The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, March 30, 1922, Image 1

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Kinds Being I aken Up Rapid­
ly—Volunteer Labor Is
Called For
Active work on the new gymna­
sium tx-gan Tuesday immediately
ui>“ii ircript of tinal, safe, prelimi­
nary figure*
Walter Bilyeu, with
a leant and a volunteer crew of half
a dozen are busy putting in the ap­
proaches to the rock crusher, pre­
paratory to hauling the gravel for
the foundation. With the assist­
ance of every Scioite it is expected
that work will now move steadily
till the completion of the building
that will make Scio the proudest
community in the State.
Si hat has been done during the
w«-«-ks intervening since the bond
drive? A committee was. as you
know, chosen to act with the Stu­
dent Council in safeguarding and
managing the planning and building
<>f the gymnasium. The late, la-
tm-nted Bert Hollis waa choeen by
School diretort. I)r. E. H. Hobson
bv the Student Body, and Milo
Bartu by the bondholders. Thia
committee met with the Student
( >uncil
immediately to diacua*
plant and ways and means
Morrison and Mr. Ballin very oblig­
ingly estimated the material and
cost without having, however, defi­
nite plans to work from. Lyl* Fick-
lin presented the first valuable idea
for a plan and Milo Bartu laid be­
fore the committee other valuable
These tip*, together
with others by Morriaoo, Ballin.
Hollis, Hoagland. Proepal. Cameron,
Hrudka. and others, were worked
into a satisfactory form and aketch-
ee made by Mr. Bartu and Mr. Bal-
lin. From these sketches a bill of
lumlx-r was made and presented to
various lumber companies for bids.
The last bid waa received Tuesday
and then work waa started.
In the meantime the bond* were
printed and are being delivered at
odd moments by the school pupils.
The work of collection has been
rather slow due to the fact that no
exp-rienced collector has been do­
ing this sizable task. The results
of the lH>nd deliveries have been
very gratifying nevertheless. Bond-
holders have proved not only willing
but anxious to exchange their tens
for the attractive bonds. If any
b • idh Jders tire of waiting fora
collector they may send payment by
any responsible student and the
b<>nd will l>e delivered immediately.
Two set* of books ar* kept of these
transactions lxmi«!e* the treasurer's
n < ords
The principal and the Stu­
dent Body Secretary each keep a
11.76 I IM. YEAR
Of Interest to Wool Grower*
On Way to Mexico
High School Notes
J. B. Cornett, reerstarv of the
Pacific Wool Grower* coojx-rativ«-
■aaoctation, was in Seio last Thurs­
day and made arrangement* so that
members of the association in this
community «rill get their wool sack*
at th* Scio mill.
Th«- aMkx-iation
haa recently Bold aom* of the wool
being held for a better price
Cornett predicts that the wool grow­
ers will r«-celvc a better price for
wool this year
Linn county ha* 360 members in
the aaaociation. which is said to be
the largest in any county. Sheep
did not winter well thia year, aaid
Mr.Cornett, many of the owner* re­
porting more than the usual lose.
Members will not have to pay
for the Murk* a* they get them, but
will b* charged up to them and
collected for at the end of the aeason.
The reason for the association for­
matting the aack* is ticca use they
want only jute tack* used. a* mohair
sack* are to fragile.
Ere this paper reach«-* our read­
er*. Dr. S. C. Browne and household
clft-ct* will be speeding south by S.
P. fast freight for hi* new home at
Esquinapa. Palmito 1H-I Verde Is­
land. Mexico.
Monday the doctor was in Port-
larxl. where he complete»! final ar­
rangements for hi* iNuoport*. Tues­
day hi* car wa* loaded with house-
8«>l<! effect*, two fine horse*, a cow
an»! a fine sow. with enough feed to
see them through, an»! Wednesday
night at Albany two »-arb-ad* from
Salem will join the doctor and pro­
ceed to their destination
Browne wiil visit a couple of w«-«-ks
at Astoria and Salem an«l then join
the doctor in the eunny southlan«!
W'r are sorry to lose thi* «-»lima-
ble family from our midst and wish
them good luck, good health and
prosperity in their new home.
March 2«
With the coming of spring weath­
er new athletic sport* put in their
All of the boys are
taking a great interest in the local
track meet*.
Miss Morcom viix-cted to return
to school Monday, but wan not able
to do so. therefore, the high school
ha* another new face among the
faculty. Mrs. Cumming*. al*> an
O. A. C. senior in home economics,
ha* taken the place of Mow Gilstrap,
who ha* been acting as a substitute
for the past six week*
A Parent-Teachers meeting was
held al the school house last Thur»-
•lay night. Among the interesting
features of the evening were spel­
ling matches held between member*
of the different classes. Prize* were
given to the best six-ller of each
The studenta are verv buny keep­
ing their studies up and at the same
lime lending a hand to help in build­
ing the gym. The work commence«!
j_ _
Tuesday morning whi n gravel haul
mg was the order of the day.
March 27
Several laat vear senior* were
Mrs. Fink asaitted at clerking in visiting al the Scio Hi last week
t'ollrg i* no doubt great, but th (Mu­
the Phillips »tore Thursday.
C. A Silbernaglr was called to college freshmen seem to like to re-
California Saturday bv the seriou* turn to Scio, where la-t year they
were those «lent, solemn seniors.
illnewi of hi* brother.
The last iasue of the Sphinx wa*
John Shelton visited hi* grand­
The student*
mother, Mr*. Nancy Bilyeu. Friday, printed last week,
Geo. Goswick and family, of Cor- are now working on the annual.
Be A Btxmler!
valli*. were weekend guest* of hi*
The attendencc i* almost up to
[tarents, the J. F. Goswicka, a few
normal and almost every one ha*
day* thi* week.
After a period of almost three fully recovered from the flu. but
years idleness the Jordan flouring we regret that some are unable to
mills have resumed operation with return to achool.
promise of a good patronage.
John Jungwirth and family, of
Gooch, visited relative* and friend*
here Sunday.
Tom Phillips and wife were Jor­
dan visitors Saturday.
Otto Weidman brought over a
fine load of grain to be chopped
O regon M ist .
The ladies of thi* vicinity will be
glad to learn that Mrs. ih-na Mark,
th* milliner at Stayton. will give
away two hat* on Saturday. April 1,
one to a lady and the other to s>me
girl. It will pay our ladles to go to
Stayton and take thia opportunity
to gel a hat.
Fred Sommer will be the local
leader of the Scio Holstein club
which waa organized in Albany Sat­
urday. Ronald Sommer is president
and Harold Thurston is vice-presid­
ent. and Robert Summer, secretary.
Th* other memliers are Lx-ttr Som­
mer and Glenn Thurston.
J. D. Densmore left last night <>n
a busmeas trip to Seattle, and will
Some have mistaken fear for fact
in their belief that the gymnasium
bond money might be used in pay­
ment of the Student Body debt.
The Scio High School Student Body
is «elfsupporting and ended the year
last year about fifty dollars to the
good in spite of losses of thirty-ffve
<>r forty dollars on basket ball and
This year shower baths
were uutalle and football equipment
purchase-«! ami thee* unusual »xpen-
ws and a bad financial season in
basket ball have left a heavy but
impossible debt. Thia will be raised
as soon as the flu' and the Senior
play are out of the way. The only
use of bond money for Student
body purjMMws temporarily was the
return Sunday
the worrying
Th« book* of the
gym fund are open to any one.
There la only one "If” in this
and that ia labor.
There ia not a thousand dollars in
the coffers for labor, it will tx-
necessary that everylx«b ’* idle time
be invested in this proposition.
From now on team* and men will
be needed
Six men a day for six
week* will be wanted. No one man
can put in all hi* time and th* "let
th* other fellow do it” idea must
be forgotten
Divide thia and the
labor will be just enough to make
each feel like more
Here • to six
week* of cooperation and good fel-
principal's own check, on which be iowship
V n iu nl***r to th* front.
look hie own cteaoeaa. Let htai de
March 2«
March 27
Riley I'reever claim* a record for
one of hi* purebred Holstein cow*
which recently droppe»! a calf weigh­
ing 129 pound*.
Among thear who attend«-»! the
Linn county Holstein Club in Albany
Saturday were Frank an«! Fre«i
Sommer ami Orville Gilkey. The
latter wa* circle«! one of the direct­
Cletus Holt return«-«! from Port-
Ian«! Saturday. T. M Holt return«*!
Edgar Gilkey wa* viaiting hi*
h>>me folaa Sunday at Gilkey.
Jack Jone*, wife and son. Harry,
of Stayton. visited Saturday and
Sunday at J G. Holt's.
Mia* Rachel Cook spent the week­
end in Portland and attended the
grand opera.
S. F Zyaett ami Alvan Gilkey
have returne«! from Portland. wh«-re
th«-y were giving stump burner dem­
onstrations for the past 6 weeks.
The demonstration is now lx-tng
George Grimes was in this vicinity shown on the movie *cr«-en in Port­
Tuesday selling patent oilers for land with the men at work am! a
Ford cars.
crowe of 800 spectators
Mrs J. S. Hannah visited at the
The ladies Aid met Wetlnesday at
Z. J. Clark h<>m* Tuesday while Sank Mrs Fr*d Sommer's and card«-«!
wool for wool beds.
went down town shopping.
Bert Mitchell ha* lieen quite ill.
Mrs. Cha* Vsetrcka and daughter
Our Sunday school had a miaalon-
Lily were on the sick list last week.
A largo
Miss Kcitha Morris visited with ary program Sunday,
crowd was pri-wnt. Mrs W. A.
Mrs J. H. Hildreth Wednesday.
Mrs. Lula Bond spent Sunday Gilkey !••<! the exercise*, which were:
»«»ng by all."!he Ninety and Nine;"
with Mr*. Nell Hollis
Mr* O. E. Eichinger attended the recitation, l^ina Zyaett: dialogue,
four children; recitation. IJoyd
church service* in town Sunday
Mi-« Freda Thayer, teahcr of dis­ Crenshaw; song, bv the Primary
trict N > 9, spent Sunday at the class, recitatioh. Violet Crenshaw;
home of her sister, Mr*, i R Shel­ song, the bible claaa; mla»i<mary
talk, J. G. Holt; duet, Mr*. Edna
Joe Shindler, had the misfortune Gilkey ami Mrs. 8. B. Holt; reading
of cutting hi* left hand while split­ by Mrs. S. B Holt; solo, Mrs. J. G.
ting wood Saturday morning. Dr Holt; s«>ng. Junior claw.
U-onard Gilkey vialted at the Al­
Frill dressed the wound, which is
doing a* well a* could lx- expected. len Arnold home Sunday uf termion.
Frank Prokop and wife transact­
Mr. and Mr*. George Westenhouw-
business in Albany Wednesday.
are both on the road to recovery
Ralph .McDonal«! gave a program
after enjoying an attack of the Hu.
Cecil Grime* and Arthur Clark at hi* school Friday which wa*
much <mjov«i by eighteen visitor*.
were out rabbit hunting Saturday.
Miss Anene Smail spent the week­
I^banon ia all agog over the pos­
end at home.
sibility of a landing field for the
airplane forrest patrol.
Why not
Mr*. Mike Kelly Passe*
Scio get busy and see what can lie
Mary Jane Robinson wa* born in done? Time i* short and such field
Yorkshire. England, April 4, 1886, would be of untold benefit to Scio
and died at the Scio Hospital during citizens and busimmsmen.
I Cooupu *i ir at «dI
Anna Rose Rosprofka waa born in
Moravia, Bohemia, Nevrmber 10,
1861. and died at her home near
Scio on March 21, 1922, ag»xl 70
year*. 4 month* and 11 days Death
waa cauaed by cancer of the liver,
and came at the emi of five and a
half month* Meknea*. She w a* mar­
ried to Frank Rosprofka in 1876.
To thia union 7 children were born,
three of whom are still living. She
came to America in 1HH1. settling
first in Minn«*sota, and coming to
Oregon in 1907, when they t«iok
the same homestead on which she
died. She ia survived by her huv-
ban«! and thrr* children, two sister* child-birth on March 28, 1922, at •—
the age of 35 years. 11 month*,
and four grandchildren.
and 22 day*.
She wa* united in marriage to
Card sf Thank.
Micheál Kelly in 1906. tiring
We wish to extend and express second wife. Besides her husband
our heartfelt thank* to our friends she is survived bv three son* and
for their sympathy in our reevnt three daughters, the «on* being
bereavement of wife and mother.
George. Daniel, and l«eroy and the
Frank Rosprofka.
daughters are- Annie, Marie and
Mrs. Nettle Carruthers.
She will be hurried in Al­
Mrs. Josephine llalada.
bany at 1:00 o'clock this afternoon
Anton Rosprofka.
Report ha* it that Fred A. Wil-
liama, chairman of the Public Serv­
ice tnmmiaaion. will not tie a candi­
date to succeed himself. He probably
ha* read the handwriting on the
wall. He waa elected on a platform
adverse to his actions since being a
member of the board
No wonder
he will not b* a candidate to aucceed
41 Dangerous
Curves Ahead”
and a
2-Reel Comedy
.April 1st and 2nd
Admission 10c-25c
While the ordinary run of "big
egg" stories are getting a little bit
tiresome and ve editor was looking
for a good thriller. Charles Vesetka
brought the real thing It measures
8| by 6j. and weigh* over 6 ounces.
. Charley save the egg cam* from a
Rhode Island Red hen
------------- ---------------------
Paint Up
Clean Up
We can furniali yon
Lowe Bros. High
Standard Paint
Linseed Oil
Wall Paper
Etc., Etc.
Give us a call
Kelly’s Drug Store
litxall Store