THE EMINENCE OF BREED — Dealers la--------- Fresh and Cured Neats Poultry and Veal Shelton & Co. Prop« SCIO. OK EGON THE SUH STATE BANE u . A. I wmg. A. E. Randall President Vice Pros. E. D. Myrrs. Cashier -•art « bank account today and orovide for vour future. You will find a cheeking ac- count very convenient for your Business transaction*. We pay , interest on time deposit* Morrison & Lowe UNDERTAKERS Calls Attended to Promptly Dav or Night SCIO OREGON Riley Shelton Real Estate Broket and .Vo/ary Public ,/t bit rati» Obtained, faamined KIO . - - OREGON O. F. Korinek . Veterinarian blAYTuN, . . . OREGON < alls answered Day or Night 1 uix-roulin Testing We make a 8|>ecialty of Friendship, Engagement and Wedding Rings F. M. French & Sons ALBANY DR. A. G. PRILL PUvsiciao ani Sum Calls Attended Day or Night SCIO it V? Oregon Made N# im UittBj Tins A gn at surpriM- for the home knitters of ori gini, but »till a fact. Further Miisolutrly Virgin wool yarn, the wool wa* grown in lini rounty. old b} Mr. Senders to ths Ore go--p. »on i i of C. P. Btadtop. nrior’ dor of the Woolen Mill Sto re of i iregon knitters try U ms yarn Seen oui kll < k>n. 46c per ball <»f 1 osa ► ain m; : Ir» lr» «ent -••nt on application. Asbdrvs* C. P. I Bishop, Box 75, Salem. Oran rti. DR. FICQ DENTIST ortie« Hour»: »to 12 A. M. 130 to 6 P. M <’. C. BRYANT ATTORNEY AT LAW 0>l-2 New First National I'.ank Bktg ALBANY OREGON * DR J W. GOIN. Veterinarian Authorized Auction Sale asst Interstate Inspector. Phonos:—l’alace Feerl *i»ed. 184-J Residence, 98» It ALBANY. ORBGRiN K ver'ything OpliCal EYE STM A IN the causo of many HUMAN ILLS BANCROFT Optical Company I 313 W. 1st St.. Albany The following article has been in Tribune orth-v fur three week«, but been crowded out on account of several communications apt». «ring dor "People's Column." It is timely and probably hits the most of us, the writer not »paring himself Tu the Editor While kitting around the long wintry evening«, thinking of life. I > oral it »one bnd humanity in general, the querry came into my mind "What is the grvati At thing obeewlng the human mind in this age. and all age«'" The eminence of grwe.1 aevtned to me to be the moving power of the wurid. I first went into «elf examination to fin.! out wimt wax and had l~-en the motive, of all my actione in life »incs becoming a man. and I concluded the word <; k ». ki > would evpreae it all. In looking back over my life of al­ most <16 year». 12 year» of which was in the public -chi»»!* a* teacher. 25 year« bemnd the eo>int«r anti 26 yean a* a farmer. I **kcd myself the question "What w v* the urge in the thing» in which I had l>oet> engaged*“ GRBRtl wa« there to get the reward. The «al­ ary in teaching and clerking ami the profit* from the farm products, lea.! me into three different occupation* The ok! saying. "*elf- preservation is the first law of nature," ia only the off­ spring of that which wa* born in u» selfishness. dr greed The law of "com­ petition" always said* aecumen to self­ ishness, and a "survival of the fit teat’’ brv«>d* jeakxisy, envy and hatred. Fitting th«-»« thing* into my own life, I *cr it manifest more or lees in all the different avocation* in which |>rople are engaged. Taking it from top to hot tom, the biggest, meanest won! ever written of human character is urkku . In all branches of business anti occu pation* Greed! Greed" Greed!!! Mi- tor», lawyer», doctor», preacher», teach­ ers, merchant*, bankers, ju Igvs.courts, officials, farmers, laborer», etc., all ob­ sessed with that one element the emi­ nence of greevl, which means the H im ) within us, worse than the four-legged quaiirujied bearing that name. We have the land hog*, interest hog«, excess rent hog», excess profit hogs, railroad hogs, bank hog*, road hog», tax hog*. In fact a world of human hog* living off of one another, and the little hogs (like myself) rooting to pay the big one*, and shouting about "thou «halt not cuvet," with the "nut" left out. This unholy clement aeems to be born in our nature* and never goes out until we go out, and our system of edu­ cation augments its growth. It is often claimed that the U. 8. A. is the meet enlightened and christlaii- iike nation on earth, the press constant­ ly making such palaver. Not only thia, but constantly boasting that we are the moat rich and prosperous nation in the world; that all other nation* are paying tribute to us and seam tu gloat over this fact I have rowl ir a eery ancient and old book "That righteousness exalteth a nation, but sin m a reproach to any people " Why not now. inetewi of gloating over the famine, and war stricken conditions of foreign countri,» having to psv tri­ bute to us. open up our m*gnanimuu» spirit of culture and Christianity «nd give to them what they owe us? My! what an incentive for disarmament. Ws could do that, and do it much easier than they can ever hope to pay us. What a philanthropic and Christian act this would be. Business w.rtikl revive. International exchange of commoditlee would soon be floating to and fro upon the waters, and the Dove, with the olive branch of peace pinned to every sail, proclaiming " Peace on earth and good will anwrig men." Stamp fur once, as a lie, in th«' world's history, "the love of money t»-ing the root of ail evil." Act unselfish once, and get a world’s blessing. G. L. SUTHMLANt». ■Our Future Proapedts The .«io high *« hi»»! ha-kett-all team piay« lhe l«bano«» team al l«bam>n on ttw- 27th. ami negotiations are under way for a game with DaUaa the 2»th. ’ . _ „ , ,a.„ .„u u-i have a return game u» play with Hal sey on the 4th of February. These games will probably be the only gsmes ptaysfi hetw.en now and the Aral of March, as Albany college ia I planning a tournament for Linn county ' at about that date, and teams of good i standing will represent this section o.* i the state in the state tournament Mar. I M. 17. 18. condiK-tl d by Willamette U„ ' under the supervision of the board of I control of tbs Oregon High School Ath­ letic Association The Portland auto show opened Muoday. with uver 150 different ----- 1----- - ■ —....... models on the floor and -I nearly 40 * make« represented. The best and most attractive of these will be pic tured and advertised in the Tribune Automutive edition, the last week in February. ..Wesely’s Grocery • • SUMMONS Dealer in Staple and Fancy Groceries, Hay and Garden Seeds of all kinds.. 1» v«s CiKvrv Corsr or ros *r*r« or oaauus. roa rss C ocmtv or Id*«, birirsivr No. 2. Farmers and Merchants Bank of Mtayton, » Corporation. Plaintiff. va John Rringard. Jr., un­ married. Frans Frit»- gard and Martha Bnn- rard, his wife,William Brinrani, unmarro-d. Ed. Wolfe, unmarrwd, Byron Wolfe and Min­ nie Wolfe, hie wife, Noma >tafford and K L. htafford. her hue­ band; tieorge W, Wolfe, unmarried, Ger­ ald Wolfs, unmarried. Beatrice W u|fe. un­ married. Helen E. W olfr. unmarried. Sa­ die Fair and Tom C. Fair, her husband. Defendants. 4 Notice! ONS We want your Eggs and Garden Produce J. F. WESELY, Scio, Oregon ¡To John Bringard, Jr., Frank Hringard. Martha Brtngard, Wiiham Bring ard and Helen r.. Wolfe, defendant* above named. I n ths N. si os twb 8v*t* orOMMU:j You «nd sach of vou are hereby re­ Tua Mamnsav H its to Matt Ausi». If you are needing printing of quired to appear in lhe a!»ive entitled Br» Ont tms Pvsuc tUs M ass III« any kind you can du no twller than court and answer the complaint filed Oauaa A mai ». againat you in the above entitled cause, by coming tn The Tribune. on or before the expiration of six week» Visualize from the date of the first pubNestion of Specialize this summons in The Scio Tribune, the date of th* first publication thereof be Advertise ing Ihuradav th«- 6th day of January, WHEN IN SALEM 1922, and the date of tne last publica­ T hat It'» tms I'sasirrsot H c < m tion being Thursday, lhe 16th day of B ao st * rss He visu Hssir. Fry the February, 1922. to wit: Un or before the 2Pth day of February. 1922, ami If you fail to ao appear ami answer said complaint, for want thereof. Plaintiff will appiv to the Court for judgment and decree against said defendants, and Care of for the relief pray««d for ami •h-mamied In complaint heroin, which is aubatan- * < tially as follows, to-wit: For a decree of this Court adjudging | Clinett leiicine and Tea Co. and decreeing that there la due and I Ha* mevUcine which will American and owing to plaintiff on the fiV/1,00 prom­ cure any known disease. Chinese Dishes issory note d«n«cribed in plaintiff « com­ Open Sundays from 10 a m. plaint herein the sum of MfSJ 00, to­ until 8 p. m. gether with interest thereon from th«- 1104 CaænifcUI SI Salem, Ortjen IM .South High Street 1st day of July. 1920. at the rate of Salem, Oregon Phone 283 eight per cent per annum, until paid, ami the further sum of IIUO.UU attur nay's fees heroin and the coats ami dis­ bursements of this suit, that the mort­ gage describe«! in sax! complaint am! executed by John i-ringard, ds«e«Md. tu lennw Wolfe, nsw deceased, ami which mortgage Iwarsdate tfle 2Tth day of March, 1912, ami is duly recorded at ------------------------- "WHERE I SAVINGS ARE SAFE** page 96 of lot 66. Record of Mort­ gages m and for County. Oregon, 1 Your Home Hicknees old Age TEN RKAHONH WHY and which mortgage was duly assigned Vour Business Investments Insurance vou should save regular­ by the «ski Jennie Wolfe, on or about Eduacatum Automobile ly a part of your Travel the 22m! day of January, 1916. to the income: Character plaintiff heroin, which assignment is 4 , ANO NO WORRY Make your dreams come true, ■••tart now. duly recorded in Vol. 74, at I'agS 62. Record of Mortgages in and for l-inn County, Oregon, be foroeloeed am! that each and all of the above nam«*i l»efen- dants ami all persons claiming by, through or under them, or either of them, subsequent to the execution of •akl mortgage, either as purchaser, in­ cumbrancers or otherwise, be barral and forock>sc«l of all right or claim,save only the equity of redenipt,,,«i. •’> “V •“ the said real property deMrrlia-d in said . mortgage, which said real property Is «ieecnbrd as follows The West half of the “oulh- east quarter of the --outheast quarter of section Ihirty-four in Township 9 bouth. Range throe East of the Willamette where the sun is ' on the job** Meridian, in Unn County, <>rs- gnn, containing twenty acres, more or leas A sm ! that the usual decroe be made f far the sale of aaid promises by the -herUf of Unn County, »regon, sccqrd- ing to law and the orarUce of this Court; that the proceeds of said sale be apptoed to the payment of the amount due plaintiff, including attorney's fee» and the costs and diabunw-menta of said sale and thia auit; that the balance be de|*«ited with the < ierk of this Court fur defendants as their interval may be made tu appear, that the plaintiff may to become a purchaser al aaid sale, and that the purchaser tie let Into the pos­ session of said promise« immediately upon the purchase of the sama: and ticket* good until April TO Mopovers allowed that plaintiff have such other and fur tber relief in the premises as to the Court may seem lust end equitable. No War Tax on Railroad Tickets This summons is serve«! upon you by publication thereof in rhe-• io Inbun«, * weekly newspaper printed, publish«*! BIMi circulate«! in Unn I ounty, < »rvgon. Mme 1870 th.- Southern Pacific has been closely . pursuant to order of the Honorable Mewtlfleg wi.h the «lev«lopment ot A'ealejn Oregon. G Bingham Judgeof - Court of the State of tirogon. for the WnJ Dtatrict, dated on the 3nj of January. 1922. The^ first publication to be on the t»th day of Jan-, uary, 1*22. and you are roquirvd to ap- Car six! answer »aid complaint on or john m . scorr, fuse the 20th day of February. 1922. (general Passenger Agent. 21 4 ViariiL II. MsmsV, Post Office Addroee: Stayton. orogo« I Attorney for I'lamtiff. Yick So Tong WHITE CLOUD CAFE" The First Savings Bank of Albany, Oregon i California this Winter Four Trains a Day Provide a nervier that contributes to the traveler's comfort and convenience. Reduced Fares Santa Barbara, Lon Angeles. San Diego SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES : ■ A| C .... Chop Sueu and Noodlea : i JjlH 1^111 v2iI6 189 S. Liberty St.. Salem, Oregon