The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, February 02, 1922, Image 4

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January 31
Rev. G. L. Sutherland and wife
called In at the Santiam Farm Tues­
day afternoon for an dd time chat
on religion, high taxes and the eltu-
alion of the farmer under the pres­
ent depression.
Mrs Jennie Lovejoy, of Dallas,
came in Thursday for a few days'
visit with her mother. Mrs. 8. W.
Ed Kalina and wife made a run to
Crabtree Thursday night to attend
the big show, also to Scio Saturday
night to attend the dedication of the
new hall. They report a good time.
Men's full cut blue cham
There were 15 musicians in the or­
bray work shirts
chestra, about 200 dancers and a
: supper served that would be hard
: to beat.
Men's good weight outing
The big store at Crabtree, owned
flannel night »hirta—
by Rowland, was burned to the
all sizes
ground Saturday, making a total
ions, the family barely escaping
with their lives.
Our cold snap and enow hangs on
Boys’ splendid quality out-
ing flannel night shirts
like unto hungry dog to a bone, the
iherrriometer ranging from 12 to 30
above. We are getting anxious for
a change even if it should be all
Men's leather faced canvas
gloves, the cheapest work
Coral Lucas Is still confined to his
glove you can buy; a pair
home with a fearful cold.
It is sad to read about the Wash­
ington Knickerbocker theatre dieas
ter. which is heartrending to think
Men's jersey knit gloves
of the great numtier of dead and
splendid for work or
mangled people.
driving—2 pair
Some dogs got among Geo. Grif­
fin's sheep Monday night and nearly
killed four head of hie registered
ewe lambe.
Some one loot a pair of heavy
Us Your Order
leather gloves in the lane in front
of 8. W. Gaine»' house, and owner
can have same by calling for them
Mrs. Jennie Lovejoy, after com­
ing home for a visit with her moth­
er. returned to her home in Dallas
Sunday morning, accompanied by
her brother. Curtis Griffin, who re­
turns to his home In San Francisco
Our surprising snow storm of 4
inches Saturday morning ie a re­
Value First
minder of old times, as Oregon can
have anv kind of weather at any
Albany, Oregon
time- -no calculation on the weather
Th» Store with a Square Deal
can be made until it arrives.
for Every Customer.
Mrs. Milligan's three daughters
called in Sunday afternoon, as there
was no Sunday school on account of
the inclemency of the weather.
Local Market Quotations
Geo. (¡tiffin came down to the
Corrected at Noon Tuesday
Santiam hospital feeling somewhat
"rocky” with a cold and bad stom­
P oultry , V ral ano E oo »
75 c
The Blain Clothing Co.
Hen«. 4 Ibe and over
under 4 Iba
Springs, if Ibe and up -------
Broilers, under if lbs
Veal. fanev no. 1
Dreseed pork. no. 1 blockers
Figgs, cash. 20c trade
Eggs, white select
Rutter fat
F kkd
. 8 i
January SI
Mrs. H. 0. Shilling has been laid
up the past week with lagrippe.
Clinton George made a business
trip to Stayton Friday.
Charley Leffler was a Shelburn
caller Monday afternoon.
C. M. Tindall and wife were trans­
acting business in Albany Wednes­
_____ SI.10
Mill run
2 65
„ 2 60
Egg producer
2 00
More fat, for hogs
Ground barley
Rolled barley
The dance held here Friday night
Shelled corn, eastern
. 1.75
well attended and all report
Ground or cracked com ____ 1.80 I
2.00 having a good time.
LePage cracked corn
Quite a number of people In thia
F loor
motored through the snow
Hard wheat
. v_ 1*2.00-2.10
Albany to attend the Elks'
Soft wheat .
Mardi Gras, which waa held in the
W. H Maepelt spent Saturday in Elks temple Friday and Saturday,
and they report it a mighty graft.
Fred Gooch is moving hie family
t<> Mill Qty. whore he expects to
locate permanently.
Mrs. Lee George has been called
to the bedside of her mother. Mrs
Try the
Trollinger. who io quite sick again.
Mrs. John Bents is quite sick snd
is confined to her bod. Dr. Browne
was called to her bedside Saturday
Mrs. Freida Hirona. teacher at
the Cole school, was confined tn her
home this week on account of a bad
American and
cold. There are quite a number of
Chinese Dishes
her nupils laid up with a bed cold
John Ortwein and two sone. Ern-
bo. wore out for a
bit hunt Sunday, the snow being
just deep enough for good hunting
Arthur McLain is up from Seisin
to visit his parents. Mr. and Mrs.
W H McLain.
There will be another done«- given
at U m Miller hall Friday mvht.
Feb. 3.
' *
' J
Every Saturday Night
Aale Aactioa Prove« Attraction
One of the newest and most inter­
at 7:30 p. m., at
esting way of selling uard cars has
been put into u»e in Salem by the
firm of Oieo<>n & Kookstool, (see
ad), who are now running a used >
ear auction every Saturday night
at their garage <>n Liberty street.
On last Saturday night nearly 400
people from different parts of west­
ern Oregon as well as Salem rwm-
bled there to buy and sell their cars
—every purchaser satisfied that he
bought the biggest bargain on the e»»ee»ee»eeee»eeeeeee»eeee»»»eee»e»»e»»e»eeeeeaaeaea
floor and every seller pleased with
the amount of the sale and the term.
The automobile auction is the re­
vival of old horse sales every livery
stable used to put on. but on an im­
Care of
proved and fair basis, giving every
4 Pain I vas
purchaser a chance to know just
what he is buying, and to practically
make his own nriee and teams
Oleson - Rookstool Auto
Exchange GpÄrage
I 7 3 S. i Jberty St.
Yick So Tong
Ctinese Nciismc ail Tea Ca.
Has nvdicitie which will
cure any known discs»«*.
Calendar Sample« to Arrive Feb. 6
The Tribune has received word
from its calendar publishers that
the sample calendars ordered will
not arrive until February sixth. It
will be to your advantage to hold
your order until they arrive, and
we can save you money. Hqld your
order till our samples come
All who can should attend the
high school debate tomorrow night,
when Stayton and Sdo will debate
the question "Resolved, that the
Plumb Plan for the control and
management of railroads should be
enacted into law." It will be inter­
esting snd instructive.
Salem, Ore
Corn Doctor
All Foot Troubles Cured
Open Sutxluv* from 10 a. m.
until A p. m.
lad South High Street
Salem. Oregon
Phone 21W
.'<22 Stat«* Ktre» t Salem, Oregon
Above Patton’s Book Store
importer» and Dealer» in
Fancy Dry Goods
Ladies Underwear, Furnishing Grx>ds, Ornaments,
Silk I land kerchiefs, Chinaware, Etc.
264 N. Commercial
Salem, Oregon
We Make Up, Sell and lake Orders