APPARATUS FOR RECLAIMING OIL Dav ice Conserves 60 to 80 Per Cent by Ex- Eliminating traneous Matter in It. REDUCES BILLS OF MOTORIST Thr«w(h Ot*till*»l«n «< »om« Lighter Lubricant* Quality la Said ta Ba Improved—Abraaiva Matter la Removed. fer«d with th« Idea that when a tn*- I ori st wishes to renew ths oil th hla crank chamber he will go to a ga rag* equlpiwd with the Oe-essary out III have the old oil drained out and receive an allowance of new oil In return A garage without the equip ment will make an allowance for the used oil and send It to be salvaged by concerna organised for that sole purpose. creaaing th* economic efficiency of the average cltiicn “ ii Tested Field Seeds But ask th« high school boy or girl, what he think* of the life he i* com- polled to lead I* he appreciative ? He 11 I* not. I am afraid, in too many inst­ ances. He belong*, it ha* been said, I! to one of three claaarw; those who like school .those who are »ent. am! those who are sentenced Them are. it ia ’ certain, many of the sent and many of !! the sentenced who do not madiae ths Qardan Nota. The snsleat way Io remove weada vaiue of a high school education. They . o ar* merely hurrying through because «oberi la to mnrry a widow.— Roe it. for some reason, terms to be the ton Transcript thing to do. They ar* hurrying on AS A BULB, WK Lt into the kmg yearn; the thirty, forty, hi mart our school fifty years of trouble and of trial. We hav»- the moat complete «lock <>f farm and field M*dl i- il.......... oata. (anty clover and graig a>"ifo and a complete stock of tested garden aevdn. M ail ua a list of your wants or send for our new price lint m The laru- it and beat selected «»lock in the at« te to aeiect Aa a rule, a man’a a fool. When It’« hot he wants it cool. When It’« T» eonaen e prrarnl day rwmurc** cool he wants it hot; always wanting what la not; never liking what he's for th« hmrOi of |H»ti>rlty 1« not a particularly attractive pnqKWitlon to got. So we maintain; aa a rule, a the man at t‘»«lay. who la rather likely man's a fowl-** The above quotation may not be tn **k why hr should ar m <>f till* oil enn now t>e tinuously, "Tant I do to cool.’ very oldest. the man of dream* in the aalvagetl nnd need over again old armchair, will dose hia «yea and Est.nd* Life of Motor. one >>f the considerable Item* Io a think in deep appreciation of the mot oriel'* budget la lubricating oil. school day* pa»t, the day« made moot of which gio«« into the crunk famous In Whittier’s linca; case of hl* rar l'p«>B the lubrication "Still aiU the schooihouaa by the of that part of the mrrlufiitm largely mad. dettrnd* the efficiency and life of hla A ragged beggar sunning; car. Around It «till the sumach« grow, I.iibrl'«ling oil e*n, they Scio high reboot aifn* to be in the tical need* of the pupil*. It ia now hav» pivpared us for nothing, »r nay, float rank of th<> *e that try to make my intention, however, to point out, except perhaps for a greater enjoy­ m luxii life mere enjoyable, mor* valu­ as Glenn Erank did in the article ment of life. We did not then, a* to­ able, and moi* practical. We have which I quoted above, the improve­ day, learn to drive nails, sew warn*, th> -e -quirts, activities, the enjoyment ments that are tiring introduced run typewriters or plant crop*. The and the up to-thr-minute subjects and Think, for instance, of the multitude writer of this article, who «as put improvement*. We have the best of means that we now have of abiding through school tivfore these change* school and we're going to tell you so, enjoyment to school life. Footliall, war* introduced, is, at the moment of and in believing in ourselves and in basketball, debate*, literary societies, writing, punishing an Oliv­ advertising ourselve* we will change school paper*. various contest*. more er with his index Anger, trying to use the rhyme that was quoted way back interesting method* of instruction, the "Hunt Method.“ It take* him half at the tieginning of this articla. school annuals, class parti*». claa* riv­ a day to hang a »erven door, and, "A* a rule, well boost our school. alries, track meets, newer and moVo though he was raised on a farm, he interesting studie*. class plays, etc., did not l»-arn those principles of agri­ When it's hot. we’ll make lb cool; When it’s cool well make it hot; etc, ar* being cmphasfkod more and culture that hold true in all parts of And we’ll tell folks what we've more a* the need for thmi becomes the world. The knowledge pick**! up got; increasingly apparent No longer is it on father'* farm is too localised to be aeeea**r> for boy* and girls to depend sufficient and a farm-hand taught in For we maintain: Aa a rule we have some school " on "the jack-kmfo's carved initial" New England might fail in "The l‘a- ; D. A. White & Son : Seed men and Feedmen : 251-261 State St. Salem, Oregon I 9 .......... « » < j •O-r* r. GARAGE 1 Sampson Quality Goes ClearThrough $1065 f. o. b. Scio Traitors Trucks-—I ton $635.50, $735 Scio «< ton $1134.50 Zenith Carburetor; Magneto, no battery'; 32x4 Goodyear Tires; weighs 2 I 30 pounds; l I 8 inch wheelbase. Sound Tires Made on the Pacific Coa^t •mn Plunger pump feeding oil troughs, onnecting rod dippers splosh oil from onstant level troughs to all parta of ogine. „ ignea to t< stand coast conditions. BETTER, Built and Designed and co^ts no more than other tires.