JORDAN HEMS February 14 Fresh and Curid Meats We buy Veal, Pork A, Poultry stici ton & Co. Props SCIO, OREGON THE SCIO STATE BANK U A. R. Rendait, A. Ewing. Pr.’Sident Vic* Pre*. E. I). Myers. Cashier Htart s bank account today and provide for your future. You will And a checking ac­ count very convenient for your business transactions. We pay interest on time deposits. Morrison & Lowe UNDER TAKERS Calls Attended to Promptly Dav or Night OREGON Riley Shelton Real Estate Broker and Notary Public ^dbtlraih Obtained, Examined O - - - OREGON G. F. Korinek Veterinarian STAYTON, ... OREtKiN t alia answered Pay or Night Tuberculin Testing We make a Specialty of Friendship, Engagement and Wedding Rings F. M. French & Sons ALBANY JL_ DR. A. G. PRILL PbniciaD ani Sunwi Calla Attended Day or Night Elmer Griffin loo* a trio to Leb­ anon Friday to hi» beat widow as he wishes a partner Why don’t you all subecribe for the Scio Tribune? It ia well worth your dollar and seventy-five cents, as it is full of the latest news; run­ ning over on ail sides and giving you all the local new* of ths folk* of the Santiam. The Editor is wide awake and publishes a fine little paper for all. Mrs. Jennie Ixivejoy, of Dallas, is billed to arrive at the Santaam Farm thia week as she is getting anxious to see her old mother, who is Bl years old. PIE EATER. Ora» MMt I om IHltiM Ymi A great surprise for the home knitters of i »regun, but »Uli a fact. Further­ more. this yarn is absolutely virgin »out yarn; the wool was grown in Linn county, sold by Mr. Senders to th*<»re- gon Wor-ted Company (milks iocstedst Sellwood), made into worsted vam by Roy l-. Hi,bop, eon of C. P. Bishop, tirtipftetor of the Woolon MUI Store of Salem. < »regun knitters try this yarn out All colors. 45c per ball of 2 osa hamplra sent on application. Address tn.hop, Boz 75. Salem. Oregon. DR. HCQ DENTIST Office Hours: »to 12 A. M. 130 to 5 P. M. February 21 F. R. Shelton and wife were shop­ ping in town Monday Z. J. Clark and family »pent Tues­ day evening at the home of J. H Hildreth. E F Del»ng secured a dog li­ cense while at the county seat with M. Bilveu Tuesday. Mr. Morri» and »on Roy drove home a couple of cow» Tuesday that they had purchased near Lebanon. Mr» J. C. Weatenhouae and Mr*. Clyde Rodger» »pent Sunday at the home of 3 P- Stringer. Mias A nene Smail and Mrs. J. H BKVANT Hildreth spent Saturday and Sunday at the Christian Endeaver Conven­ tion in Salem. About a thousand 201 2 New First National Bank Bldg delegates from all purls of the state ALBANY OREGON were present. A good old fashioned charivaris DR J W. GOIN. waa given L. J, Bond by the boys of Veterinarian. the comunity. Saturday night. Authorized Auction Sale and Interstate D. H Hildreth motored to Al­ Inspector. bany Monday afternoon. I'hones:— Talare Feed *hed. IRA J Residence, WO R Mr» W. F. Pepper, »on Bert and ALBANY. OREGON hi» friend were visitors at the home of grandma Fleming Monday. E. F. DeLong. Wm. Wirth and We have [Wipal Willard Grimes were working on •viz Everything'l|RIWll the telephone line laet Wednesday. BYE STRAIN We were sorry to hear of th* la the cause of many death of Mrs Hiram Parker at Al­ HUMAN ILLS bany on Feb. 14th of heart d.erase, who use to reside in this community attorney at la * 1> BANCROFT Optical Company SIS W 1st St.. Albany Mik* Bilyeu and Peter Schmidt Jordan visitor» Wednesday M. J. Krantz and family visited Charlie Kruml ami Delbert Mer- at th* j<,hn Thomas home Sunday ritt have finished sawmg the old Mrs Enders, who was to *®S S W. sWI\4— • w, II'* — r- — called s* ’ — ■ S Hs ill­ man's Wood He now baa about Newberg recently recently by the «rrmus us ill ness of a little grande- n. returned ! i forty eord. Claude Smith and wife, of Port- home Sunday, land, were up on a visit with New­ Doug Foltz made Jordan a call ton Crabtree. Mrs Smitn'a father Monday the car however, remain­ called in to see her aunt. Mrs. S. ed overnight. W. Gains, and when his car failed to Roy Crabtree and Mr. Hilgar re­ go after three houaa tinkering, he paired telephone lines *»t all dav had to phone. Thursday. The infant child of Mrs. Cora Lu­ Mr F. Jungworih and wife re­ cas died last Saturday. turned to our vicinity recently and Uncle Tom Smail is boarding at with hia brother, who has also re­ home and living at the same place cently been wed, will give a dance and is still improving right up in at the hall Wednesday night. G. Miss Laura Rund and brother. Ed Kalina was one of the judges Delbert, made a short i ' it at the big dance at the new hall in Wortman's Saturday Scio Saturday night A good time Father Steder took «upper with is reported but not a large attend­ , M. J. Kranz'* Sunday evening ance. John Shelton's little «on. who has The old one-eyed pie eater pulled been sick, is much better in to Scio Monday afternoon and Frank Herd made Jordan a call found the people highly elated over Sunday in quest of a milk cow. the sale of the gymnasium bonds. Not finding her he whh I <»t - dis. <»«• is more of a scourge to women because of its disfig­ uring (XMUiibilitie*. Whether the goitre ia of the watery or the fibrous type, the cause lies in the disturb'd action of spinal nerve impulses due to pressure upon the spinal nerve openings at the spine. This pr> uro is removed by chiropractic spinal adjuv.'iient a i nature 1». g giv en a chance restores normal glandular uction. The watery type responds mon quickly to adjustments. The fibroid or hard goitre responds more slowly. to?''. y Hard Goitre Gone was big and hard, but now my neck look« nor- mal. I think it if a miracle, Mv heart does not trouble me any more and the ovarian trouble whieh I had for nine years ia gone, much to my surprise. I had spent a fortune doctoring but never gat relief until I ba gan with chiropract­ ic. I thought my days were numbered but now I feel like a new person. ” M A. Pinnaw, Chiropractic Research No. 12M4I1. Bureau, Sahment attended the hog sale at the fair Health I» Happiness ground» in Salem Wednesday. Ralph Shilling »|x nt lh< week-end Get action for better health by telephoning N7 for an with his sister. Mrs. Kme»t Met res. appointment. A. doctor was called from Salem for Charles MacCallister’s folks, who are quite ill with the grippe. Mr. and Mrs E 1. Powell and baby. Dana June, were visiting with CHIROPRACTOR A. L. Powells Sunday 414-19 U. 8. Bank Bldg. Phone N7 Salem, Oregon W. H. McLaia and wife went to Salem last Tuesday to see their daughter-in-law. Mis Claire Mc­ Lain, who has been very ill Frank Gooch and family of Al­ March, 1 to assist in brooding day old Weibe Cuiken bought two dozen bany attended the dance at Shelburn chick» at the 0. A C poultry farm. of Will H irons Hoganixcd pullet* Friday Evening. M. L. Brown is sawing W imm I for last week. The Shelburn »cHg| will start Edward Jone* this week with hi« Mr. and Mrs T M. Rusaell and . drag »aw. again Thurdsay F* b. 8N children were visiting w ti. Me­ Earl Gooch motored to Mill City Cal Trollinger v 01 Mirt dragging Lain's Sunday Saturday to visit his brother Fred James Trollinger was transacting the Shelburn-Moi kerf road which and family. I has lieen impaa*iMf for several business in Albany M >oday M Kelly and wife attended the Donald McAlister*» «mall *>n i« ■ weeka. dance at Shelburn Friday evening Mr. Piatt Is re|4>rt»i being very quite low with pnemonia II>« father Edward Jone« w <* a Shelburn and mother are just recovering from low at thia writiag caller Monday morning. A Shank* the poultry ezpert of a bad attact of lagripp Mrs. George France of Albany Trollinger and Shanks poultry yards Ralph Molli* is down with the Hue. expects to leave for Corvallis about was a Shelburn caller Friday. DR. O. L. SCOTT The Winchester Store R. M. CAIN The Wincheater Store Furniture Hardware Electrical Supplies Agency for Sonora Phonographs Universal Ranges Seller’s Kitchen Cabinets Prieta Guaranteed aa low as any; never undersold Marswells House Paints The Winchest’ r Store Headquarters for Hunting and Fishing Licenses R. M. CAIN OREGON Sunday- I t J