The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, February 23, 1922, Image 1

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    ¡¡W.A4V V
NO. M.
------------ ,, —----------
L E. Blain Guedt of Employes
at Banquet at Albany Ho­
tel Monday Night
Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Blain were
gu« <ts of honor at a banquet, given
by the stockholders and employes
of the Blain Clothing Company at
the Albany Hotel last night, in hon­
or of Mr. Blain's eightieth birthday
anniversary. Mr. Blain enjoys the
distinction of being the oldest bust-
new* man in Albany, having embark­
ed in the business world in this city
in lst>5. He has been In the mer­
cantile business here continuously
since that date, a total of 57 years
next month.
Mr. Blain crossed ths plains in
1848 with his parents. Rev. and Mrs.
Blain, who located on a homestead
n«nr Brownsville, where he spent
several of his boyhood days before
locating in Albany in 18*>3. Mr,
Blain has seen Albany develop from
A $11,000,000
In U. S. Senate
While making a speech recent­
ly in Baltimore, former Vice
I'r«- ident Thomas R. Marshall
made the following statement:
"A girl in the west talked incea-
nantTy for eight days in spite of
th«- efforts of a squad of Doctors.
Finally a Chiropractor stopped
her. That Chiropractor tn the
S.-nits would tie worth eleven
million dollars."
This jocular remark ■ iggrsts a
great underlying principal of
< hiropractic. Chiropractic raeog
nises but two cooditkma of <n-
First; An excess of function.
Second: A diminished amount of
The diminished amount of func-
■. be so great as to result
in paralysis. We do not have to
concern ourselves with circula
tion. as the nerves control circu­
lation; producing congestion on
the one hand, or anaemia on the
other in other words the degree
<>f paralysis or imperfect func­
tioning of an organ is ilependent
ip«>n the amount of pres-
-ur< on any given nerve or set of
An example of an excuse, or
stimulated function would be
as«- refered to by Mr. Mar
shall, all forms of morbid growth,
and pains of every description.
W h«-n there is serious pressure on
a nerve. we have an exact oppo­
site of the stimulated fnnetion;
f function,
more »r I ■«* >-<>mpiste.
An example
of diminish* u
an - mt oi function or partial pa-
ralysis, would be foes of appetite,
retarded digestion resulting io
flatulence, slomaek or intestinal
. cation, which trouble will
diaappear. by the adjustment of
vertebrae, from the «th to
the loth dorsal. An other exam­
Many of such cases have been
relieved almost instantly by prop
er adjustment of the spine.
A great health secret is the
maintenance of a proper equilib­
rium thru out u.s body.
can't be done with an abnormal
rpmal condition. THE SPINE 18
- loth present and future.
R. H
Chire praeter
Albany. Ore.
fps #
Aww aie
The Mutual Creamery Co. wishes'
to announce that they have moved 1
their cream buying Mallon to the
Hotel Rlock, also that they have ar­
ranged with E A. Wagoner to oper­
ate same, who promiaee continuous
and satisfactory treatment, paying
at all times top market price for
We solicit your business which
will be fully appreciated.
M utual C rkamuiy C o .
E. A. W auone *. Agent.
31J5 litt. YEAR
titled to any credits, as is now the
a country village to its present
City Answer» Morrison
at and aid. and haa a vivid recuilee-
At the rates of $2 minimum it 1«
tion of the businessmen who have To The taxpayers of The City of
customary to furnish meters without
migrated pro and con during hi*
time. He also remembers
By virtue of our a-vi ml tin*-* in 1 coats to patrons and Qty makes a
pioneer experiences
the City of Seto. we are compelled charge of only 31.50 for the install
The present Blain Clothing Com. to take issue on article in the Scio ation of same, which in many cases
puny, of which Mr Blain is prei- Tribune issue«I Feb IK. 1922 and does not pay for the wiring. an<i
dent, was organise«! in 1882. From under heading "M«rn>>>n Wants to Qty also allowed patrons credit in
a small beginning years ago the I Know" regarding th«- bungling of energy for wire used within 100 ft.
company has grown, through care­ possible electric lighthu*ineaa that of his or her residence.
Thia offer of 31 minimum will
ful management, to be one of the I the City Council has made prohibi­
largest in the Willamette valley. tive by excusaive light rates to in­ hold good for a period of thirty day »
The Arm is also a pioneer in the pol­ trons living outside th«- corporate in order to give outside patrons an
oppertunity to make application for
icy of srlling stock to the employes, limits of Scio.
service at these ratee, and if euffici
eo that svery one who wishes may
For the benefit of Mr. Morrison
patrons so signify their inten­
become a stockholder in the busi­
and others we will trv and explain
tions three relet will be permanent­
as thoroughly as poes l-le every de­
ly esta!»Habed by ths City Council
After the Ban juet the following
tail of the electric light businesa,
The Qty Council is ready and
Impromptu program was carried
which is as follows
willing at all times to receive sug­
out. with AM. Hammer, a member
The present rate to pair ns inside
gestion aa to the coatrol and opera­
of the Arm since 1883. aa toast­
the corporate limit» ar«-: I-ighting
tion of its municipal light plant but
takes exception to articles and criti­
Mr. Blain spoke on. "How it feels
8 K. W. Hours fir fl minimum.
cisms such aa that written by Mr
to be 80 years young”. L M Pal­
From 9 K. W H to 100 K W li
Morrison which are not founded on
mer. "How I want to be when 80
lOwnta per K W Hour
years old”. Doe McOain, "What
The present rates t<> t n’ - -ns out-
We are at a Iocs to kr.uw what is
I want to think when 80 years old”.
side the corporate limits art
by thia statement ’The
Roy Nutting. "Who I want aa my
8 K. W. Hours for 32 minimum
not yet" as the Inromr
associates when I am 80 years old.”
From 9 K. W H to loo K W. H.
plant at the present
i, "The life I want to
C. H. J
10 cents per K W'. II or
time is rapidly increasing as car. lie
leave behind when I am 80”. A.
Power rates at the pr> - nt time
shown by the following comparison:
W Metzger. * Why I want to live
are the same both within and with-
Receipts, light and water
to be 80 years old”. Mrs. L. E.
out the corporate limit«
January. 1821
Blain. "How 1 helped Mr. Blain to
By comparison of the above rates
Receipts, light and water
live tn be 80 years old". Mias
one can readily wee that the rates
January. 1822
3428 08
Edith Venice, "Keeping the record
are not double inly in the first in­ This in spite of the fact that the
for 80 years".
stance of minimum charge, but from minimum rate in 1921 was 31.25
Those present were: Mr and Mrs.
the minimum or 8 K W. H. the rate
while It la 31 at the present lime.
L. E Blain, Mr. and Mrs. A. M
is identically the same
Hammer. Mr. and Mr». L M. Pal­
Mr, Morrison's atatrrnenta are
Also the prospecte for fuluse
mer. Mr. and Mrs. Doe McClain.
somewhat mislcetiing and are not
especially power, is very
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Nutting. Mr. and
authenic. just merely u few figures encouraging.
A. W Metzger. Mr. and Mrs C. H.
collected at random. In his state
Another proposition is offered by
Jeeeee. aud M im Edith Venice.
ment he adds that th«-r- i« a p->«aible the City Council to pa.rone outside
increase of 31000 to $2<’OO annually the corporate limits of Scio.
between Scio and Wilson Park but
Where s new line is nemJexi to add
High School Notes
in order to get this bt «mew* the
new patrons the Qly will contract
same rates should In- cl irged as
to wholesale electricity to the pa­
within the corporate limits of the
February 21
trons at a reasonable price provideti
Qty of Scio. To the majority this is
patrons will contract and maintain
The main issue in «chool events
very conclusive and they jump at
their own transmisión lines and
for the pa«t week ha* tx-en the bond
the idea only regarding it as a
their own collection and the
drive, but now. thanks to the un
means of reducing tax« « but after
this case will install a meter
failing support of our town and giving It their careful attention they
limits which will he read
country people, the thermometer can readily sec why it <- not «-> at­
by its officials and charged to said
has gone over the top and is still
tractive: Now then in the first place
line in the aggregate amount, and
should we he fortunate enough to
patrons mav handle the distri­
The moat talked of event Is the sell energy to every t> -»"lent be­
of this amount as they sei-
big minstrel show to be given at the tween Scio and Wil«->0 Park at the
new Z CBJ Hall Friday evening, basis of fl minimum we would de­
For further explanation of these
the 24th. This show is to celebrate
rive the vast sum of 325 per month
make pepaonal inquirey
the victory registered in the bond or $300 per annum, allowing nothing
ths Council.
for costa such as the installments of
of the Council,
The "Scio Tphinx" came out as a meters, original cost of same, cred­
twelve page edition thia month. its on wire, cost of collections and
Five copies are being mailed to all of reading meters, while at the 32
of the people who get their mail at miaimum these coats are taken care
Mrs. Henry Shelton Dead
Stayton wished to debate off the
Aa the Qty Councilmen are elect­
The funeral service of Mrs. Mary
tie nest Friday, but it will be im­ ed by the people to carry out their
possible for the Scio de ba tors to wishes, and conceding thia 1» be an L. Shelton, wife of Henry Shelton,
comply with this wish as the de­ expressing of their wishes, the will be held at the Christian church
Friday afternoon at one o’clock.
baters are taking part in the min-
Council hereby offers t<> ¡«11 outsi«|e
Mrs. Shelton died Wednesday morh-
stael show
patrons the same rath as chargwi»in
| Ing and aa we were unable to get
Come to the Gym show sad get a
the Qty but with this «tipulatton,
her obituary, it will be published
real surprise.
that partiea wishimg energy will
next week.
Interment will be st
The victory over Lebanon gave
pav all costs of wiring transformers,
Miller Cemetery.
Scio the championship of Linn Coun­
meters, etc. and they will not been-
ty in basket ball and we have a
good chance to go to the state
Benches belonging to the Ovic
Improvement Club have been taken
away from city hall without per­
mission and must be returned at
once or paid for.
Mrs. A. U. Prill Pres.
Over The Top
Gymnasium Promoter» Deserve
Great Praise For In­
I alcen
Scio high school's gymnasium bond
drive of Saturday, February IM, went
over the top with a bang. i.rd up to
by a brilliantly planned publicity cam­
paign and executed with coo|>eratk>n
and snap it took just 13 hours to sell
£)O |IO bonds. For a tax-ridden com­
munity, with little payroll, thia is con­
sidered something of a record at a slack
time of year. The successful financing
of this undertaking rrxia a movement
talked of and hoped for over a period of
The motives back of the tx-glnning of
this drive were the oki movement for a
playsbed, th« excellent record of the
Seto l>oak«-lt>all team ami the general
good effect of athletics on the school.
The high school student body astaod the
opportunity to capitalise this enthusi­
asm ami burrud its bridges by i-ublish-
ing Its plans in every conceivable way.
i.yle-Ficklin wax secured to act as pub­
licity manager and director of the drive.
Th«- success of the undertaking is duo
largrly to his genius and lirelaa energy.
The student body backed the movement
with remarkable cooperation.
l>u|nl did the work assigned without a
"can't" or a "wont." Th«- community
fell Into line with its usual sclf-sacriftc-
ing generosity, and over the lop they
The opening gun of the drive was a
fast basketball game between Scio and
Lebanon Friday evening which kindl«-«i
enough enthaiasm to build two gymnas­
iums. Saturday morning tne teams
loot at eiget o’clock for final instruct­
ions and then solicited every section of
the community outside of town. Mean­
while another committee was busy in
Scio taking voluntary subscriptions and
interesting Mam Street buyers. At
one o’clock every bell in the city began
Io ring, and committees twgan a sys­
tematic canvass of the city. Willie
Johnson's tractor was pressed into ser­
vice to carry a man with a megaphone
through the street». At nine o'clock
the bells rang with new» of the victory.
Next Friday evening WeceUebratc.
Iwl'» go—to the minstrel show.
Special For Saturday
The Meadow Shade Dairy will
give a peckuge of Cottage Cheese
and a small bottle of creatn with
each pound of Meadow Shade But­
ter. to introduce our cottage cheeoe.
Retnemlier, Saturday only, Feb. 26.
E. A. Wagoner, Prop.
Mrs. Ralph MacDonald return«-<|
to her home Sunday from the hos­
Spring I imeis Kodak time
We carry a complete line
If you are thinking of a
KODAK for the spring
Mrs. W A. Johnson, of Salem, a
recent bride, is the guest of her
sister. Mrs. E. H. Hobson. Mrs
Hobeon luvited a few acquaintances
of Mrs. Johnson for a shower Mon­
day afternooo. She spent one win­
ter In Scio with her cuter. Mr. I
Johnson is one of Salem’s leading
•' * » ’n '¡J
Give us a call
Kelly’s Drug Store
The fítxíill Store