The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, February 23, 1922, Image 6

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Dayton and Columbia J
Fragment* of Interest to Grand­
dad* and Many Other*
Doe* th« high wed ■ gym?
Th«-re ha* Urn doubt alxiut this In th«
mind« of some. Coat, light bill» and
taxes ar* item« mentioned by th«««
people from Missouri. I will attempt
to an»w«r their qu<-*l)oris.
Will thia gym I» a source of higher
taxe»? No, for we, the student body,
of the high school, pledge our*«lv«* to
finance thia in all matter* The eity
light tax will be paid by us. Instea!
of paying out between IIU) and L#»1
a year for rent we wiil be collecting
and wiil b« able to pay that much more
after renting the hall to town team»,
•tc According to prenant plana ■ stag,
la to be built in the new gym which
mai >-» it |«>s«lble to save ami earn
money on almoat any exercise.
At commencement time shall we con-
tin K t» «mother in th« hi/h school
Lu dmg? Shall w. turn away 80 peoule
fr< n a achool play, as we did lent year?
'h I! we be de pendent or independent. >
rot 1er» or /iwncr*?
I i Stayton the old gentlemen of that ‘
’ox n ml together and ar» practicing
> all tit th«- Stayton gytrf and the
report ta that »It are f.H-tlng 100 per!
cent lietter since they |.«i»et»ed up the
old mucic»
Why Couldn't the Scio
granddad» do the Mine! Remember,
old and young can use thia new com
munity hall.
Nobody will lie out of any money
thru thia proposition. The plan which
we now have I» to ssk you for a loan 1
amt give you for security a I k .nd similar
to the bomia y.-u (»Kight during th«'
war. Th«»« iotxi» an- promises to pay
which we fulfil at the rate of 30 per
year, (tJk>), and which we arc »urc we
can redeem at double that rate. Hid
you hésitât» to buy a bond when ».«w
government man a»ke«l you? No. foi
that would be unpatriotic Will you
hcaitate to buy a bond from a repro-
aentative of the high school? No, for
that would be working agalnat the high
school. an Institution nee«ied to give
every young peraon a chance to work
tigs pKosrsL
Editor Scio Tribune:-—
Seeing in what * simple and rudi­
mentary way knowledge began
through the Arc acnaca- -Seeing. Feel­
ing. Hearing, Tasting and Smelling in
thia primlval pair. The man and the
woman. W. know not how they came. ,
Maybe by the principle of evolution,
or It might he they were handed right .
off th« Kat a full-grown man ami wo- ■
man, with clothe» all on them, and a
full gift of langt.ige to express all
their thoughts, desire* am! wishes,
and could road, write ami work arith­
metic | don’t know. I have never
seer. such, it »coms to me their first
way of communicating with one an-i
other, mud have hern through a na- '
tural language, (really no language at
■II) but by signa. such a« pointing the'
ting« r. bceoning with the hand, a nod.
or -hakln* of the head, and If any
■ttttnds nt all of ths voles, nothing but
a gutural or gibberage round. wholly
unintelligible, and quite different to i
the artificial language we use now '
No letter* no books, no paper, but
sign« «nd marks, scratched upon the I
ground. Upon rocks and trees, wa<
their method of writing history and
events. Not even possessing the in- !
stinct of animals. How did man ever
erne to the high standard of his pro*- '
•nt attainments? Through the long!
alow proc««« of experience
For thousands of year*, man had no I
law» of government
Did not even,
kn < b 'W to cook his food, but ate it '
■' d no el (thing. (The earth
»1 n.
. rol l tb-n a* now). Man.
- th« monkey, that name !
vht them to be our great. I
IT !
- ! p”r. <s
Rut mnn has
’ hb b«r «< d higher. Fxp»ri-,
i —e«i his reasoning fa-1
H ba« «-volved to hi*
rt >
«•? stat». The monkey remain-
was t«-n thousand year* ago.
? •
had no moral law, or com-
t ■» ro -
him, rave what was giv-'
’ th* p w«r to reason, and he
srs f» with th»» faulty to work out
bn r
end de tiny. No law for
. !• • ■
troth, or virtue had
«1 their mental concept. They
*’•» .«t wh -lly eanniha!
But a»
! -.
r dti-.'ied, killed »nd ate each
•I «r they learned after a long time,
hr r was me. to be many of them,
tig ■ - ust «piit killing, so in time, they
an' '. we tru t n«t kill. Rye and bye
as t
went on there became very
(run, of 'hem. then they could not im-
rrov*. They would all lie an«! »teal
mm one another, so they learn cl that
it was better not to lie and steal,
which roniMtions still exist, for we ar*
■till killing, living and stealing from
one another.
In the days of man’s earliest exi*t-
ance there must have been many more
women than men Some old rooster,
like Soloman and David, had their six
hundred wivaa. and three hundred coa-
Heavy Service Bicycle*
an i
Indian Motorcycles
We cany a complete line
of Motorcycle and Bicycle
1 ires. Supplies, Oils, etc.
11« |H,u<u*rapo «iu»l a «,livl«a equippci aui«n.i.-*.|lr, „elici alci Uper-
•ted by Kdwtn H I »«Ilin of Quincy Point, Masa
The In ventor Is sta»<ñhg
by the car.
The awl««m<Mille Itself apparently differ» from the or«tin*ry plwt.ur* tm>
chine only by th* addition of two siroder poles, one In the front sud <*•* at
tlx rent of the car curm*ct«d by ■ «Inipl« combination ■>( wire»
Thl» la th*
'■ulwsrd »lew
In reality the automobile ta th« t«ily mat blue In New England
belonging In an amateur ojxrst.w that la equipped with constataMljr worliald*
«víreles» and re el »Ing *p|>aratua
Mr l»allln has received message» from Key West FIs, aud Savannah.
<)•„ while Ida »ending range atersgea 10 miles.
The »kcJr »et ro*t me possibly •NS," «aid It« owner. “Anyone »mid
have ■ similar Installati«'« on hl* automobile for I««» lim» SlfXt urn! th«
Instrument» are ex. rllrnt
Now that I have wo .-.-a..«I In nti*. lit«.» ti e t. 1«
graph apimratue I sin going to expert ment with >' ■ >»!■« . -
••< Of course I can receive wlrele*s m.
,<•» p <> , I > > ■ “
cubines, another condition in the through the hard sch<x»l of exprri«mce.
way of human progtv»« and they Adding to our eliminating things that
learned from experience that a race mark hi» progress and th* only way
to bo strong and healthy ahould be rrveiation has ever Uen written, as to
born from the parentage of a huaband man's moral, mental and phy«ieal oe-
of on* wife, and a wife of on* hus­ velopmcnt. Afirr along time langu­
band Away luu k of thia period of de­ age became mon- expressive of
velopment. mnn had no house* in thought an«l feeling, then writing, and
which to live, but lived in caves and printing, which has marked ail the
hollow tie*», ami his first lessons in knowledge ami progrvas man lute y«-t
architecture, he learned from the attained, and ‘he field is «til „pen.
beaver, which art sticks upon end and
daubed l*twroi them with mud and
gram, for a covering. From thia he NEAR EAST RELIEF
liegan to srl up »tick» and bark of trees
on end, daubv them with mud, thus
his iticM of mansions grow. Still he
These are some of my memories of
knew nothing of firs, cooking or cloth­ Erivan. I hnv«. „there
No matehsa, no pots, no cloth­ ant, said J. J. Han«i»ak*r. in Albany-
ing. One day he happened to hit two last Saturday to a representative of
hard flint rock» together, which made the Tribune.
• »park, anil »lartc«i a fire in the dry
When f»r. Lovejoy called me last
grass. Now he had learned how to night and said »ho had a letter from
get fire. Hut he had no veaael» in Erivan dated Deeembrjr 15>th. I asked
which to cook. How was he to get her to road it. Her* i* a part of what
them? He had learned that some she road:
rock* were harder than others, and
"I can't l»egin te toil of the mis­
began pecking, pecking, pecking on a
ery hero in spite of th* enorm
•otter one and soon had it hollowed
our work of the Nevur East Relief.
out, which hr used as his first cooking
We have S52 cases in the hospital.
vessel. SUll th«y had no clothing,
The children aro dying in all com­
no cloth from which to make them
ers of the city.
No knives ami forks, or implements
‘Sunday afternoon we went for
to skin animals, but with fang and
a horse back ride. We saw a
claw, and sharp stone», they skinned
h„r««- that had itied of starvation
the animals and wrapped their skins
Throe wr«tch*d human beings
around them for clothing. Hence from
were tearing the flesh with their
the constantly inervaaing rxrccssity of
hand» and eating it It was a most
his environment«, from the slow pro­
repulsive sight
cess of evolution, man has evolved to
'All day long we can hear the
his pro-ent state of semi-civilitaUon^
Lloyd E. Ramsden
387 Court Street
Salem, Oregon
wnils and groan« of little children
much last night if you could see the
outside our office building in hope
street» uf Erivan as I can see them
we can anil will pick them up. If
while I <r writing this to y-ou. I
the nun shines a little while they
thought „f v u and youi problem», of
the number’, -s call. on your sympa­
quiet down. When it rains they
tegin again. One day the rain
thies, and the appeal* you must make
turned to snoe- ami It was awful
to yhur people to carry out your groat
to listen to them. The note of
denominational programs. Rut dur­
terror that came into the general
ing my sir. pleas hours last night I
wail was plainly proccptable up­
wondered if I had ever been able to
stair*. ami I had the windows
make it clear to you that little child­
eloaM. They well knew what a
ren are actually starving today in
night out in the »now would mean
to them We aro nicking them Up
as fast as possible, hut It would
Effect of Floods m th« Potomac.
be fatal to crowd them to *uch
Tii. v«>hin>.
4 .«ter In the I’otm
a point whero w«- would !o*e even
those we al rowdy have in th*
mar river which t)«»w» |m«t Washlng-
orphans gr"
t„i, -
«„met H r
■'4> times a« great
1 wonder if you would have slept In rt«»«l it« *• low .vntcr
We'll m«-et you at the
Big Gymnasium Show
Friday Night, Feb. 24
If«c and 28c.
Ice Cream
Bread and Lunches
Bert Hollis
The Cletrac Is the Easiest Way
2 Flow»; one place to Oil
3 Plow*
2J feet wide
8 foot DouIJe Disc
Weighs 1820 lb*
8 foot (»rader*
Linn County Distributors
Dealers in
Aulos, Tires and
Bartu Motor Co.
SCIO, < >KI X1< >N
Plachine Shop
dretylene Welding
firn i ra I Kc/m i ri n if