* r *•7 L m JEÎ a „3 I logeapher for tl Albany Creamery. Bragg laat Thu rad ay fternoon I W. A. Kimsey atgned the necesaarv member* were present and Mr*. LOCAL BREVITIES 1» tea Cuwcrr Cover oe re a Prays vr J Vaauus. run rsa C ovxtt or Li»». ‘ affadavlt. They were married Tues­ White. Mrs Holtven and Vella I>ir«aTM»>rr No. 2. day afternoon Rev K-llnian is Brenner were the guest* of honor Farmer» and Merchants | Pete Schwin.it spent Monday with Mrs. McDonald took the honors and : well known in Scio.where he has vis­ Bank of Stayton, a Glenda io SAo Corporation, ited Rev Iler <>n many occasions Vella Brenner the e •na.dation Plaintiff, i George Barr, of Lebanon, spent In the rwwr future we will publish John Sticha has received unofficial v». Tuesday in Scio. John Bringard, Jr,. un- , word to the effect that he has been I a story from the pen of Bernard married; Frans rrin- I Wm Dobrkovaky made a buwneea anpuinted postmaster at Scio by the I Baruch that will be of esprcia! in­ gard and Martha Hrtn trip to Albany Tueeday. U, bis wif«;W illiam president and that his name has terest to the farmers. It will be in Keep Tear Eyes Yeaag rursrdL un married; F. B. Studnicka made a bustnam five chapters and we hupe our read ­ gone to the senate for approval. Wolfe, unmarried; many young people wear glas* trip to Albany Tueaday. | In our writeup of the telephone ers will appreciate the effort we »e«. the okl id--» that they make a per- Warren Woodward, of J>rdaa. meeting we failed t*> mention that . have pul forth to give them these eon look old is seldom mentioned. The Noma >tafford and R. I truth la. that putting off wearing glaa- spent Monday mornin* In Scio. L. Htafford, her bua- Dont fail to watch see when they are needed 1« whai makes Mr. and Mrs. J. N Weddle were , tiniely chapters band; George W. Dr. A. G. Prill made a trio to Sal­ again awarded the contract to take I for the first chapter, and read each many people • >»<•*■• luu« ukter ttian Wolfe, unmarried ¡Ger­ they ar*. em the latter part of last week ald Wolfe, unmarried. care of the companies interest» and I one carefully. Beatrice W olfe. un­ Newt Morrison paid a buainoes operate the switchboard. The salary married; Helen F. visit to the county sect Monday. Woife, unmarried; Sa­ remains the same aa last year. 6125 Calander Sample» to Arrive Feb. 6 die Fair and Tom C. Oda Clark, of Portland, ia apend- per month Fair, her husband. ing a few days at her home near Iwfendanta. • The Tribune has received word Ys editor .returned Saturday To John brings rd. Jr.; Frank Bringard. Scio. night from a meeting of the News­ ■ from its calender publishers that Martha Bringard. William Bringard Joe Schwindt. of Jordan, paper Men’s conference at Eugen*, the sample calenders ordered will HAROLD ALBRO. and Helen M. Wolfe, defendants through Scio on hi« way to Albany where he haa been renewing old 1 not arrive until February sixth. It above named Manufacturing Optician i will be to your advantage to hold la no Napa oe rwa Brats orOsauo»; Monday aquaintanceshipa and making a few * your order until they arrive, and You and each of you are hereby re­ 8. B Holt ia reeoyering rapidly new friends among the pan weilder« we can save you money. Hold your F or S au ; Old papera. 10c per quired to appear in the above entitled from his recent operation for ap- of the state and "getting nest to” s ordei till our «amples come. court and answer th* complaint filed bunuly, 1920. al the rale of For Sale-One six veer old Jerwy »••♦«♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»»»•»•»»•»»•♦♦♦••♦••♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦e eight |>«r cent per annum, until paid, a teip to Albany Monday. cow, just fresh, also about '.Hi and the further sum of 1100.00 attor­ Friends in Scio have received news pullets. W. E Burton 23p ney’s fees herein and the costa and dis­ of the birth of a sun to Mr. and bursement» of this suit, that the mort­ gage described in «aid complaint and Mrs. R. E. Mantor, of Salem, on Shelton A Co., of thr Sanitary Mar ket, want your veal and will call executed by John Bringard. tlecvaix-d, January 9 to lenme w >olfe, now deceased, and for it; and poultry of all kinds. 3 which mortgage pa bear»date the 27th day B A. Hol teen had the honor of of March. 1912, and is duly recorded at entertaining his friend of boyhood For Sale 16 inch second growth page . _ 96 of Vol. ..66. Record of Mort­ fir wood. dry. 66.5<} per cord gages in I.inn County, l ■ and : for ----- ---------- - Oregon, ------- days, l«ee Hilliard, for a few daya Can deliver at one«. and which mortgage wu was duty July assigned »aid Jennie Wolfe, Wolf«, on or about befor he continued hie trip south by the «aid E. A Wagoner 24p the 22nd day of January. 1915, to the to look after mining interests. For Sale— Standard bred mare, plaintiff herein, which assignment is Saturday night a patty of 25 duly recorded In Vol 74. at Page 52. weighing about lout) pou< ds, five Record of Mortgage« in and for l-inn l«el>anon members of the I. O. O. F. I years old. A fine saddle horse. County, Oregon, be foreclosed and that Fred I loader me I. Scio. each and all of the above named I »efen- came to Scio to put on first degree dents and ail persona claiming by. work here, and together with the 21 Score Cards -Gat your ”&ov" »cor» through or under them, or either of them, subsequent to the execution of members of the local lodge had cards at the T xihi nk office. 2c said mortgage, either as purchaser, in­ quite a lime of it. per card, or 2j cent» per card b> cumbrancer* or otherwise, I* l-arn-d mail, postpaid and forecloeed of all right or claim.save A. J. Van Wanning, of Albany, only the equity of redemption. In or to Lost —Two hound bitches, both black the said real |.n>|-crty !esrrit-«d in said spent Tueaday in Scio attending to and tan, one with bluish white­ mortgage, which «aid real property is businees for his company, the Ore­ described aa follow»: spot on her brest, other black and I gon Life Insurance. He finds husi- The West half of the Houth- tan only. Finder idea«- notify eaal quarter of the Southeast ncs» gd, and is very optimistic Chaa. Rockwell, rout 3. Scio. quarter of rn pul­ matters. Mr. Powers was formerly And that the usual decree tie made lets or hens You pick out any for the »ale of said premia«« by the associated with the banking business { on the floor you want Iwtween Sheriff of Unn < ounty, • »regon, accord in that dly, and while here made a 5cio 1 rtbune, ago, is recovering nicely. Injuries a weekly newepaper printed. publwbcd and circulated In iJnn County. Oregon. were not as serious as was at first Krsuant to order of th« Honorable feared, according to advices receiv­ ■o G Ringham. Judge of the Circuit Court of the Mate of < iregon. for the ed here by hie neiee. Mrs. H. E. Third Judicial lHetrict, dated on th« Tobte. 3rd day of January, 1922. Th« first W^ H. Hlrona. Earl Gooch and SUMMONS Scio Meat Market Special Prices on Wednesdays and Saturdays Scio Meat Market J 1 publication to be on the 5th day of Jan­ uary, 1922, ami you are required to^p- Car and an«wer »aid complaint on or fore the 20th day of February. 1922. Vtaott. H. Maasev, Tost Office Address: Stayton. Oregon Attorney for Plaintiff. MMbtniiFi Mici Lee George, all of this community, have made purchaeee ia Paimitto Island, Mexico, and completed the deal through W. H. O'Bryan, who was here last week for that purnoee. It is said the above families will move to their new purchases lime this summer. E. Piatt, who haa been failing in health for some time, became much worse during the early morning hours Tuesday, and Dr. Hobeoa was summoned The doctor bolieves that Mr. Piatt will eat another 4th of July dinner, andean joy It Notice is hereby given that the un­ dersigncd hat dersigned has been, by an order of the County Court of Linn County. Oregon, duly appointed duly appointed Adminiatrator Adminiatrator of of "the the Estate of Jan« Jane MH'rw, MH'rae, d«c«as«d deceased. Any fierson* having claim» claims against againat and all person« »aid estate are »re hereby required to pre* pro* ent «am« to the undersigned hi« real igned at hi» rosi- de nee near Selo, Linn County. Oregon, within six month« from ------- thia 2jla date, duly verified aa by law required ^Dated thia 29th a* y of December. 1921 aa he did when a boy, A. M c C ra *. Administrator. A meeting of the ”500" club was Weatherford A Wyatt. Attorneys at the homo of Mrs. C. W. ALWAYS at Your Service with Quality Feeds at Right Prices. A complete line in Stock Always. Quality considered, our prices are seldom beaten. When your Hoge are ready for market rail ua up. we are always buying' * ' Densmore’s Feed Store ß- & je- & ■-> je- je- e-