» r J MANT1AM FARM TUMCS | Opportunities sL?“r Friday & Saturday • ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ January 10 — Italer» tn Ed K line and wife attended the j big dance Saturday night in the Fresh and Cured Meats Poultry and Veal Our Entire Stock in Our Show Window, Conaistinq of WewMy hall, where Ed “tooled” hia horn. Sunday was a jolly day at the . Santiam hotel, as we had a full houar. !e. all of l>r- wood: Elmer and G. A Griffin. John Crabtree, of Scio; Theodore Gaines, of Portland, and Mra. R Morris, of "■ A Ewing. A. F.. Randalt Pr-val.-ht Vie* Pre». Scio. We had such a time as you E. I>. Myer*. Cashier ««>ld<>m r»ad about in the almanac Htart a bank account today and Theodore Gainea. he old man'a provide fur your future. Baby «on, who haa iteen gone seven You will find a checking ac­ count very convenient for your year», returned home Saturday for l>u.-inrn tninaaetioM We pay a short visit with his father and U,t.r-»t on time depiant*. home folks. He was in a truck ac­ cident 17 months ago, being pretty Morrison & Lowe badly mashed up. from which he UNDERTAKERS he» not fully recovered. He is now canvasMng for the Sunshine Gas Call* Attended to Promptly Dav or Night Lamps. HIE SCIO STATE BANK OREGON Riley Shelton Real Estate Rrolfer and Notary Public jtbitrafh Oblatned, ¿xamintd The Early Hird F. M. French & Sons ALBANY DR. A. G. PRILL Plniciai ani Soneoa Calls Attended Day or Night ORE. OttgM Male H om liultiBf Tvu A great surprise for the home knitters of Ori son. but «till a fact. Further­ more this yarn is absolutely virgin »ool y arn; the wool ws« grown in I Jnn county -old by Mr. Senders to the Oregon knitter« try this yam out All colors. 45c tier bail of 2 oas Hampln» »ent on appreatton. Addrrea l'i«bup. Boa 75. Salem. Oregon. < . , ! . DENTIST «•dice Hour»: 1 JO to 5 P. M HUMAN ILLS BANCROFT Optical Company 313 W. 1st St.. Albany * t Bert Hollis was up Friday looking after hia sheep. Johnnie Roner was sawing wood for John Frost last week. John Stellmachrr was repairing 1 1 j . the telephone line Saturday. • ; hunting Sunday. George Weetenhouse repaired the school house roof last week C. C. Burmeister was m town Sat­ urday. Ernest Rahn is improving the ap­ pearance of the D H Hildreth farm by slashing down a lot of brush. ' Anton Rosorofka and wife were shopping in town Saturday. Mrs. Cora Eichinger walked up after the mail Monday and scent . Chop Suey and Noodles 189 $. Liberty St., Salem, Oregon J D Densmore la making a trip Friday night the ladies basketball team met the Woodburn ladies team to Albany al most every day In prep­ oa the floor of the gymnasium there, aration fur the opening of hia store and were dsJeated in a hard fought there. battle by a score of 21 to 15. The same night the girls basketball team went to Lebanon and were defeated WHEN IN SALEM by a ecore of 36 to 6. Let the Tribune do your printing 1ry the *♦ *-*^*« • «►♦♦♦♦♦♦ < WHITE CLOUD CAFE JORDAN ITEMS Yick So Tong CHiDfise Heiicme aai TH . Haa mectirine which will cure any known disease. American and Chinese Diahcs Open Suodava front 10 a. m. until H p. tn. 153 South High Street Salem. Oregon Phone act Silin, Oragli 1104 CMwrciil St The First Savings Bank of Albany, Oregon --------------------------- "WMCRC I SAVINGS ARt urt" TEN REASONS WHY Your Home Sick no«» Old Afte you should save regular­ Your Business Investments < nsurancr ly a part of your Kduacatlon Automobile Travel income: Character Make your dreams come true. start now. 4< ANO NO WORRY Visit a California this Winter O r » ion Mi.-rr Mies A nene Smail spent (he week- ■ ATTORNEY AT LAW Is ths cause of many I January 10 BRYANT EYE STRAIN the noon hour visiting al the school no wiae improved. end at home John Shindler haa improved the appearance of hi» farm bv putting up some wire fence to take the 3H2 New Firat National Bank Bldg place of those built of rails. V. E. Shelton attended the tele­ ALBANY OREGON phone meeting in town Saturday. DR. J W GOIN, John Bernier was shopping in Veterinarian. town Monday. Authorised Auction Sale and Interstate Z J.Clark. Mis» Lula. Arthur, and Inept-« tor. Loren Bond were the dinner guests Phooec—l'alare Feed "bed. I 84 J Rn»Hlrrxr. 5M> R at the J. H. Hildreth home Sunday. ALBANY. OREGON Marion Chrisman was out coon s ® e XX«IW o I Bin Sin Cafe Tom Smail and wife. John Hoffman, of Crabtree, who January 9 was operated on eome four timea Jake Weidman wm seen on the for a hip disease, and lay in a hos­ streets of Jordan Thursday. pital four months, was ble to walk T H. Thomas, of Stayton, visited into hia store Saturday for the first his country ranch here Thursday. time in five months, assisted by Mrs. Chromic called on Mrs. friends and a pair of crutches. He Hanna Saturday. is improving nicely. The stork left a wee baby girl at The Pie Eater and son. Theodore, the A. J. Sal tel home Saturday. made a run t<> Scio Monday, as the ‘ Mrs. Pruletl called on Mrs Wort­ boy wished to meet «ome of his old man Wednesday. friends and m - h what improvements M J. Kraut* is hauling hia grain Scio h*d made in the past seven and farm machinery home this years of his at>srnce. Going up and down the town, he felt «urs in a week. Clyde Thomas ami wife, of La- few years it would be up with Port­ comb. came up Friday to attend to land. as he saw one new hall going business interests and call on old up. Theodore Gaine« will leave Wed­ neighbors. Some parties who were hunting nesday for Portland, going by way in our vicinity recently had the bail of Lebanon and ■ilverton. where he |o«e some tine hounds, So will demonstr- tr his new 400 candle luck to trace of them has been power gas lantern» and lamp*. He far o<> found. is meeting with wonderful success. Aunt Nan Bilyeu received word PIE EATER. Saturday that her daughter. Lida Sumpton, of Crabtree, who has bcm ailing for some time, wi a in i DR. FICQ the Plume—Hr Here! G’r/.v The Peoples Cash Store, Salem, Ore G. F. Korinek Friendship, Engagement and W edding Rings Price Reductions In All Departments of The Store we make no reservations. First Come. First Served OREGON Veterinarian ‘ f All theae article« to be sold direct from the windows at II <0 a m. Mrs. Ibtiecra Morns came <>Ut from Scio Saturday to get a square meal at the “Bummer's Hotel ” As the hotel wm <>ut of anything to «at except raw potat.ies. two meals was enough for her. *» sire returned home Sunday. The war living over the hotel manager forgot to furage Rev. Rohbore, of Albany, finished up hia aeries f lecture» Sunday eve- nmg. He went to Albany Saturday and brought his good wife out for STAYTON, - . . OREGON the closing service*. < all» answered Day or Xight Lyman Smail and wife, of Rose­ Tuberculin testing burg, who had been spending the past week with home folks.returned We make a Specialty of to Albany Sunday evening to resume hia duties a» a brakesman on a freight train Mrs. Nina Myers, of Albany, is over on a visit to her parents. Uncle SPECIAL January Clearance Sale Now On — where the sun Is ' on the job Local Market Quotations Corrected at Noun Tuesday I Í P oultry . V ial and liens. 4 Iba and over 1 Hens, under 4 It* __ ....... . Springs, if Iba and up ...... Broilers, under If lbs Stags -------------- .. Cocks Veal, fancy no. I Dr rased pork, no. 1 blockers . , Eggs, cash. 28c trade Egg», whits select . .... ___ Hutter fat_ I Four Trains a Day E gor 20 .18 .16 .2» .10 Provide a nervier Ilia I contributes to the traveler's ram fort amt convenience. Reduced Fares .Vt -12* .11 .27 .28 .36 F f . ed Mill rua................. 11.10 i Scratch -------- 2.65 I Egg producer _ 2.60 More fat. for huge__ »• - 2 00 Ground barley 2 (Mi Rolled barley ___ . 1 70 Shelled corn, eastern ___ . 2 00 Ground or cracked eom____ 1.75 LePage cracked corn , ,, 2 00 to Santa Barbara, Lo» Angele», San Diego tickets good until April M> u topover» allowed No War Tax on Railroad Tickets Since 1*70 the Souther« Pacific haa he«« doari, Identified with the de*cl<»rnw«l nt A eatejn Oregon. SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES JOHN M. SCOTT, Hard wheat Soft wheat nger Agent. 12 00-2 10 , _ 1.50 I