The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, February 02, 1922, Image 6

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oas :
irpenter House raising, moving,
repairing and general «Carpenter
C. P. Compton.
Believing our people are anxious to get into the
cash way of purchasing the necessities of life
we are quoting you pries that will open your
ketbook and make the high cost of living
a mere pigmy.
■ »
For Sale -One registered Holstein
bull calf. A barrain if taken at
O. E Gilkey,
Scio. Oregon.
Or. I^eGeai'a Foultts Tonic,
* ♦'
Shretldtei Wheat, two
....... .........
Wheat Eats, package ___
Canvas Glove», pair
23c, 20c, 15c aud
Maple Flavored K aro
Mvrun, 10a ......................
Marti Wheat Flour, Hack ..... $1.95
Heat Yet Corn, can*
.......... 15c
Men's C’ o IU mi Sox, pair
from 35c down to
Table Oil Cloth, a real bar­
gain, per vani
Ovatera, large i Hstern, rati ........ 20c
Full line of Garden Seed*, in bulk
ami package. Will match price*
with any catalogue house.
Ass to sc« the new -hafaxi l^n»
the com-ct glass for evening
Made in Ao her Eyeglasses ur
Score lards —Get your "W score
card« at the TttlHUNK office. 2c
per card, or 2) cents per card by
mail, posttnid
Limit 11 00 worth to a customer and only with a
35.UU cash putebaee of other goods
Lost — Tire and rim 30x3) from my
Under pieawe return to
Itartu Bros. Garage and receive
For Sa'e or Tr de
Havmore Corn, can
Shelton & Co., of the Sanitary Mar
k*t. want your veal and will call
for it; and poultry of all kind«. 3
Read These Prices—Good for Saturday, Feb. 4th, Only
SUGAR, 15 pound*
for .. ...^..................
end prune«; an acre of »trawber-
nee. and other »mall fruit; an old
orchard place m isti y in crop, a
bargain at $4000, Three mile*
North of Scio on Station road.
J. W. Birons. Scio. Oregon.
You ll rind I jir Want Here
Tlo car« in fin*
condition, six good tires with each
car. Will take livestock, but pre­
fer cash. See Walt Bilyeu.
Qpton/ e trist.
The Santiam Farm has a fine lot of
loose hay at 310. bailed at 312
chest, vetch and oata. The Pie
Eater want» 12 Plymouth R<>ck
pullets or year olds, and 12 Rhode
Island Reds
Manufacturing Optician
Holsum and
A real good cream aeuerator, <>(M)
ux«.-. to trade for good milk cow. ;
Have m> further urn* ter a neper-1
ator. Also have a Ford ton truck |
for »ale or trade
H S. Nolan. Scio. Ore.
W. A. Gilkey was ia town y eat er-
day >>n busineM
l^eonard Gilkey spent Saturday
with friends in Albany
Mrs. M J. Fidelia is recovering
from an a tick of the Grippe.
Bert Hollis soent Monday at hia
farm looking after his "muttons."
L. J. Bond and Ardhie Bond, of
near Albany, were in Scio Tuesday.
You can soon see a "Fox."
John Underman and Joe Milner,
of Jordan, made a trip to Scio Mon­
W. Richardson and wife were
burineaa visitors in Albany last Wed
W. B. Bowser is in Albany look-
ing after Densmores feed store in
that city.
Fred Normand is the purchaser
of a Ford touring car from the Bil­
yeu garage
Mrs. John Kelly waa in Albany
last Wednesday combining pleasure
with business.
Mrs. D C. Thoma »ccompanied
Mr. Thoms on his regular trip to
Albany Tuendry.
Bert Bilyeu and family are mov-
ing u> K. iama. Wash., where Bert
will be employed in the mills.
Newt Crabtree packed up bia
worldly belonging» an d left for
Salem Monday, where he will work.
John Densmore sp at the week-
en<t with Kenneth Hirone at Corvallis
and a bile there he saw the Stanford-
O. A. C. same.
Fred Pepperllng and family have
moved to Stay ton for the reel of
the winter, since Fred believes that
Stayton provides a better school
n>me time during the night of Jan- i
satisfied even bwi 1 nut nceived the
uary 24th., in Albany. He ’ is1
prseent- Yes. our pruti tar­
thought to have teen .tooling a ride ¡**±7-
• s u
a . aral hundred Ihuusacato in ca»h ami
J. M. Hawkma of Albany, died pn^<ltl<e ajt
til< world. I gut
suddenly last Wednewiav morning .oae tsnth interest m that. w«U. we will
al hia h<-me from what is thought I put all af these items on top of tn*
to be heart failure. He was presi­ |31M) Using expenses for (pod measure
tU» satisfy every one that we live high
dent of the Albany chamber of com­
I and have a good lime, that s fair and
merce and in lodge clrciee waa well ,reasonable enough. You all know that
known over the county.
1 work some, am not Isay, do not drink
Smiling old Jim Parker insists on anything stronger than gasoline, and
walking a couple of mil«« into Scio not much of that. 1 do not speculate»
gamble. smoke very much h«xr (1 may
and another coup!« of miles back
herwafterl, I do not attend horse races,
home to dinner. Weather ia no ob­ run after women, take many vscaUon«.
stacle to him, and he «aya the walk etc.
What 1 had I invested in Scio
what I haye made in Scio 1 »in going u>
ui good for th« appetite.
When the Ford Motor Co. wanted spend in Sew if 1 have it, and slay in
Scio if I can for Scio is good enough
to reduce th« oric« of tractor» they
for me.
sent the new« around the worl<| by
Now then. 1 have no money in the bank
wireless. Of course Fred Bilyeu or anywhere else; I owe the bank |M»«'
waa a bill« handicappad by pot hav­ and others Ittxxi beatdes. Why? We
ing a wireless station, but ha aoop let you answer that; but the fact re­
found out what the naw price ia mains that if we had it 1 would not owe
it, aa I hart enough assise to know that
and ia ad vert i «Ina it thia week
it would he poor business
Dr. S. C. Brown« left Thursday
(Continued next week.
fur Portland with John Hoffman,
of Crabtree. who ia to undergo an
Fo» S a LC—Old papers. 10c per
operation by a doctor who operated bundle at the Tribune office.
on him 10 yean ago.
r »
Bert Hollis Confectionery
It’s beat when baked by
Cherry City Baking Co.
Salem. Oreuon
Sound ami Vacuum Cup
Tire* ami Tube*
< >il* ami <ìii'H^i'H
Storage Batterie*
Auto Piiiiit* and Euameltt
Our Regular Prices
Compare them with other's Special Price*
Boiling Meat, per pnuud
Rousts, per pound .
Steaks, per pound..................... 17c
Bologna , jwr pound ........... .. 17c
Bacon, per pound
..... 25<
Scio Meat Market
Scio, Oregon
Holechvk Broa.
That oper­
ation waa very succacful. and when
several operation» performed In Al­
bany during the past year failed to
give relief John ia returning to hia
old aurgeon.
Mr. J. G. Holt informa ua he has
just received word from Portland to
the effect that T. J. Butler, who
waa recently operated upon for gall
atone«, la improving rapidly and ia
doing fine for one of hia age. We
are glad to make thia announcement,
aa Mr Butler haaj many friends in
thia ct>mm unity.
than Scio.
It was reported late last week
that one of the Silvernagle boys was
(Continued from ('age 5)
very low. and later that Chris
we maks on an average 315 per
from kodak finishing that we de at
dead from flue. Thia rumor
night« when other people are sleeping
been denied by Chris.
or having a good time, on top of that
J. N. Waddle, manager of th«
we snake on an average 354 per month
Mutual Telephone Company, return­ out of the express office htw^ssy, easy
ed Sunday from Portland, where hr money, several tried it and quit, we are
underwent an operation for the ie- u. 4u 5 ysaie now. besides that, my
—> »M
Reg. Prices on Charge Accounts
< •
C. White l>hKh<>rnii for Sale-
Vary Beat Coffee, bulk, lb . ,. 30c
Aboat 300 pullets and about 175
2-v<*ar old breeder», mated with
g<Hid rooater*. at 31 (Ml apiece;
Regular Price» Prevail on Exchange for
r<outer« S3 (Ml. Al«> have four
McClanahan incubator*, good a«
new. «nd one Queen at f 10 each,
and <>ne Old Trunty al 110, all
220 egg s'tc.
J. W. H irons, Scio. Oregon. < •
. < •
A 20-acre Home for Sale 7-room
h<>uae. a large barn, a 20x18S
foot chicken house, 14x30 brood­
er house with American brooder
stove, «moke house, fruit house
LOCAL BREVITIES | m.ival of three tumors from hia mother gave m« a 0 luuu cm I i prw.«at
ta help me atxJ my family out, and with
and wagon «hed; water sv«tem.
my Wife 1 reeened $.'*» aa a MuddltlK’
with water piped wherever need-
Owen LaCourw. of Salem, hail
present, nut for th« rvaaon bar folk«
rU; laundry tuba, hath tubs.sinks.
, the misfortune to in some manner I
wanted u> or had to aall hrr, no, I gut a
Two acre« hranquette walnuts
Did you ever see a Fox’
have |H>th
eu| off by
g pj <uoi) bargain with which I am psrfsct-
J. F. WESEL Y, Grocer, Solo. Oregon
We have a car of No. 2 Eaiftrrn
Corn in tranait to arrive about Feb.
10. and are taking orders at
On the Raise
$30 per ton
at th CM. Get your name in the pot
Put in a supply before our
¿lock is exhausted
We Have Not Raised
Densmore’s Feed Store
Scio, Oregon
Albany, Oregon