V. SHELBURN ITEMS Dealern in January 17 Fresh and Cured Meats Poultry and Vaal Frank Titus ami wife, formerly of Scio, are staying with E. Piatt’s now to take care of them. Shelton & Co. Props SCIO. OREGON ri » THE SCIO STATE BANK it. A. Ewing. A. E. Randall President Vice Pres. E. 1». Myers. Cashier Mm. Freda Hirons could not teach her school last week on account of . throat trouble. Fred Gooch Jr. and family, of Al­ bany. came over for Mr, Gooch’s fathers funeral. J. Oglesbw and wife visited with Bvron Bate* Monday. Grandma Trollinger is able to ait up again, and her daughter. Mm. Mart a bank account today and George, who ha* Iwen caring for provide for your future. You will find a checking ac­ her, returned to her home Sunday. count very convenient for your The two smallest children of the liuxlnesa transaction* We pay interest oq time deposits. Sears' are quite *iek with toncilitia. George .Miller loaded a car load of wood at Shelburn last week. Jim Trollinger ami family moved into their new home last week Cails Attended to Promptly Wallace Gooch, the little s>n of Dav or Night Mr. ami Mm. Earl Gooch. I* quite OREGON SCIO seek with a severe cold and la con­ fined to hi* bed. J. W. Hi rone and \vife and little Morrison & Lowe UNDERTAKERS Riley Shelton Real Estate Broker and Notary Public ^htntb Obtained, ¿xamined jCIO . OREGON - . G. F. Korinek Veterinarian - STAYTON, - • OREGON t alls anewered Day or Sight Tuberculin Testing We make ■ Specialty of 1- riendship, Engagement and Wedding Rings F. M. French & SonB % ALBANY DR. A. G. PRILL PbvsiciaB así Sone» Calla Attended Day or Night SCIO j rT ••• ORE. Ort«M Midi H im laM| Yms A great surprise for the home knittern of Oregon, but still a fact. Further­ more. this yarn to absolutely virgin wool yarn, the wool was grown in Linn county, coki b) Mr. Sender* to th*Ore­ gon Worded Company (mill* locstcdsl Sellwood). made into woreted yarn by Roy T Bishop, aon of C. P. Bishop, proprietor of the Woolen Mill Store of Sai*» haniplr* sent on sppl-cation. Address C. P. Btohop. Bo* 76. Salem. Oregon. eon. Robin, motored to Albany Fri­ day on buaineaa. Jim Trollinger moved into his new house Monday. Dalmer Churchill, of Gate*, was here visiting over the week-end with home folk* J. W. Miller and family w*re In Lebanon over Sunday visiting friends. Harry Crumes is leaving by auto tomorrow for Yamhill county, where he will start selling the new oilers which Mr. Ortwein has invented for Ford car*. Mr. Ortwein is placing agent* in each county in thto state. John Ortwein, la*e George and Earl Gooch motored to Albany ou business Friday. The dance given last Saturdy eve­ ning st the Miller hall waa well at­ tended Grandma Trollinger, who has been ill for a few weeks, ia reported to be improving rapidly. Mae Stoddard waa up from Shedd tn »pend the week end with her par­ ents. Mm. Jean Miller'a aon and family have returned to their home in Port­ land. after spending several days with her. Mr. and Mrs. Titus have arrived from Klamath Falls to assist their sisters. Mr* Crumes and Mra. Wolf in earing for their parents. Grand­ pa and Grandma Piatt, who have been si< k fur some time and are un­ able to care for themm-lves. SANTIAM FARM TOPICS January 17 Mrs George Rodger* and Mrs. E. A. Wagoner called on Mm. D. H. Hildreth Thursday. Mies Anene Smail visited with Mm. G. C. Wealunhouae Thursday. George Weetenhouae circulated a petition in the interest of the road and the washed out bridge last Thursday. Mies Ada Clark came iiome from Portland Sunday for a short visit. Dillon McLain waa in this vicinity Friday soliciting subscriber* for the Journal. Mr. and Mm. Chat Vaetecka vtoit- ad at the home of Arnold Boyan- ovesv Sunday. Mr. and Mm. D. H Hildreth eall­ ed at the home ot J. H Hildreth Sunday. Mm. John Nhimanek attended church in town Sunday morning. Ernest Rahn spent Sunday at home. John Stellmacher and mother were shopping in town Friday. Clyde Rodgem hauled a load cedar poets to town Saturday. Mm F. R. Shelton went to Ijeba-1 I ALBANY OREGON BANCROFT n-r-’sC W John Jiroch made a trip to the The annual meeting of the stock- holders of the Linn County Fair county seat Tuesday to attend to Association will be held at the business matters and visit with Court House in Albany on Friday. friends. January 20. 1922. at 1:30 p. tn., for the purpose of electing directors and transacting such other businrm as WHEN IN SALEM may properly come bejore the meet­ Try the ing Yick So Tong ChiB«e Meticine and Tea Co. non with her parents. Mr. and Mm. F. T. Thayer, Wednesday to attend the 93d birthday dinner of her grandfather. H H. Irvine. Miss Lulu Clark went to Salem Tuesday. Mias Anene Smail spent tne week end at home. Has medicine’which will cure any known disease. Open Sundays from 10 a. m. until 8 p. m. 163 South High Street Salem. Oregon Phone 2K1 January 17 WHITE CLOUD CAFE American and Chinese Diahee HOi CoffiDtrclil SI Salta, OfMon Local Market Quotation* Corrected at Noon Tuesday P eed Mill run Scratch______ _____ Egg producer ________ More fat. for hogs — Ground barley Rolled barley Shelled corn, eastern Visit-- California ...SI.10 — 2.66 2.60 2.00 2.00 1.70 this 'Winter 2.00 where the sun is “on the Job Ground or cracked corn 1.75 IsrPage cracked corn _____ 2.00' < ■. C. BKVANT ATTORNEY AT LAV ite; POVLTNT, VgSI. AND BOOS Hens. 4 lbs and over . Hena. under 4 lbs____ Springs, it lbs and up Broilsro, under 1| lbs Stags ------- ----------- - locks Veal, fancy no. 1 Dressed pork. no. 1 blockers Fgrgs. cash, 20c trails . | Fsrga, white select Butter fat _ Mrs. William I>ee and Mias A nene Small called in Sunday after Sunday school for a »hurt visit with M re. Pie < DR. FICQ Eater, which was highly appreciated. Tummy Smail ui having a fine time •citing Simon Pure Pug», raking in the office Hour»: money he only had eight. He is con 9 to 1.’A M. 1:30 to 5 P M •idering going into business. I received the fail new» of the death of a cousin, Kalp Sloan, in lxis Angele*. Hr was MS year* of age. waa a aon In­ law of Joab Powell and at one time »•1-2 New First National Bank Bldg owned the John Brock farm. He was a resident here Crum 1H&2 until 1867. Our cold snap to somewhat of a sur­ prise. a» it hail been so warm during DR. J. W GOIN. the past week. It ia certainly hard on Veterinarian. the gram, a» the thermometer rvgis- Asthorixed Auction Sale and interstate tered IM above sero. 1 neper tor. 0. A.. Cliff and Elmer Griffin have Phones: - Palace Feed Shed. IM J turned over a new leaf in the almanac Residence, SOO R and joined hand» in making rails aa a ALBANY. OREGON starter, Ed Kalina, wife and the Pie Eater made a flying trip to Crabtree, finding We have everything aa qui-t a* a mouse in the Everything bandbox. Ed is on the retired list, suf­ fering with a severe coki on the lung* tve STRAIN . The Santiam Farm received a copy la the cause of many the ” Producers Call,“ published at Or­ HUMAN ILLS egon (TtV. On perusing its contents we find that it stands four-square for the farmer, against high taxea and also high financing in our h-gtslsturrs. and Optical Company urge* closer affiliation fed ween produc er and consumer. 313 W. 1st St.. Albany Monday Ed Kahns waa laid up with DENTIST s fearful cold sod sure lungs, and a se- ' vere evugh Coral Lucas amusing himself by tear­ ing out the oM sawmill truck tramway I through his farm. 80 rods kmg. aa the ; mill has busted and rutting away. I see our telephone .lues have ad ‘ vanead another dollar ou the year, and, it to causing quite a kick among patrona of the service When we started up We had servire fur S3 a yuar, and it to now going up at every annual meeting I I think It time to strike and cut our Um- ' off. aa it to getting to be an elrphanl. going from bettor to worse every year. I The farmer la aa highly elated over I tnis ram on the frosen grain *» wu» logan when the mule threw him ran off with the sa.Rile, leaving hi walk home. PIE EATER * Fu>UR Four Trains a Day I Hard wheat 12 00-2.10 Soft wheat________________ 150 Provide a nervier that contributes to the traveler* n comfort and convenience. Dr. Patera It Opea Office Hart Reduced Fares After running an add in the Tri­ bune for several months, and reettov- Ing a number of inquiries. Dr. M. H Peters, of Lebanon, decided tw open an office here. With this pwr- pone in view he made a trip to Sciw last Sunday and made arrangemaata • with the hotel for the use of a reeea two days a week when be will worki here. t Dr Peters haa established himself. in Lebanon and built ut> a good | trade and a clean reputation aa a j chiropractor in that city, and be­ lieves he can do some good here in to Santa Barbara, Lott Angelen, San Diego Ticket» good until Apnl 30 No War Tax on Railroad Tickets Mace 1870 the Southern Pacific ha» hern closely Meattfled with the development of Aeateja Oregon. SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent. his profession. Let the Tribuna do your printing Mopovere allowed k i*..^ £. fa »