The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, February 16, 1922, Image 1

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Sec It Go Over Th* Top—$10
Buy* Your Bond For The
Gyrn—A Good Thing
Saturday the high school will put
their bond »ale ’’over the top.” that
is. the big thermometer at th* side
of Dr. Prill's office will be shattered
by the heat from the Are of enthua-
iasm of Scio people. The g>>d Mer­
cury is the emblem of speed, and
the bonds will sell fast. Mercury is
al«> a chemical, used to show ths
temperature, and that ia why the
thermometer waa built.
The beat invesment you can make
will tw that bond or number of
bonds that you buy there will be
n<> gambling with them, they do not
•ell at 78 <>ne day and make a sen­
sational raise in price to 140 the
next. Thev are »old at par. and will
be redeemed at par When you take
the high school's bond you are not
taking "a »crap of paper.” but lheli
promise to repay, you do not donate
—you loan.
Why. we say. the gym will be the
best investment you can make, is
that it will tie a drawing card to
bring new families to Scio, new
children tn the school. Ivsry new
family that comes to Scio spends
money in Scio. They make Scio a
bigs er town, and moat of them
make Scio a better low*. Th* mer-
chants get the liensflt of their trade,
♦he citv gets more taxee, and as
Scio grows the farms near Seie in-
Morrison Want* to Know
To the Taxpayer* and City Council
of the ("Ry of Scio:
We have about StiO.OOO or 670,000
dollars invested in a power plant at
Wilaoa Park, which no doubt ia a
Paying investment co long as we can
keep the power and lighta confined
to the city and bungle up from 37.-
000 to Si0,000 per year. We have
all the business we want, so we will
charge the outsider double once for
power and lights. Now. I will in­
vest $60.000 or more in a power
plant. 1 invest it for business, and
soHcit for all the business I can furn­
ish on aa equal basis, or at the same
We have the line all stretch
ed between here and Jordan
near all would take lightsand power
if they could get these at th* prices
we pay. and this would help reduce
ear taxes from 31,000 to $2,000 per
I* it worth while to shut out
this business or not? I look at th a
proposition as a personal Investment
Of course a few hundred dollars ex­ j
tra on each one doesn't amount to .
much. The worst is not yet.
N. 1. M orrison
To th* Taxpayers of School District
No. 96:
The boys are wanting us to help
them build a gymnasium,
while I think they ought to have i
School Election Draw*
The special school election called
New Book by Power» and Teeter» ia for laat Saturday. Feb. 11,
Valuable Reference for Farmer»
largely attended, the vote close and
a» Well •• Student»
all seem satisfied with the result.
F or temporary clerk. Prof. Tobie
was choetn. For director to sue-
cred Roy V. Shelton, two name»
were presented. N. I. Mortem and
Bert Hollis. The vote twi»g spread,
the result showed that Mr. Mor­
rison had received 46 voles and Mr
Hollis 46. For Clerk, to succeed
Mrs Jennie Shelton, but one name
was mentioned, Mrs Milo liartu,
and she was elected by acclamation.
No other busmen» being included
in the call for an election, the
meeting adjourned
"land Drainage' is the name at a
new text-book just published by John
Wiley and Son*. New York, writtea
by W L. Fewer*, chief in soil- in Ore­
gon Agricultural collrge. and TAB
Teeter», formerly professor of drain­
age and irrigation engineering at O.
A. C The book deal with thr sub­
ject of drainage primarily from the
agricultural Standpoint and is intend­
ed as a reference book for practical
farmers and as aid to owners of wet
land, as well as a test for students
A» a text the book tu.s already brrn
adopted at the Iowa State college at
Ames, and will probably be adopted
soon at the University nt California.
Fix Your Sidewalk*
It will be used next term at thr Ore­
gon Agricultural college. Th«- book ia
The city council hereby notifies ail
divided Into four parts dealing separ­
ately with the subject» of Arid drain­ property owners whose sidewalks
age. district drainage, special drain­ need repairs or rebuilding to do
age problems, and drainage »urvrying same Iwlween this dale and the first
It is well illustrated, written with a
view to interest the reader as well as
instruct, and Is a comprehensive treat
ment of the subject of drainage
W L. Powers, one of the authors,
haa been connected with the Oregon
Experiment station and «tale college
for 12 years, during which time he
has assisted in the designing and in-
•tallalion of more than *•<<> mile» of
tile systems serving 20.000 arre» of
land in this •tate. He ha» directed
feasibility surveys on 100 project»
rovering half a million acres. Nome
60 of these district - have been oigan-
iied. comprising 260,000 acres. F’or
five years Mr. Powers was secretary
of the Oregon State Drainage b - mm la
tion, and haa recently been asked to
serve as vice-president for Oregon of
ths National Drainage congress. Pro­
fessor Powers is the author of 12 bul­
letins ami many report*
11. <5 1 If*. YEAR
Children and Many Friei.da At
Golden Wedding Anniver­
sary of W. E. Arnold
For 50 years Mr. and Mrs W. FL
Arnold have lived near Scio, and on
Wednesday they celebrated their
50th wedding anniversary,
"Billie" Arnold was born in Iowa
in i860, coining to Oregon with his
parent* tn 1862. They settled near
Brownsville, and in the year of 1H59
moved to Scio.
Mr« Arnold was born in Illinois
in 1863, and came to Oregon in
1870. Two years later they were
married, Rev. J. W. Ostrander per­
formed the marriage nuptials.
All of their children and all but
three of their grandchildren were
at the w<><iihng anniversary, and the
friends present were; F. M. Arnold,
of Portland; L. A. Darby and fam­
ily. of Stavton, M. I’. Long and
family. L. P Arnold and family. J.
B. C>>uev, Rev II. B. Iler and fam­
ily and Misses lxritha and Mildred
ss.’ ■*
o’ April
If not done by that time
notices will be posted ami at the ex-
piratcn of the notification date, the
city will perform the work ami same
held as a lein upon the property.
Do it now and srve time and ex­
Before making repairs or laying
new walks, see the street and pub­
Meet At Corvelli*
lic property committee.
By order of
The Oregon Electrical cont< actors
T hk C ity C oun < il
and dealers as»<>ciation will meet in
conjunction with the Oregon Agri*
cultural college annual electrical
Farmer*’ Dollar Smaller
•how at Corvallis March 3 and 4. it
According to Congressman Sydney wm announced ln»t week.
Many of the prominent men of
Anderson of Minnesota. the farmer*»
dollar in 1920 was worth title in other the cuaa stales are to be present
commodities. and in 1921 it declined and addre-M the public on the work
to where it wa* worth lew than at and possibilities of electricity in the
any previous time in the history of practical affairs of the commercial
world. The «how Is to be educa­
ami open to the public. All
Although agriculture represent»
used in the electrical
30 per cent of th.we engaged in
on display and ex­
gainful occupation. Mr. Anderson
state* that it receive» now only lie-
of illumination
tween 16 and 22 per cent of the to­
of the
tal national Income
The Producer.
•how. Isist year 6,000 to 6.000
Mexican Clubhouse Planned peuple attended the show.
dhe. 1 don’t like to pay for one
twice. No doubt the school board
has invested the $7(M) we voted for '
one a few years ago. If they will
turn this in with interest it will be
quite a lift; then we might feel like
we eould give a little more on one
I don't feel like building twice. Boy*,
ask the school board for the $700, it
cr<-a»e in value because they ar*
will be a big lift on the dial.
near a city.
N. I. M orrison .
The gym is one of th* -noet nec­
essary of school rooms, for it Is one
[Editor'» Note With all due re­
that provide* healthful recreation aped to the writer of strive. and to
The Mutual Cteamery Co. wishes
during the winter month*, when out those who believe as he doe», we are
to announces that they have moved
door play ie impoeaiM*. How much glad to be able to inform them that
their cream buying station to the
better it ia to know that the boys the record» of the school. as kept by
Hotel Block, also that they have ar­
are at the gvm boxin« or olaving J. F Weacly, who was clerk of the
ranged with E. A. Wagoner to oper­
some healthy indoor game than to school board at that time, show»
ate same, who promise« continuous
have them running the street*, that the only $7<K) voted for any one
•nd satisfactory treatment, paying
drunk on nome-made whisky at purpose was for the concrete aide-
at all times lop market price for
some out of the way daace ev ia walks now around the building, and
any other mischief.
Fred A. iwgg. a Salem architect,
• little later another sum was voted
We solicit your busimw which
The gym is an investment in th* by the tsapayers for toilets, etc., a
ha» been employed to prepare plans
will be fully appreciated.
future generation. We realise, a* total of about SIMM).
for a clubhouse to lie erected on thr
I'his was in
Mu TV al C hkamhii C o .
time goes on, that each generation 1916.
of Palmito Del Verde, off the
After voting this money, at
E. A. W ai . o MH. Agent
must have bettar training than the the annual meeting the voters re­
roast of Mexico, where a large num­
generation before it. Ab* Liaeula fused to levy the millage to pay for
ber of Marion and Linn county resi­
studied nights and gave himself an the improvements ordered by them, Mason’s Get Reduced Rale* dent* recently purchased land with
education. but today, a man must hence the present indebtedness and
a view of making their permanent
Announcement of reduced irassen-
have the advantage of experienced big interest. There was some talk
home*. The proposed clubhouse
ger rates of one and one half fare
teachers, and th* beet of teachers of a gymnasium (or playground)
will be 18 by 3* feet in dimensi >ns'
from all point* on Southern Pacific
can not teach a diseased mind. Iwt at the time, but was never present­
•nd will eoet
reral thousand dol-
Lines in California. Oregon and Ne­
us do all that ia humanly poeaible to ed at any meeting of the taxpaver»,
vada to New Orleans for delegate*
make the gym bond sale a sac ease
nor was it ever voted on. Hence
and their families wh > will attend
S10 Stop and think. If you did oo auch fund, according to the rec­
No Passport Needed
the Triennial Convention. Conclave
not have a high school education, ord*, j
of Knight» Templar, to i>e held in
why not? Certainly sot beeauae
Orders have been sent from
New Orleans April 24 to 27 haa been
there were no high schools th*«, now foatyou have missed the biggest
Washington to F. W. Berkshire,
made by Chas. S. Fee. Passenger
but beeauae you thought labor more part of your education, do you real­
chief of the immigration service
important. Had therejbeen a gym­ ise what vou have misled, and want Trafic Manager.
•long the United States-Mexican
Ticket* will be on sale at all reg­
nasium in thr community vou lived other* to let school go beeauae it is
border, to lift the passport han. and
ular ticket agencies from April IK
in then, would you have gone? And not an attraction?
It became effective Feb. I. It
to 23 with return limit May 15.
reads ”No eiliaens of Mexico cross­
"You can lead a horse to water,
the border will at any time
but you can not make him drink" is
to show passports, permit*.
Uua. Yoa can build and equip the
cards, or any other sort of
finest school in the state, but if
there i* not athletic appeal, you
can not get th* boy or the giri of
prr • thousand horsemen,
Sf F a blinding snow-storm
E A. Wagoner is spending a great
today to attend We want to know
wUU a drath - defying ride
of time fixing up the new
that the men and women of tomor­
quarters of the Mutual cream buy-
row will be better men and women
1 ing station, and when finished, will
than those of today. It ia within our
have a second to none. He cont cm -
power to make them so. and we are
It's a Universal
<>ne of CniaoraACTtca greetaet
, plates a big buainem. and haa built
fields is in restoration from after
a reputation for square dealing
•ffects of acute diseseea. such as
make school an attracteon and make
Flu, Measles, etc. Have the most
I which he claims is the "secret of
modern X-Ray
Spmogrsph Work
Let's build U m gym! Buy a bond!
li. Z. Seaman, our advertising
representative in Salem, wa» in Scio
over the week-end. He reporta
that business is picking up in the
state capital, ami his report ia veri­
fied by a look through our advertis­
ing columns. He is doing good
work there, and he is meeting with
The Fox’
Weekly & Comedy
ter health begin
II I I IMM. CWWfidif
Cusick Bank Bldg., Albany. Ore.
Put that sale "over the top.”
Good music, good floor. Dance
y with the Z. C . B J. Saturday night.
Fab IS «nd 19
Wool pool at Scio was sold yester­
day to M Senders, of Albany 23c
per lb. was realised for the 20.008
! pounds sold.
Admission 15c-35c
t ;