PEOPLES COLUMN Fresh and Cured Meats Poultry and Veal SCIO. OREGON THE Silt) STATE BANE M A Ewing. A. E Randall, h --..i«-nt Vice Pre» E, D. Myer», ('aahter Start ■ bank account today ami 1 r.>viu»int aa transaction». We pay interval on time deposit». t'ill« Attended to Promptly Dav or Night SCIO OREGON I Riley Shelton Rea! Estate Rroifer and Notary Public dhutrotl» Obtain*J, Examined . - OREGON G. F. Korinek Veterinarian - - OREGON • < alia answered Pay or Night I ubercuiili Testing We make a Specialty of Friendship, F.ngagement and Wedding Rings JC - General repairing, washing and polish Oils and Greases Gasoline ing Cails Attended Pay or Night TRY OUR SERVICE A Square Deal Assured ORR II 0rt$OR Made Hom« Ii)itliq Tiros Art Holmes A gn-al »urprise for the home knitter» of Ort-gm, but still ■ fact. Furtber- n ■ r< . th.« yarn i» abaolutrty Virgin weol yarn. the wool was gruwn in t.lnn e<. W. l«t St.. Albany Art Kelly HOT AH AUCTION SALE DR. I ICQ ALBANY Buy a Fordson Op en for business Feb. I DR. A. G. PRILL PÙYSIC18B aol SuriMIl % >36 & f • > Depot Àuto Shop ALBANY J Tf* .* - »♦»♦♦«•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦«♦♦ F. M. French & Sons self) U Fred 1. Bilyeu 4 STAYTON, ’ ri?** ’ You Are UNDERTAKERS - When Buying Fordson Tractor Morrison & Lowe KIQ For the sake of argument, we will say we were and are ail dam fools and don’t know the market price» on goods. Do you know them? If you do, you don't need to »lay in or even near Scio j and get your own price fur thia knowb edge. If vou don'I know, then please keep still, or wa will hav« to put vou in I ! our ria*«, which would be a shame ami disgrace. to whom, we let you answer. We know we don't know the Uue and actual value uf everything in merchan­ dise, but we know we buy as cheap as we can. and sell as cheap a« we can, must and dare, to sell to make an «via tence You have only our word fur th»», that we are doing the beet we can and know bow that ia buv as cheap as we can. sell you a guud quality of ginda as cheap a» we can under the patronage we are getting, the quality of service ami arrummerMM*s that we mwt meet with cash, such as rent, clerk hire, insurance, water, light, heat, telephones, taxes, donation» fur church­ es, Re I Cross. lodge due», school», our own living expert»«», these muat all be The key to ttetlcr living. met in Sclu with ea»h. not from Al-, The end of th" drudgery of farming. bany, Salem. Scar». R. Jk C., Mont­ gomery & Co., bill from th« merchants Shorter hour* of work. uf your town, who invested tbeir time, ' More time with the family. moony and the prime of their Ilf« in The boy* and girls mon* willing to stay serving you on the farm. You all know these ar« absolute ex- j More recreation. pen»«« that w< can't dodge, but oUr competitor» just mentioned dodge all' Making farming what it ought to lie of these, where they du buinwu In our, the meet pleasant and profitable territory for ca»h In advance before occupation in the world. Authorized Sale* z\gent Scio, Oregon you see the goods. They ■lou t want to pay these expense« and don't want your ■ egg», potatoes, poultry, bacon, lard, chittim bark, surplus of beans, carrots, turnips, wood. etc. No, cash is gi«»d enough for them They want that only , 1» my family and a few family trinket» of that for th* past seven year» »» ulace by working hard curly arnl late How 1» that for a have rai»i.6*X) worth of bust ine. Don't get anxious, we will offer neaa a year, ot a total ef $343,4«) Friends. I »tn not blowing about this, you a real bargain. W« do not pay all these items just but am using these figures ta »how you mentioned with pleasure, or because we th« profiteering »id« of my buaineaa in can afford it, or because we are philan­ Scio. Now then, our average total •«- thropic. so big hearted, or that we want penaea that we cannot d'slg* In Selo to show off. No, »r pay them (M-eause like Sears. Roebuck A Co. can, are on we know they are unavoidable and nec- *the average of I2»>s HO per month in the esssry and because we can't get them buaineaa, and for this we have exact below coat from the cut price sharks. and conclusive figure», we also take We |>ay tliein because th.- business and 1150 out of oar profits for our family community to tie a success demands «»pens»», which I know ie overesti­ them. Well, you know we cannot meet mated by $25 or more per month, but ail these expenses out of our own pock­ fur good measure we call it $I5 o .-» i top et nor can we give you these conven­ iences for nothing even if you ask them, no, not altogether, that ia, if we want to eat at hast two meals a day, wear some clothe», take a half day’s rest every fourth or fifth Sunday in the the year, and take » forced vacation of two «reeks every fourth or fifth year. I personally work from 6 a. m. lyes, many a time 4 a. m.) to 6 p. m. every Where you get a fleeting working day in the year, even on some glance over someoi le's shoul­ legal holidays. Yea. I have Worked der at what you ar<* l>u> mg. several times from 4 a. m. to 11 p m and where you take snap That surely is union hour». I am my judgment, but own clerk, boss, bookkeeper, cashier, secretary and janitor at the »torr, and farmer on our home place. Yea, 1 am the expresa agent and the official pho­ tographer of Scio. *1 know I am poor at all of these, slow as molasses, and consequently must work over union hours. You generally find me on time, however. Now. if my work is worth a whoop at all I d« serve at least the a oduet«*d on a stri ctlv business basis, pleasures that I enumerated above. them over carefully, and Ninteen year» ago I started In buai- neM in Scio with a capital of CAM) cash, which I made honestly by clerk­ ing 3 years fur a fnesilixed merchant in tn be exactly an rvpreMnted Kansas and teaching 7 terms of school in the same state. I am now worth the enormous sum of about $12,000 to S16,00b, that is after I pay my honest debts. I msiie all this in I* years of ............................ $110 «ad Up Touring Car* and Roadster* profiteering and skinning my fnetxis in $450 ta $525 Fully Eq»>pp«4 Coupe* ......................................... and around Scio G«nng some, eh' If ■any to chooM from at terms you can not refuse you doubt this statement, bring the 112.000 an N. High St. to cluse the bargain. You assume my hones' ilebts, give me 9IZ.UIX) cash and 1 give you a clear title and dee«l and bill of sale to ail of our earthly poasss siona they are all located in and near Sciu. All I reserve out of this bargain Fordson Tractor d*9 nr F. o. b Now Selling at *r*^ Factory Shelton & Co. Props 4 FarmersL Attention ! T hi Ravibus o >- a Sen» Fumuuuip M khchaxt . (Continued from last week) — Dealer» tn VALLEY MOTOR CO Salem, Or i -r* «.