The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, March 02, 1922, Image 2

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Tut iuuiay . M a Hi H 2. 1922
I t
quite refreshing .to read
alxiut the marriage of royalty, mil­
lionaire and liverymen instead of so
much crime
Our minds might be­
come normal should this continue.
During 1921. IZ.OMOsettiers, wii h
cadi amounting to |: ì .7 mì ,0O0. and
effects valued nt about 19*2.070,
went to Canada from the United
Stales and settled in districts be-
ween Port Arthur and Kingsgate.
British (Columbia, according to T.
Gel ley, Canadian Cximmisaioner of
Windsor. Canada, exhibited th.
m<>st gratifying industrial progrese
in 1921 and there is every indication
of its continuance in the present
year In the past twelve months
seventeen new United States in­
dustries located there, and there
are n<>w 238 flourshmg industries in
the border cities. Within the past
week alone locations were found for
four United States industrial enter­
prises. and at the present time
negotiations are in progress with 82
promising prosiiects, two being
British and the remainder American,
says a report faom Canada.
are asking you. In justice to your
little paper tell the advertiser you
saw his ad io the Scio Tribune.
We digressed just a little from
oar apology and now aay what we
intended in the beginning: We pub­
lished two 12-pag« papers in one
Prof and Mrs II E Tobey. W
week in this office, which was a big
thing in itself, and this taxed our E Reed and Miss Father R«-«d at-
almost strength and ability, but on tended the funeral uf A. <*. Libby
top of that all the family, except in Jefferson last Thurseay.
the editor, was taken sick, and at a
time when we could not secure help, an 8 P. train a few weeks ago. from
All the
ao we were late in getting the paper which he never recovered
to you. and would have been later
Wugs having printing done you
had it not been for the kindly as­
I can not afford to pay good money for
sistance of friends who came t>* our
( poor work
Th« Tribune prints a
rescue and stayed wl
us uatil the
better quality of letu-rbcads, envel-
wee sms’ hours of the morning last , opea and statements at a lower price
Friday so that our readers might
get their paper on that day. These
IlllCt if
ff Uaiustrum
ft tends were:
Mrs. Julia Bilyeu,
Notice n> hereby given that the Un­
Lyle Ficklia. Vandare Bilveu and dersigned baa been apteitnted adminis­
Maurice White. We cannot express tratrix of the estate of Karl J. Peters,
by the County Court of the
in words our heartfelt gratitude to deceased.
State of Oregon for the County of IJnn
having claims against satai
them for thia kindly assistance at a
estate are hereby notifu-d to present th«
time when it was most needed.
same duly verified, at the law office of
Since the publication of the paper V Lyle the First Nation
manv of our friends who thereby al Bank building, in Stayton, «-regun.
within six month* from th«- dale of th»-
learned of our predicament, express­ first publication of this notice.
ami first published thia 3d day
ed their sympathy for us and bid us of I»at«-d
March, |«tt
remeinlwr them in the future should
E uur P ktkhm .
another calamity befall us
We Administratrix of th«- h.*tat«- of Karl
J Peters, deceased
deeply appreciate this kindly offer, V Lyle McCroakev,
Attorney for Administratrix.
and will remember them. We hope
we will not be so unfortunate in the
SWrtW's Silt tí Bui frrptrtj
future, and that your paper will
continue to arrive on time each
Notice is hereby given. That by vir-
| tue of an execution duly >*eu«-d out of
the Circuit Court of th«- .Mate of On-
gon. for th« County of Linn. on the 1st
day of March. 1922. ut-on an order of
sal«- and decree of for««-Insure given,
mad«, entered of rc«-««rd ami d»«ck«-ttd
I n last week's Oregon Voter, a in and by sahl Circuit Court on th« itd
paper that advertises itself as a text day of February. 1922. in a suit then
(w-nding In said Court wherrtn the Far­
book for sch<Miis and colleges and mers and Merchants Rank of Stavton.
numerous other institutions of learn a Corporation, was plaintiff, and John
Bringard. ir . Frank Rringard Martha
mg. came out with a long article Bntigard. William linnganl. Ed Wolfs,
defending the actions of Senators Byrun Wolfe. Minot«- Wolfe. Noma
Stafford, R I. Stafford, Georg« W
McNary ami Stanfield for voting to Wolfe, lieraid Wolf« lUstrice Wolfe.
seat Newberry as a senator from Helen E. Wolfe, Sadie Fair ami Tom
C. Fair were d« fen<lant*. in favor of
Michigan, and the Public Service Plaintiff and against tb«- sard ilefend-
Commission of Oregon for having anta, and to me. the undersigned, sher­
iff of Linn County, Oregon, dirsebd. I
the courage to stand pat on their am cummand«d to sell at public auction,
former ruling in tiehalf of the Pa­ tn the manner prescrtlwd bv law. and in
acc«>ixlam-e with the provisions of said or­
cific Telephone anti Telegraph Co.. der of sale and <j<-< r«o- of foreclosure,
in granting a large increase in rates the property in said execution amt here­
inafter describe«! to pay the sum du«
to the said company.
the plaintiff of Eight liumlredand Fifty
While we do not question for a (SK5U.0U) 1 »ollari-, with intrr«-st therein
from the 1st day of July. ItOx at th«
moment but that just auch period-: rate of eight per rent («er annum, until
icals as the Voter are used as text .paid, and the further sum of
' attorney * amt the costs and diatwae-
tmoks by institutions of learning, we ' men la uf said suit taxed at ITU.2f>,
take issue with the fact that they I and the cost ami rijcnns uf said exe
; cution and thia sale
should be so used because of the
THKHKmax, 1 will on Saturday, the
unfairness of them and the mislead­ 1st dav of April, 1922. at the hour of
: One o'Ckick r. M. of sahl day, at the
ing information they contain. If the j north door of the County Court House
Voter can by any stretch of imagin­ (in Albany, IJnn County. Oregon, sell at
' public auction to th« highest Ihdder for
ation condone such tactics as ue-d i cash in ham! on the day of sale, ail tbc
by Newberry in securing his elec­ right, lilt-
, th« within nam«-d defendants, or either
tion to the senate, and also defend I of them, had « mi th«- «late of the mort
the Public Service Commission in its j , gage herein, or which they, or either of
* them, has since had or acquired, in or
attitude of telling the people to go
to said mortgage-! |>r«-mi*«s herelnbe-
to h I. then the sooner we can get | fore mentioned and dt-scribed tn aai<!
nd of such textbooks the better off execution as follows, to-wil:
The W eat half of the -<«uth-
this country will be and the sooner
eaat quarter uf the *-outh«-aat
quarter of ■»«■ction Thirty-four
we will get rid of the radicals that
in Township 9 **outh. Range
three 1 ast of the Willamette
are proclaimed so detrimental to the
Meridian, In I Inn County, "re-
safety of our nation, in that the
gon. containing twenty acres,
cause will then have been remov«*d.
more or le«ia
Said sale being ma«le subject to re­
It is by condoning and thereby
demption in the manner provided by
championing such events born in law.
Dated thia 3d day uf March. 1922.
crim*that the people are driven to
C. M K tux ha LU
radicalism in order td get relief
Sheriff of lJnn County, Oregon.
Man’s inhumanity to man was
about to I m - shown up right in Port­
land the other day, when residents
of a certain district wanted a man
ousted from his garage, in which he
and his family were living. The man
was a Spanish-American war veteran,
hail lost hie job with the city of
Portland last fall after having
bought a lot and enough lumber to
build a garage. He built the garage,
moved in and was thus saving him­
self the necessity of paying tribute
to the rent hogs in Portland. The
veteran stated he had no money to
move on. that the 8.-A. Poet was
helping him and if com(ielled to
move it would have to be on the
streets. The ouster suit was brought
by the fire chief upon request of
neighbors who objected to the
family living in their own garage,
but Judge Roaaman refused to issue
the ouster preceedings. Oh, Lord,
how long must the poor suffer at
the hands of those who have plenty?
Our pride is taking us as a nation from those who would continue to
to destruction.
footer wrongs rather than take the
side of right tiecause of party affil­
Wg RKtlRKT very much to have iation. lie they democrat or repub­
to make an apology for the ap­ lican. W«- believe there is no bet-,
pearance of the pa|x-r last week, and ter time than at the present to make
for the omission of some of the ar­ away with politicians and papers
ticles so necemaiy to the success of that are always fostering wrongs
the Automotive edition. But we are upon a credulous people and making
herewith making the apology.
The them like th«*» wrongs whether
time is too late for their appearance they want to or not; and the fact
this week, but on thia occasion we that Senator McNary gave out word
wish to a*k our readers to aay to that he would not vote to seat New­
each and « very advertiser with whom berry. and then voted for him under
they do busim-wi to tell that adver­ the leash of withholding his bills for
tiser he or she saw their ad in the the reclamation of arid lands In the
Scio Tribune
This is a little thing West, shows that he ia a weak sister
to aak. but it often means big things in the senate and no better than
for the purchaser; and it also means Stanfield, who everybody knew stood
that the advertiser knows that hia with everything that savored of
Stanfield ia a party
advertising is bringing results from party name.
the Scio Tribune. In many instances man, if wrong all the better; and if
of which we know, a purchaser has right, just because of party. He has
reaped many a Itargain not other- | seldom been In hia aeat since being
Wise advertised by just doing
cago taking care of the great Swift
Packing Co. interests
Yes, the Voter is a great text­
book—for party wrings. for parly
perhdv; and party first, last, and ahi
th* Um«.
sent to the senate, but rather in iJu-
ClanOei mows, Panfies. Aps
all liquids, perfumes,
home • ma<lc twveragea,
etc. Makes water fit for
drinking in few minute«.
Dissolves Yeast
ing useil but Electricity
and our CONDITE.
Eyash 2S Tears • Bsrrd
We specialise in Rapid Ltqutal Fil­
ters and Flststia, E,trs<U Try s csss
stew Csasdus ■«« Estosrta. tfi.ixi
Kr case of any tw.Ive fla.-.r«, Each
tile will flavor on«- gallon of your
favorite. ( hkh I s shipp«M! from Can­
ada or U. 3. Mew« keck (esnaiesd d
set Mtafied
Ask for free «ample of
our Fusel-Oil Removing Compound.
Write for FREE < oNDITE OF
FER and our lllustratnl catalogue
with everything in this line from A
to Z. • Proof Testers.” 11 00
Act Quick Free Offers Expire
This Month.
(Dept. O
♦st E. Itxth St.. New York City
A beautiful selection in
Percales and Madras, also
the new Aero and Balloon
Cloth. made with new
Style stand up soft collar.
Prices $1.00 to $4.50
"The Store With a Square Deal
for Every Purchaser”
< >i< i X ¡ on
We Print Sale Bills
Auction Sale!
Farm and Personal Property
miles Elast of Jefferson
and I mile North of 1 bomas Station,
Thursday, Mar. 9, ’22
10áW A. M
Description of Farm
10 acres, all under cultivation, new buildings consulting of 4-room house,
fruit house and w.«*l *h«-d, barn 40x40. chicken hou«« aral hog house.
Thia m all good land ami will be sold on the following terms, foiai cash on
day of sale, liras) on or before November 1st* 1922 balance time to suit
the purchaser, with mtm-st nt th- rat« of 6 per cent per annum from
day of sale. Purchaser will receive contract for deed when 1500 pay­
ment ia made and will receive d«>e! and abstract of title when the 11500
payment is made, mortgage will be taken for balance.
Personell Property:
bay horse, weight 1200
good Jersey cows
yearling heifer
Jersey heifer calf. <1 months
Cheater white hr«««! sow.due
to farrow in spring
50 While leghorn hens
100 bushels spring oats
6 tons hay
1 set double harness
2 sets single bare ss
Several cords of dry w.* I
fl) inch wagon
mowing machine
McCormick hay rake
l()-roll II in disc harrow
10-roll is inch «line harrow
with truck
1 double disc grain drill
I No |o Oliver chill«*«! plow
I Kimble wwad cutter
I I-horse cultivator
I cream separator
Household goods ami other
TtRMt Sal«-of personal Property: All sum« of 120 and under, cash
On sums over KtO. eight months credit will be given on bankable notes
bearing H per cent interest. All property to be settled for before remov­
ing from the premises.
Lunch at Noon
J. A. DAKE, Owner
Col. Ben T. Sudtell, Auctioneer
S R. TANDY. Sales Manager
Jefferson. Ore.
Ali any. Ore.
ED. D SMITH. Clerk