The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, March 30, 1922, Image 3

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    - ' «T
Uncle Ben says;
Albany baa One o* the Mott J. F. Wesely Enjoy* I dirge I rade
and Carrie* Nice Line of
Efficient Tire and Vulcan­
Furnishing* Ac Notion*
izing Shope in State
Thu la on* of the inatitutton* la Al­
bany wher* the motonat haa teamed
real tir* economy ran ba had. aa It la
urxlcr the direction of »(port Uro awn
and u> hr*i<|uartora for a full boo of
n»t ->naily famous tire« which are offer­
ed at v«-ry reasonable pries*. Here you
will find a tire buaineaa that haa auc-
c, < <ie«i b«-eauee of technical knowledge,
ciix riencv and good buaineaa judgment
I heir busineee haa steadily Increased
t>- auae they do boaineaa on the princl
pie <>f treating all ruatomera honorable
and alike.
I hitire« have been «elected with a
vo w of offering the beet on the market
and are high grade. The aceeaaory de­
partment la complete and they carry
mviy thing* that add to the comfort
■ • ! convenience of the au total. Tbor-
oughlv abreaat of the limee they have
■»-cured for the trade a vaat array of
th«- very beet tlrea on the martlet to­
day. Whatever your need* in the way
of tir-
they have it, and they ar* al-
way* ready to give your requiremeata
their personal attention.
In their vulcanizing department they
have all the latest devices installed that
will insure the beat of service and long
life to their work. There are several
w ay* to do vulcanising, bat only one
way that give* satisfaction. and that la
the right way. and unlesa a workman
thoroughly understand* the business
the motorist is apt to pay foraomething
that d<"•» not give in return value re­
We arc pleased to refer our reader*
to thin firm aa one where they will And
expert and efficient Ur* men, compe­
tent and ready to serve them. Their
pric< a arc right and all work guaran­
teed. 1 hey are located at 221 Hecvnd
street, Albany.
Agent for the Willy’s-Knight.
Overland 4 Car» and the
Exide Battery
The Willy'» Knight car ia one thatin-
elibk-s all the decided and basic change*
that have l«een made in the motor ear
industry and is famous for its marvel-
< m . sleeve valve motor. It ia a car
where the whole design haa been aim-
piilit I and ail the non-essentials elimi­
I hr- result has been in accoed-
anc. with the general tendency of mo­
tor car bulkier*, that of producing as
smgile a car as was practical. Thia car
is the leader of the medium priced car.
it is the car that has the quiet motor,
ai d only tx-gtns to get limbered up at
10.000 mile*. A manufacturer, of Buf­
falo, writ«-» the company: "I have driv­
en my Willy'a-Knight TS.iXiO miles and
bod) and engine are in perfect condi-
ti. n." K garage mechanic from Wal­
nut Grove, 111., write*. "I have driven
my " illy’•■Knight over 100,000 miles
and it is certainly giving satisfaction "
I h«-ir Overland 4 has many admirer*
and staunch supporter*. Thia ie the
car that has caus’d no little sensation
in the way it perform*. Take advant­
age of your first opportunity to talk
with th«- owner of one of three car*.
Ask him if the car is economical on gas
and <>il
Ask him if the car has plenty
of power. You will find him just aa
enthusiastic over the performance of
his car as he was the oay he bought it
The new price* going into effect on
March* are overland touring 0*06.
Milly'* Knight
Thu garage I* agent for the Klide
Battery and their battery station ia in
charge of competent men. who are
courteous in their treatment of euato-
mer* and render first class service.
he Irvin oarage is locate«! ot 324
Broadalbin street. Albany, Oregon.
Twe Ceuld Play That Game.
A Itundre«! year* ago a wealthy bach
rl< r i.HMie«l l'alga, who lived near Al-
bi--i. li I gave a party; »or ot
young ladles left a glove. Mr. Paige
reinm.-d II with the following note
' I from your glove you take the let­
te« t. that glove Is love and that I
have for ihw." Th* young lady re­
fi-. «I
“If from your name you take
the letter I', that taiga I* ««• *»d that
«.•ni <1o for me.”
The story I*
vei.ched foe by • friend of the Outlook.
• In.-«, trin-lmother had It at first
hand.--Th* Outlook.
If you are needing printing of
any kin«! you can do no better than
by coming to The Tribune.
The above mention*«! ator* is one of
the business concert» of «clo that I*
certainly worthy of being classed among
the must popular and tirogresslve •»
tabliahm.-nts of th» city
J. F. WvUely. proprietor of this well
known store, piwsesa«-s the happy far
ulty of recognising the needs of the
public and promptly catering to the de
mats! The merehandiar handled by this
store, whether in popular brands of
gmcerii-s. staple articles in the notion
line, or gent's furnishings, are always
such a* to give the highest satisfaction
to th* many patrun* of thia store, who
nave learne.1 by past experience that in
quality of goo«i*. excellence of atten­
tion and reasonable«» of price this store
la unexcelled.
It i* also a well known fart that a
child sent tn this store for go««!» re­
ceive* the moat careful attention, and
can buy articles at the same price as an
adult, which fact ia only one of many
excellent reason* why this store ia so
popular and enjoy* such a large |>atr«n
age. which ia not by any means confined
to the city, as the fame and good name
of this establishment extentla far out
into adjacent territory.
It is such institution* as this store
that make* a town's reputation in th«-
•urruunding country, ami we may con­
fidently congratulate Scio on having
such a popular concern within the city
limits. To wk! to thia popularity, Mr.
Wesely has recently add«-«! a nice Im«
of gent’s furnishings, which met with
instant approval of the men.
”1 went to a swsp social the other night. Everybody was supposed U>
bring something they didn’t need. Most of the women brought th -r
It’s Different Here
There isn’t a thing in our immense stoc k but what each I
one needs—we need—and we will ‘‘swap’’ with you, and i
the price is right. You will do better here month in and I
month out, than you can do elsewhere.
Kodak Time Is Here
You take pictures on your trips, don’t you? Can you do
your own developing and printing? If I not,
not we suggest
that you bring your exposures to us. Our
’__ work is first
class and we do high grade
Garden Seed
I icld Seed
Dress Shirts
I* umishings
J. F. Wesely, Grocer, Scio, Ore.
Albany Furniture Exchange Is
Building Up Big 1 rade on
Square Dealing Io All
Thia establishment is one of the firn»
that la not satisfied with a stock of n
few chairs, table* and bedroom set*
When they started basin««» they detrr-
mined to keep in stock just a I «out every
thing in the furniture line
who has ever purchased from them, or
ever been in their store, will have t > ac
knowledge that they were succeaaful in
their determination. W« venture th«-
assertion that but few store* in the
larger citie* can be found w ith a mor,-
complete stock of furniture. And when
we aay furniture, we du not mean mere
ly table*, chairs and a few lied* we
mean library table*, dining table*, buf
feta, china ckiaets, daven|>orta, full
suite* for every room, as well a* tndi
vldual piece* and scon * of other arti­
cle* to numerous to be listed in the
• pace at our command.
They handle the celebrated Ked • tar
Vapor stove, that talk* and cook* like
a gasolesc stove but uses kerosene for
fuel. In the matter of ranges they
handle the Universal and lang ami also
handle the Colonial Flpeta» Furnace.
Whether you want furniture of mod
•rale price or the must rxpen*ive kind
on the market, you will find that thi«
firm will gtve you value received for
your money, This »tore i* one of the
must important business concerns in
Albany, and serve* the |>ublic at all
times in the moat efficient and eauabir
manner, and give their customers vaiu
able merchandise coupons. I hey carry
a full lin* of dishes and cooking uU-n-
siis. and in fact "everything to furnish
the home with." Th««y maintain an
exchange department for u»«d furn
The management of thia store is in
the hand* of thoroughly remjietenl men
whose dealing haa won for them a targe
•X «V
Special School Meeting
Notice ia hereby given to the l«-gal
voter* of School District, No. Ufi. uf
Linn county, »tale uf Oregon, that a
a Spacial School Meeting of said dis­
trict will b* hckl at the »chool houae on
the 2Jd day of April. 1*22. at two i2) I
o'clock in the aftrrixMin. fur the follow-1
Ing obj«-cta: To elect two(2l director*,
one I) to fill the unexpired term of llert
Hollis, dacaaaod, and one (I) to fill th*
unexpired term of J. K. Ktieha. re­
Date«! thia 2Mth day of March. 1V22.
J. H. ‘•TK 111,
Chairman Board of Directora.
Attest: A**ia D. Raavc,
District Clerk.
Avoid W*ri<t*i Bling Alley*
Th«- y*>ung man of p»lui dn** n>»t
hair to follow the J««!> ht* fnther hn«l
mil«-- • it'a th» )«>l> taat »ultvd fur hint
youth fiti'l* Udi »hat ui«»l
up|M«*l* to him. an«! th«m *••• to it
that hr’» tb«- l«r«t fallow In that l«u*l-
'««■•», Sil« h fellow» ri»r to *UV«-v»» In
«pit* of hnnillc«|M.
Thru the world
wotwlerv and ap|>luil«l». It'« folly to r*
main r< >>|>r«l up with limitation* when
y««u might Ju*t a* wrll be enjoying the
fullevt itb*rty. If by «-trnucr you get
Into a blind alley •<- to It tlint you
■ .ut at «m«-r —tlrlt.
Local Market Quotations
Hrn*. 4 II» and over
$ .IK
Hen*, under 4 Ita
• IK
Spring*. U lb* and up
Broiler*, undvr If Ita
Stags-------- —-
I ock*
. ... . 7
Bids Wanted
Veal, fancy no. 1
Dream-d pork, no. I blocker*
The School Board of District No. Egg«. ea«h, lfic traile
Egg”, white «elect
96 will receive bid* for wood. as
Butter fat
F ffid
30 cord*. 4 ft second growth fir,
si H
Mill run
......... ........
6 cord*. IB in. big fir,
2. «5
to be delivered »nd «tacknl at the Egg producer _______
_ 2 75
2 00
school house not later than July 15, More fat, for h«>g«
I I"
_ 2.00
The bid* most be in the hand* of
Shelled corn, eastern
the District clerk not later than Ground or crack«! com
I <>
April 20th. 1022.
_ 2.00
LeBage cracked corn
The School Board reserve« the
right to reject any or all bid*
Hard wheat
12 10-2 30
J. S. S tktia , Chairman.
Soft wheat
■ - -
ANNig D. B abtv . Diet. Clerk.
F or S als —Old paper*. 10c per
at the Tribune office.
Let the Tribune do your printing
Chop Suey and Noodles
N<i<>ileu, 20c
Fried Rice, 25c
Pork anti Bice, 20c
Pork (‘hop Sucy. 40c
Fried N o m II ch , 60 c
Going to Build?
Plans for houses, learns, chicken
houses, etc., furnished free. Come
look them over. Let us give you
an estimate on the one y< u want.
Scio Logging & Lbr. Co.
The Sc io Mill & Elevator Company
Kespeetfully submit* a li*l of f«-««!» w* carry.
Kindly come in and get our pric**.
Si ••
.. 2 aa
S*curity Calf and 1'ig Fowl
) 12 poutwl pail*
Hr** than half price to introduce) Í
pound pail*..
Ground Barley
<«round Rye
Ground M heat
Whole W heat
Mill Kun
Com, whole
t orn, cracked
Corn, ground Maker
Hen Acratch
Our Motto:
tirowing scratch
Chick Ma*h
Chick leed
k.aatem Shell
Cocoanut Meal
"A Square Deal’’
D. E. COOPER, secretary
The Scio Tribune $1.75 the year