> i r.’y* w- ‘*■1 ..«•* THE SCIO TRIBUNE and hop« our friends will be as well •tale a« few have bo-n honored pleased with the first lattar as th« the past for they have helped make Oregon a great state. May editor is. Subscribe now. and she live to sec tbe century T he «ervice men, who fought and years tie their lol Mnd happiness bled in freedom's cause in 19171b, ami eaar should al«> tw* theirs. were refused audience bv President Harding How soon we forget our pledges of fealty to the sons of men who faced th« bullet, bayonet and the gas for ua. How quick are they thrust into jail if they decry their lot or steal a loaf of bread to atop their hunger. The Ocvdand, Ohio, jail forcibly hold« 157 ex-service men liehinds its bars No relief, no work and no remedy proposed the powers will adopt. T hkbb is every sign now that spring haa arrived. and one of th« signs i" the editor ha» cleaned up hi« hack yard. No. he hired It done, too much like work. v«u know. IlKAii our big ad about the Hairy edition to i>e issued April 20th. If you can help us in the way of giv- Ing reliable information about the dairy industry herealiouta we will • l’< Irll | ! , p4i A ;,(> • , to be of the utmost service to the entire community, and we must all do our hit. I ua Tribune ha« a new currespon- dent in thu issue from Larwood. It took us a long time to find one. but th* t ¡-.If’ will enjoy thi» weekly letter as much a« you d<> the letter« from Gilkey. Shelburn. Jordan. Shindler Bridge ami the good old Santiam Earm. It 1« with pleasure we announce thia »M««*»****«****M4«M*S«* I I < I i ______ * * ■■■ Bmm _______ ■■■ k/M < Bi 1 Fenders Straightened, Tanks Soldered Priem Right and ork Guarantrrd I hsvr oprard a »l»op ta tbe Seeck garage lew lk*a work «tclauvely. Will he Iber» at all tiaaea betweea 8 aad 6 o'clock st yoar tervice. t Promptly and Capably to E. L. Richardson Every Emergency. LEBANON. OREGON IS NOT ALWAYS APPRECIATED I t develops that Harrisburg ia the home of many a devout lover of 'toga. If the poison that has been ( killing off some of the memliers of the canine family has teen placed for that pun»Me it ia up to that man to guard his secret well. The vows that have liern made over the graves <>f Ftdo.and Buck .and Sport, and others, savors ill for him. And well it might The dog ia a friend that ask« few favors. Yet he takes his place in the family circle as fix» edly as the bark to a tree. He knows better than man how to with­ stand abuse, ami it is not given to ua human folks to demons! rate such I heights of joy over the simple wave of a hand or a kindly spoken word. We can scarcely excuse the man who will not admit hi« l ive for a dog. but what of the man who would knowingly, willingly, and sneaking- ly place poison out for the purpose of depriving someone of a friend like thia. Bulletin. —- -............. . ■ BENEFITED HIS COMMUNITY and or any aoklmng on an «utorn<4>ile. I Till HHI iay . MARI H 23. 1922 Radiators Repaired -------------------- Cements Intenssts at Mat« e< Populs tien—Avoiding g«nsat>on»bam. m Milk, $2.50 Its Clean Whole»om»n«so Is Its Ap. CUM n and th<* •luaU city t>e'««i «per CwMry Papar Whe «tom». Delivered Pure, Clean, Wholesome Milk PATTERSON Tbe e« ititi Ir, Cointn utili le« «be vii l«KV thè «mali 1.« Il uni) thè «muli city are Ilo -i ■ of tbe A uteri <«i> ii«U.*t»*« < > y Tbe, «re evan more limo ili«- !»»•« * «•• .»»•• «4 II nailon The, i»r.* tbe fiuti»-«rk <4 «Or ■ixeleni ■'bill»«! ti Ji|«t ut Ihe rio«*' at ibe Morbi «ni Mr Hi.ifour. fi* «i*n mhileier <4 «irmi Prituin. »«M to thè welter In I < i ¡«»ti thnt thè entlrv «*tvlllte«t invili mini l««»k 1« thè »nmll town» of An« ri« « le pr«««*rve fio Ih* uorlil ibe ctvIliMilun that li ha«l taken centurie» lo bilUd, h«H auxe thè »inni! Month, Gilbert McDonald Square Deal ♦< | j * I ♦o ♦♦ Frank Richter The Furniture Man 341-9 North Commercial Salem, Oregon 1.« i . ■, . . ■■■'■ y ■ i pri< «- •'* j Furniture and Wall Paper Heavy Service Bicyclta anti Indian Motorcycles On January 11. 1922. when Mr.; The ciMintry i.. w *tj» t eoe« »»» Ita ; B II Irvine a former resident of* reader» devold of ttuo •» «.»«tionatlani this community, but Dow of la»ba- that la ao pruinltient In Ih«* metropoli We carry a complete line of Mot<>r<*vel< ami Bicycle non. celebrated hi« 9.1rd birthday, lan p»t«er« Il «arile- t<> II» reader» T’res. Otla. Supplies, etc. thè newa lletu» tbul repre»<*nt thè Joy* ; be had lived to see more than he j and «orma« of il «*tr frl<*nd» and had hoiMvi He ha>i «een hi« fondeat nelghlxie». and k« |» ’he bearla of ilio ho|M*« realized in the pa«»age of th« people of thè connoiinlt, Iw-altiig In II gnu» tu II» r« « «ter» wltt amendment to the constitution of iini»«ui that md » and klndly adite* ori forai, .3X7 Court Street Salem, Oregon the United State« making the nation ■tate, natlunal and wnrld pnddcin» dry. lie hail been an ardent «upport- ailvliw that I» thè h - idi of thougln »♦♦aaaeaaa«««»»»««« * m ** o «* •nd »tu«ly lieviti* thè h«wrth»lom*« nf er of the cau«e from the lime it tbe nailon, and n«*t in thè « Irtwii mari« came into existence, and while being of tratte or thè brlghtlUhi» of < i»y wholeheartedly for it. never took ia- frlvollty It gor» »uh ih* infineii«« of a known alvi r* -|- «■»! < ini»«*r «4 «ue with hi« opponent« to th« extant thè community it» rditor i««« k of tt» that friendship« would be broken eiery wont It» eteri opinion ti gora and enemies made. At one time he lo a iwviple. Ilio pr««ple of thè country In thè metter of doline» ami aense, t secured just a few seed« of a new roniniunltl«-« and 'he fnrtn«, that are gocate can be had fur thè Ivsat money. more cattatile of thinkln« alone aan«. wheat, of which no one knew the unaelfiali and practleal linea than «re Standard High Quality Mcrchindite name, planted same, and it grew thtme who an- »nrroui»»l«l by th»* Can be l**ught bere at |«TirrS that m»*ii Mosti .’ mihi . ami evvry sr- ■nil many time« r»ll Inltmwice« •elfiah and multiplied, ao he named it "Fro lieti* wr «eli M' eT .*»ATi.-t i or finii m«>i» y back W> .tre «tuie ugents of thè large citi.-« for thè hibition Wheat.” Like the votes for : the influence of the country Rat Martwclli Paint» and Varnishct prohibition, it grew and spread out new«|vi|M«r gtie* far t«« i«aid thè coni Na­ ¡among neighbors and friends, un muniiy in whl<*h It i» |irintad tional legl*lal««>s In lite b ill« of Ciai til it 1» now the most widely planted grw» reali«* that thla Inflnence 1« a and known wheat in this section of power to l>e rmk«rto*«l «Itti That the state. He has seen his commun­ when thè country pi«-» •|»-1k« In «ni 220 N. Commercial St. SAUM, OREGON «on on any uatlonal «tihje. t It 1« hot itv grow from scattering neighbors voiclng ihe «entIntenta of timi rntghty of «everal mile« apart until the pop­ force Ihe peop'* *1 ' «'«■■li Iry Coni ulation is such that neighbor« are muntile«, thè prople In wh«-»e band« «ay « Mr Ralfour, r*»t» thè d*«tlny of « within «tone's throw of each other. world etvtltuulon He has seen imiMMaable roads in the Fighi« for Enti»« Country. . winter made paaaabl« the year The country t*»*-» mprvaenta and around; he haa «een the old stage re­ fighi« for th«e»- thlng» that «re of placed by the train, auto and the value to thè t-oiintry .vaiiiniinltle« reallrlng that In «n. being the bXaiK Pmcaa. other, and these lung and useful, Administrât ri» of the Estate of Kart J Peter», dKcwel lives w*ll-«ard«d popularity should ; V. I.rte McCroakev, by U m a of this eeeeaaeaa—eaaeae—eeaeeeaaoeeaseeaaeo LLOYD E. RAMSDEN ► -,v .’t A Catalogue of beautiful Oregon Woolens,showing how beautiful and serviceble our home wool can be made -— the best wool for Men’s Fine Suits t * ? in the world Are You Wise? Square Deal Hdw. Co. Tested Field Seeds Poultry Supplies Catalogue The Blain Clothing Co. Value First Albany, Oregon The Store with a Square for Every < uatomer. Ileal ... .......................... >«IMH»H I D. A. White & Son Seedmen and Feedmen 251-261 State St Salem. Oregon i