GRADE CROSSINGS MUST GO ON FEDERAL-AID HIGHWAY SYSTEM Spring Time Will Soon be Here Seed Time and Spray Time tt-r*p*r»a »» th* t'WVM *»■•» D»«wMi*.M • t A Th« grade t ruwalng» must go and the. Will be eliminated wherever puw al'.le on the rnaila »f the federal aid highway «>»l««u. which will he built as a n.ult of the passage >f public roada. l'olte.1 Htatea «■epiirtlnrut of Agriculture, under whose Mupervlslou the fund 1« allotted and cun«iru<-tluo la andertaken. la put ling Into effect a policy which It has tong advocated In prtodpto. and whoae adoption II ha« urged with increasing effect lime»* upon state highway ofli- no the part of the statan. and the A roar l*> »f tuorr grade cr.ue.tng« Inatea.l of grad» rroaalnga there will he constntrted. wherever p»n. Where crossing« ar« unavoidable, or where local Intervals Justify canatmc- lloti of highways to <-r.>.« railroad line«, the rand will be «o I.M-ated aa te pa»» over the track or under It. tn most Instance« of thia sort the rati mads benr one half of the inat uf building the bridge or un<1«A*«a •aving et Human Lives. The prime object of Hie depart- luent'g policy to eliminate grade eruae- Ing* oo fnleral aid r<>ad« Is th« «ar- lag of human live* Thl« policy prob­ ably Wilt involve lu< rva«ed expense of construction In the .-a«« <>f «otue mads, but It la tielleved thl« 1« Justified by th* saving of life Inirlug the three year« ending with ltr?i. ariordiug to the best records available at th« de- partment. ,T 'V«1 11»— were lost at grad« er.»«»lng» In the L'nlted State« and Ili.tMi per*««« were Inlured 11B aa ISXQ im I7M 1791 3QJ1 iNjunro •STS total PtOESTMANS TU AUTOMOBIL« OTHER VEHICLE» 196 MM 997 4790 912 5250 991 MOO 4t4O 1917 w e are well stockedwith garden arden and field seed, both in and pack­ age, selected for their fertility, and we not only guarantee the seeds, but we duplicate any price from any place at all times. We believe we know seeds and will be glad to talk to you and give worth while advice as to your requirements. We have sprays—the kind that does the work—both liquid and powder. You can always rest assured of get­ ting good values and right prices in whatever you purchase here. Courteous 1 reatment Always J. F. Wesely, Grocer, Scio, Ore. Sheep Ortvan to Mountain«. Wild aheep live tn • >1 fl<>-k« tn rocky. muunlalnou« par« where fond la «pome. Had th»-v been pa-»—»rd of «och mean« of dafetiw a« the h»-ela and the epeed of the hot «e <1« larly the thick mating /»f ».»«I which waa ahaolutefy necessary ut the «Iti- tn dea the wild BlMwp Inhabited ha« «• far aa the aheep lt«rtf la .. lurrned. breotno a Mlaoac*. and rmden-d prey to tick« and maggot* M«w to Bn Joy Walk Thee« «re ro«d walker* trull lower«, forest roamer* br-nllty ««enery «re matter» of thing Is to keep marching to fill one'* lungs with draught« of invlg-.ratlng air. to banish care and tn revel In high spirit«. There «h<>uld be a »top «t every spring, the colder and »hyer the better, and when • laad- ape 1« to be viewed, sum« acene that .-hanuv and Inspire*. It 1« • eacrtlege If the walker does not throw hlm.eir down no the grass, «r seat himself ■« a r.illea tree, to apeod a few minute« f<..«tlng hl* eyes on ths picture The trw walker 1« not one who merely put« mile« be hind him. to vaunt hl« «|*-ed «nd en durance— Eichange Radiators Repaired •nd Fenden Straightened, Tanks Soldered or any soldering on an automobile. Prices Right and Work Guaranteed garags Ur thia warlt cicUaiwly d • a'cUdt at E. L. Richardson LEBANON. OREGON Origin «f Language«. A Ut horn I m believe that guagsa had th«lr origin in th»- dial«<*t of ovw ruamaon lankumn- who e horn«* 1« roejocturwrl to have »•«*♦-«• be twrea the Baltic and Ca«pl«n «eaa. The language spread with migration« In different place«, and a«|>anitlon and HW4 adtnlnure Inrren-cd the differ anree la the dlalecla nt.tll thev be rato« distinct language« «Mi l in turn spread and broke ni> im ■ haierte Mew Frost ffanatrataa Barth A ehaft «link at Yakut«* Miner's, tn the hope iff finding water for the town failed to penetrate below the permanently frvwen gnmn.l or “grwtind Ice.' even at a depth of !Ht’ fart In Aleak« several «haft« have been «link about 300 fret «nd one reached Till feel without penetrating below the froaen ground Changed In Transit. A ten* her a«krtl Iw-r p«i|4l« tn ang- gr»t a •■•in.- to bp «ling by the ein«* and a patrioti.- little fellow In the rear ral'.-d fur "My t'.uintry, Tla of Thee." Ill« k . i .- v Una an weak lhal tho tr*. her mold not undrratnnd and a y«>«if>g»trt tirar him «ang «Mt "Ila want* III* t'miniry Tta of Him.'“— Iloaton Transcript Are You Wise? In the matter of dollars and sense, the wise person buys where good goods can be had for the least money Standard High Quality Merchandise be bought here nt prices I • that mean Money Saved every article we sell Must Satisfy il or your money bock. are sole agents for the Marshwells Paints and Varnishes Saal Ganaro« ty ple «ff Tanke. . m>n« wrre mlklnt «-en emt- •tderehle dlffrrrnce .ff »m. "Well," at chafftaMe met> in thl« to«n f'nr Inatanco. I havw n«-ver lumm hm Io refuae to lend hl« plti« bat I» any- body wh» aaked hlm f..r II Square Deal Hdw. Co. ■ 220 N. Commercial St. SALEM, OREGON ; <