■ GIVE AUTO TIRE GOOD ATTENTION AUTO TOPS Bug Tops Calif. Top» Top» Recovered Very Few Owners Give a Thought to Its Care, With Exception of Inflating IL Our pricet« will surprise you. Wright & Borgert 171 S. High S alem . O rb . COnON FABRIC FOUNDATION KlitvWnatlen ef Internal Frlatlen Would 4 Greatly Increaae LU» ef Cover— Big Oibarence Between Cerda WAIT AND WATCH ! and Fabric«. Fur announcement of Opening of Ta the average owner an allotti'»- bile tlrw to gnud only when It tra «eia many thouaanda of mllee without breaking down or blowing out Very few give a thought to It* t,earn ha* prv|««red a treatise ou the foundation of one which should be remembered by every motorist It i* a* follows: "Odimi fabric I* the foundation up­ on which an automobile tir* I* built. It I* uwd to give stability and strength There are two well known claasra of Urea the square-woven fabric and thr coed tire Cerda and Fabric* Dittar. “In tb«- square-woven fabric tire thv thread* lu «*> h ply mu In both dlrec timi*. altvniullng over and under ■■ In a piece <>f ordinary cloth In the ord tire, thv thread» or corda lu each ply run imrallvi, with the eiieptlmi of a few amali croaa «liresila, used »imply to hold the corda together while tliry are being impregnated with the rubber compound. 'The life of a lire would be greatly Increased If Internal frlctlmi cimiti be etltnlnated The Internal frlrib-o cauerd by Intenultleul distortion of the tire In u*>- la the result of thv frlc- Umi of th« thread* upon ea< h other end the strain» »nd »tre»»v« act Up In thv millier i«>m|Hiuiid* Saturully «hr I In» I peituspv ibe (astvei lot Ila a.«»' r'ri ouut C. &, C. STORE baa mm vap* dally constructed le hold the honor place in a new motion picture by Waller Heed in which a trensomtlnmtal race to to b* staged The machine la of the ■pedal build and la about llie •«• ••!■ »tripped down F<>rd It la equipped with all the feature« of the big racing care, however. Including the Ignition *p-.-el raring carburetor <-| t« - ,,'e The car 1« geared three to one aod la «aid ta be reliable of a epmt artl< Iva which fall tv nwuiue their i>rt*tual wadltlvu cauelug the impound tu !■>■• its function lu tbe tire. Heat »pelle Rubber. "Tlila can«,-» »r|ianitlun. weakneaa, mid ilnally a blowout. It may be Inter- voting tu know that -‘»V. degnerà to not ■ n uncommon temperature reached lo NEW SERIES at 254 N orth ( ommi r < ial S treet H ill lee ee/ee n for tnesincsn ahferthj a tira aItevi drlv«li at « high s|wep at San Francicco and lx» Angele» and beautiful ctUea. REMOVAL OF STEERING POST Its Fuel Economy TP remove a •te.-ring poet without damaging It with ■ Mtlllaou W n-iich, damp two plroea of wood, a ■urtai« •f each of which ha« bee« hollowed out tv III around the pout Hardwood Nocha would be beat. Thia fumi.tim a good brace for a jack to evert pre« ■uro In loosening the piwev Work may be aided by blow* on the blocka by a hammer is Most Pronounced in Winter RADIATOR MADE NONFREEZING Overland owners who get 25 or more miles per gallon of gasoline in Summer take even greater satis­ faction in comparing mileage with other cars in Winter. No car at any price matches Overland economy and none at its price equals its comfort. world famous For further particular« a*k «genta SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES I JOHN M. SCOTT, Generai Passenger Agent. H 2 AUTOS I i I Conwnen Winter Ailment Can I Klimlnatad by Keeping Ceoetsnt Flaw at W«t«r. Erwalng up of radiator« on «nto- moblles la a common ailment In the attutar. Have your car Blvd up with one of th eoe device* In the •ummer aod next winter you’ll be gnmhollng ■ long while your neighbor la using np lota of time and latmr trying to thaw nut bla car no he can go to town. The lewirrveatng non >» obtained bv having ! 1 hm California While the Gulden Poppy is in Hl oom Convenient Way Outlined for Remov Ing Diri and Qre*a* From Small Machine Pacta Hardweod Blech» Ar« Bv*t •• They Furnish Good Braca far Jack to Sieri Preaeura. S alem , O regon AUTOS AUCTION1 SALE Every Saturday Night I at 7:30 p. m., at Oleson - Rookstool Auto Exchange lïIÎL.,, ÖQ5 I 7 3 N. Liberty Street, Salem, Oregon Tntirng CotUf'Irtr, f. o. b. TOM0 tassare . . H9Í VICK BROS Overland Oakland Paige Nonfroosing Radialer. • water )o<'ket c* ted to the upper .«art of tha radiator, a reservoir whir* communicatee with both jacket and «war part of the radiator, and I'lpe* which keep a cmatant Sow of «atar running between them The water 1» trained from the radiator by gravtgg when tha angina la not running. UNION SIGN CO. Sign» and Show Cardi 32*2 STATE STREET. SALEM,OREGON Tabla* Mad* ef Paper High cor. Trade Street» V . • "v Salem, Oregon TaMaa chair« ai d «»tier article* .4 furniture «re now made from <■<«► preaawl |»|»r ao colored and pnUdtvd aa to give It the appearance of th« flneat womta Ur Taint Si¿n» .Lrn/u ht n at Any Time i