The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, January 26, 1922, Image 6

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    ’ •«<
— g
Calendar Stapes te Arrive Feb. 6
8 tor»
Long Servir»
at Ixiw Coat
Quantity Huy
ir>g for uur
J. C. P enney C o
Sture« Anurrii
lowest Prize»
ogeawTMCNv sToags
Men’s Work Clothes
Our Value«
are un
male babk
Quantity Buying plus Our FfBcisnt Mithudi and Organisation make them «o.
The Tribune has received word
from its ealander publishers that
the sample calendars ordered will
n<>< arrive until February sixth. It
will he to y«ur advantage to h«l«i
your order until they arrive, and
wr can save you money
Hold your
order till our «ample« come.
Special School Meeting
Franklin mvmted Bifocal lenses—
for his own um - »ixl for posterity, a
II Lens that would be a I wm to weak eyed
older |>c<>f>lr.
Nuttor is herrtiy given to the legal
The Kryplok Invisible Bifocal is the
voter» of School Ihatnrt. No. Ph, of
Linn county, state of Oregon, that a perfwt«-<l product of thw invention
"Be thrift w « m -. »av» your ryes.” And
a Special School M* rting of said dis­
| u»»r KryptokM.
trict will be held st the echuol house on
th* 11 th day of February. ItrZi. st 2
o'clock in the afternoon, far the foUow-|
ing objecta: To elect one (Il >tirect*»r
to till the unezptrvd term of Roy V.
Shelton, and one (1) clerk to fill the
UiM-xpired term of Jeanie Shelton.
Dated tht» ’¿•th day of January. IMZt
Roy V. S hki . t «> n .
Manufacturing Optician
Chairman Hpard of Director».
AtUret- JKNMR SliKl.ToM,
Fon S a i l Old papers. tOc per
District Clerk.
bundle a» the Tribune office.
Let th»* Tribune do your printing.
Carpenter House raising, moving,
repairing and general carpenter
C. F. Compton.
Shelton A Co., of the Sanitary Mar­
ket, want your veal and will call
fur it; and poultry of all kinds. 3
For Sale 16 inch second growth
fir wood, dry. J6.5O per cord.
Can deliver at once.
E. A. Wagoner 24p
Score Cards Get y<»ur "500” «core
cards at the TRlBt’NK office. 2c
per card, or 2 J cents per card by
mail, postpaid.
o oeoeeoooeeeeeeoe<e«eoooooeoeoeo»ooooeeoeeooooootoowo-
•" z-
»•eeooooeeooeee e oooeoooeo
Father Bteder, of Jordan, paid a
Chris Sllvernagle to confined
his home with the flue.
Tuesday night the Silverton ladies
basketball team went down to de­
feat before the onalought of the
Mrs. Sank Hanna returned from
Scio ladle«
The ac<>rr wai IN u>
a visit to Brownsville Monday.
l>mt — Watch Feb, with American
Legion button < on it
please return to i Dr. Hobaon.
and receive reward.
A real good cream seperator, 6<Xl
«toe, to trad«- for good milk cow
Have no further use tor a »oper­
ator. Also have a Ford ton truck
for sale or trade.
H S Nolan. Scio. Ore.
< •
< >
i »
i >
i »
< i
I •
Bert Hollis Confectionery
It’» best when baked by
< >
< >
< »
Cherry City Baking Co.
Salem. On-gon
D. H. Stoddard, of Shelburn,
Mr. and Mrs Henry Hatsler have ♦»•»•♦♦»eeooeeseeeeeeeeeeoooeee-eeeeaeee+eeeeewoee+e+f
was in Scio for a «hurt lime Monday
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Densmore
Sound nini Vacuum Cup
received a le.fer from their son,
were transacting business in Salem
Tires and TubtM
Harold, saying that he arrived in
Fred Mescteli. of Thomae. »pent
last Thuraday.
New York January ¡5 on the trans
Oils and Grease#
Friday afternoon attendinu to busi­
port Crook, which «sited from Ant
Mrs Katherine Kester returned ness in Scio.
Storage Batterien
werp December 28. While he wa­
Wednesday from a pleasure and
Milabv Myk<»l la confined to her in the army of occupation he wo
Auto 1‘aiiile and Enatueln
shopping trip to Portland.
deb with pheumonia, but ia »lowly stationed nt Maydcn, Germany, and èaee v eesees ssssssee«eeeeeee«'
A marriage license was issued by recovering.
now expects to be stationed at either
tne county clerk last Friday to
J. D. Iienamore »pent the early Camp Lewis, Washington, or Camp
Anthony B Minton. a farmer ■ •f
part of the weelj attending to bua- Benning, Georgia
Scio and Mary Crpstal Shank, also
tneaa intercala in Seattle.
(>>unty (3ub Leader F. N William
of Seto.
ia in receipt of word from H. C.
Otto Bilyeu, who Ilves east of
A marriage license was issued
town, to confined to his home with Sevmour, state club leader, to the
Thursday by the county clerk to
effect that the gold medal provided
a »«ver«- cam of lagnppe
Loren J. Bond, of Albany, and Lulu
by the Pacific International Live
Rev. Summerlin, father of Mrs.
0. Clark, of 8cio. Mr. Bond ia a
stock Exposition through 0. M
farmer and Mine (lark is a school Herbert Ballin. to here vtoiting her Plummer, manager, forC. II David­
and will lecture at the Baptist
son. of Shedd, io recognition for the
Church Sunday night. Mr. Sum­
S. J. Render, of Jordan, la one of
work he baa done in connection with
merlin to a splendid talker and sing­
our latest subscribers. He is get­
Linn county bov»’ and girl«' cluba,
er. and all who can should attend.
ting ready to open his mill at Jor­
has arrived. Arrangements will be
dan in the near future, and will use
C |E Kendle has purchased the T. made to present the medal at a
the Tribune to let his friends know A. Richard »on place uorth of Selo, meeting to he held at Shedd at some
Holecht-k Bros.
Hcio. Oregon
of his opening.
where he will make hie home.
Mr. time in the near future, Mr. Wil­
liamson srya.
Arrangements for the club dem­ Kendle came to Scio several months
onstration which will be held here •go »nJ purchased the blacksmith
Feb. 3 are well under wav. The •hop. He was within the last year
clubs have all been reorganized and employed by one of the factories in
each boy and gtrl has been assigned Chicago, where he learned his trade.
the work they are to do.
was made last
viali U» Scio Tuesday.
I /
Scio Meat Market
Special Prices on Wednesdays and Saturdays
Scio Meat Market
In Wallowa the thermometer got
down as low as 40 degree« below
aero. and Scio didn't even make a
scratch on the cold weather record,
last Wednesday morning the mu«-
cury »aid 15 above in Scio.
MaiMsinir’i ituct
Notice ■ hereby given that the un­
dersigned has been, by an order of the
County Court of Unn County. Oreg««n,
duly appointed Administrator of the
Estate of Jane M«*Crae, deceased Any
and all |>»r»o<is having claim» agam.l
said estate ar* hereby required to pres­
ent »sms to the underswnod at hia resi­
de nee near Selo, Linn County, Oregon,
within six months from thia date, duly
vsnAsd as by law reauirsd.
Dated thia 2JHh Jay of December,
A. McC*AK. Administrator.
Weatherford A Wyatt.
Attorneys for Administrator.
Wednesday by B F. Townsend that
he has sold a half Interest in his gro­
cery business at Second and Mont­
gomery streets In Albany to Wayne
Stuart. The partnership of Town­
send and Stuart commenced Mon­
day >f last week. Mr. Stuart to
well known here.
Announcement has been made in
Albany that A C. Schmitt, formerly
president of the First Notional Bank
■ of Albany, has been appointed
tent profeeaor of busmens adi
tration on the 0. A. C. faculty. He
will take up hia work on the Arst
of September, after •pending sever­
al months in the east and taking a
two month's enures at Harvard uni
ALWAYS at Your Service
with Qyality Feeds at Right Prices. A complete
line in Stock Always. Qyality considered, our
prices are seldom beaten.
When your Hog» are ready for market call us up, we are always buying
Densmore’s Feed Store