•“»TC»» TP’ • » * ’ . :*3 ' «• ' ' F. > - -I SCIO’S HARDWARE STORE Lung Weakness E. C. Meade. Oplunxti uit, and i iarold Alltro. Mig. Opti­ and Hacking Cough cian, are Eye Ex (tetta By O L. 8COTT, D. C. Among the substantial ti-ixlneaa houses --’Y t • .«J Many sufferer« from terrifying lung diseases that hung on and on. threatening at any time to become ▼indent, have no realiza­ tion of the fact that chi­ ropractic spinal adjust­ HEALTH FOLLOWS ments will go directly to CMIROPRACTK CORRECTS the seat of thia trouble PRISSURE ON SPINAL and remove the cause. NERVES IN DISEASE $ Of THE FOLLOWING ORWUn if the spinal nerves to the lungs are under pres­ HEM EVES sure. it is most reasona­ (ASS ble to expect lack of tone, NMC IHStMT weakness and disease. ARMS Chiropractic spinal ad­ HLAAT LUN6S justments by freeing the LIVER nerves for their work give &V STOMACH Nature a chance and ? PANCREAS (V SPLEEN health rt-sulU. \\ AIDNETS \BOWtlS APPENDIX BlADDfR (I m U-IRRISIIMIJ * Tm Suffered I 5 Years IOWÍR NERVE UNDER THE MAGNIFY- j ING GLASS IS PINCHED W ANliAtlGNED JOINT PINCHED NERVES CANNOT TRANSMIT HEALTHFUL IMPULSES CHIROPRAC n A3JUSTING RE­ MOVES THE PRESSURE. THE UPPf R NERVE IS PMKA5M' ■ ■ “For fifteen years I hail headaches, asthma, indi­ gestion. lung weakness and a hacking cough, very inactive bowela for which 1 hid to take purgatives and cathartics. 1 tried many di tierent methods without relief. After taking several courses of chiropractic spinal adjustments. 1 can thankfully stale that chiropratie has made me well in nearly all of the troubles. 1 weigh more and feel better now than in years. 1 shall lie glad to refer any one to the chiropractic method, for I firmly believe it is the only method Iliai can do any one any permanent good.’* — Mrs. Dora B. Taylor, Chiropractic Research Bureau Statement, No. ittiòli. Your Health DR. O. L. SCOTT CHIROPRACTOR Phune 87. Salem. Oregon Kitchen Cabinet. and likewise they will be intereste l in the range«. Mr. Cain handles the Universal rang«», heaters anti the Universal 1'ip. k-ss furnace. You wilt always fif*i a welcome at thia store, where they endeavor to give you prompt service and you get one hundred cents worth of value for • dol­ BARIO MOTOR COMPANY Agents for Overland 4. Cletrac I railoTS niid V< illard Battery Service The above named firm hart a visitor a rocenty driving one of th«- Overland 4 car» that waa purvhas.-d In Danville. Illmou, in March, IW. and after being AUCTION SALE Every Saturday Night at 7:30 p. m., at Oleson - Rookstool Àuto Exchange S^Lrue I 73 N. Liberty Street, Salem, Oregon G. SATTERi.EE Phone- K m ., 1211J Real Estate and Stock Sales NAI.KM, OKKUON UNION SIGN CO. The human body 1« an intricate (decs i of machinery, and the many organ« are I often iut>j«<-tol to the intenae misery and »uffrnng due to Ibe car>-toa*newx uf the individual controlling them. The , ryes are abu»«d and |wrtui|» mtauved more than any other organ They arc at the same time the mi»l del.cate, and driven IStXImitos in Illinois, was headed across the country for Portland. Hr»., where it arnv< I ong Ciinm Meil :me iBi Tea Co. II.» rmdicirie which will cure any known disease. Open Sunday» from lo a. m. until N p. m. Coming to Salem and Albany 1&8 South High Street Salem, Oregon I'bone JX3 Dr. Mellenthin SPECIALIST in Internal Medicine for th« |>aat eleven year«. Doss Not Opsrals Will I m at Salem. Thursday, April »ith, at Marion Hotel, and at Alluiny. Monday and Tueaday, Aprili 1 •• and 11. Albans Natal Officv Hour«: 10 a. m. tn 4 p. m. No Charge for Conaultallon Dr. Mellenthin is a regular gratinate i in medicine an«l surgery and ix licensed by the state uf t in-gon He visit« pn- ! fcMionally th«- more imtMirtoht towns and cities and offer» to aU who call on this trip free consultation, except the expense of treatment when desired According to his method of treatment he «toes not operate for chronic apjien «tiriti«, gall »tones, ulcers of stomach. ‘ tonsils or adenoid«. Hr has to hix credit womlrrful result« ' in disemirs of the stomach.liver.hnwrhi, I bl««»!, skin, nerv«-». heart, kidney,blad­ uer. twn writing, w.--.i; lung» der. tw-d wetting, ramrrn. catarrh, weak lungs. not fail to rail, aa improper measur. « rather than diaeaar are very oft. -n the r»uw- of your long «landing troubi. Rememtw*r above date, that consulta­ tion on th» trip will be free and that hi« treatment is different » Married women must be accompanied by their husband* Address. 336 Boslua Block. Mi one I state tournament Saturday night. *2 The rfuaranfeed tensile strength of the “Ton Tested Tube is 1 1 tons per square inch. Yt t it is priced on a parity with just ordinary tubes. WHITE CLOUD "CAFE“ for postmMterahip. receiving „ 411 of If vou have b«en ailing for «nv k-ngth rteto WM the or tm* >od «to not get .n) to-Uer. nsldere<1 rather early for a cross rountry trip. The mileage jier gallon a ax between IV and 20 miles. The car wax in Scio ail i afternoon, and the vwn.-r stated that about a year ago the apeedometor went bail and up to that time he had driven about 12.000 miles but had no record of the mileage since that time. The Barto Motor Co hav«x.the agri - v for this de- pendabie car. «nd alao have the agency for the Ck-trac Tractor». This Arm also has a well «-quipped battery atatton. featuring the Willard battery. They are thoroughly convers­ i ant with the trade an-1 can take your batteries and completely rvbuihl them if you itosiro. They are prepared to equip your car with th«- threaded nib- | bvr insulation, which is distinctly a I Willard feature, and which r< presents Pennsylvania when out of order rvijiore lb* sltenltoa , of a specialist. The great mm take of many individ­ ual« » that they delay and postpone having their eye« examined. If your lyw are troubling you it will pay you to give them prompt attention, as the negligence along th» line ha» been brought home forcibly to many people. We take ptoasure in directing our reader» to E C. Meade. Optometrist, who«« offices are lixatw! on Second street, Albany, and tn cotin«*don with which ia a manufacturing optical de­ partment under the supcsviaiun u( Har­ old Albro. want«, he has built up a large |»tnon- age. From time to time he has add.d new line« until today h» large a tuck of merchandise embrac«» hardware, furni­ ture. electrical atipt-oea and musical goods Not lung ago he took over the entire Stock of electrical g>K»U of J. S. Sticha, and thn> added to h» own stock makes him a most complete line. Mr. Caln believes that quality of goods » the one thing always to be taken into consideration, aial to thia - nd he strives ThU firm haa one of the must rum- to supply hw trade with merchandise of standard make from the world's best pic-te optical departments Atted with •cieutificahy correct instrunu-nta for manufacturer*. Thia »tore has the honor of represent testing your oyra, and they are thoroly ing the Winchester Repeating Arma competent to tit you wilhgla»»«-« of the Co.,who are now placing on the market correct power ami »hat** for each indi­ a full line of tool» «sale from their line vidual. Thia Arm ia not a stranger to of Are arms, so when you add to your the people of thia section, as they have tool collection s ki Winchester» «old enjoyed a largu palr^iag«- from our only at the Winchester Store. Another fWMiplc for *orne time pa«t. Each department of thia well known excellent line carried 1» the Marsw.-lis f Mouse Paints. The formulae on which Arm i« under the supervision of one this paint Is wad«- is the r- »ult of year» thoroly comjw-tent and whose work 1« of conscientious invist-gallon and pro of the highest character. Their office« dure ■ product whi< h » -uierior to any are located on itocond street, Albany, on the market. The house wives will be where vou will And the New Colonial, pleased to know that at thia store they the rimless oelogon »ha|>ed letia- the handle the fatuous S- Iler» .Mastercraft latcst. lar Get action for better health by telephoning *7 fui an appointment. 414-ID U. S. Bank Bldg. of -x i -:s< >\i i-; :» Mm. C.lrl« Mrrr» m4 •»« tV«.n»l«k.a We put you -nc.r«...ottone«* with bUn.in.i» of r< Ai-i-tl I a>ii«ot and M*m«tit lb«»« Eros. Many worth ««st. Slojssi no.! upwan». Ev- erythi- i Mi •! ....... -■!. iiti.il. W» 4» art ysktek yL k ’ pUoat etil k< |2 p«r year. Rud, card with >