I'NCLE HEN MAVH: ‘•N'evvy. if yoor wife can’t cook and your digestion w al) »hot, gel chiropractic spinal adjustments for your stomach.. get your food from a restaurant and keep your wife fur a pet ** Rheumatism Came to Live With Hirn at 14 By O. L. SCOTT, D C. HEALTH FOLLOWS CHIROPRACTIC CORRECTS NERVES IN DISEASES Of THE FOLLOWING ORGANS MAD tvts CASS NOSE >• THROAT ARMS HEART K- LUNGS . J LIVER STOMACH l \ PANCREAS \ V SPLEEN A SIDNEVS \ BOWELS APPENOIR BL ADM R mt« LINK I T he LOWEN NERVE UNDER THE MAGNIFY­ ING OLASS IS PINCHED BY AMIJALIGNEO JOINT PINCHED NERVES CANNOI TRANSMIT HEALTHFUL IMPULStS CHIROPRAC TIC ADJUSTING RE­ MOVES THE PRESSURE. THE UP«R NERVE IS FREE AS MATUtt HITINO5 j quite touched the cause. He was unable to work and viewed hia trouble rather hopelessly, until he heard of chiropractic spinal adjustments, and learned for him»elf that they do remove the cause and give Nature a chance to express herself norm­ ally, and that means healthfully. Mr. Brown says: After the Fir^t Adjustment "After the firnt adjust­ ment I felt great relief from the |>ain along the sciatic nerve. Since tak­ ing several courses of ad­ justments I can now say that I am entirely pain kV. free. I also had neural­ gia of the eyes and head. and this also has left me. I feel so much better since taking chiropractic spinal adjustments that I would not take any amount of money for the benefits already eNtablished.” J. I’. Brown. Chiropractic Re­ search Bureau. Statement No. HtnfiH. WHITE CLOUD CAFE Your Health Get action fur better health by telephoning 87 for an appointment. DR. . L. SCOTT CHIROPRACTOR 414 1» IJ. S. Bank Bldg. Phone 87. Salem, Oregon |1' ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦a♦♦♦♦♦♦»ooo»aao««aoo»oo+oo>o«« AUTOS AUTOS < AUCTION SALE Every Saturday Night at 7:30 p. m., at < Oleson - Rookstool Àuto Exchange C^aÌCarage ; I 7 3 N. Liberty Street, Salem, Oregon »♦»♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦»«•»«♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦ooooo«osa» »«eaaaeaaaeaa Phone— < ifficv, 1177 G. SATTERLEE Phone—Re«., 1211J AUCTIONEER Real Estate and Stock Sales 401 iiav -f,„t BALEM, OREGON UNION SIGN CO. ---■ ——■--Signs and Show Cards*... .......... ■■■■■—> 322 ST ATE STREET, SA LEM, OREGON Paini Signs Anywherè at Any Timt Dr. Mellenthin DENSMORE'S FELD SI ORE At fourteen J. P. Brown got hi» fimi tante of aciatica and muscular rheumatinm, and it wan bitter, as every sufferer from either of these troubles can testify. He tried many thingw. including a trip to Hot Springs, but nothing PRtSSURt ON SPINAL Coming to Salem and a»|y to draw aaaar «Pf ClALlST lahnseel from her d that we «re 4»I bk Manages Great Orphanage M ili he at But I b*< of you. nev.-r bell»»,' that there can be any e«ngg< ratlaa in th» Salem. Thurelaj, Af-ril tJth. B--u>< vivid plcle«i of Ilf» in Hua Mori«« you haar of the sufferings and »1 Marbré Hotel, and at •la. Armenia wb«t< .aunt femme ♦orrora here In this ui mp|-y and Albany, M i ln> and Tucsday, Aprii •talk» in th- wah« of 4-v»statin« a ar, 10 ana licenard —Aino Buyer and Ship­ cultural College. w*r» married In l*vrt | by the stale uf Or g--m' He visits pro- land last »prlnc. and wxm after left per of Livestock fcssionaily c ■ r- important town« for Armenia io J-iin th» staff of Near and cite- • and <>ff«-nt to all who call on East Relief workers In chart» of two thi« trip fir- <-<> » , tath-fi, vx-ept the In reviewing the leading tmainewamen large urptiana«--» n-ar Ai> randropul. |e»lM-nse of tr« aln < nt when «tesirod. • her, an -«teneh- aitrirultural npm- by th» Near EaM R- '14 u est« uf th«- town and adjacent terntury . Ucitis. gall “t.-riei. uk-'i*» uf stomach, I‘ lotisiis or aih-notda. Th. B»v let (orernmanl, unsbls tu the name of J. D. Itoiamor«. Mr. He |i«» t<> ii ■ < rc-!it wun-terful result» ,-up* allh the apl-ail, .» condition» fol Itensmore is r*cn di«- »--• if th »t-.riiarh,liver.bowel«. lowing the warfare waged in that re livestock shipper of ‘•rio and surround­ ! bkmd, skin, in v< s, heart, kidnry.blad- glou almost colilinii.iiUy since 1*14. '-ter. t-rd wetting, - atarrh. weak lung«, laat year turned o«< r to the Near East ing territory. In addition to handling rh- uniat.~-i; • ■ u. leg ulcers and this line of buaine»». he alao operati* a llellef three matuiuolii military port» recta! ailments. which had been converted Into orpb feed and seed store which in the course If v h - .< aihi.g fur nnv, length ■ t get any lielter, du anagto. together with 111 --w acre, of of a year handle» a large volume of | of Um. < not fat) to cud a» improper measure« land to be puteuader cuitiv.liu» bucine ss. -atnrr tin- » m are very often the "It 1» a »ta-cerina taak tb, N- ar When Mr. l»en«tnorv came to Scio cause uf jour . .y’ »tamling trouble. East llallaf baa undertaken." writ*« about H years agu to engagé in the stock «hat <—nsulta- Mr». N«wman. 'but we are w-irklng trip fr,-, and that liuaineas there waa a very marked dif­ tio i < i ti hard and making pr<>gr<»a In the fare ference in the quality of the stock al hi» treatm- nt is t!ttT< rent. of overwhelming >>dda Bam haa 20. Msrrud w • , : n.i.»l la- accomprtiled nod acre« of farm landa under hia that time and the quality that gov* on by their hu»bands Ad-!r- Boaton Block. .Minne­ •upcrvlalon. and la tolllt.« early and th» market now. At that timo .«ciohad late getting hi« farr-i uniti- -i ,rt--l th- name and reputation oi «ending in apolis. Mtnn. 1 am buay »very hour of th- day with to market the poorest quality » i<> S kll A usi *. my work in the orphanaz- ben-, which that enten-d the stock yards. The old Itti Mi..-11-ivr Mvg» III» shelters l.ooo rhlldn-n and give» rm raxorback with a snout to long m your Oatum Ansi«. ploy m-nt to the toothe-ra and father» arm was pretty much in «-vkte-nce those of many hundred» won- Th- farms, Visualize days, but hia time waa »hurt, fur Mr. you know, are op-rated tn connectlun lu-nsmorc so«,n gut the fanner» inter- Specialize with the orphanage» B-»fi|e» rec-lv mg Instruction In manual training and toted in a lu-tter grade of hog» ai d was Advertise oth-r useful thins- the larger boys instrumental in introducing ih-robred ar» taught mod-rn scientific method» stock into thi« community, at one time I t '« tur l'i - -i«« “I .nganoN T hat of farming Th- orphan Sir!» are having shipped in 70 head of thorobred B w , kt » th « IWvttMt llsnir. taught to we«,, rents » itaa-w and male hog» and selUng ttu-m to th- far­ cook We an- iilwi operating sev-ral mers at practically coat. I hi* shipment Industrial unit» when- cloth 1» woven uf thon-brvd boga «va» fodowi-d by oth­ and garment» nuid- for ihr children ers arid today brio haa the reputation < • WHIM IN SALEM "It waa all very die. ouraging at uf shipping a quality of hog« wcond to first." Mr» Neartuan cuultnuaa. but Iry the now we are taking heart and work­ none, and we will add that M eat ecio ia ing harder than ever H«m had the heaviest shqqnng pohit on the an awful time getting bl» first unit W (M»fburn branch Mr. I*en«n»rv ship» -tarted Hcwever, after -<• wring annually on an average of to carloads the whole country he got together a of stock from thia territory. I,-» plow» arid harrow« and thing», Mr. ik-namorr’a feel and »ecd »tore alao, a little later, th mod- rn marbln haa been transactidg buaincaa here for •ry contributed by friend« of the Near several year», which ia in ita«-lf evi­ East Itellef began to arrive »ml Ham bad the good fortune to round up «2 dence that it ia nn-eling the roqulre- good reliable mul-a He baa aHteen menta of the putdic, and r» wntly waa American and team» now at work, and .-«porta to compel!«*! to add the first unit uf h-avy have a tractor In th, field w-qp • • • rolla for chopping and wh.eh haa a ca­ Chinese Dishes The poor peasants here bad Sever done pacity of -rn«--half ton p«-r hour. The any real farming, and It waa very bard original plana of hia improv, melila calla 110* CMUMftiJl SL Salem, Oregon for them at flrM, but their «ag-rnto» to for a high spc«Mi and attrition ehop;acr . learn and to help I. very pathetic and twitch mixcJ for mashes, and th«-«e The great «top fur .wa Harn plow» will be a-kied juat to «non to the trade j with hia good Atn«rl. an equipment ar« • neverecidlug mar vol to them Whoa jua tifica. OREGON BRIDE MOTHERS 2,000 Mam gets one unit started with men tralnad to operate it be beglas sa other and th<> urphan boy» lake to th» training with great seal When th» Newman« arrived at IVJela Hugh«. II.» orphaiia«.' fh--re »h-ltered only te-0 boya and girl», and Mr» New man write» of th-- There w-re I.SOU IS thl» lot last spring, but b-iauea of malnutrition and alckn» i, «to of them died during th- auu.raor. ao th<- Harlot officials had only t--o left to turn »vw to us Enough liars b--n brought down from ibe uv--r crowd-d orphan age at Aleiaudropol to make 2 uuw here, and a» you can Imagine. 1 hare my hands full, helping to mother th- tn It 1» wonderful ta see hoar th» wretch •d. dirty, starved ilttl» newcomer» be gin to bloaaom and grow as aoo« a» they have been balhi-d. clothed and given a tew rations of wholoaotue food " Mr» Kv»a«h says there «re thin*» the relief worker» must think of aa little aa pua»ibl<>. und mu»t turn »way from when outside the orphanage galea To attempt to aid all the •tarring people, or even children, would he utterly futile. »11« any», and would vihaust the Near Kaat rvnources without permanently helping any The orphanage» lake In juat aa many a« can be managed safely “We .Imply must Ignore the real." She Welles "Juat outside our gate» there are score« of »faxviug children lying ar sitting about llstleaily, shiver Ing In filthy rags with their little bone« fairly protruding through their skins Many of them are nick and In pain, and they all tv-g pll--ously to be taken In every time they can catch the attention of any of the workers Many time« we have lak- u In Just one more' until It cannot be done again, else I her« would not iw food - nough for the on-« we already have Another awful thing one may see any day. are the little qub-t bundle« of rags lying on the sunny aide of a wall or a hill aid«. Juat able to Mir fsv-bly new and then, or to lift up pl-ad I ng little whM ful arm» In »upplleatlon. if anyone pa»»»« They will lie la the aame »pot for day» snm.-tIm-w, before they be­ come galte Mill Tb--n th>- Soviet cart with Its dally lead of the dead, comiw Facts Wortl Intwng im Ttfl n, Scio is the trading center uf th«- north forks of the «antmm. Scio haa |M>pidalM>n of aimul MNl. Scio ia in th- heart -if the l»-st dairy­ ing aection of Linn county. Scin farm» grow m«>»t anything that can be grown from aoil. Hein own» Its water ami elcctrir light plant«—plenty of power at a cha-ap rate for any number of ent- rpii»- ». Scio ha» a milk eondrniM-n. and no better milk 1» camw«l any wheic. Scio haa a flouring mill, and its prod uct find« a ready market at all time«. Scio ia close to billmris y-f fewrt of standing timber, and aoon big mill» will t-e busv making it ready for market. Scio has a hospital second to norm Scio - if you want to know m-re about Scio an-l the surrounding country, write to the bank, th«- mayor or t<> the editor of thi» paper. I«. M. HUM Ù ick So I ong CI iülc M il ' / liUi .Ttt C d . H mm mrdirtrw which will run* kin» w n diM-ase. Open Hundav» from 10 a. m. until N p. m. 15.3 South High Street Salem, Oregon I'hone 283 -♦♦♦♦»»♦♦«•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦«pg » ft- J. FOSTER i’ailikmu Corn Doctor Mminlsimni Nrtin Notice ia hereby given that the un­ All F’not Trouble* Cured signed ha» been by th«- enunty court of l.lnn County, Oregon, duly ap|H,inted administratrix <>f th«- estate uf I ,-rt Hollis, d,cra»«-«l III jareons having • •’ 1 ^llfl claim« against aawl «-state- are hereby I reouirod to proan nt the aame. to the undersigned, »t her mtUtene« tn Scu>, ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ware ee eeew ♦♦»♦*#»»», Oregon, with imqa r vouchers therefor, within six nMudhs from th«- «kite hereof listed this 24th day of Munh, 1922. Nktt. •loi.o«. Administratrix of the l»tat<- of lk-rt Men. Widow« «,lrl« tVs, I,wltfrs ’llolli». dec aa««i. , M •««> and l-s tt„,»px L. M. Ct xL, Atty, for .Admrx We pul J--.1 -•< rn. r. -iH.ifdence with hundred« nf r--tn --d Ludi«-» ami (ten­ H«ict d F imi ti« men. in Canada and IJ. S who wn-h to marry or correspond for Notice is hereby given that the un • mu«- nvrnl. Fiuto Fis«. Many worth deraigmrd executor of the last will___ ami «te.iwwl. flu.(Mat »„<1 opwante. Ev- testament of I. ium » Ihlyeu, dvceaae,!. rrytbin,: -i ii, ' .i-ntiaL W« 4» haa ftteil hia Anal account aa »uch exec­ ast pablnb v « m mom ar Hfrtn A Jaar*a utor with th« rlerk of the county court su lucri tit Mm i» ith full prit liege« fl.OU, for l-inn County, Oregon, an.) that the or four m.-ntha* trial f»r Mte. IMn't 'udge of said court has fixed Monday, •end caah only Muncy (inters, or 2 the 1st day of May. 1922, at the cent American stam|>a. If check, of ten o'clock in th<- foreti-mn, »« the •end 10 cent« extra for ex-henge time for hearing objection» to «aal final i X >N I :s< > m i<; :> Stttitmni account and th«- settlement of the »aid estate. Dated and the first publication hereof is March Mlth. IW£2. h. («bar pthm «in te V per year. Rush cani with your name »nd andre«» fur full particular» Mr FLORENCE BELLAIRE 2M MeMs.e« Mrsrt. BrsshJya. N T. I