ORPHANS ARE HOPE OF THE NEAR EAST Oreqen Teacher Tell» of the 110.000 Children la American Orphanage» **0ver There.” Tbe hope of the auttre Near Kam country, aorordtug to Miss M*t|are Held, teacher la Jefferson High School of F-rtlaad. who roxwaUy returned from a term of aarvlce la tbs Near East Relief orphanage« la Keaelan Armenia, la bound ap la tbe 11S.0M orphans b-lng fed. clothed, edv.wtej and trained for farmlag aad tbe In­ dustrial trad«. 7 hr continuous war# which have tv pt thia unfortunate country since 1S14. she says. have loft it dovaatatod and Its p. -pie helpless, starving and In u-spalr before tbe Maggertag *«ak of r<-. oust ruction. “They are plodding •“ beat they can. says Miaa Held, "but are con tr mg all their bopea fur tbe future ef the Armenian and Syrian races up on llu.OoO children la the American orphanages who are receiving careful American training Oulatdr tbe orph aacg-s there la practically no school In»: or training to be bad Rvery ef fort must be directed towards the dif­ ficult objective of tnorr physical sur­ vival Many 12 year old children can neither read uor writs This la be cause war has swept that country ever Tbsoe boya and girla are since 1»H fri m well educated families, and real lilng how handicapped they are. they cotne to the orphanages and offer to glv up part of tbelr food if they can b. given schooling. From tbe dsetl tut families come mothers ta rags and tatters, thin and hollow eyed from hut x. r, offering to make any sacrifice If w will only establish schools for th. Ir children • • • la all the orph atu ><-s the children are being taught to t nd. write and figure In tbelr own language Tbe older and brighter chll- the hole the SpringHats For men are here Men who understand the distinction between auth­ entic style and temporary fads buy our hats r ot only because they look so well but because they look well SO LONG. See the new shapes. prices $2.45 to $7. Mail Us Your Order The Blain CI o H mimj Ct. Vaia« Hr«* Albany, Oregon Die Store with a Square Deal for Every C $ $ t $ t $ 1 $ $ : $ $ $ $ * t FARM MACHINERY At 10 per cent Below Other Dealer’s Prie es Until Further Notice 14 inch Chilled Plows, $1 7.00. 10 per cent off for cash, $15.30 All machinery at prices in proportion, horse and tractor driven tools included. I have them in stock. /\lso 1 he 10-18 CASE TRACTOR Including 2 14 inch plows or disc for $835 F. O. B. Scio rhoroughly equiped with belt pulley, fenders and every thing to do farm work. Your choice of lugs, angle iron or spoke lugs. Come in and get prices, no matter what make of tractor you have N. I. Morrison Hardware without supper twl-e a week for many weeks In order to buy the cement and the labor of the workmen to finish IL "When the little refugee children come into our orphanage« they are always la a moot pitiable condition— dirty, covered with vermin, clad only tn filthy ruga, and many of them af­ flicted with »cable«, trachoma and oth or diseases resulting from starvation, exposure and lack of cars Tbs first task la to clean tbe child thoroughly, shave Its head and treat the eyes and scabies sores Next comes a system of careful feeding, last tbe food prove fatal to the famished and emaciated little bodies la about two weeks the little waifs are able to rua about, but it takes a year or more to make them ever into normal, wholesome children. Their Joy and bappluoea In the pern dlao of an American orphanage Is the thing that makes It puoalble for an Americas worker to eadurv the sights that moot be seen on tbe outside of tbe orphanage walls every day But happy as they are. these little ossa never seem to forgot tbe awful things they have been through We had one llttlo boy earned Joha. four years old. who for weeks after being admitted, would steal the shoes of the other boys, tbelr books, food from the kitchen, every- thing This was because the only wap be had of keeping alive all kia life, bad been by steeling Another boy of six years would sit by tbe door, for dsys after be came, with hie hands out begging for food, despite the fact that be was receiving three meals a day It was hard to make him understand that he still did aot have to beg for food A touryear-old boy wbo had spent tbs previous winter begging la a ruined village and sleeping at night among tbe sheep had a perfect horror of being seat away from tbo orphan age Ono day bo recognised two women visitors wbo cams frees tbo raised vll lag« where be had begged when scarce­ ly more than a baby, aad be raa to me sobblag aad In terror, pleading with me not to let them take him away Tbe boy wbo ran my errands was 11 years oM an Armenian Hr had seen : bis entire family killed before bls eyea la a Turkish massacre Hiding among tbe mlns be -craped tnasesers. but I day was found by some Arabs, took him lats the dr sort and Oelr slave for u»e year# $ $ $ t $ J $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ ? ? * $ $ ? ? g Farm Machinery $ he was ree. Urd by . and brought la our orphsna “Tbe personal hlsiory of • .< h llttle srphan ta a tragedy In I - r and no eae bei thooe in ciooe toui-h wlth th-ee MtUe oae« can know thelr I- p grell tude and reverenc» for * hing Amer­ ican Thia gratltude and r-v-r n<-> la ualvereal throughout all that land ot eerrow. where the heip x hand ofj America. Ihrougk th- .r Kuet Re- lief, haa aaved hundr—ta of houMUda from death by otarvatlon and i day öftere the oaly hop. for n «urvival and rehabllltatlea of ibese traglcally strichen racea" DO NOT BE IN HURRY IN STORMY V/EATHER Some Drivers Have Real Fear Something May Happen. ralba, ara (t- no venae a clanger, yet It la well to observe proper precaution and play safe The reason for driving at a elower speed In the winter months than during the summer Is thal a motorrar raaaot be brought to an abrupt atop as easily on a »et i>ave mein as la the caae no a dry at ret ch of roadway. The brakes may ha ap piled but If the car la going at a high rate of .peed It la not at all certain that It will not elide just enough to raune a rnlllaina at a curve or a rail r.>ad crooning " Hibler Last Oheoa-ve Use of Arrow#. The last oflViiatve use of the h-w wra» to have wcrorred In 1701. alirti turn gentlemen fought a duel trim bows ami arrow« at Edinburgh. shoot* llig three arrow« each without dam- »«Ing each other A furi I« an ••X'Wllent thins an«|»ting a «teep grade -pears of winter driving would h- greatly lessened,’ declared K E Oslo ter. director of sole« f<>r fb- Slender 'Meet Automotive ewrporatWa, “If th. motorist would use plenty commm •cnee In the matter nt actual driving together with a careful Inspectl«m o hie automobile before a lenrthy jour nay la undertaken one of the really great errors that a driver ran make la traveling during the winter months la to Imagine that he can pr-ce- d at the mn»e rate of speed ft- it Is p»e Bible during tbe dry ' - ■Of rouree the pavement* after the wastje-1 off b> th« early Hibler & Gill Co. I t*