F * ■ i r e'i ‘, . . > a * *-k ' -r.. • ’ X.î-i • • • •, * Henry Neal is rapidly improving ther of th««*- farmer* are women. from his recent illness. John Neal There are some things even on this to assisting his brother during ihr earth that cannot be underst ood. time he is unable to be out Dr S. C. Browne and Fred Bilyeu were in Portland Thursday of last Mrs. Fred Prpperling and the week, taking the doctor's automo­ children who have been sick are re­ bile there for shipment to Palndtu covering. and they plan to move IM Verde. Mexico The Browne's back to Jordan in the near future. and their household «-ffeets will noon Get the habbit of trailing at home. follow by train, the auto going by We ran eon vine- you that you will boat John Coury has rented the Dr. realise more money by selling your Browne’s remdence and will occupy cream to ua. W inner Produce Co. same as soon as vacated Phone 34 7,'Scio Mrs. Riley Shelton has ta-en con­ fined to her home with an attack of flu, but is now improving. The doc­ tor mvs she will be able to cat three square meals by Saturday. In Memorimi fl u l«eonidas Ixstgr N<> Scio, Ore. Good news to to the kiddies; here­ Whereas. the Suprem« IChanccllor after the admission for children to on High haa removed from our the Peoples Theatre will be 10c, ex. midst our beloved brother. Bert cept for special productions. Adults Hollis, by the messenger of d«-ath. remain the same. It i We bow our heads in sorow as Alex Rom. manager of the Albany we submit to the will of Him who Lumber Co., give* ua a rav of hope ; hold* th«' destinies of us all in Hto a for belter busmea» during the next hands. year by announcing that hia mill Be it therefore. — will resume operation in about a Resolved, that the lodge has l-Wt month. , an upright and faithful number Telephon« uo-r.- f 'to- c-urity and brother, his daily walk anti are to hold a meeting in Albany this actions truly exemplifying friendship afternoon to discu-« 'hr advtoiability charity and benevolence. of establishing a county telephone Resolved. that we do truly sym­ system, ami dispense with the Pa­ pathise with the grief stricken cific System. family in their berea v«-ment. and we commend them to our Heaven­ Roy Shelton, of Wavhougal, ly Father, who doeth all thing* well, Wash., was in town visiting with Resoived, that these resolutions relatives and friends early in thej lie spread on the records of the week. They are moving to Salem,! lodge, a copy thereof transmitted where Roy will work in the Salem' to the family of the deceased and a Woolen Mills store published in the Scio Tribune copy Wm Brenner had a very sick R. M. Shelton. horse Inst Saturday, and for a time J. 3. Stichs, thought he was going to lost* it, but E. G. Arnold, he phone,! for Dr K<>rin«*k to come Committee. over from Stay ton and now the animal is again alright. ■ Our Blown A g«H»d «toad crew of workmen I It la therefor. o> 1 !oi«|to--<* are now shaping the limners for the folia to militate In >>mpton. tf I win pay y-.g Itiore money for strict­ ly fr«jsh. good »i.'.- j, clean eggs. Giv«- m- a 11:.«. laicated in the Young building on Main st. John Vaeek. Scio, tf. H«t-i<;:., «■ . • 1 -u,- From O. A. C. «train White Leghorn. llogani 1 it. I bred for winter egg pro.iui-1 n. two year old hr'.», n ■ , «■ .-rf« «old. $1.50 per 16. p .-..paid t'heaper rates on ineubutoi I u. write George T. Cu e. Scio. Ri. 1. J4p F ok S vii Old papers, 10c per bundle al lhe Tribune office. For Hume Use then-*» noth«»;- for comfort in reading lit. a I'...’ • ' ' • tachs. Cor- rv. tly fitt.-l . . ar<- n fit companion for th«- hoi— -cost a- I a good book. Have 11« Pt you « tth a pair. The com­ fort you'll : ut if them will make their cost ««»cm trivia). Litsrsl Ys. th. The young man sluuv- every­ thing literally, tie *«> must m rlous in bis waning. ”M«) I ktos > ALBRO. Manufacturing Optician ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»eeeeee« Scio Meat Market Has completili inet.tiling it- new Cold Storage Scio Meat Market Holechuk Brot». S-i<>, Oregon Mrsdnmes Frank Gill and Fred Mrs Hollis. Pete McDonald am! Bilyeu were in Salem yesterday on Riley Shelton were business visitors businesa. at Alliany Monday Stephen Phillippi and daughter. Mias Benham. the hospital nurse, Hazel, and Mias Lets txiuev paid a has added her name to the list of visit to th« county seat Sunday. flu patients. A class of seven candidates was Mrs. J. L. Kelly and son, Jack, are spending the week at Mrs. Kel­ given the second degree in the ly’s grandmothers. Mrs. .Millard Knights of Pythias Tuesday night. Hays Sell us your eggs and get more ¡«ester Arnold and daughter. Max­ money. We buy select white and ine. took sick with flu just as Mrs. brown both. Winner Produce Co. Phone 347. Scio. Arnold is recovering from an attack of it. Frank Bartu ha* recovered from Mrs. H »Ilia* mother. Mra. Ellie recent attack of influenza well Hopkina, left Tuesday evening for enough to be back on the job at Portland, to attend to her aiater, the garage. who to in bed with flu. Parent-Teachers meeting tonight at the High School. All members The. «lore Shimanek to recovering from hi* recent operation in a very and friends are invited Community satisfactory way. even if he did spelling match will be the feature I of the evening catch influenza while still in bad. Seeds Garden The overage farmer is a little careleK- in the sole.lion nt hi* seed. Experience ha* taught that rare in S«-«.l lion has more to tin with the mu-c«-«« <»l crop prorliiripm than any other p int Before you buy, look over the stork we have just receiv'd. which we guarantee to >w Western drown and of the best quality, thir Potato line 1- th • Burbank, Netted Gem ami Early Sunrise. Densmore’s Feed Store Scio, Oregon Albany, Oregon QtS/tirt t