OREGON PIONI 1 RS (Continued from I’kgv'l) High School Notes firm stand for right Fresh and Cured Meats We buy Veal, Pork & Poultry Shelton & Co. Props SC TO, OREGON * THE SCIO STATE BANK H A. Ewing. A. FL Randall I’reenient Vice l*r«-s. FL D. Myers. CasMier Mart a bank account today and provide for your future. You will rind a checking ac­ count very convenient for your business lran»actiona. We pay Interest on time deposits. Morrison & Lowe UNDERTAKERS Calls Attended to Promptly Dav or Night OREGON SCIO Riley Shelton Real Eitate Broker and Notary Public hit rath Obtained. Examined .jCIO • - OREGON - O. F. Korinek Veterinarian BTAYÎON, ... OREGON ( alls answered bay or K ight Tuberculin Testing We make a Specialty of F riendship, Engagement and Wedding Rings F. M. French & Sons ALBANY JL DR. A. G. PRILL Physician ani Surtcoi Calls Attended l»ay or Night February 28 The School minstrel show was held in the new hall and was a great success Mr. Hagey received the $20 block of bonds and Mr, Suther­ land the "real live baby." a tiny red pig dressed in a cape and boo- net. No school was held Wednesday as it was Washington's birthday, a school holiday The usual exercises were not held sa they were to lake place at the parent teachers meet­ ing which was postponed on account of the death of Mrs. Henry Shel­ ton. School was dismissed Friday after­ noon so that teachers an«i students could attend Mrs. Sheltons funeral A student lx»dy meeting was held last Friday for the pur(>ose of elect­ ing a high school representative to the meeting of the gym bond holders which was held at the school house Feb 25 Kenneth Sims was elected. Dr. Hobson was elected to retirement the high school on the committee tha» will draw up the plane for building the gym. Do babies cry? We'll say they do Especially "real live" ones like are given away at country stores. The baby cried so loudly last Friday night that Mr. Tobie had to walk the floor with it untill It fell asleep, so that it's erving would not disturb the audience. To show their appreciation for efforts Lyle Ficklin haa put forth in behalf of the gvm boml drive the student body has presented him with two boode. The student body wishes to thank the Z. C. B J. lodge for the interest taken in the Ixind drive and the* sup­ port shown by unanimously voting to donate their hall for the minstrel show A man was heard to remark, "the gym show was much better than I expected I didn't know Scio was that wide awake." Mies Moreom is reported to be improving at this writing. Dr. Hobson, .Milo Bartu and Bert Hollis are the ones chosen to help in the construction of the gym in cooperation with the student body. T. B. Barnet. Another of the old »cttler« of thie part of the state has I m n ci < ! his reward, this time it iwing I B Barnes, of Mill City. wh>> di«-d Feb 22. 1922. who cam«- to Scio in 1864. ' and lived here until I* -' wh«n hr moved with his family t ■ th«- plact where he died Mr. Hames wa- born in Tennew»«-«- in Jure 1840 in 1881 he was joined inmarringv to Mies May McKnight. to whom were bora four children, t» > of; whom are still living Wallace J« Ort»» A great surprise for the home knitter» of Oregon, but »till a feet. Further­ more. thm yarn is absolutely viqnn wool yarn; the wool was grown in Lian county. »okl by Mr. Senders to K„< Worsted Company (mills loeatsdat Sei|w<»«D. made into worsted yarn by Rov T Bishop, »on of C. P. Bishop proprietor of the Woolen Mill Store of Salem Oregon knitters try this yarn out AU colors. 46c per ball of lot» hamplrs »ent on apoheation. Af Min.-d t.adi«» and Gen­ tlemen, in Canvla ami U. 8 , who wish to marry or rorr«-s|iond for amusement. Fbetaa Free. Many worth *6,DUO. flO.USi and npwartis Ev­ erything strictly confidential. W< 4» aat psbink ysar aanw or a44rm. A year's subacrmtion with full pnvil«-gea SI.OU, or four months' trial for j O c Don't send cash. only Money Orders, or 2 eent American »tamps. If check, aend 10 cents extra for exchange. attorney at law am-3 Nee First Satxmal Bank Bldg. XLBANY OREGON DR J W. GOIN. Veterinarian. Authorised Auction Sale and Interstate Inspector. Phones —I'slace Feed *-hed. 1*4 J Rrsidenee. MO-R ALBANY. OREGON Mg, We have HnilPAI -eD F v.-rything U|llluQI BYE STRAIN la the cause of many human ills BANCROFT Optical Company i 313 W. let St.. Albany Railroad Time Table ! Arrival and Departure of Passenger Trains children named above «urvive, lie­ sides numerous relatives bv mar Don't Forget the Time HUNKERS 10' ,' Discount The Winchester Store The Winchester Store R. M. Cain Hibler Q. Gill Co General Merchandise ? ? Shoes. Groceries etc. Call on us L>r Dry Goods, F ? ? * Hibler & Gill Co Oregon ¿ 4 February 28 Mias I Ruth Eichinger, who haa been on the tick list for th«- past, week, is improving Eddie Rahn was hauling straw Tueeday from the Z. J Clark farm. 1 D. H. Hildreth mot»rr Saturday and Monday t.......... .............. r Nm Fnt SHMItr’i Bridge It Is now knocking at vuur door through the columns or the *« to Taiausa. Will you recognise the gentle tap at your door? U hat papers do you Isku. take? „ Here is the' opportunity for you save 80 rente wt the price; - $550 Alter taking over the Stic ha Electric Supplies, with what I had on hand, leaves me overstocked on Electric Irons fore 77 years, I month, ami 21 days; 1 old when he died B«-sides his wid­ ow he is survive») by «rven children, five firls and two boys Anna. J oie, Mary. Rosie. Emma. J>> - ph. Fjnil. The funeral services were held W ed- newt ay afternoon and burial had in the Masonic cemetery. OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS Either Albany paper and I as Hero fatness . . also a member of the I <) () F lodge of Scio The widow and thr On Monday. February 27. 1822. John Kotan, one of th« Iwst known members of the Bohemian settle­ ment. was called in death by a par­ alytic stroke, although having Ix-en in ailing health for the past four years By hard work anan