The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, March 02, 1922, Image 4

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man from planting an early garden,
such as onions, peas, ate
Flead Noises and Ringing
in the Ears
Head noises and
ringing in the ears
are the natural ac-
compartiment of ca­
tarrhal trouble. The
ear passages and the
air passages are con­
nected. and the stop­
ping up of th* air
passages by mucas.
as in a cold, extends
to the ear passages
and causes trouble
there. Deafness is
quite frequently an
accompanying sym­
A cold that effects
the hearing ia usual­
ly quite severe in
character, and is usually so discomforting to tha
sufferer that everything possible is done to get rid of
it. However, the fact that its cause is in the spine,
and that th«- quickest possible relief ia usually to be
had from chiropractic adjustments, is not generally
know n. The adjustments restore the full tide of
spinal nerve impulses into the air passage tissues and
cells and with this aid Nature soon clears the trouble.
Deafness oi 28 Years is Ended
Arthur Thompson. proprietor of a steam laundry,
Htatce: "I w«» Hflbctc«i with d«*iifneiiii for 2H year«
prior to my trial of chiropractic adjustment« I could
not hear a telephone ringing on the deak ix-nide me.
After adjustments my hearing came back and today
in completely restored. This statement I make under
oath.” A. R Thompson. Chiropractic R«*serch Bur­
eau; Statement No. 13i»2ii.
Health la All
Get action for better health by telephoning K7 for an
414-10 U. S. Bank Bldg.
Phone N7.
Salem, Oregon
Tested Field Seeds
Misa Gladys Horsburgh Is on the
sick list She was taken to Cor valli»
Mondar for treatment.
W’e have the most complete stock of farm and field se«da
in the valley, including spring wheat, spring oats, fanry
clover and gra«.« »«•«•ds and a complete stock of tested garden
needs. Mail us a list of your wants or send for our new
price list.
Most every family has «ickaraa
colds, grippe, du, pneumonia, or
Poultry Supplies
(Continued from page 1 )
and whoer Itodiea are Itarely covered
with whatever sort of rag they could
get to hide their nakedness, and it
made a deep impreiwion upon the
big audience who had Come to «er
It. No heart with a «peck of hu­
manity in it could have turned awav
from that picture and not have had
a tear in the eye; ami wr understand
that a goodly »urn was realized to
aa»i«t toe worker« in their fight to
•ave the live« of the stricken "kid-
dies** of the Near East. Mr . Wes-
ely kindly donated the theatre and
the '’Juice" to operate the machine
for thia wortev cause, and many
other« had d >ne «omething that
helped in making this a succe«a
A comedy picture, "Forgetful
Men.” was shown after the Relief
picture and it was a »cream.
The largest and Ix-st wdected stock in the sti te to
from, including Incubators, Brooders. Poultry feed
kinds, grit, bone, sheila and fountains and fe«»dera.
You will always find our prices arc low as the best
can be sold for. the kind you find it pays to buy.
IO mm Í h
D. A. White & Son
Seedmen and l eedmen
Salem, Oregon
251-261 State St
I '
♦ ♦
February 2H
I •
I »
Every Saturday Night
John Ransom was home for the
week-«-nd, from tkrrvalli«. where
he ia studying Civil Engineering
at 7:30 p. m.. at
J, W. Miller and wife and Mr»
Gibbun motored to Albany Sunday
Daphne Ransom and Mary Gibboa
took a three mile hike «n Saturday.
Children of Tally Gibbon, H>>»
Gibbon. John Ortwein and John
Ransom gathered at the home of
C. V. A«ht»atgh. Feb 26. to hear
the "Bubble Books." After the
books were read and the record»
played, fruit punch, cake, and home­
made candy were m-rved
The com­
pany diaperard at an early hour; *•
a» to be rested for the reopening of
school the following day. Mr Ash­
baugh took a flashlight picture uf
I »
Oleson - Rookstool Auto
Exchange G^ar.g.
173 N. Liberty Street, Salem, Oregon
Photwr— Office. 1177
Phon»- -Rea., 1ZIIJ
Real Estate and Stock Sale»
«M Faaav
-H t M, «iREiîÔN
the group.
Dayton and Columbia
Service Bicycl, •
Indian Motorcycles
The McAllister twin« are visiting
at Ashbaugh'» while their father
and brother are ill. At present very
little change can be noticed in the
condition of the latter.
Frank Gooch. wife and daughter. |
Sign* and Show Card»
Nellie, motored from Albany Friday
to care for property here and also \
We carry a complete line of Motorcycle and Bicycle
to enjoy the dance at Miller’» Hall.
These dan?«-» are becoming constant-1
Tires, Oil«. Supplie«, etc.
ly more popular and are run in an
efficient, orderly manner.
The hall.
i» w«ll lighted and warmed, the
children'» play room being «»«pecially ed to discontinue fur a while owing and always see« that the church is
3x7 Court Street
Salem, Oregon
warm and comfortable. Thi« allow» to the leaky roof. H»l»art Hoagland warm ami clean.
parent» to attend who otherwiae ha« Dromiaed to repair it, aoaervicee|
would be forced to remain al home, j will continue regularly from now
Jam« M, 'Ccuntry of Spring«.”
rn aunny day« are hard on the Many of the young«-r set are learn­
Th«- name .Inviai i I« « corruption
A* there are no preaching ter-
J grain.
•f «««umi'-i ■ Wr«i Indian oapreswloa
ing to dance.
vicea, Sunday Sch-Hvl ia al eleven
n-m ti« ”the >-<>nntry »I wuiik II uc la
♦-♦♦♦♦♦• •
♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ • ♦ ♦♦
The Siimi ay «now kept the old
Sunday School w-rvicv» were forc­ o'clock. Justin Ransom ia janitor •pringa.**
February 28
Our Sunday morning surprise vis­
itor was not highly appreciated with
his Sunday clothes on
He was like
the «now man whom I fourni stand­
ing in my yard; he soon di«ap|>eaird
as he was not welcome.
Ed Kalina *aa disappointed Sun­
day morning by the anowfall which
•topped hi» »><1 plowing; he «teamed
up hia tin lizxiv and took hla family
over to vi«it brother Bill’» family.
Mrs. Cxira Luca« is convalescing
from her recent «evere illneaa.
Mr. Payne was to pull out Mon­
day with hi» wife and five children
with two team« headed for Colorado
and anticipating a pleaaam jou nev.
We wish them well.
Weather the paat week injured
the grain more than all the past
winter: the cold frosty nights and
254 North Commercial, Salem
Is now doing business. Dry Goods, Men’s Furnishings and Groceries are
carried. Goods are priced on a Cash Basis. I his is your saving.
this store and get prices on Groceries, Piece Goods and Men’s Furnishings
—You will become a satisfied customer.
The C. & C. Store
254 N. Commercial
Salem. - Oregon
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