1 o Celebrate Friday $ ! Uve Baby Frenen ted--Eleven Suffragettes in Adt—See the Country Store On the nifht of February 24, the Seat III will five a m metre I show In honor of the success of the gymnasium bond drive. Thia la to be one of the br»t times ever held In Scio Any per Son who enters the hall on thi« night an ) who does not laugh more than he haa for a month, should silently creep away and live forever in a place that ha« pa»«rd the "Blue Sunday La***. Every student in the school is now uader the »pell and thia being a »wry contagious diaeaas it is rapidly spreading into the homes and into the town and under the competent lead- rixhip of Mr. I.yle J. F'ickiin. oar show is a sure success. Ail money derived from this entertainment goes to help in the liuilding of the gymnasium. The new Bohemian hall haa been secured for thia entertainment, to ac­ commodate the crowd, which is sure to crime Every form of entertain me nt will be furnished and it will be a continual round of action. One of the feuturrs which is drawing the moat intereat and enthusiasm is the presen­ tation of a "real live baby” to the per­ son holding the lucky number. Another feature is an act by 11 girl«, every one of them a »uffregett. This is especially presented fur the bu inraa men. The country store should come in for its share of the en- thusiasm, for there will bo no one pro- ent whom it will not interest The minixtrel and thrse, with other added efaturra combined will in all be one of the Iwst «howa ever presented in the city of Scio and we guarantee more laughs for your money than any »how you h.*ve wen in the past, or will M« in the future. Every student in the school who i- talented in some special art will be given a euhnee to show his wares. Songs by individuals and quartets with a chorus of pretty girts, are to be «ung. Three of the fastest and best looking negroes on the A menean stage, will dance a real old negro shuffle. Every person entering must prepare for the time of their life, and we will ask you to not be at- ft nded if by chance some Joke is sprung on you, for it is all for a good enu o, and let us all come forth on Friday night, February 24, aad give cheer that Scio will have one of the best gymnasiums in the country. * t $ Í J $ CHANDLER SIX * ■ $ $ t < Famous for Its Marvelous Motor $ $ $ t $ Sport £2000 I $ $ * t t Model $ $ ? ? Oleson-Rookstool Auto Exch Ï $ $ $ Formerly $ $ I 7 3 S. Liberty Street Salem, Oregon $ ? * t $ $ Met ion Pictures far High Prhsslt Eighty bookings among the high school« of Oregon Rave been made for “lA.-t Day. of Pompeii", “Julius Cae­ sar.” "Merchant of Venice.’ 'and “Pil­ grim’s Progresa,” special educational him« that are being secured by the Extension Division of the University of Oregon for the use of tbe schools of the -late. A large number of the high schools booking the Alms, have their own mov ing picture machines. The schools without equipment of their own have made ararngvmento with the local theaters for showing the pictures. In rech instance, the general public as well as the achool children will be given an opoprtunity to vis* these film, which are regarded as being of exceptional interest and value. “Julius Car »ar.’ for example, was photograph ed in Rome, while the setting of "Last Day» of Pompeii”, is near the famous crater of Vesuvius that destroyed the town. The film- were chipped from New York to the University on February 11 ami showings in Oregon will begin as son as they arrive and will continue until the first part of May. Country Store Friday Spicy Act Coming Boys Win Kill i Gaine Laugh and Save Medicine ’"Colored Gentlemen'» Atrr,- to put life and pep in the show. play the locals eliminates tlw only other Thia will be a scream and the audi­ possible contender for the l.n i county ence will laugh from start to finish. A championship ami entil, a -v-io high good laugh is better than medicine so school to the right to cooterd with come and save a doctor bill by spend Eugene and Corvallis fur the privilege ing a quarter. of representing Lincoln, B-nto . ljine Eight colored gentlemen from Geor­ and Linn counties in th, »talc basket gia will appear in this act and endeav­ ball tournament. Scio's defeat of Al­ or to show how much wit is stored bany 32 to 1C, on Albnnv'» fl<»>r, ami away behind a negroes smile. They its 1000 per cent record imts it in th* will also render a number of old darky same class with Eugene and Corvallis melodies and song», accompanied by far. while the latter def,-at»-d Albany instrumental selections. by almost identical with th e math- by I This act will be "pep” from the Scio, the games were played on Ihrir word go and if it doesn't bring ons of Both of the southern the greatest ovations ever given to an home floors schools have been decisively defeated. act then bring on yoar Blue Sunday Tbe game with lobanon w»< a thril­ Laws. ler, M in tbe former game Scio was puxiled by the Lebanon defense ami High School Press Conference played ite own defense wid- »pen at The Oregon High School Preus Con­ times in desperate attempts Io core riginally to be neither side hsd any luck in locating ference which was originally __________________ h Junior Week held in connection with Week- ­ the basket Individual playing was re end. the 12th ------- and -------- 13th ---- of _ May. —------ —- haa markable at times there were no stars been advanced in tbe calendar three weeks and is now definitely arranged Too much bailing ami resultant poor for April 14 and 16 at the school of team work marre 1 ■ great gam- journalism At tbe same lime high The lineup Ws» school student body presidents will t.rSANON *K1 meet and leader» of girt»’ activities f . Bilyeu (4) will come together for a conference White (•) Buse y (11) f It is aapseted that three hundred high Denamorr («> school delegates will be present An Sims (2| e Hnider Interesting two-day program is being Nsal Davenport K arranged. Holland Kuhn g The gym show will end with an old fashion country store in which articles of ,dl d.w