‘2 not later than Tuesday to insure publi­ cation in the current laaue. All transient advertisements must be paid for in advance of publication. T hvmhat . F eb 2. 1922 T he price of dairy product« are away down now. and it is because the Dairymens Ixague allowed itself to liquidate. When there ia no or­ ganisation to fight your battle*, the other fellow walks off with the plum. G. 0. P. to push bonus" ia news paper head. We have been under the imprees.on «hat It has been “pushed" an much now that it is al­ most off the mao But maybe the handwriting ia on the wall, and Ihr leader« have seen. Geo. Perry announcea the first spring story of the big egg One of hia Rhode Island reda laid an egg measuring ail by eight inches. He admit« that aomeone will find a big­ ger one.--Harrisburg Bulletin. Not likely. Bro. Morgan. Freaks only abound in communitie« like Harns- burg D on ’ t forget our Automotive Edition on February 23d. Get your ad copy now and semi It in it will be worth ail your ad coats and then some. We have lived up to our promises in the past, and will thia time. This edition will equal, except the cover page, our Christmas edit- H enry Ford haa now turned hia paper, the ltearborn Independent, loose upon the falsity of money, and we believe thia lime he ia on the right course. We recomend thia paper to our readers, because it tell» the unvarnished truth Let ua hav* your subscription — The Scio Tribune and the Dearborn Indepen­ dent both for S3 »»0 for the year. D on ’.- overlook the call for a spec­ ial school election on the 11th for the purpose of electing a s<.rev-anor on the school board In place of R. V. Shelton, who haa moved to Wash ougal. Wash., and also a clerk to lake the place of Mrs. Jennie Shel­ ton. This ia the moat important of elective uffi’vs in the conduct of public affaire, and only the lieat timber available should be placed In this responsible position. Let every patron of the school be on hand and see that good men or women are elected So far no one has acted upon our sugge lion that a civic club be form­ ed in Scio. Why this lethargy? Oth­ er communities have them, and they are reaping the benefits of commun­ ity unity—a wide awake people al­ ways bring more wide awake people^ amt this community should now be up and doing. Great things are in the proceee of coming to pane, and we should be a unit in getting what bel mgs to Scio and the «niir» com* race "UnnTCM" r “ tt “UU I L ri ' suit then in aaa! Court fending, where- - w,j * <*. Brown and Sarah L Brown, his wife. A Sparkling Stimulant. Full of Wit 1 £ M Nhertock, R. D. Norton and Alice and Hutner. Free copy will be seat ■ £ Norton, hi» wife. were defendants upon receipt of your name with address I In favor of plaintiff and against »aid completa. Write tu G. Mitchell. 397 tefc-danta. by which exrcuticm I am < ommamteo to a-ll the property in said Pearl Street. Brooklyn, N. Y. rart-utKin and hereinafter deacrihed to pav the rum due the plaintiff. of l-WL SO : with interest thereon at the rate of 9 Special School Meeting per Cent per annum from the 26th day of F-bruary. 1920. and for the further I sum of fKi.77 a« tax«« paid by said Notice Mi hereby given to the legal plain MT. and for the further sum of i voter« of School Inatrxt. No. Mt. of li.'AOO attorney's fees together with cunts and dwi-ure-ment» of »aui suit Unn county, state of Oregon, that • taxed at FJ* 90 and cot* and espenaes j a Special School Meeting of sak! dte- of «aal execution I will on Saturday, inct will be held at the school house on the 11th day of February. 1922. at the , the 11th day of February. 19T2. at 2 hour of II «clock A M of »«id dav, at the front door of the County Court ' o'clock in the aftomOML for the follow- House in Albany. I.inn County, Ore­ 1 log ubjeet»; To elect mm * (1) director gon. sell at public auction to the high- Beatrice W ulfr. ur < to fill the uncx|>ired term of Roy V. rat balder for ca»h in hard on day of married Helen F. : Shelton, and one (li clerk to fill the sale, all the right, title, interest and T iirkk I s considerable agitation' Wolfe, unmarried. Sa­ estate which said defendants ami all - unexpired t-rm of J-nrir Sh<-:t -n die Fair and Tom < perexia claiming unter them subse­ now about th« high cost of hunting Fair, her hueband. Dated this 26th day uf January. 1922. quent to the date of the mortgage in. Ih-fendanUL J and angling license, and Bro. Mor­ of ami to said premise» hereinbefore R oy V. S helton . ia | To John Rringard. Jr,; Frank Bringani. mentioned arc described in said execu­ van. of the Harrisburg Bulletin Chairman |.<>ard of IHFectors. tion as follows, to-wit: Martha Rrtngard, William Rringard I Attest- J knmb S hxi . ton . agitating for a 312 license fee In­ The Esst Half of the Northwest and Helen a. Wolfe, defendant« District Clerk. Quarter and the West Half of the stead of the |5 fee as required st above ñamad. Northeast Quarter of Section Seven, in present. No use, Bro. Morgan, of la VMS N> m « us tms Hrtrs oeOsauoa; Township Thirteen. South Range One making the high cost of killing your You and each of vou are hereby re­ Stelli Sale al Rtii Property ai Fortciiun West of the Willamette Meridian, in gatead to appear in the above entitted Linn Couuty, Oregon, containing 160 friends anv dearer than the present court and answer th« romplamt fih-i acr«». in Linn County. Oregon. fee. We.believe ia enough If against you in the above entitled cauae, Said sale being made subject to re- Notte« I» hervtiv givvn. Thst by vir­ 312 would prevent the “accidentar' , on or before the expiration of six weeks tù« uf an cxecution duly iaaued uut of Oeinptlon in the manner provided by ' from the date of the first publication of | thè Circuit Court of thè State of Ore- law. killing of hunters, then we would be i this summons in Th« Seto 1 ribuno, th< ; gt»n. fnr thè Countv of l.tnn. and tu me Dated this 10th day of January. 1922. C. M K enhalu for it. But there is a neceaatty, as dste of the first publication thereof ta f January, we see it, of reducing the fees to rend-red. roterei of record and dock- V. A. G oode , Attorney for Plaintiff, , 1922, and the date of the laat v<.blica- * * something near normal, especially . lion being Ihursday. the 16th day of ctod in^and by sai-! Court on thè lith Roy Building. Iday of Itecernber. 11*21, in a certain Stayton, On-gun. since a reduction in everything else j February. 1922. to-wit: <»■ or tefore is demanded in order that we more the With day of February, IV. Z. and if I you fail to ao ap|x ar and answer io ' quickly reach that Coveted goal, complaint, tor want thereof. Plaintiff "normalcy" whatever that ia. will aptdv to the Court for judgment and decree against said defendants, and fur the relief preyed for an-1 teman,!<«1 In complaint herein, which is sulntan I hr Shoe Repair and Leather Man tiaily aa follows, to-wit: Fur a decree of thia Court ad judging (Next to Densmores) and decreeing that tters <» - and Before you huy let me owing to plaintiff on the fKd.OU pron January 31 isaorv note described in plaintiff's com­ Mrs la-ona Wain of Junction Qty plaint herein the sum uf S h T ai .W, to ­ arrived Saturday at the home of her gether with inten -t thereon from th- 1st day of *u)y, 1920. at the rate uf parent«. Mr and Mr«. H. E. Bur- eight per cent prr annum, until paid, mcater for a «hort visit. and the further sutn uf IKXf Mias Emma Rahn was shopping of March. 1912, and is duly rec.-rte-d at Your Home OH Age TEN KFAMiK» WHY .'•ickness page 96 of ' oí. M». Record of Mort you »houH save regular­ Your Business Investmente •nsuranee In town Monday. gages in and for I inn t ounty, Orrgun ly a part of your Eduacation Automobile Travel and which mortgage waa duly assigned Mlsa A nene Small spent Sunday income: Character by the said Jennie Wolfe, on or about Make your dreama corm- true. Mart now. 4 , ANO NO WORRY with her sister Mrs. M. E. Myers of the 22nd day of January, 1915, to th- > plaintiff herein, which aasigronent is Alban v. I duly recorte-.! in VoL 74. al i agr 52. Misa Oda Clark returned to Port­ I Record of Mortgage» in and fur l inn land Sunday to resume her work at ' i County. Oregon, be forvcloaurt who nevertheless had a jolly time for defendants aa their interest may be laughing over the hidden artidee In made to appear, that the plaintiff maj become a purchaser at said »ale. and th< cake baked by Mrs. Eichinger, that the purchaser be let into the |x— Mrs. Clara Smith found the thimble, session of said premises immediately upon the purchase of the seme: ami Mrs. V. E. Shelton the ring. Z. J. that plaintiff have such other and fur Clark a candy heart and Arthur ther relief in the premises as to the Court may seem just and «-quitable. Clark the button. Thia summons is served u | khi you by .Mrs. Cleveland returned Saturday publication thereof in The -ciu Tribune, i from a weeks visit with her son near a weekly new»pap«r print«), putih-h---! I and circulate«! in Unn County, Oregon, Scio. Kuant to order of the Honorable E. F. De Long and W. Wirth G Bingham. Judge of the < ircuit Court of the Mate of < »regon, for the were shopping In town Friday. Frank Heard called at the home Third Judicial Itstrict. dated on the 3rd day of January, 1922. The first of W. H. Grimes Saturday. publication to be on the 5th day of Jan­ J. L. Rodgers and Bert H Uli« uary, 19E2. and you are required té ap­ were looking after sheep on the pear and antwer said complaint on or before the 29th day of February, 1921 Morris place Monday. V imhil H. Massey, and let ua make you an estimate. 1-Arl Browning spent Friday with Bust < »tfice Addr«« Stayton. Oregon W. H Grime«. Attorney fur Plaintiff. SCIO TRIBUNE’,^ of Knickerbocker The- SUMMONS ater in Washington, D C.. gave is tea Ctacvir Corer or mg W its or Uaaov>,rua van Ceewv or Lisa, way under a load uf enow upon the bertsrssm No. X. roof last Saturday night, and fire Farmen» and Merchants'! men. soldiers, marines and civilian« Hank of htayton, a Corporation, risked their live« in attempting to Plaintiff. reecu« thoee burled beneath the deb­ vs. •UMCtUFHUN. IN ADVANCE 31.75 John Rringsn!. Jr,, on •IE MONTHS — LOO ris. The storms in the east have nurnei, trans Inn- been exceedingly ervere this winter gard and Martha Hnn- gard. hie wife;william Entered at the Doetoffice at Sdo. and this sn »w was the heaviest in Hringard. tuunarro-d; Oregon as second clam matter. years, and consequently the catast­ Ed Wolfe, unmarrod, Byron Wolfe and Min­ fUMWOXM rophe could not be helped. Howev­ ADVEItTUHNG XATW nie Wolfs, wolf«, his ms wife; er, congress, in this case, as In all Local advertising per line first in- Noma -tafford and h aarttea................... L. Mafford. her hue-, Earn subsequent Insertion per line .06 others. Is going to investigate. Het-, band; < • r o r g e " | Display adv-rtwing -First ineertiun ter do all this Investigating before Wolfe,unmarried.-tier < per Inch ......... aid Wolfe, unmarried, such events take place. Advertisements should reach thia omee THE FRANK KRUML 1 I i Mrs. E. J Weidman who haa been visiting with her daughter Mra. Rose Jilmore near Jefferson, re­ turned homo Sunday. J. S. Hannah and family are on the sick list with cold and sore throat this week. Willard Grime«. Bill Wirth, Ike and lAwrence Burton attended the dance In the German hall Friday munity. nignt. Lets organise for a solid, comoact Bob Wirth visited school Friday community service, No other way afternoon. 0. E Eichinger and family at­ will bring prosperity to our door. 1 tended the dance in the new hal| M any lives we