The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, January 12, 1922, Image 6

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1» va» C imoit t'wav ee raa M t * t » or
<»aaoc*, vua raa Ouewrv or |j»a,
• '
L'xr»»ruaxT So. 2.
y I /
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' • ’.V
Farmer» »nd Merchants |
Bank uf Ntayton, a '
John Bringard. Jr,, un­
married. Fran» Irin-
gard and Martha Brin
garil, hui wife;* ilNam
BringarX unmarried.
Ed Wolfe, unmarried.
Byron Wolf» and Min­
nie Wolfe. Ma wife;
Noma Stafford atgi K
L. htafford. her hus­
band; George W.
W <d fe, un married .•Ger­
ald Wolf«, unmarried.
Beatrice * elf*, un­
married: Helen E.
Wolf*, unmarried; Sa­
die Eair and Tom C.
Fair, her huabnnd.
Defends», le
ni I I mi urte
l^ila Clark »pent
Salem »hopping
Roe Phillipa. Dan Mclaughm,
Jun Arnold and Nathan H to**1
made a trip to Albany Monday to
attend to business interests in that
in City.
The high »ehool girl» basket I »11
Lores Bond, of Albany, apent the team will meet Corvallis on the M. *•
weekend near Srio
ely hall floor Friday, the 13th. S < ne
R. M. Cain and family made a trip of the girl» think thia will lie a v.-ry
unlucky night—for Corvallia.
bi Albany Sunday afternoon.
To John Bringard, Jr.; Frank Hringard.
Martha Bringard. William Bringard
»nd Helen B. Wolfe, defendants
above named.
la tmb X»ua os rua ntatsov O bmo »;
You and each of V'»u are hereby re
quirnd to apt»ear in the above entitled
court and answer the complaint flhxl
•gainst you tn the above entitled reuse,
on or before the expiration of aix w*« k»
from the date of the first publication of
thia summon» in The Seio Tribune, the
date of th* first publication thereof be­
ing Thursday th* Sth day of Janiiary,
IW2, and the date of tn* laat publica­
tion tielng Thursday, the Pith day'of
February. l»Zl. to-wit; t’n or twfure
the ®nh day of February. WS. ami if
you fail to »O app*»' ar|d an»*er said
complaint, for want thereof. Plaintiff
will appiv to the Court for Judgment
and decree against »aid defendants, and
for the relief prayed for and ife-mandMi
In complaiiit heroin, which 1« aubetan
Gaily as follows, to-wit:
For a decree of this Court adjudging
and decreeing that there is due and
owing to plaintiff un the IltO.OO prom-
laaory note deecribed in plaintiff'» com­
plaint herein the aum of (IGO. 00, to
getber with interest lhen-on from th*
1st day of Inly, lW2b. at the rate of
eight per cent per annum, until paid,
and the further aum of 1100.00 attor­
ney *• free herein and the root» ami dis
buraement» of thisauit; that th«- mr«rt
gag<- described in said e<i«n plaint and
eaeculml by John Hringanl, d«< aaed.
U> icnnie Wolfe, now dee»aaed. and
which mortgag«- bear a date the 27th day
of March, H«12. and la duly reconkd at
page 1M> of Vol. E*t>. Reconl uf Mort­
gages in and for Unn County, < »regun.
and which mortgage waa duly aaaigm-d
by the said Jennie Wolfe, on or about
th* 22nd day of January, 1915. to the
plaintiff herein, which »Migrvm-nt la
duly recorded in VoL «4, at Page fit.
Record of Mortgag«*« in ami for l inn
t'ountv. Oregon, lie forecloat-d and that
each and all of th* above n»m«-d Defen­
dants and all persona claiming by,
through oc under them, or either of
them. aul>eequ«nl to th«- execution of
•aid mortgage, either aa purchaser, in­
cumbrancer» or otherwise, be barred
and foreclosed of all right or claim,save
only the equity of redemption. In or to
the aai«i real property described in said
mortgage, which »aid real property la
deacrtlwd as follow»:
The Weat half of the South-
eaat quarter of the ‘outheaat
?|uarter of Section thirty f<>ur
n Townahip 9 -outh, Itsnge
three Eaat of the Willamette
Meridian, in l inn County, Ore­
gon, containing twenty acre«,
ruurv or leaa.
And that the usual decree tie made
for tiie »ale of »aid premises by the
Sheriff uf I Inn Connty,«»reguo. accord­
ing to law and the practice of this
Court; that th* proceed» of aaid sale be
applied to the payment of th* amount
du<- plaintiff, including attorney a fees
ami th* coats and disbursements of said
sale ami this suit; that the balance be
depoeited with the Clerk of this C ourt
for defendants aa their interest may be
made to appear; that the plaintiff may
become a purchaser at said aal*. and
that the purchaser be let into the pua-
•ewaion of said promt»*« immediately
upon the purchase of th«* same: and
that plaintiff hare such other and fur­
ther relief in the premia*« a« to the
Court may seem just and equitable.
This »ummons u «erred upon you by
publication thereof in The *cio I ribune.
a weekly newspaper printed, published
ami circulated tn Unn County. Oregon,
pursuant to order of the Honorable
Geo. G Bingham. Judge of the Circuit
Court uf the Mate of Oregon, for the
Third Jtxhcial insUict, dated on the
3rd day of January. 1922. The first
publication to be on the 5th day uf Jan­
uary, 1922. and you are required to ap-
Kar and answer «aid complaint on or
fure the 20th day of February, 1922.
ViautL II. M»arev,
Poet Office Address: Stayton. Oregon
Attorney for Plaintiff.
MMistnlifì Mici
Notice i» hereby gi' Ivan that the un-
denugn..! haa been. b_
•y an order of th*
County Court of Unn County. Oregon,
duly appointed Ad ministra tor of the
Batate of Jane MoCra». <iee»aa.d. Any
arxl ail penion» having claim» against
•aid estate ar* hereby required to pres­
ent same to the undersigned at hi* real-
donee near Scio, Linn County, Oreg»”
within six months from this date, duly
verified aa by la* required.
Dated thia 2*th <lay of December,
A. M c C bab . Administrator.
Weatherford A Wyatt.
Attorney» for Administrator
house guest of Dr. and Mr». S. C.
They were old
friend» when the Browne» were rea-
ide«>t» of Bridal Veil.
Orin Anderson and George Mee-
man. Allutny av « »alremen. were
in town Monday exhibiting a irjî
Maxwell, which I» an altogether
different machine from any other
Keep Tear Eyv» Y
tr.odel uf the same make ever built
Since ao many young p-'i.pb wear gias-
Th«- Masquerade dance Saturday
This office haa receive«! a copy of
night wa» <»ne of the be*t attended
and moot »uceemful dance event» a large color map printed by the
Roy l>megrle. of Albany, waa a
of the year and all those who at­ South* rn Pacific, showing where, in
Scio busts«-«» visitor last week.
tended report a very tdraaeot time. thia state, it» line» run. On the j
A. C. Albro. of Cottage Grove,
back uf the map is • complete aur-;
Father Alfmuo Utadwr. of Ml.
•pent Friday in Scio on buaineea.
vey of thr climatic condition», toil f
Angel, haa taken over the rein» of
C. P. Hart, of Eugene, viaited the Catholic church at Jordan, and and general topography of the state,
•too valuable information regarding :
friend» in Scio over the week-end.
will be there permanently. 11«
irrigation projects. Anyone may;
Mr*. J. W. Parrish made a trip come» here from a church at N'ensel
have a copy of thia map free of
to Albany Monday, returning Tues­ Nebraska
charge by writing to General Pa»a-1
Tho bridge at Jefferwm. which *nger agent John M Scott. L'nion-
Geraldine Hodgera la suffering wa» wanhed out at the time of he Deput. Portland. Oregon.
from a «ever» cold and a touch of flood, has been ret>ii dt and ie n<>w
Advvrtise la The Scio Tribue* and get
in »orvioe. making detuuis 0v>*r th»;
road betwren here and Albany
Ered Bilyeu »old a Eord touring
car to Father Steder, at Jordan.
Mr» R B. Dever and little daugh­
ter. Audrey. ef Braud Ved. are th«*
L. E Holman is the purchaser of
a new Overland from the liartu
Motor Company.
Father Steder. of Jordan, paid
vialt to Scio Tuesday morning.
»«•». the old idea that they mail* a per-
look old 1» seldom mentioned. Tho
truth 1». that putting off wearing glas­
ses wh«n they are rwxilcd i» what make»
many people'» face» look older than
they are.
(Dptom e tr/'st.
Manufacturing Optician
F or S alk Old paiwnt. 10c per
bundle al the Tribune office.
Scio Meat Market
S. A. P«-aae and wife of Jefferann
were viaiting with D. C. Thom» and
wife last Friday.
The ladiea basketball team will
play the Silverton ladiea here on
Tuesday, Jan. 24.
The Galea Hrio-Albany »lag» haa
•Pipped running until the road» be­
come more pawMbto.
Mr» Bertha Price will return to
her home Saturday, after a long
»lav at the huepital.
Smith Holt, who waa operated on
al the hoapital Thursday for appen-
dieilia. »» improving rapidly ,
Cherro Flour,
1 •
< >
Becau«« Cherro it nulled from
the choicret lenl wheat
Special Prices on Wednesdays and Saturdays
Becau«« Cherew is milled uni­
form and la dejiemiable
•acaeaa Chart« 1» millc-i to re
tain it» natural nutty fla­
vor in your bread.«« Charro satis hr» »nd is
earth-d by the b«-»t gnt-
Cherro Flour?
Scio Meat Market
Scio. Oregoa
(Jonimaaatoner D C. Thoma and
wife and Mr» Rebecca Morris were
in Albany Monday afternoon.
Joe Emk, of Jordan, waa brought For Sale Baled hay. J 1. Rodger».
in to the Scio ho»pital Monday, »of­ Mixed Hay -For »ale
Price right.
Dr. S. C. Brown«- 22p
fering from blood poison in one foot.
The "600" club will meet at the Carpenter—H«u»e raising, moving, |
reftainng and general carpenter f
home of Mrs C. W. Bragg, at Weal
C. P Compton.
Scio, today for their monthly meet­
For Sale - One aix rear pld Jerw-v
c«>w. juat freah. »¡w> about '. mi
Mr». Florence Everett, of Spokane
W. E. Burton 23p
Wash., 1» viaiting at the home of
Shelton A Co., of the Sanitary Mar- ;
her daughter-in-law, Mrs. C. A.
ket, want your retd and will call
for it; and poultry uf all kind». 3
Dr. A. G. Prill haa a fine collect­ We Want Produce. dreseed veal
ion of photo« of rare Oregon birds,
and pork' Call al Du Winner
Produce Co., Scio
which he took to Albany Mood ay to
F B St»dnicka.
»how to friend».
Score Card»—Get your "500” score
W. H. O'Bryan, the promoter,
card» at the T kih I'SI. otic-. 2cI
who ha* interested ao many in go­
per card, or 2| cents per card by i
ing to Palmetto Inland. Mexico,
mail, postpaid.
was a recent gueat of Dr. Browne.
For Sale Heavy hack; I u>p buggy 1
ami act of »ingle harneM. al»>ut as.
good as new. Inquire ot W. A. |
Gilkey. Route 4. Seto
A» I am making daily trip» to Al­
F. H. Seeley, of Chicago »nd Phila­
delphia, th* noted truss expert, will
pernonaUy be at the St Francis hotel,
ami will remain in Albany thia Wednes­
day only. Jan. IM. Mr. Seeley aaya:
“The Spermatic Shield will not <mlv
retain any <-a»e of rupture prrfretty,
but contract» the opening in 10 day« on
the average com . Being a vast ad­
vancement over all former method»
exemplifying inatantaneou» effect» im­
mediately appreciable ami withstanding
any »train or position. no matter the
•i»< or location. Large ur difficult rases
ur ieelasleaal regt erne (following op­
eration») »|M-cially soliciti-d. Thia in­
strument received the only award in
England and in Spain, producing results
without surgery. injection», medka)
treatment» or preecriptimts. Mr. Seeley
haa document» from the United State»
Government, Washington. I). C., for
inaiiretion. He will be glad to dr mor -
•trate without charge or lit them if de­
sired. Business d. manda prevent »top­
ping at any other place in thia section
P. 8 F vkmv arAtwMBNT m rets wo-
F bubkai . ano S tats C ourts .—F. H.
S bblmy .
Offta. IK Ne
bany I will take paaarnger» fog
fl .50 round trip. Leave 7:30 a
Return 4:30. Phone r
D. C. Thoma.
ALWAYS at Your Service
with Quality Feeds at Right Prices. A complete
line in Stock Always. Quality considered, our
, prices are seldom beaten.
When your Hogs are ready for market call us up. we are always buying
Densmore’s Feed Store