The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, February 23, 1922, Image 12

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You'll Find Your Want Here
Spring' Styles
shown at the People’s Theatre next For Sale
Monday night. Feb 27
If you want
phoSe 2
to see something that will really ap­
peal to your heartstrings, don't fail For Sale Al«ac dovei «red. 16*' per
pound Inquire of Guy Johnston,
to are thi« jweture
Sea’s are rn»y.
Scio. Oregon.
so there is no excuse f«r not attend­
Men Wanted To cut 2< h > eord« <>f
ing, IlK TitKRft
wood: 11 50 per cord. See F.
Thaye. -Scio. Oregon.
Await You Bere
N the month of February, milady, with her «iatera. cousin« and aunt* —not forgetting the chil­
dren are concerned with "what to wear” the coming spring
As usual, th«- fa*hi<>n designer«
have performed their work well, and aa in other seasons, the stores of the J. C. Penney Com­
pany present their customary exposition of the latest mode« aa decreed by New York and Paria.
There la a touch of ex«|Uisite charm in wearables for spring**it la abundantly portrayed in the new
thing« we are now showing ami the low prices prove to be little leas than a revelation
your selection now while our eto<ka are complete.
Our First Offense
Score Card« Get your "500” score
cards al the TniRt'Ng office. 2c
per card, or 2* cents per card by
reg re t that circumstances
mail, postpaid
over which we had no control
For Sale Heavy hack; 1 top buggy
mafce« u« late this wark
First waa
and »el of ngle harness, about aa
the big High School paper; «vc->ml
good aa new
Inquire of W A.
is «icknewi In the familv. But we
Gilkey, route 4. Scio.
have 12 nage» for »our i>eru«al. an«!
For Sale Wagon, team weighing
hope you will pardon u» thia one
1300 and 1400 pounds. and har-
You are invited to become
All in good condition. In-
quire at Shei
one of our regular readers if you
riburn «lore, Shelburn.
are not already on the list - 1.75
the year.
Wantrd Two or three good boys
or girl« in every community to
take subscription« for the Tribune.
Local Market Quotation«
If any one i« intereated, please
Tot I.TRY, Van. ani » E gos
come in and make arrangement«
to g> to work. Attractive price
Bene. 4 lb« and over
I 1«
to each solicitor.
Hens, under 4 lbs
Springs. lj lbs and up
Hatching egg« fur «ale - From care­
Broilers, under 1| II««
fully selected and well mail'd
th >r<>ughbred Rhode Island Red«.
. 6
• 1.50 a «oiling; prepaid, by parcel
Veal, fancy no. 1
p it, 42
Regtitered Jersey cow
Dresned pork, no. 1 blocker»
for Mile, due to freshen March 1st
Egg". ca«h. 22c trade
H S Nolan. Rt. 1. Scio 30u
Egg*. white «elect
Butter fat
New spring effects in the fashionable materials: Velours. Pola,r« Cloth and Bolivia's, in th.- new-
Mt style effect». Tans and colorful «hade« for street or sport wear. The Cl 7 sii fry C IT 7^
material* and high rlaas workmanship make theae coats doubly desirable at . ..
" 1
ring Hats
A vast stock of spring'« newest Hat creations from two-tonrd Sailors to metallic trimmed Hr«•■>«
Hat«, all at prices that are almoat unbelievable
$2.98, $3.98, $4.98, $5.90, $6.90
Quantity Buy­
ing for our
Mill run
Egg producer
More fat. for hog« _
Ground barley
Rolled barley
Shelled corn, eastern
Ground or cracked corn
IjePnge cracked corn
Slurra A »aure»
312 DEPARTM l ^ à öAVAUeJ
Wist let St., ALBANY. OREGON
F lour
Wm H irons was in town Monday
J. K. Reilly wa*
Sat urday.
doing" Albany
W F McAcoo is cunHned to his
bed with the flu.
Ben Berglund, of Jefferaon, called
Bert Steven«, »f Albany, waa a
at Roger Cain's Monday morning
visitor in Scio Saturday.
on hi« way to Albany. He usually
J. A. Craft waa in Albany on
come« several mil«« out of hi« way
bu*in«*«« la«t Wednesday.
to pass through his old home town.
C. L Sargent and wife were Al­
bany visitors last Wednesday.
Tom Brown, of Portland, called
on local dealers Monday in the in­
N. 1 Morrison paid a huainem terest of the Tru Blu company
He sees good bi^m.-as ahead, and
viait to Salem Monday morning.
believes that 1922 » » will
see business
H Hild eth paid a «hort busi- return to normal. .
• JU1
new viait t<> Scio Monday morning.
Herman M Johnson, of Lebanon,
1 red Zelinski was hauling hav spent Tuesday, Wednesday and
from Scio to Jordan the early part Thursday In Scio exhibiting a few
of the week.
samples of men's clothing from the
Chas. Rhoda, of Jordan, drove In­ Green-Merrell «tore in Lebanon.
to Scio to make a few purchases He had his display in Hollis* con­
Monday morning.
W. R. Kuiken. of route 2, waa In
Miss Alma Phillippi «pent a
'pleasant*' afternoon in Dr. Ficq'« Scio laal Thursday and found lime
to come down to the Tribuna and
dental chair Monday,
order the paper «ent tn him for a
Mr. and Mr« G. F. Ju ng worth,
year. He «ay« he found ha eould
who were recently married, were
not keep abreaat of the community
■hopping in Scio Monday.
without it.
Mi-« Anadinr Shelton and brother
An error occurred in Joe Weaely’«
Lyle were visiting with their sister
letter last week when it «aid ho had
Mr« Clair McLain of Salem Sunday.
loot 117,000 during 1921. The
S. Luca«, of Portland, waa in amount should have read 11700.
Monday night to look over We make thia correction because it
some church propertp located in would be impossible to loae that
Bilyeu Den.
much and remain In business.
Mrs J. W Compton haa learned
Lyle Ficklin expect« to leave Sun­
that «hr is great great grandmother
day for Portland, where he wiill
through her sons' daughter's daugh­
again take up hi« work with a dis­
ter’s daughter.
tributing agency. Thev
On account of the death of Mrs. him to begin work thia week. but he
Henry Shelton, the Parent-Teacher did not feel that he eould leave hia
Association will not meet tonight. work with the high school until the
Announcement later.
gym arrangement« were completed
Fred Bilyeu reports «ales a« fol­
Chas. Hall, of Marshffeld, ha« ea»t
lows: A. L Riddle. Fordson Trac­ hi* hat in the ring and has announ­
tor; Brune Homburger. Ford tour­ ced himself a« a candidate for gov­
ing. Also one roadster.
ernor. Many other« are waiting to
Mrs. Jess Hildreth and Miss Anene do the name thing aa soon a* the
Smail went to Salem Saturday to "Federation of Patriotic Societie«
attend a meeting of the Christian ha« time to pa*» on them, W
at the
Methxiist don't know who compose the above
‘ named society.
church there Sunday.
Hard wheat
*2 (Xi 2 10
1 50
T. A. Sears and son, of Shelburn, -Soft wheat._ _
were in Scio the tir«l of the week
A*s»n wa« born to Mr and Mrs.
on busine««
Mr. Sears recently
Tim Kelly Saturday.
had the misfortune of losing his
Mr«. E C Shell >n is on the sick
purse, containing *120. while in
Stayton, and now Itelievr« he know* lint.
who picket! it up. but is withholding
the name and giving the finder a
chance to return same without hav­
A Sparkling Stimulant, Full of Wit
ing to Cake legal process
and Humor
Free copy will be aenl
When you onb-r Mh> Ht<-x or other Shur-
t)n produit» you get what you order.
— And we retain I lie confidence and
good will of our customers.
upon receipt of your name with addrea*
There will be a meeting of the complete. Write tu G. Mitchell, 397
stockholders of the Scio Gymnasium Pearl Street, Brooklyn, N. Y.
fund at the Schoolhouse Saturday,
February 25. at 2:30 p m
meeting is called by the Scio High
Schi* I Student Body for the pur­
pose of electing a director to arnist
in managing the undertaking. Th«
plan is to have a nou-factional adult
representatives chosen: One by the
student body; one by the school di­
rectors; and one by the bondholder«.
(Dfd'em eiri^t
Manufacturing Optician
On Your Sunday
Automobile f rip—
Juat a« we were ready to go to
pre«« the tire, alarm aounded. On
inquiry we learned that it waa the
The damage waa
alight. The hoae waa too abort to
reach so the boy« tore off aiout
four feet of the roof, which 1« about
the extent of the damage.
I ake sandwiches made from meat
Purchased at the—
Scio Meat Market
H tiler hek Bros.
Scio, Oregon
Look our stock of Seeds over before you buy. We
are putting in a full line of fresh garden Garden
and I ¿eld Seeds— have some home grown
Field Com, best ever. If you need any Seed
Barly, we have some very choice Hanson Spring.
Densmore’s Feed Store
Scio, Oregon
Albany, Oregon
Burbank .Veiled Geni and
Earley Sun rise Seed paia toe*.