HQT BRICK PLAN GOOD IN WINTER Windows Electrical Connection in Garage Eliminates Many Starling Troubles m Morning. — Window» are generally made to look out of. but not to with oura. They arr mad« to look into, espe­ cially at thia time of the year when wa an- displaying our new spring furnishings anti clothing. Keep Off Ram or Snow limber up the erigi e with the crank I and starting will collie easily KEEP WATER FROM FREEZING Prevent cohl «iraft» > wtning op through the opening« for the clutch I sad brake pedals, by glung a piOM ' ef sheet rubber or lest her tn the iwlck Start Can Be Made by Use bottoni of the toe board, with tm reiy j a silt for the pedal arm sf Vapontsr— M-eture •« Salt and »■You have heart! that expression, "Skew *« -or tn remind» you of Glycerin Will Keep Snow and Missouri, doesn't II? That la the whole «lea of our windows. SHOW YOU. without tatting up toomuchof Ram your time, just what la the latest and !w»t in men's clothing. From tusking. If there la el eri rica I eonnecthm to r rara «fr there should be no trouble srtlng <>ff in the morning The "hot rick" method elect rifled may be uaod »*1 iahop's Fabrica, Hart Schaffner A Mara, Fashion l’ark. and all thè resi of <>ur "Villa" line« of sult- Inga, arwi furnUhiug» are bere in thè latrai apring talinea andalyles. To prevent rain er annw from stick ' mg to the windshield, tots about two minora of glyivrln with i ne out.iv ,,f water and a dram of salt. Apply thia to the gtaew with a cbeoeecloth. Wljo la a vertical direction only no that the misture will allow the rain to flow down end off the gl a HUBBY AT THE COOKSTOVE gem« Cscailsnt Reasons Advanced Why Head ef tha House Should Know How ta Prepare Food. Wo arc also prepared to show our Virgin " uol Fabrica mad« up Cooking bn- I«- n added to the '-we- rlcuhim <*f mui«- • tuileiiUi at i'mnayl- varila State oHIc. > b <4«diln< 1» tbhig that all n»> i •Ibrtild know M>tnr •• keep the water system from freer thing alwiut. ng and the engine warm Jlerriy place the appliance on the engMe and 8iai« (.’. P. HIsliHP . . . Proprietor liig than to be gr« ■•««Hl nt lb« «!• »ir by ■ lettele Vaporiser Facilitates Starting, th«» tn an «*f (hr b' '•«***. m H itnifortiwMl v holding four wire screens, and la up In a long overnil «pò«»». • dab <»f 11-111 11,'iuie «tir- plaivsf let ween thr carburetor and In i flour on hi- I - ring for a wilhìn all moni ha fn>m the date of the Priming an gngina. flr »! put dea Iloti of tino notice. tliigiii»li«il from t ja* «« ned bv a» Ut* ttatrd and fi rat |>ulili»hcd thi» làl day of Ifldh blu* <11 vittimi or a pnm «prayed gasoline and facilitating the of March, 1!<Ì2 ala In an Im-orr mwah M hu«U»<^a IL starting KtJUk l’KTKItS. ability f«r debt» <• x!nt<|kr «udy I«» il»** Admirn'i«ini nf the Estate uf Karl To prime the engine for starting, |»ro|»r<) «* nod L y th»‘ ror|»oral Urti, .1 Peter«. drccaacd. pour a mixture of high test gasoline whrrmn un Indivi»'Inni d «m* l»ii«lt»« *• V. Lylr M<< roakev, and ether Into each cylinder through in hi» own name i<■ ri ,.■• -ilili- lo lite Atlurney tur Adinlniatratrix. full tthoMIfd of id* the printing nips at thr top Then in the newest spring styles. Here arc true aid as" in desirable de­ signs, styles ann materials. The Salem Woolen Mills Store | NEW AUTO 1 ( ' ,D7R OFFICE SAVi LIVES AND 1 KG" > CT CAR » SALE ¡MAR I SALE SALE SALE ETINGi A ï ÏI ®f Our Huge I Mài MM Spring Stock Afte r our Eagle Eye Search of the Markets F<»r six wt-elcs wo have coinbed every market center and drawn upon every pos­ sible resource in the United State* to make this sale our grand and glorious sale of the year. The Stocks Are Here and Must Be Sold at Once IS tliziru* that thia -¡rason has not lieen as expected, it is necesaary for us to dis|w>-e at As business experts we know that the only * it to movo these goods is to make prices no low that the goods will move thomseivs once t !-.«• greater portion of our spring stocks. I .1 —T is suit* will l»e a godsend to thousands of thrifty buyers! Come prepared to witness an event that is gigantic and stupendous. It will be a buying furore, such as has never b»-en s- -en before! Be on time! Get in line, and push your way in when the doors open. Friday and Saturday Morning, March 31 & April 1 fSile continues for only eight days. Peoples Cash Store, j J. L. H>U ih I tn *¥cr « ««« iMbxtiu«. , o **< liii hii« miu | irum in th« ph« >(«>*, t*|t|>'h hr prf rent <»f Ihr »« « Mrotw whirl» :»• .*<♦» nuttHwd.tU - Mt»«l Hill *»vr Î3 gMK of thr pr«f|»i' n««w kl 11«*« I * > ' i ‘ ‘1 - h> ti« i i.i- <». «»f «»r bjr bring tn •alo« whh'h orr wr*rk*d w ¡’Mi thr fr»»t»( Hilfl-« hr»*itk 1 hr frr.ilrr !• uuolr H» two Mjrlm, n brsny « h «*- for irto'k«. with ■ ornan nettili* of Mr« wig «Titln» to |»r ’ rf ihr rndí4(<»r and n r» :dar **r*ow« •trher** (hot nmrly io thr fxi ’in« r»( And n iiitbt hlttfciM'lird>h**d |»i|*o and »tret «prlng «•«mihliuitUm f«*r pl« Both tjpr« nrr < i«» «trrrin* whrela, •lie and «|»rhir« Thr.» ore atlarhrd tn and work with ttir attd art •• »h«H k • : —- Eugene # We Print Sale Bills