THE SCIO TRIBUNE BOOST FOR SCIO ALL THE TIME * VOL. XXV NO. 23. SCIO. MNN COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY. JANUARY I». 1922 NEW LODGE HALL COMPLETED l GILKEY STATION J January 16 The County Convention of the Farmers Union, which meets every Night of January 28— quarter, met Saturday with this lo­ Coot 15000 cal No. 113 for an all day session. A large delegation came from I .acorn h About the first ef October the and other parts of the county, sev­ Z. C. B. J. lodge started work on eral fr«»m Fern Ridge. Marion c«»un- their new hall across the street from ty The state secretary. F. A. Sikes, the Bilyeu garage, and now, after of Corvallis was the principal speak­ The meeting was three am! a half months of labor er of the day preside»! over by M S Allen of the budding is completed and ia to Jefferson, who has been president I* dicialy opened to the public Jan­ for the |»ast two years, and H. D. uary 28. The original estimate place«! the I Smith, of Lacomb, secretary. The c t of the hall in the neighborhood i following officers were elected for ol 14000. but when completed it the coming year: S B Holt, Pres,; e -t nearer |5000. Inside the hall H. S. Nolan, Vice Pres ; Edward is well fimshe«! and is strictly modern Wfford, Sec Trees; Lilley Clark. tn every respect. The dance floor Con : J. G. Holt. Chaplin; J. I Nave is <>ne <>f the best in the state, and Doorkeeper. A bounteous repast the interior of the hall is beautifuly was serve«l at the noon hour and a social hour enjoyed by all. stain«*«). During the afternoon session the M ->t of the work was done by newly elected officers were installed members of the lodge, who volun- by F A. Sikes. with the exception U-ered their services, but some of th- work that called for more tech­ of S B Holt, who is in the hospital. nical training was done by carpent­ At the dose of the business meeting I ers from other cities. To T. B, an impromptu musical program was Proaval ami John Becicka belong* rendere«! by Charles Barrett, Mrs. ' if h rv r f«»r superintending the Weld«» Rose and Mr» l-avina Gra- ham of Lacomb. Mrs. S. B. Holt construction from the start. - played anil r < <>ld h »me town. Mr Kendall built the mill at Jordan, but hi* h" ilth failed and he moved to hie farm in Washington county. Among the principal improvements and changes he noted were the new church at Jordan, the light plant, which he «ays. filled a long felt want. Mr. Kendall was somewhat surprised to find that the Tribune had changed hands and regretted not getting to see Mr. Dugger, but complimented the present managers on th«* paper they are getting out. Was 93 Jaa. II On Wednesday. Jan. 11, B. H. Irvine, a former resident of Scio, but now a r* -wlent of Iwbanon, passed a memora­ ble day when he reached the ripe old age 98 years, it was memorable, be- cause wo few ever reach that age. Mr. Irvin«* was in the best of health, •nd «Oil enjoys a joke, especially if it is on him. Many friends railed on him in th- aitt-rmem. and many congratulatory letter- were received. Riley Shelton’s letter probably pleasing him the moat, In his tetter, Mr. Shelton complimented his living to see prohibition in hi.” •th he having been a stalwart in the cau at a time when to be for prohibi- the meant loss of friends. The following relatives were present: Mrs Kt her Ray. Mrs. Edith Mc­ knight. Miss- Elfie Ray. Mrs. J. L. Mmlx-rt. Irvine Ray. Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Thayer, Mrs. F. R Shelton. Rex anti Verl Shelton, Mrs. Emma Heard, Misses Mattie and Bertha Irvine, Jesse .M Rav, Ma/and 1 .er Shelton. Eugene Kelly took Clifford Kelly to Albany Saturday, when he left for his claim ut Dost Miss Margaret Serfiing has been havingjjt Grippe and was unable to teach her school in Crabtree last Thursday and Friday. <1. L. Holt and wife, of Portland, and Nora Holl, of Albany, were weekend visitors at the S. B. Holt home. Mrs. Lucy Anderson, of Prineville, has returned to the home of her daughter. Mrs. J H Kelly, after a visit with Mrs Jam«* Baker, another «laughter, of Springfield. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs Robert EllWood, of Axtell. Neb , will t»e glad to know that Mr». Mi- wood has recovered from her seri­ ous accident a»> that she walks half mile to t<*wn unaided bv cane or crutch. Though her hip still pains her she is not very lame. She still makes some of her lovely butter to sell. We are sorry to say that Mr. Ell wood has lieen quite ill for • »me time. They both welcome gladly the Tribune, enjoy it every word and say it’s like a letter from home every Monday morning. Elmer Wherstone has been help­ ing mime of the Albany druggists while they ar* invoicing. He is a graduate in pharmacy. Orville Gilkey was a business vis­ itor in Albany Monday. o* * t WIMMIIIIII...................... PEOPLE'S COLUMN [Editor's Note- We are glad to give euace to the people of our com munlty on top«*» of the day. but ask them not to become personal or abusive. Each contributor .must sign same, not for pollination, but for our protection ) OgirnNti B a « k th S«-|o Scio. Ore., Jan 14. 1922. Editor Scio Tribune: .1 have noticed two eommumea- tions recently in the Tribune by Cash Customer and a Citixen of Scio. These write-ups seem to describe oretty thoroughly the conditions confronting our little town, esiieci- ally the “Slipping Away” article. I Iteheve our merchanta will "right about” ami face this situation hy in­ jecting new methods into their bust new, such as to cause a "drifung t»ack to Scio” ami not a slipping away of the trade that by right be­ longs to our little ci.y. Scio is much older than the writ­ er of thia communication, and should be in rank with Lebanon, or Brownsville and not far behind Al­ bany. On account of its Geograph- ical location ami the great bodies of rich Agriculuural lands Iving North. South. East and West of it. with its unused and untold water powers, together with millions of feel of the finest timber in the Cascade moun­ tains, almost within a stone’s throw, comparatively speaking, and the most easily accessible to market, no town In the Willamette Valley is better loeatmi in this respect. The God of Nature has divide«! the hilla and poured the water of life down through the valley». Thomas Creek, with its tributaries. Jordan. Bilyeu, ami Burmeister creeks flowing through Scio; Crabtree, with its tributanea, Bur- gan, Beaver and Roaring Creeks, all beckoning for mills ami manufactur­ ing eetabliahmenta of various kinds. A natural railroad paaa through Richardaon Gao. hugging the base of the Cascades for 15 miles south­ east. with but little up-grade, ami 10 miles east up Thomas Creek, leading into great bodies of timber, all of which ia tributary to the fu­ ture growth of Scio, and by advan­ tage of location and availability be­ longs to it. With climate, timber, and soil, ami the purest and best water nature ran yield, Scio is des­ tined to become the Golden City of the West and the Forks of the San- tiam the Garden of Eden. All we need to have ia a “get together” ami a “pull together" bv the town and country folks and by having keen and wide awake buslm-wi men at the helm, men who must have a higher ideal of business than the love of "shecklee” and 'profits” and who will welcome competition in the lowering of prices Then you will see customers who are anx­ ious to build up their home town Dedication of Hall to be Jan. 28. The Federated Church “The House of WELCOME !” St.nday School 10 Preaching 11 C. E. Society 6:30 Preaching 7:30 am. am. p m. p.m. You Are invited to all Services Sunday The dedication and opening of the new Z C. B. J hall will be held Sat­ urday night. Jan. 28. at 7 o'clock. The entertainment commit tel have planned for a big time, music will be furnished by a 12 piece orchestra. Supper will he served hy the ladies of the lodge Scio people and all of our friends from the surrounding country are cordialy invited to at­ tend. A good time and good order are guaranteed by the committee. This invitation doe a not include rough or indecent people, and drunk- nese will not be tolerated. The Coounittee. 1’s eatre What does a girl find in Bohe­ mia? Ser CaOMU. M um in •’THE Dangerous Moment H It’s a Universal and Weekly & Comedy Jaa. 21 aad 22 Admission 15c-25c I ; drifting back to Scio, and not ’til then. The financial situation of Scio ur- gently needs the support of all the country trade adjacent to it. There is but one way to get it. and that is to advertise with prices that will draw. People will not trade at home when they can get goods from 20 to 40 % less than they can buy them in their home town. I believe now our business men have enough far sigh ted news to real* lie the gravity of their situation and no doubt. Mr. Editor, you will be swamped with advertising in th«* near future with prices that will la* -rresistible in drawing trade to Scio. Right now I hear people saying. ”1 want to trade in Scio’’. “I would like to trade in my home town, but can not afford to on account of prices ” Erase this la»I sentence, merchants, and see the number of autos parked in the streets of Scio to buy g<»«>ds Have sign boards at every cross road with a big finger pointing toward Scio, saving. "The cheapest place to buy goods in the country” Pull off a free show once in a while on Saturday afterno«>n. a free dance once in awhile for the country lads and lasses. Gee! we would all be hollowing, “Hurrah for Scio” liefore you would hardlv rvalue what had happened I am optimistic for my home town, and hope eur merchants i n Scio will, at least, sell as cheaply as they sell in Shelburn or Crabtoe which meets Albany prices on such lines as they carry, ami always pay abet­ ter price for the farmers products Scio oitimwt . A. F. Gooch Passes Over Amos Fredrick G«»och passes over at the age 68 years. 6 months and 10 days He was born in Kent county, Michigan. July 3rd. 1868, and died in Portland, Oregon, January 13. 1922. He was born and raised on a farm. When starting out in life he went tn work in the Michigan State Iron Works at Grand Rapids. After learning this occupation he work*«! in the Michigan lumbering camps. In 1875 he married Miss Gathering McDonald and lived on a farm again for five years in his native state In 81. /ft THE YEAR REV. H. B. ILER NOW BAPTIST MINISTER Dignitaries of Oregon Association Coaler All Rights of Denomi nation On Him Wt*«in<**dav was a gala day In Scio for those of the Baptist faith, it l»emg the occasion fur ordaining Rev. H B. Iler into the Baptist ministry. Several of the pastors of the several church» in the vicinity <>f Scio were here for the occasion. Rev C. J. Austin, who has charg«« of th* church extension and «loca­ tional end of the meu>ciall«m. deliver­ ed the ordination sermon. M«V. 11 H. 11.AH Space will not permit us to give an extended account of th«* occasion, of what it im worthy. A most de­ lightful banquet was served at 6:30 p. m. in the K. of P. hall, and this banquet itervod as a good In-ginning of Rev. Iler's induction into the Baptist ministry, a» it also served an a farewell to Roy V. Shelton ami his gotxl wife, who are s>»«»n to leave for another city where Hoy f««els he can do better. And joy an years, ex­ cepting the last three months which I he spent in Portland taking medical treatment. A stroke of appoplexy was the cause of his death. Mr. Gooch was a kind, loving, affectionate husband and father, an obliging and accomodating neighbor, a very progrveaive thinker and al* ways a booster for hie little home town of Shelburn. In the passing of Mr, Gooch. Shelburn haa loat one of its most I progressive eitiaens The wife ami the writer of this sketch, who wasj asked by him years ago to conduct! i the services when he passe«! over.