• » • >rt i * V ■ * THE SCIO TRIBUNE to 17500 t»er vear. and that make« a prufeeaiuoal politician kid himasif into the beliief the he is the gallant knight to lead the people out of high taxes into the realm of yet higher tax»« for that ia hi« bread and but­ ter. fooling the people All candi­ date« ao far announced are profes­ sional politician«. Mi TNt'RSOAY. .M ah ii 8<>. 1922 LSK will let Patterson Hall Olcott around ao that the Bean will !*• Whits <>n primary dav. ----------- - ■' -....... — T hkkr ia at the preamt time some talk of the railroad to tap the big holding« of timber to our eaat being constructed thia year, or at leaat construction started. There is also a report that two points are being c >naidered as its terminal or junc­ tion with the 8. P—Gilkey and Grigg« The natural course for the mad should be from Gilkey or West Scio and on through Richardson Gap. there to branch off up Thoma» creek and up Crabtree, these to tap billlous of feet of lumber. As we have «aid before, there is dire need of an organisation here to look after •uch interest» to the community as thia and then all puli together. If we progress we must show the spirit of progress. Let*» organise and do J. W. Mider and daughtter. Wil­ ma. attended the parent teachers meeting in Scio Thursday. Mrs J J Ransom was an after­ noon callerat Mrt‘alli»ter’s Monday- Charley Warner is working this week for J. W. Miller. Honoring Ruth and Janet McCal­ lister. Kraid ami Vra Ashbaugh entertained eight little friend« on Saturday afterno >n Die children of J. J. Ransom and J W Miller gathered at the Oak Grove for game« at two o'clock. At four all assembled on the play porch for re­ fresh menta. Mrs. Ewing spent Monday with her sister. Mrs Ed Jones. Mrs. Hobart Hoagland was the recipien of a t»>x of raxor dams on Tuesday from her father at Seaside. Eortunate neighbors and friend« were also afforded a taste of the treat. Mrs. Auhbaugh and Vra »pent Monday with Margaiet Browne. You <>gbt to sss* the cunning I little I an.I a down there* Mr». Jean Miller and Mrs. I Kan- •om were afternoon callers at Mr. EvgN small town police have their day« off. and Jefferson*« chief in a huff decided to take them all off We al way* knew and resigned. Jefferson would go to the bad and it now. Who will start the ball to Crume'« Tuesday. I thia prove« it. wa. The largest attendance of anv rolling, and once started, let no noted on Er>da> evening at the rno« gather. T hk N on-Partisan L-ague of So. dance in Millers hall. Among the Dakota has nominated a woman many venturing out for the first Alice Lorraine Daly to lead them lime were Carl Bragg and wife, of SHELBURN NEWS into power and into the office of West Scio. Owing to the altsence governor. She is a M imi and prob- of Mr. Miller. Ch«« Warner wa» March 2* dbly will mis» her ambition, altho floor manager. The floor wa» smooth her platform is the kind that ring« tjuincy Crume and Delmar Church­ and the music had lots of "pep.** true. ill «pent last Wednesday evening The Ear I Gooch's played part of the I time to rest the musicians. at the home of Cecil Ashbaugh. t'ANtHPATKH fur governor are a« Mrs. A»hl>augh and Vra »pent Jean Miller and wife drove to thick a* pea* in a pud. and there*» a Marion Tindall's for a visit on Sun- Tuesday at McCallmter’s, going and rcaaon. At the tegular «eaaion of dav returning on the fast express. the 1921 legislature. the «alary of There are ti be bible study lec­ Mr*. Nathalie Ireland returned to the governor wa» raised from l.’ilMiO ture« at the church every W’edncs- her home in Scio Ttirwlay evening day evening for live weeks Rev. after five weeks at the home of Coulte«. who ha» been holding meet­ Cha». McCallister. ings in Sc.o. Mill City and other Mr«. Ransom and • >n John. Mr« town», i« a dear, forceful speaker M c L kf < and Mm Ashbaugh enjoyed and greatly enhance« his meeting« a delightful ride on 8u dav after­ with hi« solos, which are much en- noon. Although they were compel­ joped by all. led to borrow a quart of gasoline to J W Miller wa« quite sick for bring them home, all enjoyed the He crisp air and bright sunshine. John four day» with a gathered ear w«« unable to attend school Monday. proved htmaelf a good hiker when Mr». Nathalie Ireland attended he walked to Marion lindall'» to. the dance in Shelburn Friday and ' get the gas. wa* the houae guc»t of Mr«. Cecil The Sunday school wishes tn take Ashbaugh, returning to her duties thi« opportunity to thank Hobart at McCallister's on the Saturday Hoaglard for repairing the roof. > REAL HATS REAL MEN ! Style« that are de­ signed along new lines and are varied enough to afford ample wlection for every man. $3.50 to $7.00 the new spring styles are beautiful $1.00 to $3.00 The Blain Clothing Co. Valu« First Albany, Oregon Th« Store with a Square Deal for Every ( uatomer. morning flyer. Claud Churchill was in Shelburn Sunday on hi« way to Kingston, where he intend« getting his new car. He reported that although his family all had a touch of the tlu they are recovering nicely. They are as enthsiaxtic about McMinnville as a home citv a» are Taylor», our former creamery people. Mrs. Dale Poindexter and little daughter. Marion, and Mary Gibbon» were among those "«hot'* by our home photographer March 2t5. Mt». Anna Hiron» and son Ken­ neth returned to Corvallis on Mon day afternoon. Com Osborn and wife were among the 12 or more visitors al the home of Com Brownton Sunday. Weibe Kuiken for furnishing the the oh ingle» and Mesdames Jone«, Osborn and Ransom for «» beauti fully cleaning the church The Shilling« spent Sunday with their daughter's family, the Mc­ Rae'«. Harney Mclam, of Salem, «pent the week-end with hi» parents Earl Gooch motored tn Jefferson on bu«ine«» Tuesday. James Trolllnger made a business trip to Albany Saturday. Chatlev Mcljiin and wife were in Scio one day la*t week and brought home a load of feed. H. O. Shilling was a Shelburn cal­ ler Tuesday. Carl Eollis and wife spent the week-end here with home folk«, re­ Supplies have come for the new turning to their home in Stayton quarter beginning next Sunday, Monday. and it is hoped that a« spring ad- Dillon Mcl-ain wa» »hopping here ; vances and travel becomes easier, Tueadav. the Sunday school will show new Robin Hirons ia confined to his life. It is hoped that enough new bed with flu. Chrystal Hates is help­ pupils may be added to form »noth- ing with the housework. | er class. A flower committee has Chas. Tindall and wife were shop­ been appointed and will see that ping in Albany Saturday there is always a buquet on the or­ gan. Also that any sick or shut-ins Eli Raymer, of Crabtree, drove in in the neighborhood will be remem- Sunday with a load of h«gs. but tiered with flowers Spring beauties had to wait over a day. so he amus- daffodils and violet* are out and ed himaelf by telling hi* friend« of there are always lovely ferns. We the doing« of Crabtree people. don’t half appreciate the wonderful Mr». Ered Bilyeu. Miae Buckner beauties with which we are sur­ and Mia» Skei «pent Saturday and rounded in this land of plenty. Sunday in Portland, and attended Alfred Powell has been quite sick. the eloaing performance of the Chi­ At first it was feared appendieitia cago grand opera. was the cause. Kenneth Hirons wen’, to Jefferson Monday morning N. I. Morrison and wife. Mr«. Cora Calavan and daughter«, Bertha for Mr. Powell's mother. Eulalie Sedano was on ths sick and May. laaline Keater and Myrtle i list fur several days Hollis made a trip to Salem Sunday HNUMi Radiators Repaired and Fenders Straightened, Tanks Soldered or any soldering on an automol»i!e. Price» Right and oik Guarantee«! I have opeaed a ibop ia the Seeck f»r»t» lor this work exclusively- Wil! be there at »II tiaw» betweea 8 isd 6 o’clock at your service. E. L. Richardson 4 IXBANON. OREGON Milk, $2.50 Month. Delivered Pure, Clean, Wholesome Milk Gilbert McDonald Square Deal I I Furniture and Wall Paper I I Frank Richter The Furniture Man Salem, Oregon 341-9 North Commercial Let us'quote you price« on your - Give ua ■ trial is all w<- a»k. H- Dayton and Columbia Heavy Service Bicychs and Indian Motorcycles We carry a complete line of Motorevcí» and Bicycle Tire», Oil». Supplie», etc. LLOYD E. RAMSDEN 387 Court Street Salem, Oregon ♦assssssaassssssssw Are You Wise? In the matter of dollars ami sense, the wise person'buys wm re good goutta can toe had for the least money. Standard High Quality Merchandise Can be touueht here al pneea that mean M onky S avkii . and every ar­ ticle we »ell Mt rr S atisfy or your money l>»< k W<- are sole agents for the Msriwell» Paints and Varnishes Square Deal Hdw. Co. 220 N. Commercial St. SALEM, OREGON Tested Field Seeds We have the most complete stock of farm arwi field set da in the valley, including spring wheat, spring oata, fanty clover and grass seeds and a complete stock of tested garden Meds. Mail us a list of your wants or send for our new price list. Poultry Supplies The largest and best selected stock in the nt. te to select from, including Incubators. Brooders. Poultry feed of all kinds, ami _ _ ! . .Jk MM grit, bone, shells and fountains __ \ ou will always find mir prices are low a.-, the iH-st goods can be »old for. the kind you find it paya to buy. D. A. White & Son Seedmen and Feedmen 251-261 State St Sal cm, Oregon 9