• Z *• >< • * * '7 PORTLAND TEACHER School Board Release« Mi«« Margaret Reid For Near East Relief. At the regu**l of Gov Ban W Ol­ cott. koaorary chairman Near Eaal Re­ lief. th« Portland School Hoard haa given three mon th a l*av« of abeence to Ml** Margaret Held, teacher of bl» lory la Jafteravm High School, that ah* might help or gaol»« th* achool» and I eollegea of Oregon for the Near Kaat Relief MI m Held haa recently re­ turned from the Near Kaat whore for two year« ah* waa In charge of an orphanage of three hundred aov*nly- fir« children in Hom», and later a»lp- ed care for 1.000 refugee* In Maraah "Pur th* flrat time In Sly experience aa a teacher I find my heart la not in teaching." aaya Miaa Reid. "My 'think*. to uao an Armenian ex pre* •Ion. are for the kiddle« j left in Tur­ key. ao 1 am glad of the chance to giro to Oregon the moeaage given me by the people of Maraah aa I waa leaving there laal April. "'You are going back to your home In Am*rlc« Please carry our love and gratitude to the American peo­ ple. and tell them to plraae "think for ua'.' they »aid Thia la an Armenian Idiom tor, 'help ua* I "Thia la the m««aage I bring to th* people of Oregon You mother» with aweet, w*« bahtea in your in»«, 'think* X f < ■" f ■ / / A Family Confab HAO REHEARSAL OF FUNERAL Curl*«» N*tl*n H*ld by Ipanlah M«m arch C*nc*rwlng Ceremony Which Me W««td Flgum Chari«« V. king of Npala «nd of Oarmany In lb« PI xt era th cratury. V»«» a ploua ruler Toward th* end of hl» life he conceived th» rariuov Idea of reh«ar»ing bl» «wa fuo«r»l n*t be- r«UM- he wlahed to hav* the «vent go off without a hllrfc «hm the tlm« ahould cum«. but b«eau»« be thought the |xrfi>rin»nc* of th« ceremony would redound to th« credit and w*ll- being of hla »mil la th» »fter world Hla friev.it. .ought to dlaanad« him. hot. deeming It a holy art. th« Miler went ahead with hla preparation*. A catafalque waa erweted and th* *erv- lc* performed. Th« high altar, th« ld of the omperur attended la deep mourning. -Th« plou» m«nar auffering from coneue- continue to think for* the pitiful little walfa, driven from home, loat from •ion of the brain aa well aa numer- dearly loved father* and mother« and oua •light injuriM and a fractured brother» and »later»? 1 wlah you all hip. might have the Joy I have had. to pick up a thin, atarvad. atckly, dirty little mite of humanity, hair matted, with awful «ore«, and with your own handa to waah him and clean him and to Several of the committeemen appoint­ feeort«d attempt of a pro- fMaor at the unlverafty to mearare lh« Biblical knowledge of hla claaa In Eng- llah literature. Th« teat reunited la a rather naive dlaplay of Ignorance con­ cerning a book which ha« been called “th* fonatala head of Engllah litera­ ture." and which, with Shakespeare. Invariably head« th« u*t of "boot­ book« and gather» mor* dual than any other. Tbera are thn*e who. having niad* acgualntance with the Bible In their own youth, and reallalng It» poetry, klotory and atyte. agree with Prof. liai- loa Lore tiharu that we ar* a A Call** War. One of th« flrat Indian wars In the hl.tory of early Kan*«» la «aid to have originated becuna» aa agent aoM entne Indiana a piece of calico with the «tripe» running the wrong I I School was opsnsd again Arnold school December week. Ths pupil« are doing good work and aspect to add a few mprs freshmen to ths .Scio High Scuoci next year. Mrs. J mu Rodgers to the teacher, J. L. Rodger« and family «pent the holidav« in Portland and with relatives in Washington. 1 to'* » Ç The editors of the I ribune want to publicly express their full appreciation preciation of or the loyal loy sup­ port being given us by the reading public In deed we cannot fully express our appreciation The past week has seen ten new names added to our growing list, while every week there is one or more new’ names placed on the list. (J We want to add more and more new names and to do so we expect to give the news of the community exclusively, and other news if we have the space. I o do this, we ask our readers to phone us or mail us any news in their neighborhood. 1 hat way we will both profit— you, in giving the news; we, in publishing it. ijj If you want the Daily Oregonian, we can give you it until Nov. I, ’22, and the I ribune a full year for $5.50. If you want the Daily and Sunday Oregonian, we offer them to Nov. I,’22, and the I ribune one full year for $6.50. No separation, u ust be combined. Offer good un­ til January 31,1922. ij We are planning an issue of the Tribune to be devoted to the motor power vehicle industry, the same to be off the press about the middle of Febrnary. Elxcept for the cover, we expect it to nearly approach our Christmas edition. It will be a humdinger and most of the motor power vehicles and machinery w ill be on dis- event—in other words, it pageant. Dealers are asked to write for rates and space, if they have not already received a letter conveying full in formation. ij Now a word to our advertisers: We appre ciate your continued patronage, and we hope you are reaping good results. We are doing out best to make ydur interests our main watchword for if you succeed we also prosper. About our Job Department: We can handle most any kind of job work your needs may re­ quire, and we know our prices are less. We expect our sample line of Calendars any dav now, and as soon as they arrive our representa­ tive will call upon the trade. Send us your next order for job work and thus prove to your own satisfaction that we print quality The Scio Tribune 1