: • -■• < Xl r-' r* « r ¿. irrt \ou'n Right, Nolan. under direction of Mrs E Hob­ H Six girls and six buys were used and the setting was on seesaw son Soo. Feb 28. DT22 To tbs Kdltar: boards with electr.c lights arranged I expected some results from ths thereon, and the song "Seesaw** ad I ini carrying in your paper. but used. It was a fitting clues to a I did not expect ths results I am glorious show. Spring Time Will Soon be Here getting. A copy of the laat issue The ’'Hayseed** band was present *ii dropped oatdoora where the in all Its glory and the members ac­ hen« saw it and now they have gone I quitted themselves with good and And that not lay bad piavmg. The boys in the band another egg as long as they are ad­ are all good musicians, and the dis- vert lard as being related to running eords thev made were very not ica- horses, The rooster says that thor­ able, and this part of the urogram on strike and say they will Seed Time and Spray Time the same as was much enjoyed, fhe grand purebred to an editor, but to a march, just before the country store breeder it sounds like a terrible was opened, made a great hit; the "bonar.** costume* were unique, typical of oughbred may We are well stocked with garden and field seed, both in bulk and pack­ age, selected for their fertility, and we not only guarantee the seeds, but we duplicate any price from any place at ¿ill times. We believe we know seeds and will be glad to talk to you dnd give worth while advice as to your requirements. We have sprays—the kind that does the work—both liquid and powder. correct ing was when, through Prof DARKTOWN INVADES Tobin, the l.yle J (Continued from page 1.) H. E. student body presented Ficklin with two bonds. The they could never with a hood on its nead and clothes pay Mr Ficklin for the work he had on its body. George enjoyed the done in their behalf, and alao knew aliair »■ mu h as did the audience. that he would n<»t accept pay at all. students realiird The entertainment came to a close took advantage of the occasion and at midnight with a musical numtier This presented him with the bonds. was also the 27th anniversary of his birth and this made it easier for the students to make the presentation. WHEN IN SALEM The total receipts tor the evening Try the are said to have been over SI25 a goodly sum for a g<«od cause. WHITE—, CLOUD "CAFE—1 you Come again, students, You can always rest assured of get­ ting good values and right prices in whatever you purchase here. a did well for the first time, and you will do better the next. Courteous I reatment Always American and Chinese Dishes J. F. Wesely, Grocer, Scio, Ore February 27 11 Frank Sommer went to Portland laat week to assist 8. I* Zyaaet with hia stump burner demonstrations. Mr Sommer expects to remain un­ til the middle of next week. A. J. FOSTER Bin Sin Cafe M. S. Allen and wife of Jefferson 0. Holt's were visiting at J. Pain lean Wed- need ay afternoon. Corn Doctor All Foot Troubles Cured < • :ca that« Street Salem, Oregon 41*>v<- Patton's Book Store WM home from Franklin Gilkey O. A. C. Sunday, Mrs her parents. S F > W. A. Gilkeya. Z> She visited Noodle?., 20c Rice & Pork 20c ta, and the Fried Rice, 25 Fried Noodles 60 Cletus and Will Holt motored to Mias Josie Hamline of Vale »• vis­ Mrs. Schism an Ralph Mc­ Dorothy for medical treatment. Mrs. J. H. K elly and Mrs Donald. l.ucy An- dereon accom panied them to Gervais. baby daeghter of Mar. Mr. and Mr«. WiM IJoyd Megpelt, i« ton- Whetstone, who ha. bevn very ill. Is improving valeacing fr<»m a «ick »i>ell. S. B. Holt, wife and - >n Melvin, Fred Sommer and wife. Riley W. A. Gilkey ami Mrs Veda Whet­ Preever and wife. und Ira Serffing stone were ill with la grippe last attended the Gorman aale near Leb­ week. anon last Turaday. Fred Sommer and son Ronald mo­ Esper Greathouse motored to Sa­ tored to Salem Saturday '<» attend a lem Saturday to take Mrs. Gus meeting of the Marmn County Hol stein Association They ret» -rt a big banquet and a good time generally. Frank Richter The Furniture Man Local Market Quotations { 21 Hens. 4 Ibe and over 16 Hens saw.aas, under sssseew-s w 4 ■ lbw aew Springs. If Iba and up 21 Broilers, under l| lb« .25 . .1» Star«____ ____ loeka . « .14 ftiocy no. 1 Drewwd pork, no. 1 blocker-« .13 .17 F—IMI Radiators Repaired and Fenders Straightened, Tanks Soldered Will he there at al bass between 8 aad 6 s’clack at year service. E. L. Richardson LEBANON. OREGON SCIO OREGON P oultry . V rai , asi » E gg - Give us a trial is all we ask. I have opened a shop h the Seech garage ler this work exclusively Scio Logging & Lbr. Co weeks, came home Turwlay. Furniture and Wall Paper Prices Right and Work Guaranteed Plans for houses, barns, chicken houses, etc., furnished free. Conte look them over. Let us give you an estimate on the one you want Dorothv and Madeline McDonald, Let uajquotr you prices on your or any soldering on an automobile. Going to Build? who have been at Mrs Francos R«d- dy’s. near Sanderson bridge for two Salem, Oregon MI-9 North Commerciai ♦ 189 S. Liberty St., •» Salem, Orego Albany one day last week. it mg her cousin. I I . . . . Chop Sueq and Noodle Ruth Hyde accompanied him home, eeeeaeeaeeeeeeeeaweeeeeee i - j’ ** * 1 ***-•' mean the term and I the pictures the city papers use in think the fi<>ck will then resume depicting the farmer. normal activities. H S. N olan Ths* crowning event of the even­ Please ■ V F eed I Mill rm.______ Scratch I4nr prudueer More fat. for hog* Ground barley Rolled barley Shelled corn, eastern Ground nr cracked corn LePag* cranked corn F lo UB Herd wtawt____ Soft w toetit.___________ 91.10 2.56 _ 2.66 2 00 2 lb 1 70 1 75 1.86 2 00 62.10-2 20 1.60 Are You Wise? In the matter of dollars and wnw, the wise |M-rson'buys Where good goods can be had for the least money. Standard High Quality Merchandise Can toe bought bsr»- at prices that mean M omry S aved , and every ar­ ticle we sell MUST 8ATI«vv or your money beck. We for the Mars wells Paints and Varnishes Square Deal Hdw. Co. SALEM, OREGON 220 N. Commercial St. Advertise ia The Scio Tribus» and ret rasalta. ., / A ♦ , if** 1 . # Advertías la The Sri» -ibun» and get resalta. I à > Atfj W* • ■ *.. A. . 8* 1 /<• A*! ?