... tAJ ,_«WM ♦ ; : * ar Used GIVE ÏOJR AUTO CAPABLE DRIVER Cars! GOOD ATTENTION FOR AUTOMOBILE I I Indi »n Motorcycle Henderson Motorcycle Reo Roiidster . E orwle«lge <>f hi« ma.lilne la a not make winter motoring |dea«ant kaowlevlge of the rule« >tua and nnleae the rar get» all the attention i-vunrelea uf the road and the habit« • n««< ««Im of the driving quailtie« of alortoeea fur>-«lgbl and a Chief Seur«« «f Treubl« coai^deratltMi for other« He ahould The moforiat'a great»«i attention Oakland . have a Irtiiperat» frame .>>re about a gallon freeie« at about lo degree» abovw aero, working knowledge «>f ihe different Fahrenheit For .-older w.-,i!her Ihe material» of which road« are made <>f alcohol mliture «hould be greater If the engine dOeau'1 »tart Imme-- their comparative len-iency to cauae •kidding «ad of th» fo-rll« wti . h art-.- dlatnlv <>n v of rutting the pa|>er tear It pertneaa through training piu« the into th« crank c«»»- ti‘ ■ - irri „'Ularljr. The white clgr There la least lo«d o*‘ the euglne- h«r«l •< hool of pre-a. al eirrydny ri in I by the tearing wlU not he on perioncea aaatated by public «uprrvl ii starting If the clutch 1» held out It pitch hut ntl the ttntiaed paper .bile turning over the engine with, aton and the fear >>f the reaulta of ae It ' -riling the «lesigli the patch will «Menta. ho starting motor. lie alnnMt Invisible. Fin» Arte of Driving Lighter lubricant »hould be placed? A giwwl driver mu«< know the proper n the differential and tranwnl««h>fi . 'ar cold weather cwRgeala the oil andl way to drive hi» > ai »fiumi a corner, both right banded and lefflcindnl. ami nrelshea more work for the eepflno. the beat way to a».«md ami doacwod •teep grade». Driving at night la an 00 SE SPOKES CAUSE NOISE other Ane art. Tlivre I» probably greater need for the ever. I «e of |«v .quaak« (atom« Mere Distinct a« Car i I hho in driving at night than at any Turne Cerner and Can II« Rom other lime adiad Quickly. You «ell milk, don't you? Ik»you The driver of an autiMiiolille has a get full value for it? Theae two large rpa>ii«lblllty. The «tamlanl of i...-»lion» arc fwrtinent to your Waoderi wheele wlth looee «poke» llr i»u«t '•ouduri aet for him I« high Vi ' .-«» aa a dairyman. Butter­ ult a «queaklng aoumt wtilch la u poaeee« eicept lix.al quantica ac com- fat ta worth real money, more ao snaely annoylug Tli. mare.| with the driver of botar» That ■ uti.l«- milk, and you can llore diotlnct when Ihe car la I» Ing hr keep In mint! am! practice U m Aimmed milk for feed­ Irisen aronnrt a «rumar «tmuetlmee Holden Huie I« im «mall part of ing purpoaea. which mean« more 'Ma limosnea» ina» t«e iJivlat.wlbv re moi . > The road to «uccea« ia in Job In this I« iBVolved moot ut placttig une or more ^wAeo, or It buying an I lu- •|K>lum ami PARROT MADE MuCH TROUBLE he but> A wheelw righi ran do the lab la a few minute» Abiliti«« af Brooklyn Bird Entirely ii Yi i will make mor» money than Unappreciated by th« Woman y mi are today and will have the Artistic Chineee Work. th« Neighborhood ' «.Lirnmrd milk tn feed. Mil your Mt tie jade Im-« growing «turvllly In ■ i! Price to right, terma F*r «everal week. pa»t « — ■ * bowls <4 the ran-*t ctoi«Miiw ami tear­ [ if tii win-d. Sen nw for furtlwr ing u|»>u the Intrh-nlely curved en pa««lng along llnnc- n plu-e IltM? ' particulare, or writ«. branch«*« «rlustvrv.l r|«e>e tn the caol been much annoyed by lottd whiatllng, green <4 the Jade leavrn. wonder fruits apparenti/ eoming from »««mime wle. wiaheti tu altra«*! ibelr alieni un Tba of rural ami aniher ami r two bave e veti complalto-.l lo thè polire, whlle a few bave lagg.vl lo fimi ran gold the tr>n«urr« of-tue F‘ar >..«•! ami gloatingly «-arr'e« them back out what It wa» all aiuoli Itecently a hlglily li- tlrnnnt wotnan a«-ruoa the I'a.-iflc for the «Irlight <4 a <-<>mplatneme Urne thè flinattoii» ¡.armi ha« tbe tongue Is Inverted The t«uuaue lo Ufwef thè equanlmlty of «he entlra Inserted Into the “toe“ putt and the nelghborhood.—Frontilyn Kagle. back port of the “sole“ extends .»ver I the lop of Ihe tuogue toward the Thought Teacher OinM throat. The device Is made ->f thia A tracher tried tu »in|» í ** m <»n ths t.ive your «ubacription tn rubber on as to he liquid proof, and la «o constructed a« lo nt the totutue cftlld'a mind the «unto«! of the Iettar JOHN DENSMORE. by having him refH.it it ml an ugly without diarmnf.nt WTo-n "• « • red Biedl.'lne la taken It («--es Into Ihe time« In different a.u.i Manager threat without affecting the ,«m-e «4 of tbe reflet It Ion the child looked at the teacher and «aid : “l>ua't tame so that all unphraaaeiaei« knew it yatr 650 115 750 Oleson - Rookstool Auto Exchange Note and l sed Butteries Shell Gasolene /\«k us what it will c