MEADOW SHADE DAIRY H0LFLICH ELECTRIC SHOP Newcft BuaineM in Soo Fili* Distributor lor Famoua Deko- Niche that Help* Keep Light Product»—I 16 W. Second St.. Albany City in Forefront One of the new mterprtea* (or Sew. ■nd <>m which i-romi*«* to fill that tone felt want, M the Meadow Shade Dairy, ■tart. I by Mr E A. Wagnar about five »rein a«», and which i* giving •al >fa. t .n to a large and constantly it . reusing number of patron* whose cumnw-mlation of thia naw buslneaa la so universal and hearty as to ba a guar­ antee of it* future suer***- <> c of the principle product* of thi* Dairy 1» the celebrated Magdog Shade Butter, manufactured by Mr. Wagner, wb<> i* an expert butter maker, having •p< nt many year* in the buainaaa until he su . ceded in perfecting himself in the art of producing butter that ha* no s-q-r.-r m quality. The demand for M- —k-w Shad*- Butter ha* incragaed to - h an ex taut in the abort tune it ha* tn -n on th*- market that Mr. Wagner H im !» it n*-e< «aary ra put In new machln- *-r> <>f incrvaecd capacity, and a new «•burn ha* Iwen ordered and wiU be in- •tall* . capacity, and with th. n proved machinery it will be pos­ sible to increase the daily output **v- eral time« over. In addition to thia, Mr. Wagner will keep on hand* a full line of dairy product*, »uch aa table ervum, whipping cream, cottage cbeeae, buttermilk, »trictiy fresh eggs and a variety of vegetable*. 'H uh concern ia one of which Scio may b- juRtly proud. and we are glad to rue- ommend »uch a worthy institution tn Wt * ill add that the farm er« find a ready cash market for freeh egg* at Mr Wagner'* eatabliahment, which i- also the agency for the Mutual Creamery Co., of Portland, and pay* highcHt market price for butterfat. THE ARMY STORE Opposite the Albany Hotel on Lyon St., Albany, Oregon. Allen fit Hillpot.Propa. Th »tore which located in Albany a few month* since ha* built up a trade that ia indeed marvelous until on*;iearn* the why and wherefore* thereof An interview with the courteous man­ ager. Mr. Hillpot, revealed the fact that th>- good* he i* offering for sale were made for the government under *1" rial contract for the army and are of ap. ial uniform quality and •■«si­ lence, having been inspected, bought ai 4 paid for by the government When the war closed vast quantities of these auppli.-a were stored ia government warehouses and these have been thrown on th*' market at a great reduction in price The management of thi* store wan fortunate enough to secure a large mu- k ’ i ">ent of these superior goods al a figure which enables them to offer them far below their actual value, and buyer* of these good* are reaping a harvest. It will pay anyone needing shoes, clothing, blanket*, underwear, sock», ran- nt», sweatera, legging*, gloves, and in (art a host of thing* too numer­ ous to mention in thi* limited apace, to give th- m a call A comparison of pci c«-» will rewilly convince one of the ad- vanta. in price to be gained by trad­ ing at thia »tore. In ad-lit.<>n to the character of goods ment> -d. thi* store also carries a large li .- of canned meats, etc,, of fine qualit i tt'l at prices that are attrac­ tive. i all without delay while every <1« parlm-nt is complete and secure your •hare of the real bargains at the Army Store. Facts Wfftl Ml TMl| Scio i* the trailing center of the north fork« of the Nanliam. Scio ha* population of about MNk Scio w- in the heart of the beat dairy­ ing wtion of Linn county. Scio farm« grow must anything that can be grown from aoil. « chi own« it* water and etocMt IgiM plant* plenty of power at a cheap rate for any number of enterprises. Scio ba* • milk eondenaerv. and no better milk 1« canned any where S< i>> ha* a figuring mill, and it* prod­ uct fiml« a ready market at ail time*. Scio la ckwe to billion* of feet of standing timber, and soon big mill* will be bu«y making it ready for market. Scio ha* a hospital secood to nag*. Scio if v<>u want to know more about Scio »nd the «urrounding country, write Io tlw bank, the mayor or to the editor of thi* paper. If you are needing printing of any kind you can do no bettor than by coniing to The TribaMM. There i* probably no other invention among those recently perfected that baa meant so much to the progressive and modern farmer of today a* ha* thi» wonderful Deco-Lighting system To install a plant of thi* kind is the desire and aim of every uptodate farmer, for he know* that no* only i* it a time and labor «aver, but that it is clean, safe and sure, and that in the future no farm will be cunsidrred modern without such a plant to get let light and power from. Nut only does this plant make it pos­ sible for plenty of bright, clean light, but it |«im|» the water, grind« the feed, turn» the cream separator but to enumerate here all the many tasks it doee to make the chore« lighter. Would consume endless time and »pace It* usefulness doe« not «top on the outssle nor in helping the men. It make* possi­ ble all the light conveniences that take the drudgery out of housewsrk. Many people have the Idea that a Delco-Light plant is s complicated and intricate piece of machinery »ml that it requires • great deal of car* to keep it in operation In this respect they are mistaken, although it emboiile* several great scientific features It i* sturdily built and requires practically no «are and expense and is self-operating There are so many good and beneficial feat­ ures to the Delco-Light that it is impos­ sible to enumerate them all, am! we suggest that you call at the HoAich Electric Shop. I IN West Second street, Albany, and let them give you figure* and a practical demonstration. It may be interesting to the reader« to know that at the present time there are more than 166. out) home« where Delco- laght ay ate ma are in operation. [ GILKEY STATION | Our Special Bargains For Saturday, March 25, Only I 5 Pounds Sugar, only $1.00 worth to a customer, . 2Ji lb. can Pineapple, reg. 30c, for...................... Quaker Quakies, reg. 25c package, for ... Spiced Sardines, 25c size, limit J can» toa cuatomrr. 75c size Stock I 5owder and Poultry 1 onic . . . $1.00 .23 .18 .15 .48 Men’s Furnishings For your convenience, and to save you money, we have added this new line of gents’ furnishings. See window. Field SEEDS Oarden Yes, we have the best lines of quality Held and Garden Seeds on the market today. Our long experience in this line enables us to render you good service. Will dupli­ cate any prices from any place and save you postage. J. F. Wesely, Grocer, Scio, Ore. March 20 wa* a* follows Hong, by *11. prayer by th* chaplain, J. Holt; recital mn, Harold Gilkey. aok>, 'That "kl Irish Mother of Mine.’' Mrs. - B Holt; rt-od ing, "Three !*-•<-•. of -harririxk,’ 189 South Liberty Street, Salem, Oregon Mr*. Edna Gilkey. a*>io. "Twas Only - an Irish Dranm.” Vada Whetstone. ■»■■«“Chop Suey and Noodles■*■■■—■■■■» Three eonteat* were staged which caus­ ed much merriment. The prise winners Ndixih-H, 20c Pork and Ilin*, 20c Fried Kiev. 25c were Mr. and Mr*. Elno-r Wb*l*tone, James Johnston ami 1 .conord Gilkey. I Pork Chop Suey, 40c Fried Noodle«, 60c ; Floyd Cantrall, wife ar- t .mail *on, of Hood River, are vuuting with r«-la live* and friend* in this vicinity Mr*. Cantrail i* a daughter of Peter I'etcr- *oo. The debate at our school Friday promise* to be quite lively. The ques tian ia, "Resolve*!, that country life is more desirable than city life." I'-oya on the affirmative. Ervin and Martin Peter»on b-t their car. "a baby grand.” in the M ■ l-l fir»- O. L Holt and wife, of Portland, vte I ted Nunday at T. M. Holt'* Mr llolt and Cletus Holt accomi>ani«l them home. Franklin Gilkey I* home for a week's . Charter No. 192 Reserve llist. No. 12 Report of the vouditka at vacation from O. A. C. Mia* Rachel Cooke epenl the week­ The Scio Stat« Bank end at her home in Riverton At Scio, in the State of Oregon, at the lew ter Holt and wife, of < orvalli*. eloee of business March I". 1922; visited at J. G. Holt s Sunday. ■aaovBCs* Emeat Kelly and wife vWtod Arthur Loans and discount*............. .SIO2.R47.O8 Kelly'* in l^bsnon Son-lay. Overdrafts, secured and un­ Fred Mespelt is able to be up. " ill secured............ ... 369.7!» Bonds and warrant* and U S. Meapelt’s are well again Tree* Cert............. ......... .16.300 00 Mr. and Mr*. Timothy Kelly ami in­ Other bonds, warrants, and securities 17.442.21 fant *on. Roily, visited Mr*. Kelly’« parent*, the John Belly'*, bttnday. Mr (*»h and due from approved reserve banks................. 63.293 Ji* and Mr*. Henry Preevcr were vialting SCIO, OREGON Check* an whi)e al work. Cur*I Luca* ami Tom Merle Paine pulled out Tuesday for there later for the summer. Individual deposit» subject to Montana, taking two teams, hi* wife Smail ’ * victim* got away check, including deposits due state of Oregon, Fkl Kalina ami wife took dinner in •nd five chlktren. He says i >rego* ia county or cities ........ 153.967 Hl Scio Sunday with U'a mother. Mr*. no place for a poor man. Cashier checks outstanding . A, 102.37 thir line day Monday wa* a foreteller Nimic. , Time certificate* of deposit James Milligan, wife ami children of rain 1 ueaday, which is quite a disap­ outstanding ........... 43,.MS OU Liabilities othrr than above 1.641.« made a trip Saturday to Crabtree to pointment to the people in general. March 21 M C. Gaine«, of Crabtree, inform« visit Mr*. Ph«w-be Turner. Mr«. Milli­ Total.............. . 9222. 6111» me hi« wife is having a Ume with rheu­ Johnny Wesely, of Scio, was out laat gan'* mother, am! to do «ome trading. State of Oregon, j matism. Saturday soliciting milk for the <-oo Our sheep killing dog* have made a . “ The old man i* having a time with County of luna I densely There seem* to be quite a stir good haul on Cola Gaine*' band, killing bronchitis, hl* rtomach. kidneys ami LED. Myer*, cashier of the above on both SHie* of the - heese factory, a« 10 old ones and 12 fine lamb*. named bank, do solemnly swear that they only haul every other day ami do i I have received word that the dug* old legs, which are trying to fall on him, a« he i* only a l»y. the above statement i* true to the best not return can* until lb*- lay of culler made a raid on Wlilts Phillippi's sheep of my knowledge and belief. Nome thing wrong with see if they delivered to Scio in time. The dogs marie amriher raid o* M C. | could track the dog* that have been Randall. Dirortero. HE EATER. The Shedd Garage, owned by Dwight Peterson (who lived here many years) and Scott Prindell, burned to the ground Sunday morning about 3'30 o'clock. The entire equipment, which wa* new and uptodate, wa* a total loss, together with eight car*, three of which belong­ ed to the garage. The origin of the Are is not known. Ralph Mcl*onald, Thoma* Peterson and Floyd Cantrall were visiting st Shadd Sunday and viewed the ruin* of the Sunday morning fire. Ivan Funk, of McMinnville, wa* vis­ iting his parent*. J. R, Funk's, last week. Ils ha* been ill for roveral month* am! is »till unable to work. The Farmers' I'nion, local 113, had a very pleasant evening Saturday. The president. -. Il Holt. t-rvsided at the business meeting, after which the Is dir* took charge and entcrtaim-d the men royally with a SL I'at nek pro gTamme and supper The progrsmiue. prosided over by Mrs. John Shepherd. BINHIXL.’AKE Going to Build? Plans for houses, barns, chicken houses, etc., furnished free. Come look them over. Let us give you an estimate on the one you want. Scio Logging & Lbr. Co.