The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, March 02, 1922, Image 6

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per card, r 2| cent* per card by
last Friday for the min«tr«i show to
mail, postuaid
the good of the gymnasium uro­
The Mutual Creamery Co W>*hes
Wanted Two <>r three good buys
gram. Thus one by one are the
tn announce that they have moved
or viri» in every community to
people uniting in helping this worthy
their eream buying station to the
take subscriptions for the Tribune.
Hotrl Block, also that they have ar-1
If any one is interested, uleaae
Mrs. J. I.
Kelly entertain«!
in ami make arrangements
ranged M th E A W agoner to oprr-1
Thursday evening at ”500” in honor
to go to work. Attrattive price
ate same, wh«» promise* continuoue
to each solicitor
of Mrs D D. Austin, who will a»on
and satisfactory treatment, paying :
leave for her new home at Paimito
at all lime« top market price for i Hatching eggs for sale From care­
IM Verde Island. Mexico.
fully acb-eted and well mated
purebred Rhode Island Reda.
Judge Geo. G. Bingham, of Salem,
We solicit your buainraa which •
SI SO a setting, prepaid, by parcel
and Judge Percy R. Kelly, of Al­ will be fully appreciat«-!.
Registered Jersey cow
bany, have eaeh announced lhem­
for sale. du«- to freshen March 1st
Mt TV a t. C reamkrv C o .
H S Nolan. Rt. 1 Scio 3l)p
selves as candidates to succeed
K A W aoorf . h . Agent.
themselves as district judges for
For Sala S h«ad of horses: 1 hay
this district.
15 years old. 1250 lbs; 1
i«ay man- (baldface) 12 yearaold.
The K. of P. Ixdge has Iwen
1500 lb» * I .lark gray mare. 9
making a considerable stiide during
ymraold. I4ts> Itw
All fat and
the past month several new mem­
in Is -t of condition
See Mrs. F.
For Sale Jersey cow. fresh a>on
west from
bers having been taken into its
Inquire of W. H Grimes, or
Iarwoud bridge on Crabtree creek.
ranks. This is one of the booster
phone 2311.
lodges in this city.
bor Sale Al»ac clover
|, |$c p..f Adv« rtdng Pay* I wmh to thank
the )••<•! . ai I the tribune for
pound Inquire of Guy Johnston,
Ona Shelton spent Sunday with
the sure«-*« with which the formal
his mother in Lobanoa. Mr. Shel-
opening brought me last Saturday
ton reports Leban >n closed up tight Lost Jersey cow and probably a
It shows that th«- people read the
yearling calf with het; write John
Tribune and believe in it. and
on account of the diptheria epidem­
Soucek, Selo. Ore.
c< n««|u<mtiy I was not as well
ic there, several caies having proved
prepar« d for the «nslought of
fatal during the past week.
Men Wanted To cut 200 cords of
patron- tl at came for the liar­
wood: |1 SO per cord. See F
I wish to thank the stud­
A default order was entered in
Thayer, Scio, Oregon.
the lilaral advertising
the circuit court Friday against John
they gave me at their show Fri­
Brigard rt al. in favor of the Farm­
day night. i will continue to
mar Cameron’s sawn ill
ers and Merchants Bank of Slav too.
giv«- you the I« -t at all tiinee. and
or phon«- 0. K Howard. Scio. Or.
and a decree authorising the bank
thereby merit « or trade and con­
fide t ce Mt ad w S hape D airy
to foreclose a mortgage given as se­ Score Cards Get your "500" score
cards at th«- Tbiut sr of? c-
I A Wagner. Prop.
Miss Morcom, one of the teachers
in the high school, was taken to the
hospital Sunday morning suffering
with pneumonia.
Her mother ar­
rived Sundav evening to attend her
in her sickness She is slowly im­
C. D. Compton ha« just finished a
neat bit of carpenter work for Ed
Bilyeu in his carpenter shop ’ Skin­
ny” Balschweid ¡ui-oiti-d him and
Charley says if he keeps on improv-1
ing he will make a first ciaas car­
penter by the tune tie is '.»tl years
Mr. and Mrs A M Schroeder of
Gatee. paaeed through Seto .Monday
on their way to Albany to attend
the funeral of Mr« Schroeder’s bro­
ther. Alva Beeson. Mr. Beeson died
Sunday in Salem where he was em­
ployed as a linotvu* operator on the
Death was from flu.
v ( &
: <
'/‘Xi Jl
« - ‘
John Stellmacher, who live« on
route 1. was in the city Saturday on
busi neat.
Good Man Goes Wrong
"For no reason whatever" com-
Mrs Roy Crabtree and children plained Olaf Oleson. Salem auto
Mies Winnifred Ferris is nursing
• a
an«! Mias Margaret Mlygar were Al­ dealer and Tribune advertiser, my
at the Hollis home
bany visitors Saturday.
partner. A. W. R«H>ketool, piled all
!■ ether A. M Steder of Jordan
W D. Reed, who lives on rout 2, the work of running the business
spent Monday in Albany.
was in this city Monday and made onto me and got married.”
Then he went on to explain to
Mrs.Herlwrt Shelton is recovering thia office a pleasant call.
the Tribune man that the ceremony
nicely from an attack of flu.
Frank Bartu was laid up Monday was performed Tuesday n ght and
Ray Combs and wife and three
with a sore neck. He fell a victim the bride and groom left Wednesday
children are in bed with the flu.
of the epidemic now going the morning by automobile for their
Dr. Harold Albro, of Albany, was rounds.
a Scio business visitor Wednesday.
Both Mr. Kookstnol and Mina
S. H. Goins and wife, of near Jef­
Sutton are well known in
Frank Combs, wife and two child­ ferson. were business visitors in Scio
this part of the slate and have
ren are under the weather with flu. Saturday, and while here gave thia
many friends "who will be glad ■
office a pleasant call.
Mr. Stevens, of the Woodworth
to hear of their downfall.” said Olaf
Mr. an<i Mrs. J. N. Crabtree and
drug store, Albany, was in Scio
through the clouds of gloom.
daughter, of Salem, spent Sunday
m Scio with friends. Mr. Crabtree
Misa ¡ilsrtap, of the O. A. C., is is employed at the Spaulding mill.
teaching at the high school in Miss
Mrs H«rt Hollis ia another victim
Moreom's place.
<>f the epidemic prevalent around
Commissioner D. C. Thoms spent here and ia confined to her home,
the week end in Portland on busi­ l-ate reports say both she and Ralph
ness for the county.
are Improving.
Fred Bilyeu stole time from his
Mias Edith Forrest, home service
business to drive Into Portland Mon­ worker for the Linn county chapter
day. returning that night.
R«-<! Cross, is making a tour of the
Dr. S C. Browne went to Port­ county thia week and ia scheduled
land Tuesday morning on business to be here one day.
connecter! with his trip to Paimito
Mrs. J. W. Compton, who ia Hfi
del Vertie island, Mexico.
years old. ia «uttering with neuralgia
Ed Chri was In town Monday and ■if the neck and face, ia expecting
called at the Tribune office
E«i her son, 0. W. Com nt on, of Spo­
O. W. is her
likes the Tribune, so it will come kane. to visit her.
baby boy.
to him regularly for another year.
J. A. C. Brant, formerly with the
Tribune, is assisting the editor this
week >n getting out the best little
weekly in the state. Mr. Brant feels
that he is again back home
Not to be outdone in rendering
support to the High School Student
Body, the local Z C. B. J. lodge, at
fits meeting Sunday, unanimously
voted to donate the use of its hall
Scio Meat Market
Want* your Im-.'«. We pay 1c !••-- thm Portland
priera. Phone or drop us a card and we w ill call
Special Prices on Wednesdays and Saturdays
Scio Meat Market
Holechek Brot.
.Scio, Oregon
Jr* St*'
Look our stock of Seeds over before you buy. We
are putting in a full line of fresh Garden and Field
Seeds— have some home grown Field Corn
best ever. If you need any Seed Barley, we have
some very choice Hanson Spring
Densmore’s Feed Store
Scio, Oregon
Albany, Oregon
?h?tS Hfe hare Burbank N etted
ftted Gem at
and $$$$$$
lÿÎ/tpCpÇÇXpCp Earley BurbankA
Sunrise Seed potata?*