j ÍK#«. LOST AUTOMOBILE IS UNEARTHED SEDAN ^7H7 at qour home •j» su» IMego fol., «xporleacvd a flood at» year» age that did great damage Among other things, cars and wagons were curried off by tho »urging tide» A flivver was among tha victims It was recently unearthed and an ««tor prising dealer bought tho rutea. The gas lank still contained »>o tire tree-la are «mouth, aonw ■■orrugaled and some Indented, but the purpose of them all la to overcome thia wave The decorative effect Io <«ly Incidental. Another Important function of th» i tire tread la to resist slipping and side eway If a tire la to give full »ctl»fac­ tion It must be designed to hold the ; An aareileot trend car to the road outnbluaa boles u> previde a vacuai» surface with a , grip an slippery V shape or angle design to prevent aide-sway. A Fordson Tractor $492.85 DE 1.1 VER IC I> Used Cars at a Greater Value KEEPING SPARK PLUGS CLEAN --------------------- ---- Orease and Mineral Dirt Accumulate en I «tarier and Interior of the Porcelain. Many car owner» do not re» I lee the tao|M>rtanro of keeping the apart plug» dean The pointe of the plug eel ■Ioni need cleaning hut greaae ami mineral dirt do accumulate on the •• tarine and Interior of the porcelalo. ao that the current paw» that way Instead of Jumping the gnp aa Intended The plug» ahould ho kept clean ar Ignlttoo troubles will result. ACCELERATOR IS SENSITIVE Novice In Driving Over Rough Reade Will Find himpla Foot Roo* la Advantagooua. VALLEY MOTOR CO i, w* gogggg rvwt installed tu nt th- ball of the foot wIM prove advantageous. fo tw ln»ert»d in the cylinder h. iol« of an eutoutubUe »uglur alougvlde the regular t>iiiga. the pane»*» being to SUPPLEMENTARY AUTO PLUGS 0* baeendery Device» It to Ignition Mero Certain Help Combustion TJ* Ç’_ P • • • • thoP Suei» and N°od,‘’8 : ¿Jill ¡dill vmC 189 8. Liberty St., Salem, Otegon > _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ ____________ _________ 1 AUTOTOP GRUNERT ... $20.00 $15.00 $8.7’> up $2.00 up 25c up Tailored Tops, 5 passenger cars .... Tailored Curtains, 5 passenger cars New back curtains with plate glass Celluloid in back curtains Celluloid in side curtains Supplementary Spark Plug» inakr Ignltloo more certain and non buotlon more complet» by prothllng 1 iwn point» ta eacb eyllnder at »vhlrh »parking take» place slmnttaneou»ly Tb» eitra plug la eonnected dlrwtly wlth th» regular plug and la an In ad that the cprrHit paaoee oulated igh It without being grounded thrm»i__ t’opular Mechanic» Magarino. In •• •• W. E. GRUNERT Phone 793 Iry the WHITE­ CLOUD I 1—CAFE—' Americnn and Chinese Diahea Filling, If Clear, Fact WIR Be Indicated by Overflow of Water Over Knd. la ailing tha radiator of the rar, allow enough water to paaa in to bring the level over the end of the vent pipe If thia pipe Is clear, aa It always should be. the fact will he Indicated by the overflowing of the water through It. If It la ib H clear, the water will overflow through the Alter cap and not through the vent P'l*. whleb should be attended to al once PROPER CHAINS SAVE TIRES The Busiest Shop in the State Korean Reco a Mutin The Koreans are taller titan either the t'hliixe or Japanese They are robust and vtvncUaia, Indefatigable worker» mid are In great demutid In )n|>an a» mechanics. Th< re are dlf feront mer» In the country- «nd there • a great diversity of feature« Sonto face» are rtitlmly void of hair; other» have rich, allky l>eard« ami whlabera, hile tho«r of other» present nothing '■ut a coarae tangled maa* WHEN IN SALEM 0000 TEST FOR VENT PIPES •’The Man That Always Makes Good 256 State Street Salem,Or- Phone 1995 The accelerator on soiue cur» is very aetialtivr and the novice fluds difficulty Recwndary or supplementary, •r«rU in proper control of th» fool-throttle driving u»cr rouçli n-.»■!« A «Imple foot 1 pl’itra now on the market ure -b - ..ned "There’s a Reason 3») N. High St Without Thom Wheel» Tend to kpm Around More or Loco Rapidly on Slippery Surface*. Many motorlata «oem to believe that tire chains Induce wear; not If they tire ar« proj-erly u»ed Without chains the drive wheel» tend to Spin around more or lea» >m «lipper) »nr fare» Sharp pto ir» of atone cinders and other »llmlar um i erta I tn the rood ret the rubber and ocr»|>e It deeply, a condition that doe* not aria» when the chains are In place. fl. J. FOSTER I’llilllt'ttH Corn Doctor All Foot Troubled Cured PJ\H)L6SS •CS State Street Salem, Oregon Above Patton's H«uk Store I». n. HUM l’are of Yick So 1 ong Chime letictic ait Tea C l Ha» medicine which will eure any known dlaoaae. Open Sundays from 10 a. m. until fl p. m. Salem, Oregon ieri < Uy Mr» IBS Routh High Street Salem, < Iregon Phone KI p#v ■ Í «