the dred dollars was paid to A Montgom. lot dav «>f April. 1922. «1 the hour of cry on the exchange. The second line o'clock r M <>f aahl day, at the school building wax located out of north door of the County Court House in Albany. Linn County. Oregon. a«>ll at town, near the present re»idrnce of public auction to the highest bidder for Mr Wallace. This building was sob! cash in hand on the day of »ale, all the to J. J. Barnes for >225 and wa* mov­ right, title, interest and estate which ed to Main street. Just north of th« tile within named defendants, or either of them, had <«n the date of th«1 mort telephone office, and at present Is gngr herein, or which they, or either of U»e«l ax the Odii Fellows hall. th«-r»>. has «inee had or acquired, In or The basement and foundations of to »aid mortgaged promises herclnl-e- the present building were built by E. fore mentioned anti describe»! in »aid execution a» follows, to-wit: Goins for >750. The Weal half of the South- E A. Stanton of Salem was th -' east quart-« of the >outh«-ast quarter of • « lion Thirty-four lowest bidder for the construction of | in Towns) •• 9 Mouth, Range the arhool house. His bid was for' three I ast of the W illamelte >5 UM) and wa« accepted, with the pro j Meridian, in I inn County, Ore­ vision that the building »hould lie com gon, containing twenty acroa, more or I« »« pleted on or before S»,plemebr 20. Saul sale being made subject to re­ ISM. demption in the manner provided by W. C Knighton was th« architect. law. The building was completed as per Dated thia 2«l day of March. 1922. C M. K kniiall . schedule ami the money which remain Sheriff of Linn County, Oregon. ed was u»rd fur equipment ami other expenses. Mr. Shelton »tated further that in the beginning there were only three rooms, seating the primary. Intei- manliate grade», and high school. The high school offered only a two year course at that time. The first teacher» were J W. Craw­ ford. principal, who received >75.00 per month ami did his janitor work; A N. Fulkerson, ii : rmedlate, who ’received >36.00 pei n -nth ami did his janitor work; and Miss Minnie Munk- era, primary who received >.'<1.60 per month ami did her janitor work. If a janitor wax furnmhrd. >■ 50 was deducted each month from Ute. »alary of the teacher. Now a janitor is hired, ax well a« | four grade ami three high school teachers. The high school course is ‘ arranged so that stu«icnls graduating arc <|ualiflcd for college entrance. $5 ELECTRO CuROlIE FREE Clarifies. Uws, Purifies. Ates all liquids, perfumes, home - made beverages, etc. Makes waler fit for drinking in few minutes. Difolvee Yeast. Noth­ ing used but Electricity •nd our CONDITE. i»t C(tract», >501» i» r ca».- of any twelve Davors. Each bottle will flavor one gallon of your favorite. «•)• shi|>f>cd from Can ada or U. S. M mw ; k«ck«-tr<| in am! by said Circuit Court on th«- Z-ki day of February, 1922. in a »utt then petMling in «aid Court wherein th«- Fur mere and Merchants Bank of Stevton, a Corporation, was plaintiff, ami John Bririgard, jr., Frank Bringard, Martha itringani, William Bringani. Ed W >lfe. Byrun Wolfe, Minnie Wolfe. N«-ma Stafford, R. L. Stafford, Gvorg«- W Wolfe, Gerald Wolfe, Beatru-e Wolfe, Helen E. Wolfe, Sadie Fair ami Tom ’ I’. Fair were defendants, in favor of Plaintiff and against the said liefrixi- , anta, and to me, the undrr»lgm-d, »her iff of Linn County, Oregon, directed. I am commanded to sell at public auction, in the manner presen»» <1 by law. amt in accordance with the provisions of said or­ der of »ale and ened ■ buying Sta­ tion in the \ «ung » hu kl­ ing, next to ihr black- •n ith «hop. and will »ay highe« I market pri« • tat BUTTER FAT. You r» eaive voor check th» day you «ieliver the cream. We have placed JOHN VAl'EK in rharge, and he will treat you right. Lebanon Creamery Scio, Oregon i Ì I