: SHELBURN NEWS »....... Larwood Homo Fresh and Cured Nuts March 20 March 2o Wilbur Flemming and wife made We buy a flying trip in their car to Albany Veal, Pork & Poultry , one day last Week, taking 60 doxen eggs «nd bringing bac* 50 iMunda of amelt which they put uo fur fu­ turc use. Mi«» Dixie Curry ha» lleen indis- SCIO, OREGON ;x>eed for •omrtimr but I» rapidly improving. fl Cameron» logging camp, of thia place, 1» running tn full blast. Dick Croft made a trip to Scio in W. A Ewing. A. E. Randall President Vice Pre». his new "tin lixxie” one day last E. D. Myer*, (ashler week, taking along two veals and fl tart a bank account today and about 60 doxrn egg«. ^rovuto fur your future. ou will find a checking ac­ Mi«s Bernice Davenp«>rt was a count very convenient for your recent visitor at the Howard’s. t-u-inesa transaction«. Wc pay interval on time deposits. The robin» are singing; the »hunk cabbage i» blooming, the old men are cropping their lock» all of Morrison & which are sure sign» of approach­ UNDERTAKERS ing spring tails Attended to Promptly Robert Elliott made a business Dav or Night trip to Crabtree on last Monday. SCIO OREGON John Rockwell is still on the sick list. He doe« not «rein to gain strength very fast We all wish John a »peedv recovery. Real Estate Proper Mr. Wood, of Lebanon, son-in-law and Notary Pub I k of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Smith, WM Shelton & Co. Props THE SCIO STATE BANK Lowe Riley Shelton ^dbstrath Obtained. Examined jCIO - « - OREGON G. F. Korinek Veterinarian STAYTON, • • • OREGON Calls answered Day or Night Tutx-rculin Testing We make a Specialty of Friendship, Engagement and Wedding Rings F. M. French & Sons ALBANY DR. A. G. PRILL PlWclai ani Sniw Calla Attended ¡•ay or Night “II ; rf Ott^M Midi U m IMM Tns $1.25 to $2.25 Values in Graniteware Walter George was visiting hi« parents Sunday. He is working for the Hammond Lumber Co. at Mill City. Nam Bass was visitin* in the vic­ inity of Shelburn Sunday. Mrs. Hiron» and »on. heneth. are visiting her daughter. Mr« Powell They are home for the spring vaca­ I eakettles. Stewpans, Convex Kettles Dish Pans, » Coffee Pots, Water Pails— other things too numerous to mention Your Choice : The First Savings Bank of Albany, Oregon : Meadow Shade Dairy Meadow Shade Butter E. A. Wagner, Scio.o,r. I JORDAN ITEMS : FICQ DENTIST ATTORNEY AT LAW BVB STRAIN HUMAN ILLS BANCROFT Optical Company 313 W. 1st St . Albany af R. M. Cain t 1» the cause of many Q7„ O / C tion. Rev. Coultee. of Berkley.Cal .who has been holding bible «tudy meet­ ing« in Scio, held church al Shelburn Sunday. Dr. White, of Salem, wax out tn •re Charlie MacCallivter Sunday The I he < I Winchester ; He has been suffering with pleurisy. Wincheater A. Shanks is l»ack from Corvalli« Store Store where he ha« been «tudiing chicken seeeeeeeeeeee ««<»»««»♦♦♦♦■♦♦♦•««♦«««««« see e e eeeeeeee eoe husbandry. A. E. and H. D Shilling and fam­ ►♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦« Be Hones With Yourself**................. ily were dinner guext-. of Ernest ; If y.-u loav«- b-.-. ■ -IrTt. ... - ill living nothing, «top and , McCrea, of West Scio. Sunday > forever on« »ran in* day s < John Ranaom came home F riday . .. mw your future liittaraapasca, Wt from Corvallis to »pend hi« vacation will w. I'-iinn your ac, with his parents. Archie McCrea, of West Scio, "WHIRL SAVlNl'6 ARE SAFE" « lat*««,l zal m war, < •pent the week-end with ho grand parents. H D. Shilling Leo Anderson is visiting at Ihr visiting them on last Sunday. Theron Russell home this week. seooeooeoeoo m vm v» mi r ruayi s < h n iooay John Costello and wife were V1S- Mrs. Hiron» called on Mr» itors of the Je«s Chastine's laat George Sunday afternoon Sunday James Trollingrr wax transacting With the Mutual Creamery, will have table cream, whipping cream. Grandma Hassler has txren on th« rot tag* eheeac, Imtlerimlk. »trn-tly freah egg«. and businiss in Albany Friday sick list for «nme time. Hobart Hoagland was a Shelburn < > Sid Stringer has gone into the caller Sunday. noultry busrnem. quite extensively, The dance here Friday evening specialising in the White leghorn at all lime» . was well attended, All rep >rtei ter« and Havanas Estrsct». Try a «aav Delmer Churchill ix laid up with Stafford, Howard and George Flannigan, our R L Stafford, < •eorge W. al sat CaaaJuui Ha»e<>a« latravta, K> <»' a bail attack of flu. Wolfe. Gerald Wolfe. Beatrice Wolfe, efficient rural mail carrier, »eem« to i»-r case of any twelve flavor« Flach l-ottto will flavor one gallon of your Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bilyeu, of Scio Helen E. Wolfe, Sadie Fai» and Tom pusarss after their late horse trade. C. Fair were defendant«, in favor of favorite Goods «hi|q>cd from C«n- attended the dance hen- Friday ev ­ Plaintiff and againat the »aid def- nd It bid« fair that Cupid may, in s-la or I . S. Mae«, ka«k «aaiaatead .1 ante and •* ’ me, the undersigned, ahi-r sal »ahaiwd Ask for free sample of the near future, make inroads into ening. iff of Linn County, Oregon, directed. I our Fusel-Dll Removing Comi>>und. John Bentz and family were Shel ­ am eommand«-d to »ell at public auction. the bachelor rank« of this vicinity Write for FREE CONDITE OF manner pr i by law. audio FIR ami our llluatratv«l catalogue and deprive said order of one of it’s burn callers Sunday accordance with the provisions of «aid or with everything in thia line from A C. Turther was a Shelburn visitor der of «ale amt dscr«-« of forecliMure, . to Z. "Proof Tenter«.” *I.W. moat cherished members as it has the property in «anl execution and here Art Quick Frw Offers Expire been reported un the very best of Monday. inaftrr deaeribrd to pay th«- »urn E. Iteth 8t. New York City rate of right per cent per annum, until paying his liest respects to a bonny tend to business. Mrs. John Bentz w»« visiting at' |uud. ami the further sum of |HM>.t«l lassi alias school ma'aminear Eugene atU>riiev'a anil the coats and dixbur—■ — exact location unknown. Motive, the Henry Hassler home in Scio| men la of »aid suit tain! at S7l>. Jo, A great surprise for thehome knitter« uf On-giMi, but still a fact. Furtber- mor., thi» yarn is absolutely Virgin wuol varn. the wool waa grvwn in Linn County, »old by Mr. Sender» lotheOre- pm Worstvd Company tmilla loeatsdat Seilwood), madc into worated yarn by Ko» 1 lli«hop. »un of C. P. Biahop ami the coat and rx|»cn>u'« of said exs- pioprietor of the Woolen Mill Store of future helpmate. Sunday. I ncognito . cutioo and this »ale ssl«m Oregon knitter« try thia yarn TMKIUtffiiHK, I will on Saturday, th. Elmer Limbeck and Chrvstal Bate« out All < olors. *6c per ball of 2 ox» l»t ilav of April, 1922, at the hour of Bamplr» »ent on appltcation. Addrvsa ♦ »»»»«l«>»IMf I l llM spent Sunday afternoon at the Oral tme ©'Clock F. M. of »aid day, at the C I’. l i-hop. Box 75. Salem. Oregon. north door of the County Court Hou«e Batea farm. Albany. Linn County. Oregon. »«-II at l^ecetl Ashtiaugh is expecting com­ in public an non to the highest bidder for ♦ » » M M» DR. pany from California this week. cash In hand on the day of «ale, all the title, interest and r»taU- which March 20 J. W. Hirona and family were right, the within named dcfrmlants, or either office Hour»: Macey Marshall »»« seen <»n the visiting at Dr. Browne'«, at Scio. of th«-m. hail on th«- date of the mart gage herein, or which they, or either of • to 12 A M- I JO to 5 P. M. Sunday. streets of Jordan Monday. them, has since had or arquirrd, in or Word has lieen received here that to aaui mortgaged prvnu»e« hereinlx- Mrs. John Shelton visited her ■ta­ ■ fore mention««! ami described in »aid C. BRYANT Glenn Shilling« is very tick in a execution as follow», to-wit ter. Mrs. Pottit, Monday The West half of the South Erie Phillipa and Dave Effiler Portland Hospital. east quarter of the southeast made a buainews trip to Lyona Fri­ quarter of Hrcthm Thirty-four 201 2 New First National Bank Bldg. in Township 9 !*outh. Range Igga Ar# Good Imitations, day. three East of the Willamette A retti «rk a Mr ami Inexpll. able fart ALBANY OREGON A. C. Dav »«her ami J. S. Sand­ Meridian, in Unn County. <vid«-d tranaact some buaineaa Authorised Auction Sale and Interstate er») History museum. strlkhigty re­ law. The Combs families. who have semble the eggs of I ho fkmtrr purent I ñapee tor- Dated this 2d day of March. IS22. Phone«:—Palace Feed flbed. lite J C. M. K»M'AU . been laid uo with the Hu for several la color end marking Sheriff of Linn County, Oregon Kcnidenee, 600 R weeks, are all able to be up again. ALBANY. OREGON Mrs. "Doe'* Jungwirth is assisting with work at the Ender« home while Mrs. Enders is away nursing flu pa­ tients S. Browne and family, of Salem, «pent Sunday at the Erie Phillipa home Mrs. Fred Grimes and children, of Mill City were guests of the R Crabtree’s Sunday. Sank Hannah and family visited Sunday with R. M. Chronic's. Travel of Light and hound Caterpillar, watch for Knemiae Sound la said to tomr at lb«- rate The caterpillar kn«>v>e that there la a* 80 tulles a minute suet coin pa red i to light. It Is slower than a »tail, aafety tn numto-r«. and wlitste c«>rw if we should hear a clap of thim-tor panic« may he found fe.-dlng side by half a minute after a «»-h of light- aid«- while keeping a »harp kr-kiHit nlag we coul«t calcalate that the dls- for their bird enemle«; bitt when a ‘ harge „f electricity was sle-us six aud caterpillar Is by hlm«e|f he •rarrely dare« to move for fear of attracting a half miles away attention The poffimlp la a rf hi» n*ek ot hla rara. "HI. jrou !" he cali e<| in Min; "you ha veni •aahed yunrself at thè back! Hlght- almul fare and look at y olirseli ! Edinburgh Ncuteman. Lake» Formed by Glaciation. More than Ml pet cent of all tbr lek«« ’ ¿«a,*«* * - L> H J. As - ?-