The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, February 02, 1922, Image 1

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NO. 25.
■ ■■
1 ■ ■ - 1
January 30
Mrs. Ehrte Muaxy, of Newberg,
l .arge Crowd Attends Program arrived Iset evening for a week'a Dairy Demonstration at 9 a. m
U hieb Included I 5-Picce
at S. B. Holt’s Farm—Club
visit at the parental home of Paul
Darrel Funk returned last Tues­
day to Yamhill county, after a few
day*' vimt with hi» parmt*. J. S
Funk's. He reported hi* brother.
Ivan, a* much improved in health,
but not able to work yet. a* he ie
still very wea*
Mrs. C. A. Holley, of Albany,
visited her daughter. Mrs Will Me»-
pell, last week. Will, jr.. accom-
pmii«d her home for a few days'
E. E. Shafer, the official cow
tester, was teatmg c«>w* at J. G.
Work at W. A.Gilkey‘s
Fred N. Williamson, county elub
After months of work and plan­
ning and an expenditure of over
leader. accompanie«! by E. A. Fin
fo.000. the new Z C. H J. hall on
ney, a student at O. A C . were In
Scio Friday completing »rrnnge-
south mam street wm completed
eariv last week and the formal
menta for the two demonstrations
to be he|d Friday dairy demon­
opening waa held last Saturday
stration at 9 a. m. at S. B Holt's,
night. People came from all the
ami club demonstration at W. A
surrounding country and some from
Portland to be present at the open
Mr Williamson says a company
hou««-. and «»specially were the mem­
of extension workers from the 11
ber» of other lodge» on hand.
northwestern »tat«*» wilt lie present
The program oiwoed with a speech
at both places to get ideas and im­
by Mayor A. G. Prill, which was
Holt's yesterday and today.
parl information, as they are tour­
.wed by a short address by Ri­
Among those who attendwi the
ing l-inn county on that «lay.
ley Shelton song hy Nrs Dr. Hob-
Delbert Hay funeral in Crabtree
Mr Holt's farm ha» been srlec
s>m. Frank Novak, of Portland;
Sunday were: Fred Sommer, Mr*.
rd as one of the dairy deinunat ra­
g iv«» a talk in Bohemian, and Joe.
W. E. Serflmg and daughter Mar-1
tion ferma for Unn r—*nty during
A. Ijigi-rfeid, also of Portland, gave
garet. Russell Kelly, T M Holland
a talk in English. Song by Pauline
this year, and Friday the best and
wife, J. G Holt and wife, Bert and
moat modern methods used to get
Pima; i ing by quartet composed of
Charlie Mitchell, Cletus Holt. Bern­
the best In the way of handling the
Miasee I wit ha Couey snd Neva
ice Griffin. Otto Scheiman, W A.
herd for a maximum production
Th tyer and Ivan and Charlie Hal
and L. E lilk«»y's.
Ji roch j
of butterfat will be demonstrated
Charlie Balshwe d. John
Many of our people attended the
Every dairyman in this c«.mmunitv
made a short but impressive speech
dedication of th«» new hall in Scio
should avail hi mm-If of this oppor­
in turning over the keys of the hall
Saturday night.
tunity to learn new methods and l«e
to Ignatiu* Faultus, chairman of
Edgar Gilkey attend«*d the Elka'
Weights of production
the lodge. The Pirtland Attorney's
carnival in Altmny Friday and Sat- j
for each day will lie kept and the
Club gave a short plav in the Bo­
urday. He returned Sunday even- i
total made known al the end »f he
hemian language, and the program
period for which the tests are made
ended with a tableu showing six
Mra. J. G. Holt spent Wednesday
Al Mr. Gilkey's farm the boys'
repr< M-ntatives of the United States
with Mr* Louis Calavnn. of l-eba-
and girls’ c’«itw will hold a no I«*»
and six representatives of the Zche-
important demonstration, Here the
cho-Slovak nations, and in the cen­
Telephone lint«* Nos 3 and 21
proper way will lw demonstrated
ter the |>ersonitication of liberty
have each put in n< w poles to Scio.
to trim, equip and tit the goat, calf,
paxsing her blessing out upon them.
Heretofore the two Itmrs operated
Ot - of the outstanding attract­
sheep and pig for exhibition pur-
on one set of polr*
They are now
poeee. If the weather should prove
ion- of th" evening was the 15 piece
two distinct iinae.
Eugene and
orchestra of the lodge. 11 of whom I
uncomfortable for open air work.
Ernest Kelly have been tightening
Mr. Gilkey has kindly consented to
were from Portland and the other [
the wires today on line 3.
open his apple house for the young
four were Scio People. This urches ;
W. A. Gilkey ha* fo-en assigned
tin furnished music for the dance.!
club members to make their dem­
patrolman of road districts Numtiers
which followed the entertainment.
16. 17 and 36
The several clulis have rec«mtly
At midnight supper waa serve«) in
Relatives of Mra. Ernest Titus
the dining room, and aft«*r rung rat .
reorganized, many new members
have word she is better, after being
ulating the management on the ex
added to the list, and they promise
very low with pneumonia.
to outdistance the record made last
cell-nt program the guests return-
Mr*. Fred Sommer. Mrs. Henry
t<> their honufs.
y» ar.
Pr«-»ver and Joe Prokop have t»oen
Don’t forget the date tomorrow
Altogether 1420 waa realized
ill with eolde
Are still quite ill.
Feb 3
from the sale of ticket* and souve­
Mra. John Reilev has word from
nir riblHins and from the »upper.
her An, Donald, who is Ina Loe An- '
"504” Chib Entertained
Thia »urn, together with what other
gel««* electrical school, that it has
monev might be realised from the
b«»en cold and frosty there, but now!
Mrs Bert Hollis and Mr». Hewiie
hall will fo- used tn pay for lumber I
the frog* are croaking and Temind ‘ Phillippi entertained the members
and labor. It is th«>ught that in
him of home. The four lx»'» who |
thia way the hall can be made to went fr«»m here tike their school fine of the “500" duh and their hus­
bands at a "500" party at K. of P.
pay for itself.
ill la better equipped than it was a
year ago.
They are all doing well i hall last Thursday evening
Dixie Hagey won ladies' high score
Too Much Relataa
laud Mrs. Ollie MacDonald ladies'
A Good Show
'low score. P. H, MacDonald won
In November, 1920. Vina Matlock
The “Hizz" Fun Makers are gam­ gen<lemen*e high ecore and John
a i George Jorte* were married at
Kelly gentlemen's low score.
li> lly
Now Vina ia suing for a di­ ing to Scio for one week, beginning
At the conclusion of the games
vot«»-, alleging that her hueband's Monday. Feb. sixth, and will be at I
the hcatrsars served dainty refresh
parent*, with whom the couple re- the new Z. C. H J. hall. This com
meats, assisted by Mrs. Vivian Bil­
■uie. ri-nculed her and overworked pany ha» a national reputation and J
fo r and that her husband objected will give fr«e all entertainment*: yeu. Mrs Gladys Kelly, Mrs. Hur-
to her aeeocialing with her relatives •uch as singing and dancing, goo«i delle Sticha. and Mrs. Jennie Jones
and refused to take her to public
The club held their regular semi-
music, come«!ie* and the famous
m.-rtings or to church. - Halsey En­
i Swiss Bell Ringers. A change of) monthly meeting at Mrs. Audry
Kemrmber Hobson's yeeterdav afternoon.
Probably needed a hired girt and program each night.
is I
thought marriage would be cheaper
Untiappv aljvays ia the road when invited pi the »efine rate rtainmenta. i
newly mnrried folks go to live with
either parents.
11. ,6 IHK YEAH
Orchestra »— Supper
Tell the advertiser you saw hie ad
i in the Tribune
present* HARRY » AREY in
the Mile-a-Minut« drama uf a
hunted man »ho Llayed •
rrafty hand against big odd».
It's a IJfthrerael
Weekly & Comedy
pb 4 «ml 5
Admission 15c-25c
Read The Advcrtuesseal»
In this issue will be found a num­
ber of new adverUMuenta. all asking
for patr-giag* from our readers. Aa
we have before stated, we will not
lake an ad, from any source that we
believe will not live up to it* state­
ment* made in any of hi* ada ap|»*ar-
mg in thio paiwr We call your at­
tenta* to Dr. 1). L. Soitt. Oleson-
Hook stool Auto Exchrnge. Kwong
Fook A C*.. A J. Foster. Fred
Bilyeu, Valley Motor Co., Depot
Auto Shop. J. F. Weaely and Dens­
more these ads are teeming with
information and should r«.«ceivv a
share <>f your patronage. Nuw is a
good time tu urge your^ friends to
lake the Tribune as it la growing
bigger and better every issue. We
want the assistance of our reader»
in handing in news. We will natur­
ally mias lota ot good news, unlew«
we are inform«»! Help us V> mak>
the pajw>r likn you would make it If
y«Mi were io >>ur place. Read the ads
■nd profit Weaelv’a ad i> of rape­
cial importance in thin issue
Break Out at
Hour Sunday Morning—
Loss About $10,000
Originating in a defactive tlue. a lire
broke out tn the Howland »torr In Crab­
tree about 2;3U Sunday morning and
«-■■mpivU-ly dt-atru>«d the building and
■tuck, valued at »pprusunately Ill'.OWO.
The loea waa partially covered by insur­
ance. amounting to at-out 17.01*).
It waa u cuatum for the »tore to re­
main open unUl late at night, and a hut
lire waa kept burning
The family h»d
retired for the night, and awoke to find
the building in
and they barely
escaped with their riothra.
Neighbors fought hervlcly to save
the store, ami by means uf a bucket
brigade prevented uthrr building» from
catching tire.
.Mr. Rowland had only been in bu»i-
neaa in Crabtree for about a year, com
ing there from Salem, where he waa
engaged In the furniture buaincaa.
Two Boys and Two Girl» Boni
The past two »wk» have seen
the popup lion of Scio and rhe com­
munity increased by two boys and
two girls being born.
On January 27th. a baby boy was
Meetmna Growing in Interest
born to Mr. and Mrs. H. S Nolan,
and Practical Demonstra­
of Bilyeu l>en. and has been named
Mason Edward.
tions Were Given
On January 20th a girl was born
to Mr. and Mrs Edward Zink, and
ha* been named Julia Ann.
On January 27th, at the Scio hos­
pital. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. W eaten-
house found a little girl and have
named her Joyce Alice.
Archie Lindley and wife are the
proud patent» of a baby boy that
came to their home on January 29th
but we have not learned what uame
he will carry through life.
All the parent* are said to be re­
covering from the anxieties occa­
sioned by events of this kind, and
Violin Solo. Gordon Wearly.
smiles can be seen on all face*.
Reading. “The Purpose of Educa­
So far none have seen fit to pass
tion" by Miss Etta Morcom.
the cigars around, but we will for»
Phonics Drill. Father McKnight
give them for this one offence
und Harry W«»«ely, led by MisaShei
against us.
Phonics Drill in reading, Second
Grade girls.
Mr» S. B Holt wm in Scio Mon­
Selection by Barnes Orchertra.
They are busy getting rrady
Dramatization, “Belling the Cat"
dairy demonstration which
by Miss Buckner's pupils.
belt! at the Hull farm Feb.
Read ing. “The Old-Faahon«-d
Holt will go home from the
School" Gloria Long.
Sunday if he continues to
Recitation, "The
Black Eved
Retwi” by Jewel Barnes
improve as he is at present.
Paper, “The Value of Education
read by Hertha The ver.
l-aat Thursday evening the Par
ent-Teacher* Aaaoriation met in
regular monthly meeting snd hail
for diacuaiuon the subject “Educa-
lion." The practical ways of teach­
ing the young mind how to shoot
waa given by the grad«»*, and alto­
gether a very pleasent and prod table
aesaion was had. The following
program wm render«^I.
Piano Solo. (Hired« Thayer.
ror <'oiiglm and (’olds
we recoin mend and
High School Notes
January 31
Th# game at l^ebanon waa another
Scio succcee. It was close aud ex­
citing but the Scio boys w<»n with
a rush in the last minute* of play,
with ■ »core of 22 to 24.
A meeting of the student council
waa called list Thursday to discuss
general bvsineas.
Neat Saturday the buv« and girla
teams go to Halsey to defeat that
school m basket ball.
Several members of the high
school will attend the duh demon-
a I rat ion held at W. Gilkeys Friday
Feb 3.
Ihm’t forget the debate Friday
Buy a Student R»>dy bond.
Oda Clark returned to her work
In Portland Sunday, after spending
several days with her father »nd at­
tending her siater'■ wedding.
Pine Syrup
with Tar, Cm I Liver Ex
tract and Eucalvplus
Laxa-Cold Tablets
Kelly’« Drug Store
7’A/’ Rrxall Storr
-V* ?■'?!»,